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Spring 2012 Physics 23 Print LAST Name: RJ Bieniek

Rec Sec Letter TEST 3 (4 pages) and First Name: Worked Solution

Points for a question are indicated in parentheses. Your solution to a

question with OSE in front of it MUST begin with an Official Starting
Equation, with the math subsequently flowing from it for full credit. If Test Total = 180 / 180
you need more space to finish a question, write and circle BPP at the end of
the space provided and complete your work on the Back of Previous Page.
For Questions on this page, write the letter which you believe to be the best answer in the underlined space
provided to the left of the question number. On subsequent pages, draw a box around your answer to each
question. The expression for the final result must be in system parameters and simplified as far as possible. All
information and algebraic quantities that you use to solve the problem must appear in the figure. Neglect air
resistance. Calculators and notes cannot be used during the test. If you have any questions, ask the proctor.

D 1)(5) If the sum of forces and the sum of torques on an object are both zero, the object:
A) cannot be translating. B) cannot be translating and cannot be rotating.
C) cannot be rotating. D) can be moving at constant velocity.

A 2)(5) A man jumps off of a rotating platform (for example, a merry-go-round). The angular momentum
of the man-platform system is approximately the same just before and just after the jump because:
A) the moment arm of the reaction force of the axle is very small.
B) the man has zero linear momentum.
C) the platform has zero linear momentum.
D) no external force acts on the system when the man jumps.

B 3)(5) A object is attached to a spring and undergoing simple harmonic motion with frequency f. If the
object is initially located where its potential energy is a minimum and is moving in the negative x direction, it
will achieve its maximum speed after a time t equal to
A) 2f /3 B) 1/(2f) C) 3/(4f) D) 1/(4f)

C 4-5)(10) Our Sun rotates every 10 days. One could place 100 Earths across the current diameter of the
Sun. At the end of its life (in about 5 billion years), it will shrink to approximately the size of Earth and become
a white-dwarf star. Assuming that the sun will not lose appreciable mass or interact with anything at the end of
its life, what will be our stars period of rotation when it becomes a white dwarf (in days)?
A) 1000 B) 101 C) 103 D) 104

ABCD 6)(5) You have three and only three apples. How many apples do you have?
A) five B) four C) three D) I dont know

T3 (Sp2012) - 1 30 / 30 for this page

7. A uniform solid ball of mass M and radius R, released from rest,
rolls without slipping down a circular ramp of radius 4R, as shown.
The center of the ball is level with the center of curvature of the
ramp when it is released. A constant horizontal blowLng force of
magnitude B aimed to the right acts on the ball throughollt its

a)(5) Complete the diagram at the right with information required

to answer part b) below. "!'t- -<--_+__--::

b)(45) OSE: What IS the speed of the ba.11 when it reaches the level
surface'l 4; R

E -= \<l-n;4- S + \< tot + \) J --:: k t: + k(' -+ UJ ?)\.A.l b"\'\t~~ 'r -::: ,~-\- vJ B

G V .
10 f\ -F

'30 ~
M Lff\~-\)')

V .......

t l-

SD /50 for this page

TJ (Sp20 12) - 2
8. A motorized winch is used to pull a block of mass M
up a frictionless ramp that makes an angle e with the pulling force
horizontal, as shown in the figure. A rope is wound on magnitude 2Mg
the winch, which maintains a constant pulling force on winch
the rope of magnitude 2Mg. A unifonn cyllndrical
pulley of radius R and mass 2M is used to change the
direction of the rope down to the block. The pulley's
axle is frictionless and the rope does not slip on the
pulley's surface.

a)( I 0) Complete the diagram at the right with the

information necessary to do task b) below.
b)(40) aSE: Use torque-force methods to derive an
expression for the acceleration of the block in terms of
relevant system parameters.

) r-

~it: -= ..t

T x t- ~%X

:::- (V\C\K L f:t: -t J "2::-

0-\) -\-
c- ~ -~\"\ e) '-:' {I'I C~'{
(+ P -t [ - t. tfJ 0(
},/LrflW!7 J.
T - (i\~ 5\Y\8 :: I\'\c(r:
?- t =- fA 0-)(
2N\~- \ --= {Y\~ y

.2 n1~) - \f"\~ Ct:/;, Y\ (';) --=: f'v\ c'" ' + (\~ d-)C -:::
rjc~ l L. - 5\'1\ to) ~ 1 y<\Q y;

-= l
a:() (2 - 'S \ Y\ 8 )

SD /50 for tbis page

TJ (Sp20 l2) - 3
9. One end of a unifonn rod of length 4L is attached perpendicularly to the midpoint of
one edge of a unifonn square of side-length 2L, as shown. The rod and the square have
the same mass. The other end of the rod is on a frictionless pivot P.

a)(40) 08E: Derive an expression for the period T for small oscillations of this system
about the pivot P, in tenns of relevant system parameters.

~ ~~ I\\L'- +[t 12.

ML'-- + IY\ lSLJ"Ll~
J ~'J MLJ--+ 2.-
M LL -t 7. 51Y\ L"Z.

~ ) ~ IY\ L"L --\ 2 r; f'f\ LL:=. <'0 )''v\. LL -+ 2.. c; M L"2- -= ~ \ v1:\LL
Lu~~ =1fY\~L ~ ~ ~
31 M L"'- 3\ L

b)( I0) 08E: Assume that the angle <D is the maximum angle that the rod makes with the vertical during its
swings. Using the period T now as a system parameter, what is the maximum angular speed of the rod, in
terms of relevant system parameters. [Remember, the period T is now a system parameter.]

8 ~ d~ C-f.'S (Lv t+tf') = C? CJS<J (u:J{ '4- C('')

c\ e ':::'
[-Swtlw-t+ lIJ') w
-::0 CD <I S[,V\ Lwt+<f~

GU~ ~61;)~ ~ 7~
5D /50 for this page
T3 (Sp2012) - 4

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