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CCAA Campinas Cambu

Extra Exercises Teacher Roberto

To or For?
Some verbs have two objects. Look at the examples:
Jack bought Mary a book.
In this example, Mary is the indirect object, and a diamond ring, the direct object. When we
invert the order, we have to put a preposition before the indirect object:
Jack bought a book for Mary.

Verbs that go with for: buy, cook, fetch, find, fix, get, keep, leave, make, order, pick, reserve, save.
Verbs that go with to: award, fax, feed, give, grant, hand, leave (in a will), lend, mail, offer, owe,
pass, pay, post, promise, read, sell, send, show, take, teach, tell, throw, write.
The verb bring goes with either to (a place) or for (someone).

When theres a pronoun, it usually comes after the verb (Jack bought her a book). When there are
two pronouns, we use to or for (Jack bought it for her).

I. Correct, if necessary:
a) Suzy cooked Michael to dinner.
b) I can fix your computer to you.
c) Karen is giving the boss the reports.
d) Could you get that pencil for me?
e) Can you bring the books to me?
f) Dan, Jean left for you this message.
g) I promised Lucy I would show the pictures for her.
h) Would you like to reserve a table your family?
i) Im going to post this letter to you.
j) Darling, could you pass to me the salt?
k) Did you really promise the favor for Alice?

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