Adjectives and Prepositions

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absorbed Complete the sentences below

accustomed with the right preposition written

in this bubble. Then complete the
list on the left.
1) I didnt hear you coming. I was 22) Alan lost his new job because he
absorbed _________ my thoughts. was always late ________ work.
2) He is accustomed _________ 23) When you are a grown-up, you
growing his own vegetables. are liable ________ your actions.
bad / good
3) Dont switch the light off! Im 24) Mum is completely mad _______
afraid _______ the darkness. the new cookery program on TV.
4) He felt really amazed ________ 25) This spectacular fireplace is
hearing he had won the lottery. made _______ white marble.
5) Dad is terribly angry _______ me 26) Thanks for your present. Its nice
because I failed my Maths test. I ______ you!
felt ashamed ________ my results. 27) I m pleased _____ meet you, Mr.
6) Many teenagers are attracted Williams. Welcome to the hotel.
_____ the internet but they arent 28) Online videos are popular _______
really aware _______ its dangers. most teenagers nowadays.
7) Tim is bad _______ drawing. His 29) Mum is very proud ______ my
great / terrible
art projects are always awful! marks this term. They are great!
8) Im bored _________ wearing the 30) The students were ready _______
same pair of glasses! the exam although they were
9) He was capable _________ winning really nervous.
an Olympic gold medal. 31) Sorry but this comment is not
10) Hes really crazy _______ Beyonc. relevant ________ the issue.
liable 11) He loves wearing different ______ 32) Everybody is responsible ________
the others. His outfits are always the environmental problems.
very original. 33) Yawning in class is rude ____ you!
nice 12) Joe is excited _______ the match 34) Harper was really scared _______
tomorrow. He loves tennis! spiders. She cant stand them!
polite 13) To be exposed _______ the sun 35) Your bag is similar ________ mine.
for a long time can be dangerous.
popular 36) I feel very sorry _______ Tina. She
proud 14) Ireland is worldwide famous ____ looks so sad.
its rainy weather and greenery.
ready 37) Margaret Flynn watched really
relevant 15) Her patience makes her fit _____ surprised _______ her husband
this job as a Primary teacher. when he gave her a diamond ring.
rude 16) She is fond ________ designing 38) The young man who was arrested
her own necklaces and brooches. yesterday is suspicious _______
serious 17) Mum is frightened ________ rats. robbing the national bank.
similar 18) My aunt Alice is great ________ 39) The children felt terrified ______
sorry cooking and shes completely the strange noises they heard.
successful hooked _______ making cupcakes. 40) Im tired _________ asking you to
surprised 19) Being hard-working and sensible return my book!
suspicious is important ________ becoming 41) Teachers are always unhappy
successful _________ business. _________ lazy students.
tired 20) Ryan is interested _______ animal 42) Tom is really worried _________
photography. Now hes involved tomorrows exam.
________ a new project in Africa.
worried 43) Whats wrong ________ you? You
21) Im keen ______ jogging every day. look very upset.
absorbed Complete the sentences below
accustomed with the right preposition written
afraid in this bubble. Then complete the
amazed list on the left.
ashamed 1) I didnt hear you coming. I was 1) Alan lost his new job because he
aware absorbed _________ my thoughts. was always late ________ work.

attracted 2) He is accustomed _________ 2) When you are a grown-up, you

bad / good growing his own vegetables. are liable ________ your actions.
bored 3) Dont switch the light off! Im 3) Mum is completely mad _______
capable afraid _______ the darkness. the new cookery program on TV.
crazy 4) He felt really amazed ________ 4) This spectacular fireplace is
different hearing he had won the lottery. made _______ white marble.
excited 5) Dad is terribly angry _______ me 5) Thanks for your present. Its nice
exposed because I failed my Maths test. I ______ you!
famous felt ashamed ________ my results. 6) I m pleased _____ meet you, Mr.
fit 6) Many teenagers are attracted Williams. Welcome to the hotel.
fond _____ the internet but they arent 7) Online videos are popular _______
frightened really aware _______ its dangers. most teenagers nowadays.
great / terrible 7) Tim is bad _______ drawing. His 8) Mum is very proud ______ my
hooked art projects are always awful! marks this term. They are great!
important 8) Im bored _________ wearing the 9) The students were ready _______
interested same pair of glasses! the exam although they were
involved 9) He was capable _________ winning really nervous.
keen an Olympic gold medal. 10) Sorry but this comment is not
late 10) Hes really crazy _______ Beyonc. relevant ________ the issue.
liable 11) He loves wearing different ______ 11) Everybody is responsible ________
mad the others. His outfits are always the environmental problems.
made very original. 12) Yawning in class is rude ____ you!
nice 12) Joe is excited _______ the match 13) Harper was really scared _______
pleased tomorrow. He loves tennis! spiders. She cant stand them!
polite 13) To be exposed _______ the sun 14) Your bag is similar ________ mine.
popular for a long time can be dangerous.
15) I feel very sorry _______ Tina. She
proud 14) Ireland is worldwide famous ____ looks so sad.
ready its rainy weather and greenery.
16) Margaret Flynn watched really
relevant 15) Her patience makes her fit _____ surprised _______ her husband
responsible this job as a Primary teacher. when he gave her a diamond ring.
rude 16) She is fond ________ designing 17) The young man who was arrested
scared her own necklaces and brooches. yesterday is suspicious _______
serious 17) Mum is frightened ________ rats. robbing the national bank.
similar 18) My aunt Alice is great ________ 18) The children felt terrified ______
sorry cooking and shes completely the strange noises they heard.
successful hooked _______ making cupcakes. 19) Im tired _________ asking you to
surprised 19) Being hard-working and sensible return my book!
suspicious is important ________ becoming 20) Teachers are always unhappy
terrified successful _________ business. __________ lazy students.
tired 20) Ryan is interested _______ animal 21) Tom is really worried _________
unhappy photography. Now hes involved tomorrows exam.
worried ________ a new project in Africa.
22) Whats wrong ________ you? You
wrong 21) Im keen ______ jogging every day. look very upset.

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