Rae Group Treatment Instrument

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INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE GROUP TREATMENT INSTRUMENT oi Cal tneinesb es Raspoert Her 0 - Fac 01E 615252 INSTRUCTONS FOR USE OF GROUP TREATMENT INSTRUMENT “THE GROUP TREATMENT INSTRUMENT hasbeen designed as dsieable addition toa practitioners instrumentation as it provides a means of giving immediate RADIONIC weston! to any ow patient whilst full and prope analysis is obtained, a¢ well ss boing @ method of exping all ones patients ona timed soqicnce of resent Ils enables teatmeas fe given ona manual bass - especially beneficial in times of epidemics, such as inluenza ete “The instrument is evibe in ee basic capacities: efor 64 pation, 128 ations, of 160 pains. Isl cleetoni ad suoredes the previous made Ich adapted a 35mm slide projector whi, boing mechanical, was subject to swear ond te. ‘The back perspex box comes complete with cable and plug and i immetaley realy for use, llth controls, (ave for one sl socket onthe sie, to which ‘ve will refer late) are on te top ofthe instrument, and a complet labelled igs is given onthe centre pages showing the Heston of each, and is use ae purpose Lik its predoessr the GT. uses patient nr as witness, and these ae placed in 35mm slides which are supliod. Each slid contains a sheet of card instead ‘of fim, andthe patients wites is xed 0 this by means of eircula,selT saosve dies - also supplied, The method of preparation isto fix afew stands of air othe adhesive side of the die, taking eae to remove any stray ends ‘outside the cic. This disc is then applied tothe card inthe slide easier, oking sur tht is placd on the whit sie, This ensures that when placed in the slows the prtitonor hasan immediato check that all sides ae corectly positionedThey should then be placed inthe slots, starting at No.1, while ‘sssring thatthe rctngule shape inthe caer i vet and hat the white sido 5 sight_(Inoter words, tho patio’ witbess must face avay rom the eo of instrument containing the potency seing da.) This ial must be sot 1 10 M forall ined woutment special card called GROUP TREATMENT CARD is supplied withthe trent and sould be plein the slat above the potency dial so hati tle visible above the top of the instrument DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS | POTENCY SETTING DIAL, - Thisis calibvatoin conventional Potensies from 0-10 FUNCTION SWITCH - isis 2 poston switch, giving. choice of sutomaticoraaal operation, In oma ws wil be ia the atonasc sition and need ony be charged wien the practioner eqs give special series of teatnent inthe marmalade I shoold be turned tothe automatic poston Soon as maul eaten is nse 1. AUTOMATIC- Whea inthis mode, te green L.ED, immesitely shove the fncton witch wil bo itand will rains ntl sch time tht the instruments svitcho to manual mode os atl tuned oy the POWER sich, When levngthnstraneattofuaction dng polaged sence, make sre that this een LED i it theraby indicating automatic mode 2. MANUAL - Whea steed o manu the instruments avaiable for ‘ements any ime. Tis will mainly be rogue when the practioner shes to give for examples Sere of treatments of commands which i ‘outs the requirements ft normal frou funtion, his "MANUAL mode, extents fully repetitive and wil begin at No, 1 and ‘continue to No, 64 128 160, depending on the instruments capacity. ew then immedi eta © No, | agin std soon. The MANUAL mode is rinsed by returning the FUNCTION switch o AUTO. Uhre are only afew patients” witneses in he instrument (for example 38 na ‘64-ptent mode the FUNCTION sic sould bo otuned to AUTO and thenback © MANUAL, fora furer set of treatment, This des however allow teatment other itn the GROUP TREATMENT CARD, and would robably involve the Therapeutic Command Cards concepts by Davi ‘Tasley) and, 8 with the GT Card tho potency sting would be 10 MM, For er woatments however, och in times of epidemic, oor winter ‘colts, th remedy card chasen would require the practitioner to dowse for the coe poteny. "THE SQUARE RED BUTTON fs, 5 the nme POWER implies, the ono switch forthe instrament, td the “on” cain i indicted by the small Red LED. othe let ofthe switch |. THE SQUARE BLACK BUTTON isthe RESET switch nd hs oe fine tiononly, Inte even ofthe instrument being wtchod fer bys power fla or by desi by the practitinsy,he bon sbald be pres immotialy afer sitchin the power back on This wil nse thst the four oly sequence is ected at that ie, THE SQUARE WHITE BUTTON is he HOLD site ands activated by pressing down andelesingItcan be used on any one ofthe mumbers ‘when tretments ar being made, and wil bold the tetent on tht number ‘ntl itis press and released again. It's us will aly bein the ese ofa ‘tint for whom tis felt longer peiod of eatent than the norsk TO seconds is equirod. The re ncaa ight tenets the ate’ wines ‘will go out when frst essed but wil elit when presse a second tie, tn he 10 second trstnent is esuned, This iii only avalale in the MANUAL positon. r. SMALL SOCKET ON LEFT band sige o instrument: thivallows another [MGA jnstrument 1 beaded so that amore varied tetment maybe given, ‘A four ca instrument wil alow a combination remedy to be give, oF potency prepare wl allow a potency of particular ubsane or remedy 19 ‘chosen, this is dosed as being dsimble Sand st uke MGA salto cade A Sand MGA ty Grea LED - wich won Hees the mote B.FUNCTION sieht tos cter tomatoe ‘canal mode F. EXTERNAL rocket MAGNETO GEOMETRIC APPLICATIONS GROUP TREATMENT INSTRUMENT fon LED wi ene FOVERONTT win. RESET yh whi tee he POWER where str the Sosa lt Na DIAGRAM SHOWING LAYOUT OF CONTROLS AND FACILITIES Sotto tke tnd 3mm Sigler bang pens ie ach as nerd to low xy ann a pate sng ee al oD hes for son ron af HOLD seh wish PROCEDURE FOR OPERATION HTOMATIC. 1. Prepare the pions witness a discribe on the ist page of hese insrvtion 2. Place inslots of instrument otha etangular ress of bode iin ‘vertical position and with white face of card bearing patents witness ‘eng othe right (feng away fom the potency setting dia, Pace the G:T. card inthe slot hove the potency da Set Potency Dia at 10 MM. Set fiction site to anomie ‘Sitch on POWER btn an then the RESET. This is only nocesary on he First time of wing and shoud then be left no ensure {he four hour eyes maintained. :frt sequence will ow begin andthe Red LEDs beneath each pation’ wit «will indicate the progres of tetment, On reaching 64/I28"160 thse Red Ds will cease to fineton and will remain inoperative for about 3 hours 49 1/3 hours 39 min!3 hours 35 mins respetively. Ths allows each pation 19 eve one treat every four hous. At thie ime the sequence wil he estrt the sal Red LEDs wil Boome active again. ANUAL, As above, 82. above Poe sppropriat cad ia lt above Potency Dia ‘Set potency at eter LO MM or indicated by dowsing Set FUNCTION switch to MANUAL. This asus tht the POWER ‘itch is ON and that th instrument in noma 8, tment as above wil sartatNo, Lasshown, by tered LED and will proceed in sequel | 64128160 unl either the FUNCTION isrtuned to AUTO or uni ‘insane i sie off GROUP TREATMENT SIMULATOR CARD by Margret Belsham {will endeavour to give a short history ofthe G:T card and 1am refersing to “Malet Rae's notes, wich be stared to weit 1970, In 1970 we had been running out Radionie practise for3 years and we iad epriencd enough suces to make us believe that Radionicteatent ould help Some people bat we ad enough are to prevent ws bcomingcomplace. We deve tn cary out some Raiashetc investigations with «view te improving Radon testant For our researches we assumed that immediately after a patient had roeived the ‘oect Radioni weatnon he was 100% in balance. We then measured the rte of ‘sine som 100% which in moet cass was ery ap [Malcolm then though tha if treatment could be given on a regula basis which ‘would consolidate the individual treatments being piven 10 pallens, this would doce the ate of fl away om the theoretic 100% “The first Group Treatment card was produced with the intention of treating, Radonclly al detent consituional predispositions (lates) We comected ‘lage sic bse dieto esimstor ed inert an ple all out patients ‘witnesses on the brass disk and_projeted thin card to them every fourth bout (Walcoim bad esas raishesealy at the ital of ting ofthis projection vas extoaly important and tht every fort hour was optimum). However, we soon found out ht by ths method the patent who had the max energy oceved all, th Benefit irom this pros nd th ee eneastic got weaker, and we raid that ‘eich pallens ola his own moment in spoce and ine when reeving a Radonic Projection, Each patents witness had to be completly slated When roceving teaimen ann drt achiev his a 38mm stom slide poco, sing a cular ‘ase fies was usd wih the ens boing placed witha bras ise fixed the ‘end neues the slides when inthe projecting pesition. The patients witness was Placed in «conventional 35mm side holder Keeping them uteonnected with any ‘ther pints witness a he cassete, Tho Grolp Treatment cad was used ina feparite instrument which controlled the operation of the projector inthe desired four-bar eye “This proved most satisfctony in its radionc perfomance but being mechanical it seed in time fom wear and tear with repair bacon increasingly dificult cially, wuilale supply at an economical prie boame impossible and we had place it with amore reinble sem. We now lave a fly eleewai insrumest jh overcame al thee dul x the next 7 yas he concept ft Gc was ele anv ow reat ie addins which were td oa bul no theevolingG. ecard Total symptoms dv o adaption thoughout heen to mproversent in ath Total ymptoms due oan throughout the entity to dateroration in Teal tion throughout = Avtogenerata allergies, ~ Misalignment with Vivexs. reed from ll unuceptable sensation real and inane = Caren and residual derinentl ffs thoughout ttre, reserve tre Saud foncosing thoughout tne etic ei Resistance against hung cured of disease ‘Resistance against being healthy. Fatigue Exhaton. Wein, = Conscious and subeonscously belived oa forthe disease, = Reasons’ preventing delaying iting end rendering ony temporary, the ‘citing ofl disease andthe establishment and maintenance of pert health. = all fuaesional nd sructura einen effets of... (he would incorporate such disorders 6 asthma, measles and ether common disorders). am these few examples I Bliove you will understand Maokn's "inking" behind Group Treatment card couse each patent will ned individual weatmons as woll as rceving regula oi postions ofthe Group Treatent Cav

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