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BCLN CHEMISTRY 11 - Rev. Judy/2014 Unit 1 ~ Learning Guide Name: _Suba Gon Jnstructions: Using a pencil, complete the following notes as you work through the related lessons. Show ALL work as is explained in the lessons. You ate required to have this package completed BEFORE. you write your unittest. Do your bes: and ask questions if you don’t understand anything? Please print out the Formula Sheet and Color Periodic Table found at the start of the course. You will need these to do assignments and tests! Science and Chemistry: 1, Whats Chemistry? t ‘ chemisiry’s a branch of Physical science that studies the composition , structure, properties and change oF matter. 2. Whatare the 5 subdivisions of Chemisty? 4 Analytical chemistry, Biochernistry , organic chemistry Inorganic chemistry sand Physical chemistry The Scientific Method: 1. Whatis a hypothesis? Ahypethesis’s an educated guess about how #hings work 2. Dr. Inarushitus wants to know just how fast he can get deem oue side of his town to the other. He conducts an experiment in which he drives back and forth zeross town at the highest speed possible. Please write a hypothesis predicting the results of his experiment. If Pocter Inarushitus drives back and force a cross Town atthe highest speed possible, the time jttakes ro get one side of his town tithe other will be short an average Page 1of 10 BCLN CHEMISTRY LL --Rev, Juby:2014 3. How do you ensure that an experiment is a "fair test"? Ws imptrtant to conduct an experiment consistently to be a ieeret " por cach 411al Also (ts important ty onductg falv test by changing one Variable at a time to auoid uncertaintity. 4, Give 4 examples of well-established scientific models or theories Gravity - two objects attract each other and the stremth of attraction ie ny Ae TO thele Mads and Invepselye PoP OTOAL 400 Their drbwe st Behrraodels of Atom ~ atomt cal be fhught of as a small, poSiTiVEly charged nucler, surmunded ©: sles teat qrave! Dacia orbits AMUnd+he nucleus — tar e the solar sys Wate-pathil@Widele the ioht canbe thought f as nave oF ee la Einstein's Theory of General helativity “Albert einstein demonstrated that the 5 List the steps-of che Schentfie Method in ordir, “F physic ere the same yr alll raf -accelernt in vet, Od thot the speed of Cight in & the scientific Methoe are the \ satin as iSpender ubthementisn fall problems precisely defined, predictions ave made, the Lebservers experiment is designed, results ove collected, results are interpreted, and the ories oY models ave proposed Scientific Notation, Uncertainty, Precision and Accuracy: 1. Convert those numbers into Scientific Notation ©) 6349900000 6.54 xX]0.9 b) Ogopns1+ 544K 10> Page 2.0f 10 BCLN CHEMISTRY LI - Rev. dulyiadd 2. Whatis the difference betwoen precision and accuracy? Ilustrate this difference using drawings ‘of darts thrown at a bulls eye. the difference between Precisionand Accuracy ?s that precision masures the agreement between results of repeated pneosurements and Accor’, measures the agreement between a measurement andthe accepted stovdatd value. Cee precise, bur and precise noraccurgte not accurate not precbe Si ant Figures and Rounding: |, Determine the number of significant figures in each of the following mumbers and give a reason why the zeroes are or are NOT significant figures. 6.4 x10 + ® % + zeroes appear in A and © +b) 108.0 © —. 108 con be shorten into a a) 64000 scientific notatjen ©) 0.002310 © Page3 of 10 BCLN CHEMISTRY 11 -Rev. July/2014 2. Summarize the difference between therules forsignificant figures when addingisubtacting and ‘when multiplyingidividing? For adding of subtracting. measured data, the answer must have the same number of decimal places as ‘ f ; blem p he least certain number used in the pro | taunding off the last high. For multiplication and divis in, ber ¢ ed result must have eractly the same num Ane celal wee as the factor with the least pymber o£ SoM tiont gure Ss. 3. ~ Solve the following. First write the number your calculator gives you. Then write the answer to the correct number of Significant Figures. Briefly state why you changed the number. Question Calealator | Carrest Reson ‘Answer | Answer aj2x6= the significant Figures iB JO | of 292 Grea sothe signifigont figure of thecakulnte meet thea by O11 x510 = rahe sgn ica taares ser ina ee 56-| 5G javesds,vespetively seine answer : wach fade srenificanifiome of 2. 6) 500+ 11= The signit ant tig wes oF So atta | 500 [2a fespetvely ance tive ot itheangwerinust hove sqvitientt figuer bE. Sx IT +21 x1 = Fhe Sipmiticant Figures HS.29 X12 1 xo Ate Dy respectively. Sy Fhe answer must have the Sumit) yt found of » r 9.9K 101) ae Pege 4 of 10 BCLN CHE Rev, ulv/2014 The International System of Units. Hereis an example of how to set up a conversion. You will bo deing various convessions throughout this entire course so please ensure you understand how to perform these calculations Convert 5 x 10? exe into kre Settee te, te de 10? =5x10%km Notice that the units on top arc cancelled by the samme unit on the bottom, Also notice that the units with a ‘prefix have « ] in fiont of the m while the base unit (i) gets the powers of 10 in front. 1. Perform the following conversions. Show your work similar to the example above. a) Convert 27 mm inta.m. ole — gcolm 2mm” 2A : z Tm Sat 0.024]rv) b) Convert 1.7 x 10" ym into Gm i4 107&m lem £4 R10 yn K —— kK —— /um jotm = 0.176 2. Givean example of a derived unit and explain how itis diferent ftom a base unit. The derived unit oF fare js newton CA) and ifs base unl is kg-m-5-> It’s defined “that one newton is equivalent fo one kg ms“? Lab Safety and WHMI: 1, Whats the first thing you should doi you get chemical in your eye? use the eyewash jrmediatel Rinse Coplously and have the eyes checked byw Physician apferivard 5. Page 5 of 10 BCLN CHEMISTRY 11 - Rev. dulyi2014 PMHMIS Stand eee te Workplace Hazardous Moferials Enformation system MSPS Stuhds for a waoterial safety Cotashert 3. raw ONE ofthe WHMIS safety symbols and give it's classification aid deseription Flammable May catth fire when expec and Gmbustible f? heat, spark on flame, Materia] May burst yf flames Dimensional Analysis: Doing conversions correctly using proper Dimensional Analysis is the single moet important ski to learn inorder todo wol in this entire course. PLEASE do the Practice Worksheet and check your work! 1. A few more conversions to ry, Show your work to receive cfedit. Just writing the answer is not sufficient! ) How many days are there in 4320 rsinutss? agpornin xh ya tay sdaye 60min 244 >) The fastest man in the world can sprint al approximately 10 m/s, How fasts this in km/h i km 605 bom), tox AM y SOS x Semin _ Sanden” Tam th *6ken/h Page 6 of 10 ISTRY Ld ~ Rev. Julyi2024 @) A farmer wants to convert his cow farm to a chicken farm. However he is unable to find anyone willing to trade him chiekens for his cows. He does find a man willing to give him 3 goats for 2 cows. Then he finds another who will wade 5 sheep for 3 goats. Finally he finds a man who will tade him 7 chickens for4 sheep. If the farmer starts with 200 cows how many chickens does he end up with? Loocows x 290atS ,_Ssheep x Lchicken 3 OWS 391ats 4 sheep sheep = IS chickens Density, Graphs and Slope. 1. 20.0mL ofa liquid has amass of SR 2g What is the density ofthe liquid? De mass mass < volun & eee i oe es fn] = Doomk > AAlG/m i 2. Use your periodic table to determine the density of bromine. Then catculate the mass of 100,mL af oomine: Brom ine: 8.2 9/em pe mass wie Sepy mass = 3-1 29/em?X Mein) Mess oc 3). 3. Find the slope of the following lines. Show your work! a ape slepe= = slope =) Slope { Slope = 3, » Matter: 1. What are the two types of pure substances? How are they different from each other? element and comPoun ekment’s made vf single aftem and Ompsund ’s made ». different atm. ic 2. What are the two types of mixtures? Give an example of each. scluFten and mechanicoy HaeKtUbe. solution : salt mater mechanical! mintuleset hie 3. Draw the heating curve for Zine as it is heatec 0m.a Solid to.a gas. Use your Color Periodic ‘Table w determine the melting point and boiling point and label them ‘on your diagram. 4 Describe each of the following as either a chemical change ora physical change f ‘Change Physical / Chemical ee ree Physica A oie Halon fag yan chemical Wood is burned in a fireplace chemical Yee bes hoki eer Phys teal ‘A banasa ripens from green to yellow | chemica] Page B of 10 BCL CHEMISTRY 11 — Rev. huly/2014 Mixtures: a art secre tone ‘of the separation techniques described in the course, The mixture’s centrituyed and substances in the mistute will Se sepaated bare an Fheit mags Page 9 of 10 BCIN CHE: Answers: Scientific Notation, Lineertainty, Precision and Accuracy: 1a) 6.34e10" b)3.t4x10% Significant Figures and Rounding: 12 aja os 3.8) 10 6) 36 ©) 500 d7ax10" ‘The Intemational System of Units La) 27x10? kin bW17x10°Gm 1a) 3days b)36 kwh ©) 875 chickens Deasity, Geaphs and Slope 1291 gmt, 2312¢ 3a) »)3 Page 10 of 10 ‘MISTRY 11 - ev, Juby/20i4 cto Theme BCLN CHEMISTRY LI ~ Rev, July, 2015 Project: Density Graphing Lab Name: Suha Gwon Potential Credits: 0 Goal and Instructions. ‘The goal of this lab is to help you gain a better understanding of density. You will also learn a bit more about graphing and the process of creating a best-fit line. You will be provided with mass and polume data for both water and methanol and be asked to determine the density of those 2 liquids from that data using a graph, Finally you will be asked to ansiver some questions about your results Data, In order to determine the density of a given liquid you need to know both its mass and its volume. It is difficult to measure the mass of a liquid direetly as when you pour it omto the scale it simply flows off A graduated cylinder (image on the right) is a device we can use to determine the volume of a liguid. If we first weigh the graduated cylinder while it is empty and then weigh again with liquid inside, we can subtract these two values to determine the mass of the water for a given volume. In this experiment the mass of the graduated cylinder was 35.00¢. This means you need to subtract 35 00g from each of the mass values given to fill in the column on the right. Page 1 of 5 UNIP OF: trivadtetica to BCIN CHEMISTRY 11 - Rev, July, 2018 | Volume of | Mass of Water [Mass oF Volume of | Mass of Methanol | Mass of Water ‘Graduated | Water Methanol | +Graduated | Methanol Cylinder Cylinder 3.0 mL 38.00 g 3.00 3.0 mL 37.50 [2-505 3.0 mL 40.00 5.00 5.0 mL 38.90 g 3-%q 7.0 mL 42.00 4.00 7.0 mi. 40502 | 555 10.6 mL. 45.00 3 10.09 10.0 mk 42.80 Ze 13.0 mL 48.00 2.09 13.0 mL AS.10 WO1g¢ 15.0 mL 50.00 50g. 15.0 mL, 46.90 g 1.4 Z| 17.0 mL $2.00 Th Oe 17.0 mL, 48.00 g (3.0 20.0 ml. $5.00 20.0 9 20.0 mi, 50,60 g 23.0 mi. 38.00¢ | 33.09 23.0 mL 52.50g I 5g | 23.0 mL. 60.002 | 35.09 25.0 mL, 54.00 g 179. Graphing. Use the grid provided below to graph the data from the tables. Be sure to have your mass on the vertical axis and your volume on the horizontal axis and label your axis For each set of ‘data (water and methanol) draw a best fit line, A best ft line is a straight line NOT a zig 2ng line that connects all the points. A good best fit line will go through as many points as possible while at the same time having as many points above the line as below the line. You may also cteate your graph in Excel or another graphing program if you are comfortable using it. mars, ua fi | @watey ap O Methane] 15 10 5 volume is s 2 ee ns cmb UNIT Of troduction, RCL CHEMISTRY 11 — Rew. uy, 2015 Slope and Density: Caloulate the slope for each of the two lines you have drawn, ‘The calculated slope is also your calculated density for each substance. ‘Those are the experimental values you will need later, Slope of water ———> ae = lglmb Slope ef nethano| —> 3.9-2-5 ae O79 Im b Questions: |. Ifyou hed @ cup full of methanol and a poo! full of methanol do you think they would have the same density or different density? Explain your reasoning. 4 cP Full of (methane! and a peo| fall of Methanel would have the same density as density ’s tatrinsic Propertres of mattey. Since the mass and iwlume > diveetig prepetina Pile size, theiy ratis would remain upchangecl 2. Ifyou bad a cup full of methanol and a poo! full of methanol do you think they would have the same mass or different mass? Explain your reasoning pool Full of methanol would have lager mass than Hho aa cup fall of methanol because mass» s aire ctly. prepettiona/ to the sire 3. Use your graph to predict the mass of 6 5 ml. of methanol 5a Page 3 of 6 UNIT OL: introdscticax ter Chevoisar BCLN CHEMISTRY 11 = Revs Juty, 2005 erociae ts density You calculated to determine the mass of 6.5 ml. of methanol, Show your galeulation and compare your answer to the answer from question 3. Which of the two do you thnk is more accurate and why? b.5mLKO-WimL= 4 5cg The cakulated wags using. densily ’s more accumte thay wy estimate because the rmtio between mass ond volume. is density 5. Is every point exactly on your best fit lines? [fnot suggest some reason for this, Every points does not vie exactlg on the best fcr tine Since there We pyman error of Phtting data points atd dmwing. asteaight syne. Overall, the best Tits fine tsar data curate 8. You can caloulate the density of a substance by measuring the Lieals volume of a simple sample. It is preferable however 10 use many samples and the graphical method. What is the advantage of the graphical method? The graphical method alls pr observing how mass changes over given volume. This will reduce the ernr of calculating density by dividing mass by volume J}, Between volume and mass which gave a larger source of error in this experiment Explain why. Measuring volume has a larger source of ernr because Measurin volume willbe done tq the flask¢r beaker and reading off The vwlume printed on the glass js not accuvate However the Measuring mass Jone on the Percentage Error: balance We "s pnore ee “ipfe a ee degree depending on the qual it: é€ Use the internet to ate the Posad ‘ine ike density of water and wabondt Sa balance, them below. Be sure you find a value which uses the correct units (gm) and is at rooun tempercture (near 25°C) Water "1d g/ml Methanol 4-79 9|ml Page 4015 UNTD GL: Ireedistion, BLN CHEMISTRY 11 Calculate the percent error for each liquid using the following formula. Note that the straight lines | | mean absolute value which means if if your answer comes out negative you change it to be positive Errors are always cited as positive percentages. % Exton = Esoerimensa Value - Accepted Value 4 100% Accepted Value jh Evar of water =| I= 0.998 “gee. POO = 2.28: 0.996 oe hf re er i pied opens Page 5 of §

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