Ingles 4 Parcial

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Artritis (Definition)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory

disease characterized by the symmetrical involvement of multiple joints
and the presentation of several general non-specific symptoms and
extra-articular manifestations. Due to its natural evolution and in the
absence of adequate treatment, the disease can cause important
physical limitations in the advanced stages, as well as a marked
deterioration of the quality of life.

Rheumatoid arthritis seems to affect females three times generally than
males. Rheumatoid arthritis rates are more common among people aged
between 40 and 65 years. However, this debilitating disease can affect
people at any age. People in their twenties or thirties may still be affected
with the condition. In the USA. The average age of people with
rheumatoid arthritis is 66.8 years.
Osteoporosis, or thinning bones, can result in painful fractures. Risk
factors for osteoporosis include aging, being female, low body weight,
low sex hormones or menopause, smoking, and some medications.
Risk factors for osteoporosis include aging, being female, low body
weight, low sex hormones or menopause, smoking, and some

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