Crystal Brilliance

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Anna Elizabeth Draeger ‘Kalmbach Books 21027 Crossroads Circle Waukesha, Wisconsin 58186 ‘ © 2010 Anna Flizabeth Draeger Allright reserved. This book may not be reproduced in pact or in whole by slectronic means or otherwise without ‘written permission ofthe publisher except for bret excerpts for review, Photography © 2010 Kalmbach Books “The jewelry designs in Crystal Briliance are copyrighted. Please use ther far your ‘education and personal enjayment only ‘They may not be taught or sold without permission. Crystal illustrations on p. 4-11 courtesy of Swarovski, Certain proprietary color ‘names are trademarked by Swarovski and ‘are used for informational purposes only Crystal products were provided courtesy ofthe CREATE YOUR STYLE with CRYSTALLIZED™ ~ Swarovski Elements program, ‘Published in 2010 119121110 12345 ‘Manufactured inthe United States of America ISBN: 978-0:87116-2953 Publication Data Publishers Cataloging Draoger. Anna Fhzabeth. Crystal riance : making designer jewelry ‘with crystal beads / Anna Elizabeth Dragger. pill (Chiefly col): em. ISBN: 978-087116-295 1 Beadwork- Handbooks, manuals, ee 2 Beadwork-Patterns. 8 Jewelry making, L Title 1'T860 1073 2010 745.594 Introduction DPrajeets CLASSIC Crown Jewels fringe Princess peyote stitch, chesron chain Queen netting Majesty right-angle weave Courtly modified netting Victoria peyote stitch, fringe Promenade modified netting ROMANTIC Lattice chevron chain Antique Lace chevron chain Fairy Dust right-angle weave fringe Starlight modified nesting Balle peyote stitch, stringing Coquette modified netting, stringing 12 4 16 GEOMETRIC Metropolitan chevron chain Cubist right-ange XOXO netting Cages right-angle weave ORGANIC Clusters daity chain, netting Droplets peyote stitch weight herringbone, fringe Lily modified spiral rope Curved Branch herringbone, fringe BASICS Boe oe Rm ae cen ee ag Ne eet anes ed MATERIALS ‘attach a 8m) For a 7in, (19.1 em) bracelet of Fir 2 color 2 4 mm, a B 4m and 5 kip the 15°, and sew beck gh the B fi, 1 D Your bracelet will probabl gh the center row of crystals helps it to lie flat. Once the bracelet is clasped on your arm, it will ie straight Featured bracelet 4mm bicone crysta’s: ysolite (color Ay Solid green bracelet 4 mm bic 415! seed beads. g rainbow aqua Design option 4 mm bicone crystals. Cryst o1OF A), Montana 5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you reach the esirediength, encing with step 3. Keepin mind thatthe clasp will add about an inch to the fished engin, 6 Pick up an A and twelve 15%, Sew through the 15%s again, skipping every third 415° to bring the beads into a square shape Tp Cesta with tiple coatings, ike Jet AB 2X really tigi op you eras eter eee een mu 7 Remove the stop besd on the beginning lend ofthe bracelet, and repeat step 6 Ifyou give your jewelry as a gift, offering length ‘options is always a plus. Here’ one idea: ‘Simply incorporate a mulkiple-loop toggle clasp like this one for easy adjustment. Classic Dee 2a Lee ORL Y Princess oa eon te cry eon et eke MATERIALS: ‘Toggle loop ‘Toggle bar For a 7¥in, (19.7 em) bracelet 110n 1c. (9 m) of Fi 101 1 yd. (9m) of iraline ea Is 1 oylnder unt and pick up 11 oylinders fg. 2, Sew through the fst wo cylinders, fig. 1, bl leaving a 124n, sles), in even-count payote ough the next ground the the next cylinder [e-l, Repeat to com, and step 6 ie in peyote for nine adced in 3 Work [d-e} pul Reinforce 4nd the « the tall ofinder in the center ofthe pey Sew through ink on the step 2 until you reach the desired length [e-dl. Work one mor only A 4 mms (¢-} sing the tall rom the togele loop, sew stitcn ofthe bracelet band, entering at the *,Retrace the thread pa times, and end the thread, 410n 2d. (1.8m) of Fireline, leaving an in = tal pick up cylinder, a color A two cylinders, an 8 two cylinders, ~ 4 mm, Sew back through the bracelet, sew tothe * atthe other end, and 2 Pickup a cyincer, an A, two cytinders link on the chain to 1d a B Sew back through the last cyinde adden the previous stitch b-el ‘connest the toggle ba path several times, and end the Featured bracelet 4mm bicone crystals: Purple Velvet (color 4), Montana AB 2X (color B) ‘11° cylinder beads: metallic purple iris 15" seed beads: purple iris Design option—purple ‘ammbicone crystals: Purple Velvet 11 oylinder beads: sitverlined ark purple 1% seed beads: purple iris Design option—green 3mm bicone crystals: Pacific Opal AB 118 cylinder beads: matte metallic dark green iris 15# seed beads: green iris Tipp se yourave souble keeping the Shape of the peyote ing as youire itching ry forming around a small dowel ora pencil Design Option Make just the clasp to use with any project, and spruce it up with 3 mm crystals circling the center round of peyote. Classic TECHNIQUE Cay Sea un Ronee ene MMe It goes from everyday to evening wear with ease MATERIALS = en Tp xo vou stopper or snl pice oftae to secure the endo * 604mm round Is ding wire. g 11" cylinder bead 5 N sttehing, sey sh gactimg = onlypes fist wire and on bead and one loop ofa 2-strand c re osc through the erin it Basics) 2 Thread a nee ane sew through th re wires Pick upa trough the fist cinder on the ether wie fig. 2, ab. through the lst fy beads picked ive through frst ying mm, and the next ylides oo Crystal Brilliance up @oyinder and 3m, are Repeat tens anda uni youreachine (UBUUNRS uaa ough the center cylinder from the other end ofthe bracelet ‘4mm round pearls: dark green vious step [e-d Pick up a3 mm and a ‘dimm bicone crystals: Black 6 End the working thread anc ta Digmond champagne 11° cylinder beads: lined topaz 7 Remove the tape or Bead Stopper fom ABH ok (one wire and string a crimp bead and a upa3mm,s.cyinder and 3mm, loop of the other halfof the ciasn Go back | Design option. setback through the first tinder through the crimp bead, crimp it anétrim —|_5 may pearls: dark green picked up inthe previous step [e-fl.Then tre excess wire Repeat withthe other wire |" a mm bicone enystals: w through the nex pearl on the wire [Fg]. and remaining casp 'o; solancifiecotn 118 seed beads: gold luster fern App Maixtain even tension along the crystal netting by making suré the thread isn't showing on the previous stitch before you move on to the next stitch, Design Option Use bigger beads: Substitute 5 or 6 mm bicone crystals for the pearls, 4 mm bicones for the 3 mms, and 112 seed beads for the 11° cylinders. Classic 9 De LARLY Lae Majesty Using the same technique with different sizes of crystals produces De ee ner errs tS ea eRe eet eee ey ea MATERIALS For an (46 cm) necklace ‘4 mmbicone crystals: Light + 288 4 mmbicone cn Sapphire AB 2X * 31 icone crystals ‘3 mm bicone crystals: Tanzanite seed bea ‘11° seed beads: nickel plated posite the tal fg, 1, a+b] epeating pattern ofa3mmand 4 Pick upa3mm, and sev 1° three times, [fig 3, ab). Re (b-<} pulling your tension tight enough, try sewing through each stiteh with a second thread path. '5 Sow through tie beadwork to extan 11° (on the other edge, and repeat step 4 6 Pick up seven 114s, and sew through the 11° your thread exited atthe tart ofthis step. Sew through the next four 1195 (fig. 4] 7 Pick upa pattern of a 4 mm and an 178 three times, and pick upa 4 mm. Sew through the 112 your thread exited at the Star of this step and the next four beads fig 5, a-b]. Repeat twice tb-c ‘8 Fick upa4 mm, an 11%, and a4 mn Sew through the opgosite 11° fig 6, ab. Repeet [b-e} 2 CrystalBellance {9 Sew through the next 112 and 4 mm along ‘one edge. Add 4 mms to the open edges as in steps 4 and 5 10 Pick up seven 116, anc sow through the 178 your thread exited atte stat ofthis Step. Sew through the next four 11°5 111 Continue making small and large beads asin steps 1~10 untl you have 13 3mm beads and 12.4 mm beads, ending and ‘adcing thread (Basics) as needed. ‘12 Repeat step 6 0n both ends ofthe ‘necklace, and end the thread, 413 Open a jump rng (Basics) and attach half 2 clasp to an end loop. Close the jump ring. Repeat on the over end, Desig 7 Optic nw 2 Make two extra beaded beads for gorgeous drop earrings. Youll need earring findings and two soldered jump rings. we “1 Work stops 1-5 to make a beaded bead, and exit an 172 2 Pick up 20 118s and a soldered jump ring. ew back through the 20 11%s and Into the 11° in the beaded bead. End the thread (Basics '3.0pen the loop on an earring ining (Basics), attach ito the jump ring, and lose the jump ring. ‘4 Repeat siens 1-3 to make a second earring aa ALL Ones en es kes ieee uns we mena a ee Pe Aer Oke ag DeSean MATERIALS For a 7-n. (18 cm) bracelet 21.6 mm bicone crystals 104 4mm bicone crystals, color A 6.4mm bicone cryst 5g 112 seed beads Fireline 6 ib. test Beading needles, #12 Featured bracelet 6mm bicone crystals: Jet Glacier Blue 2x, 4mm bicone crystals: Montana AB 2x (color A), Jet Glacier Blue 2x (color B) 11° seed beads: light amethyst AB Design option 6mm bicone crystals: Crystal 4mm bicone crystals: Crystal (color A), Indicolite (color 8) 11® seed beads: nickel plated Crystal Brilliance Bracelet base 4.07 3 yd. (2.7 m) of Firling, leaving an 18:n, 46 cr tal pick up @ 6 mm, an 118, ‘color A mm, two 112s, a color B 4mm, two 114s, and an A Sew back through the first 12 pleked up and the 6 mm ffi, 1. 2.Pick upan 118, an A, two 11%5, 28,0 11%s, and an A. Sew back through the 6 mm and an 112, an A, two 118s, a8, and two. 413s in the fist loop fig. 21 3 Pickup an Aan 119, a6 mm, an 118 end an Sew through the frst 11® between the ‘Aand Bon the site apposite where your thread is extng fig. 3) 4 Pick up an 118, 2B, two 1185, and an A ‘Sew through the center 112,6mm, and 11 Ifig. 5 Pick up an A two 11%, 28, and an 114. Sew back through the 112,4, 118,6 mm, 418,4,two 11%, Band two 112s fig. SL ‘6 Repeat steps 3-5 until you each the Ccesired length. Set the base aside. Toggle bar 10na new 14d. (9 m) length of Freine, Jeaving a 6-in. (15 cm) al pick up @ pattern (ofan 11° and.a 8 three times. Sew through all the beads again, and continue trough the frst 178 picked up tig. 6 2 Pick up fve 11%, end sew through the ext 112 in the rng, Repeat twice, and sew through the frst three 11°s picked up in his step fig. 71 3 Pick up an A, skip five 1185, and sew through the next center 118in the next set of five 118s Repeat twice. Retrace the thread ath on the crystal founds, and exit an 118 (fig. 8) ‘4 Repeat steps 2 and3 jive more times, but on the fith round of crystals, substitute BS for As. Sew through the beadwork to ext a canter 1, 5 Pick up eight 1°, ar 2 atone end ofthe bracelet base fig. 9, -b]. Sew back through the eight Mss plckeo up and the 11® your thre exited in the togate bar Sew through the frst four 11% again [b-c), Pickup four more 115 ane sew trough the other center 11 in the bracelet base [c-dl]. Sew beck rough the our 118s just ade, the next four 114s, and the 112 the toggle bar {d-e}.Retrace the thread path to reinforce snd end tne working tread and tall Basics, ‘Toggle loop 41 Using the 184, (6 em al ftom the bracelet base, sew through an 112, an, The elemer Design Spt : s ofthe pattern blend ifyou use monochromatic colors. Using contrasting colors makes each style of erystal pop. an 11°. Pick upan 119,28, an t 39,28, an 118, anA,an 119,28, and an 11°. Sew through the seven beads atthe end ofthe bracelet. Retrave the thread path toexitthe frst 118in the new loop fig, 10} 2 Tomek fringe inthe loop, pick up tree 11%, an A and three 11% Skip an 118, and sew back through two 1195 (fig. 1, abl Pickup three 11%5, skip the last 118, anc through two 119s, the A and the first three 11°s picked up inthis step [b-e}, Sew through the 11, the B and the next 17Pin the loop ford ‘3 Make a second finge by lcking up an 419,28 three 11%s,a 8 and an 114 Skip the last 12, and sew beck through the B anc three 11%s Id-el, Pick up three 11°s, 2B and en 118, Sew back through the 8, three 11%s, and the fst 8 end 118 in the fringe [e-Al continue trough the 118,A, and {1% nthe loop ft. Alternate four more fringes, and end the working thread De Yee Victoria wale ee at pe en ieee) Bro ey asl Layers of peyote turn this band into a cuff rigid enough to support tiny rows of crystal fringes. Be advised: This bracelet commands attention! MATERIALS Toggle bar 1.07296. g using 8 cylinder beads (fig. 1. Rol the strip into a tube, zp up the ends ( and sew back tothe th the tread exit tube pick up an 11°, anda 18". Skip te 1 trough the 3 mm, the 152, the 1 end 8° fig. 2] Fick up tw ne seme row ffg. 3) ne end 8° in the same eu Make a fringe on this end, nd then av back tothe ot tween fig 41. cont et Ifig.5].sew through to the other end, and § On anew Syd. 2.7m) length of Fretine, epet End the threads (Basics) leave an 1, (46 cr) tal, and embellish the base in the same manner as the toggle, 40nanew 30.27 m) length ofFieline, but ade. second row of fringe along t meke an odd-count band as in step 1, nut _seconel-to-last end row of 8s, Embelish one continue until the tand is about 1 in ro, th ck tothe starting side, ther 25cm) short of your desired length, encing embellish the next ow, and sew back to tn three beads on one end andiwoon the stat the other. figure side fig. 6]. Note: Beac's inthe spread to show the thread path, Tip vit te'smm bieone and the 15° seed bead up to the base before sewing back through the 3 mm. Hold the 3 mm in place so the 15 doesn't stop you from getting the 3 mm as close to the base as possible. Featured bracelet 3mm bicone crystals: Gamet 8° oyiinders: amber-lined topaz as 18" seed beads: bronze Design option—silver 3mmbicone crystals: Crystal 8 cylinder beads: nickel plated 15# seed beads: nickel plated Design option—blue-gray ‘3 mmibicone crystals indian Sapphire 8° cylinders: transparent gray gold luster 15# seed beads: metallic amethyst gunmetal Classic x around the loop, and keep checking {6 Use the tall to sew through two 15% and 7 Start anew tread or us the center 8? on one end ofthe bese. Pick embellishing the base to exit the second _—_that the toggle fits through the loops you up five 15%, sew through acenter 8 on «SF on the other end ofthe bracelet Pick _embelis, since many thread paths may the toggle, and pick up five more 15%. Sew up enough 8's to accommodate the toggle tighten the loop, preventing te togate trom through the same 8° jn the base again, bat, making sureits an even number, and passing through. End the tails. Note: The retrace the thread path a few times to wv through the three center 88s on the _embelstiment i left out oft reinforce the oin, and enc tals fg. , a-bl. edge [e-, Sew through the next 8 in the focus on the toggle and loop. loop and ad shor fringe as desired [dl Design Opti« 5 ‘Make a continuous band into a cuff-style bracelet: Stitch a band long enough to fit around the largest part of your hand, zip the ends together (Basics), and embellish. Or pallette like the cool blues and grays in the bracelet below. ryan alternate color th Ann ui Hy A 3 Ms 28 CrystalBriliance MATERIALS For a 16-in. (41 em) necklace lized Swaravski Elements 20 or 30 mm fancy stone #4739 20 or 30 mimi fancy stone #4439 14 mm fancy stone #4139 15 4 mm bicone crystals 35 3 mm bicone crystals #10 11° seed beads +208 15° seed bi * Fireline 4 or 61, + Beading needles asp test #20113, 290 Crystal Brilanoe -110n a comfortable length of Firetine ic tupapattern 118, 2158, anda 4mm three times Leaving a 124n. @0 er) tal, sew through the beads again, but skip the 1785 Pull the beads into tight triangle shape. Step up through the fist 158 and 11" (fig. 11 2 Pick upa 158 a3:mm, 2 15%, an 11 mmm, and a 158 Sip the next 44mm, and 18? in the previous round, and ~ sew through the next 11 fig, 2, bl Repeat twice (b-e). Sew through all the beads added in his round, but ska the s, pulling tient: section forms tights you may need to use your needle to op the 11% outward. Ext an 11° [e-d}. 3 Pickupa 15%,a.4 mm, anda 188. Sew through the ne previous round (fig. 3, a-b) Repeat ce fb-e) ih the beans in the new round, skipping the 11%, to bring the new round Into ign wiangie shane Exit an 172 e-d “Pick upa 18%, a4 mm, 2158 an 11%, 488,24 mma 15% an 115.8 158,a4mm, ‘anda 15%, Sew through the 11° your thread ‘exited and the new beads, skiaping the 118% asin tea 1. Ext an 119 (fig 4] 5 Repeat steps 2 and 30: beaded bead, exit an 11 that wil offset the next beadee bead If. SI. (6 Repeat steps and 5 unti you reach att the desied lengt of your necklace Make a second stan, Save theta 6 ofthe necklace streps to conn them‘ t plece and clasp an both ends 7On anew 1y6.{9 mb length of Freie, pick up an even number of 11 tt loosely around the small crystal circle ‘component (rounds 1 ane 2; sae fig. 6 for

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