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Functional Assessment-based Interventions (FABI)

HO 6

Functional Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan: Planning Form

Student Name: Guy Wallace_____________________Student ID: _____________________________

School: _______________________________ Date of Birth: ____________________________

Parent(s): _____________________Parent(s) Contact Number: __________________________

Date of Assessment: ______________________Teacher: ______________________________

Person conducting the assessment: ________________________________________________

Role: Behavior Specialist Teacher Intern University Student Other

Identifying the Problem: Defining Target and Replacement Behaviors

Target Behavior: Off-task

Operational Definition (observable, measurable, repeatable): Student engages in off-task

behavior during independent work activities.

Examples: Eye wandering, out of seat, sleeping, talking off topic to classmates.

Nonexamples: Writing answers to questions, looking at teacher during discussion, talking

with student or teacher about assignment.

Data Recording System (e.g. Event Recording, Permanent Product): Momentary Time


Replacement Behavior: On-task

Operational Definition (observable, measurable, repeatable): Student will complete assigned

work during independent seat work activities.

Examples: Writing answers to questions, talking with student or teacher about


Nonexamples: Out of seat, eye wandering, sleeping, talking to others off topic.

Data Recording System (e.g. Event Recording, Permanent Product): Momentary Time


Source: Lane, K. L., Menzies, H., Bruhn, A., & Crnobori, M. (2011). Managing challenging
behaviors in schools: Research-based strategies that work. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Reprinted with permission.
Functional Assessment-based Interventions (FABI)
HO 6

Rationale: ______________________________________________________________


Baseline: _______________________________________________________________


Functional Behavioral Assessment: Interviews and Direct Observations

Interviews Completed: YES NO

Interviewees: Teacher Parent Student

Rating Scales: _________________________________________________________________

Hours of Total Direct Observation (A-B-C): _________________,

Setting(s) of Observations: 1) _____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________

Source: Lane, K. L., Menzies, H., Bruhn, A., & Crnobori, M. (2011). Managing challenging
behaviors in schools: Research-based strategies that work. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Reprinted with permission.
Functional Assessment-based Interventions (FABI)
HO 6

Determining the Function of the Behavior: Using the Function Matrix

Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement

(Access Something) (Avoid Something)
Teacher Interview: The teacher
gives Guy several verbal
warnings to remain on task. He
tries to gain attention from his
peers by engaging in off topic
ABC Data-Observation 1:
After directions have been
given, Guy is looking around
the room, then asked, What
are we doing? I wasnt
ABC Data-Observation 3: Guy
says, Its way too much. I
cant think this far ahead.
ABC Data-Observation 4: Guy
says, I give up.

Tangibles Teacher Interview: Guy shows

Activities apathy towards his school work.
He engages in off topic
conversations with his peers. He
engages in off-task behaviors
during independent work
Student Interview: Guy says it is
difficult for him to stay on task
during English because there is
too much reading and the
readings are boring to him.
ABC Data-Observation 2: Guy
says, I dont want to do this.
ABC Data-Observation 5: Guy
argues that he can graduate
without doing his work.
ABC Data-Observation 6: Guy
backs away from his desk and
Source: Lane, K. L., Menzies, H., Bruhn, A., & Crnobori, M. (2011). Managing challenging
behaviors in schools: Research-based strategies that work. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Reprinted with permission.
Functional Assessment-based Interventions (FABI)
HO 6

looks around the room and huffs

out loud, then he starts playing
on his cell phone.
ABC Data-Observation 7: Guys
starts to doodle on paper.
ABC Data- Observation 8: Guy
asks for a break because the
work is too hard.

Source: Umbreit, Ferro, Liaupsin, & Lane (2007).

Outcome of Function Matrix: Hypothesized Function: When given English independent

work, Guy engages in off-task behavior (eyes wandering, making comments out loud, and
talking off topic to peers) to access teacher and peer attention.

When given English independent work, Guy engages in off-task behavior (eyes wandering,
arguing and making comments out loud, making noises, playing on his cell phone, doodling, and
requesting breaks) to avoid completing English independent work activities.

Behavioral Objective: ____________________________________________________


Source: Lane, K. L., Menzies, H., Bruhn, A., & Crnobori, M. (2011). Managing challenging
behaviors in schools: Research-based strategies that work. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Reprinted with permission.
Functional Assessment-based Interventions (FABI)
HO 6

Conduct FBA

Select Replacement Behavior

Can the
No Student Perform the Yes

Do Antecedent Do Antecedent
Conditions Conditions
Represent Effective Represent Effective
Yes Yes
Practice? Practice?
No No

Method 1: Method 1 & 2: Method 2: Method 3:

Teach the Teach the Replacement Improve the Adjust the
Replacement Behavior and Environment Contingency
Behavior Improve the Environment

Umbreit, J., Ferro, J., Liaupsin, C., & Lane, K. (2007). Functional behavioral assessment and function-based intervention: An effective, practical
approach. Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Prentice-Hall. Reprinted with permission

Source: Lane, K. L., Menzies, H., Bruhn, A., & Crnobori, M. (2011). Managing challenging behaviors in schools: Research-based
strategies that work. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Reprinted with permission.
Functional Assessment-based Interventions (FABI)
HO 6

Functional Behavioral Assessment: Determining the Intervention Method

Question 1: Can the student perform the replacement behavior?

Question 2: Do antecedent conditions represent effective practice?

Method Selected: Method 1: Teach the Replacement Behavior

Method 2: Improve the Environment
Method 3: Adjust the Contingencies
Method 1 & 2: Teach the Replacement Behavior and Improve
the Environment
Note. After you have selected the appropriate method, draft an intervention for the
selected intervention on page 6, 7, 8, OR 9. Do not draft ALL interventions.
Method Description
Adjust antecedent conditions so new behaviors are learned and
Method 1: Teach the aversive conditions avoided.
Replacement Provide appropriate reinforcement for the replacement
Behavior behavior.
Withhold the consequence that previously reinforced the target
Adjust antecedent variables so the conditions that set the
Method 2: Improve occasion for the target behavior are eliminated and new
the Environment conditions are established in which the replacement behavior is
more likely to occur.
Provide appropriate positive reinforcement for replacement
Withhold the consequence that previously reinforced the target
Provide the consequence that previously reinforced the target
Method 3 : Adjust the behavior, but only for the replacement behavior.
Contingencies Withhold the consequence when the target behavior occurs
Adjust the antecedent conditions to make it more likely that the
replacement behavior will occur.
Adjust antecedent variables so (a) new behaviors are learned
Method 1 & 2: Teach and aversive conditions avoided and (b) the conditions that set
the Replacement the occasion for the target behavior are eliminated and new
Behavior and Improve conditions are established in which the replacement behavior is
the Environment more likely to occur.
Provide appropriate positive reinforcement for replacement
Withhold the consequence that previously reinforced the target

Source: Lane, K. L., Menzies, H., Bruhn, A., & Crnobori, M. (2011). Managing
challenging behaviors in schools: Research-based strategies that work. New York, NY:
Guilford Press. Reprinted with permission.
Functional Assessment-based Interventions (FABI)
HO 6

Method 1 Teach the Replacement Behavior

Adjust antecedent
conditions so new
behaviors are
learned and
aversive conditions

reinforcement for
the replacement

Withhold the
consequence that
reinforced the
target behavior.

Source: Lane, K. L., Menzies, H., Bruhn, A., & Crnobori, M. (2011). Managing
challenging behaviors in schools: Research-based strategies that work. New York, NY:
Guilford Press. Reprinted with permission.
Functional Assessment-based Interventions (FABI)
HO 6

Method 2 Improve the Environment

Adjust antecedent
variables so the
conditions that set
the occasion for
the target behavior
are eliminated and
new conditions are
established in
which the
behavior is more
likely to occur.

reinforcement for

Withhold the
consequence that
reinforced the
target behavior.

Method 3 Adjust the Contingencies

Source: Lane, K. L., Menzies, H., Bruhn, A., & Crnobori, M. (2011). Managing
challenging behaviors in schools: Research-based strategies that work. New York, NY:
Guilford Press. Reprinted with permission.
Functional Assessment-based Interventions (FABI)
HO 6

Provide the
consequence that
reinforced the
target behavior,
but only for the

Withhold the
consequence when
the target behavior
occurs (extinction).

Adjust the
conditions to make
it more likely that
the replacement
behavior will occur

Source: Lane, K. L., Menzies, H., Bruhn, A., & Crnobori, M. (2011). Managing
challenging behaviors in schools: Research-based strategies that work. New York, NY:
Guilford Press. Reprinted with permission.
Functional Assessment-based Interventions (FABI)
HO 6

Method 1 & 2: Teach the Replacement Behavior and Improve the Environment

Adjust antecedent
variables so (a)
new behaviors are
learned and
aversive conditions
avoided and (b) the
conditions that set
the occasion for
the target behavior
are eliminated and
new conditions are
established in
which the
behavior is more
likely to occur.

reinforcement for

Withhold the
consequence that
reinforced the
target behavior.

Source: Lane, K. L., Menzies, H., Bruhn, A., & Crnobori, M. (2011). Managing
challenging behaviors in schools: Research-based strategies that work. New York, NY:
Guilford Press. Reprinted with permission.
Functional Assessment-based Interventions (FABI)
HO 6

Data to be Collected

Target Behavior: ________________________________________________________

Replacement Behavior: ____________________________________________________

Treatment Integrity: _______________________________________________________


Social Validity: __________________________________________________________


Fading and Generalization: _________________________________________________


Program Review Date: _____________________________________________________

Personnel and Roles: ______________________________________________________



Emergency Procedures: ___________________________________________________


Source: Lane, K. L., Menzies, H., Bruhn, A., & Crnobori, M. (2011). Managing
challenging behaviors in schools: Research-based strategies that work. New York, NY:
Guilford Press. Reprinted with permission.

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