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E-mail template: mentoring invitation


(Person referring) and I were recently talking, and (he/she) suggested you may be a great mentor for
me in the area of (few words on the area of focus). (First name of person referring) indicated that (brief
description as to how they were selected) could be very beneficial as I consider my own growth and
development in (topic area).

I appreciate that this would be an investment of your time, but if you are willing, Id be happy to set up
an introductory meeting to discuss more. Please let me know if any specific scheduling requests you may
have. I also completely understand if this may not be the right time for your schedule to accommodate
our discussion, and happy to connect back in the future if you prefer.

Many thanks for your consideration.


(your name)

Completed Sample:


Diane Maxwell and I were recently talking*, and she suggested you may be a great mentor for me in the
area of communicating effectively with senior leaders. Diane indicated that your experience presenting
on numerous occasions at Mid-Year Reviews and other similar meetings, could be very beneficial as I
consider my own growth and development in senior leader presentations.

I appreciate that this would be an investment of your time, but if you are willing, Id be happy to set up
an introductory meeting to discuss more. Please let me know if any specific scheduling requests you may
have. I also completely understand if this may not be the right time for your schedule to accommodate
our discussion, and happy to connect back in the future if you prefer.

Many thanks for your consideration.



*note: you can also re-word slightly if you identified the potential mentor through observation versus
being referred. For example, I recently heard you speak at the all hands meeting and I really enjoyed
the way you presented your key points.

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