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How can I start a space exploration company?

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3 Answers

David Brin, astrophysicist. Author: Earth, Existence, The Postman, Adviser:

NASA Innovations
Answered Feb 3

1. Start with a billion dollars. Then host a conference with the theme of finding great
projects that no one else has funded.

2. Persuade some billionaire to let you host such a conference.

3. Develop a great technical concept for an unusual space method and apply for a
NIAC grant, that would help you to refine it and then attract funding from either a
government or a billionaire.

4. Talk a studio into dramatizing a great underdeveloped space tech like tethers, then
parlay the blockbuster film into a project. (See my story Tank Farm Dynamo!

1.9k Views 20 Upvotes Answer requested by Gulnoor Cheema

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Phil Jones, Still trying to figure it out

Answered Mar 23, 2014
You start the company like any other.

Your main problem is that most things in space are expensive and unless you are already
very rich or have an idea and team that are VERY compelling to investors, then you
probably can't afford to do much in this area, EXCEPT process data which other people are

Google are clever in that their current proposed project involves putting up some mediumly
expensive telescopes to scan asteroids but largely their contribution is ground-based data-

The cheapest way to get somewhere in space is a project like KickSat -- Your personal
spacecraft in space! (which does seem to have launched now, would be interesting to
know how it's going and whether there are similar plans in the near future.) If you can think
of commercial opportunity with that kind of satellite, then something along those lines
seems reasonable.

Your best bet, though is to identify interesting opportunities in processing data to look for
something that other people currently aren't and which might have commercial value.

2.1k Views 2 Upvotes

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Jlees Ahmed, Student

Answered Mar 21
I myself would love to do this, and I'm only 15, It can be done, you just have to start small.

Step 1: Research, you need to figure out how to build rocket engines, rockets etc.

Step 2: Start designing your rocket and rocket engine

Step 3 measure the thrust of the engine and do the math,for example if the thrust is 500
pounds you should aim for your rocket to be 50 pounds 8/10/2017
How to start a space exploration company - Quora Page 3 of 3

Step 4: build it and launch it, the main goal.of a homegrown company is to get passed the
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334 Views 4 Upvotes Answer requested by Ademola Soyemi

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