3.IM 09 B Executive Inspection Tour Form

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Environment, Health and Safety

Integrated Management System Manual

IM Format No. : IM 09 B

IM 09 B: EHS Executive Inspection Tour Report

Executive EHS Inspection Tour Team: Job Number:

Project Name:


Date of Inspection Tour:

1. Class 1 Risk Activities as advised by the project team

Risk Activities Controls

Implementation & Physical Compliance Rating Matrix

0 Unacceptable No evidence of procedure implementation or major breakdown

1 Poor Evidence of compliance but no procedures and/or high risk
2 Needs Urgent Improvement Procedure implemented with major omissions and/or high risk
3 Average Procedure implemented with minor omissions/ observations
4 Excellent Evidence of full implementation

2. Site Walk observe that controls are in place and rate accordingly

Rating (Tick where Appropriate)

Sl. Needs urgent Unacce
Observation Excellent Average Poor
No improvement ptable n/a
4 3 1
2 0
1 Demonstrating visible management
commitment towards safety
(Is the Project Head participating in EHS
inspection tours with other Project/construction
managers & Other senior team members at least
once per month check records)

IM: 09 EHS Inspection Revision 01 dt: 09.05.2016 Page 1 of 7

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : IM 09 B

Rating (Tick where Appropriate)

Observation Needs urgent Unacce
No Excellent Average Poor
improvement ptable n/a
4 3 1
2 0
2 Working at height

o Adequate working platform
o Floor edge protection arrangement
o Opening protection arrangement
o Working on a ladder
o Woking at ground level near excavation
o Working near fragile materials
o Harness & Life lines
o Fall arrestor system
o Fall protection (catch nets)
o Workmen screening for height work

3 Temporary works & Formwork

o Adequate working platform with top rail,
mid-rail and toe-board
o Erecting & working off scaffold
o Erecting formwork as per scheme
o Mobile scaffold safety compliance
o Scaffold Tag System

4 Moving & Static Vehicles, Plant & Equipment

o Permits
o Reversing alarms
o Traffic Marshals for marching & reversing
o Lights & indicators
o Seat belts
o Ignitions keys not left in vehicles
o Substandard pins
o Pedestrian/plant & vehicle segregation
o Traffic management
o Guarding
o Warning signs
o Fuel storage
o Fire extinguisher
o Competence licences

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Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : IM 09 B

Rating (Tick where Appropriate)

Observation Needs urgent Unacce
No Excellent Average Poor
improvement ptable n/a
4 3 1
2 0
5 Tunnel, Excavations & Underground Services
o Permits
o Underground utilities
o Shoring and Sloping
o Access and Egress
o Fences and Guards
o Area Lighting
o Presence of Harmful gases
o Ventilation
6 Cranes & Lifting
o Safe rigging
o Lifting gear in good condition
o Exclusion zones
o Tag ropes
o No one underneath the load
o Safe siting of the crane
o Permit to lift issued
o ASLI functioning
o Competent operator & rigger
7 Fire Controls / Emergency procedures
o Fire extinguishers suitably located
o Hot work permits issued
o Adequate means to raise the alarm
o Emergency procedures displayed
o Fire drills (atleast once in 6 months)
o Fire routes clearly defined & not blocked
o Adequate housekeeping
o Adequate fuel & cylinder storage
o Adequate General signage
8 Working with Electricity & Overhead Services
o Lock Out & Tag Out (LOTO) procedure
o Cable layout
o Clearance with overhead lines
o Earthing
o Over current protection
o Leakage current protection
o Secured Distribution Boards
o Fire protection
o Signage

IM: 09 EHS Inspection Revision 01 dt: 09.05.2016 Page 3 of 7

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : IM 09 B

Rating (Tick where Appropriate)

Observation Needs urgent Unacce
No Excellent Average Poor
improvement ptable n/a
4 3 1
2 0
9 Working in Confined Space
o Entry permits
o Ventilation
o Presence of harmful gases
o Air Monitoring
o Fire protection
o Rescue arrangement

10 Working adjacent to or near public areas

o Traffic Management
o Restriction of unauthorized entry
o Traffic marshals
o Condition of hoardings
o No unsecured materials at height
o Safety net for height works
o Signage

11 Working over or adjacent to water

o Workforce training & life jacket usage
o Monitoring of wind / tides
o Access arrangements on water
o Fencing of edges / openings
o Specific safety devices
o Barge safety compliance
o Rescue equipment (boats & life buoy)
o Disaster management plan

12 Piling
o Piling equipment fitness
o Competent operator & supervision
o Clearance from UG / OH services
o Work permit system
o Protection against falling into bore hole
o Swing area restricted against man
o Pile breaking safety controls

IM: 09 EHS Inspection Revision 01 dt: 09.05.2016 Page 4 of 7

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : IM 09 B

Rating (Tick where Appropriate)

Observation Needs urgent Unacce
No Excellent Average Poor
improvement ptable n/a
4 3 1
2 0
13 Access & Egress
o Designated Pathways
o Segregating pedestrians & vehicle
o Path ways free from slip & Trips
o Adequate lighting
o Adequate General signage

14 Health & Welfare

o First aid centre & equipment,
o Access to ambulance
o Rest Area - shelter & shade
o Drinking water,
o Toilets, hygienic work camps

15 Housekeeping
o Separate Storage & Scrap Yards,
o Work areas are clean and free of debris
o Combustible material removed from
sources of ignition
o Adequate stacking of materials
o Nails in wood appropriately removed
before stacking

16 PPE (Implementation of Appropriate Personal

Protective Equipment)
o Safety helmet
o Safety footwear
o Hi-Viz vest
o Eye protection
o Hearing protection
o Hand protection
o Respirators

IM: 09 EHS Inspection Revision 01 dt: 09.05.2016 Page 5 of 7

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : IM 09 B

3. Uncontrolled risk describe any other uncontrolled risks that were observed



4. Engagement / Discussion with supervisors & workforce. Describe level of knowledge and
understanding the risks and of controls / procedures etc.

IM: 09 EHS Inspection Revision 01 dt: 09.05.2016 Page 6 of 7

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : IM 09 B

Signature of Inspector: ..

Signature of Person Receiving this report on behalf of the project: ..

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