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Class : Year 3
Date/ Day/ Time : 10.08.2017 Thursday 0815-0915
Number of Pupils : 13 pupils
Number of LINUS Pupils : 11 pupils
Focus : Language Arts
Topic : Unit 9 Its Story Time
Learning Standards (KSSR) : 4.3.2(b)
Objectives (KSSR) : Pupils are able to
a) Create bookmarks with sayings
Objectives (LINUS) : Pupils are able to
a) Create bookmarks with sayings
Phonemic Words : -
Materials/ Learning Aids : Textbook page 64, Colour paper, Scissors, Ribbon
Activities (KSSR) : 1) The teacher recalls back yesterdays lesson.
2) The teacher recites the poem. The pupils recite after the
3) The pupils recite few times.
4) The teacher asks the pupils to recite in groups.
5) The teacher shows bookmarks to the pupils.
6) The teacher asks the pupils to choose motivational quotes.
7) The teacher shows step by step to do the bookmarks.
8) The pupils follow the steps shown.
9) The teacher guides the pupils
10) Reading screening
Activities (LINUS) : 1) The teacher recalls back yesterdays lesson.
2) The teacher recites the poem. The pupils recite after the
3) The pupils recite few times.
4) The teacher asks the pupils to recite in groups.
5) The LINUS pupils recite few times guide by the teacher until the
teacher satisfy with them.
6) The teacher shows bookmarks to the pupils.
7) The teacher asks the pupils to choose motivational quotes.
8) The teacher shows step by step to do the bookmarks.
9) The pupils follow the steps shown.
10) The teacher guides the pupils
11) Reading screening
Reflection (KSSR) : Strength:

Follow up activities:

Reflection LINUS : Strength:


Follow up activities:
Class : Year 5
Date/ Day/ Time : 10.08.2017 Thursday 0715-0815
Number of Pupils : 6 pupils
Number of LINUS Pupils : 7 pupils
Focus : Language Arts
Topic : Unit 9 Space Exploration
Learning Standards (KSSR) : 4.2.1 (b)
Objectives (KSSR) : Pupils are able to
b) Design and create a diorama the chocolate factory
Objectives (Remedial) : Pupils are able to
b) Design and create a diorama the chocolate factory
Phonemic Words : -
Materials/ Learning Aids : Textbook page 92, Boxes, Scissors, Cellophane tape, Glue, Colour
Activities (KSSR) : 1) The teacher recalls back yesterdays lesson. The pupils
respond to the teacher
2) The teacher recalls back the movie Willy Wonka and The
Chocolate Factory. The pupils respond to the teacher.
3) The teacher asks the pupils to close their eyes. The teacher
asks them to imagine their own chocolate factory.
4) The teacher asks the pupils to sit in their group.
5) The teacher asks the pupils to take out the things that the
teacher asked them to bring on the last lesson.
6) The teacher asks them to design their own chocolate factory by
using boxes and colour papers.
7) The pupils work in their groups.
8) The pupils present their diorama in front of the class.
Activities (Remedial) : 1) The teacher recalls back yesterdays lesson. The pupils
respond to the teacher
2) The teacher recalls back the movie Willy Wonka and The
Chocolate Factory. The pupils respond to the teacher.
3) The teacher asks the pupils to close their eyes. The teacher
asks them to imagine their own chocolate factory.
4) The teacher asks the pupils to sit in their group.
5) The teacher asks the pupils to take out the things that the
teacher asked them to bring on the last lesson.
6) The teacher asks them to design their own chocolate factory by
using boxes and colour papers.
7) The pupils work in their groups.
8) The pupils present their diorama in front of the class.
Reflection (KSSR) : Strength:


Follow up activities:

Reflection Remedial : Strength:


Follow up activities:
TARIKH / HARI 10.08.2017 Khamis
KELAS Tahun 5
MASA 0815-0845
ENROLMEN 14 orang murid
STANDARD KANDUNGAN 9.2 Bendera Kebangsaan
STANDARD 9.2.5. Menyatakan bendera kebangsaan Negara-negara di Asia Tenggara
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran ini murid dapat:
a) Menerangkan tentang bendara kebangsaan sebagai identity
BAHAN BANTU MENGAJAR Kertas mahjong, marker, buku teks
1. Guru dan murid menyanyikan lagu Jalur Gemilang
2. Guru menyuruh murid membaca teks
3. Guru menanyakan beberapa soalan kepada murid. Murid
menjawab soalan guru. Guru juga memberi peluang untuk murid
menanyakan soalan kepada guru.
4. Guru menyuruh mereka berada didalam kumpulan masing-
5. Guru mengedarkan kertas mahjong dan marker.
6. Di dalam kumpulan, murid dikehendaki menyatakan bendera
kebangsaan sebagai identity Negara.
7. Murid membentangkan hasil kerja mereka di hadapan kelas.
TARIKH / HARI 10.08.2017 Khamis
KELAS Tahun 2
MASA 0815-0845
ENROLMEN 23 orang murid
MODUL Apresiasi Muzik
STANDARD KANDUNGAN 3.1 Menghayati muzik daripada pelbagai repertoire
STANDARD 3.1.1 Mengenal pasti muzik vocal dan muzik instrumental serta warna ton
PEMBELAJARAN daripada muzik yang didengar
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran ini murid dapat :
a) Menyatakan muzik vocal dan muzik instrumental
BAHAN BANTU MENGAJAR Speaker, lagu, laptop, marker
AKTIVITI 1. Guru menulis lirik di papan putih.
2. Guru membaca lirik lagu di ikuti oleh murid
3. Guru memainkan lagu sambil memperjelaskan dan menyatakan
muzik vocal dan muzik instrumental
4. Murid bernyanyi secara solo.
5. Murid bernyanyi di dalam kumpulan.
6. Guru menanyakan dan menyuruh murid menyatakan mud, tempo,
tekstur dan dinamik daripada muzik yang di mainkan.


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