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than 5000 totrs dmed wit! SDns up to 6, calibre dd possibly

PRE DREADNAUGHT (CA) Amoued Coisers - Being amoured vesselsof approimatly
10,000ions ed amed with 8" calibre nain gunsand 4-6 secondary
(B) Batdeships- Being 10,000to 15,000ton armouredships amed
w i $ l 0 r o l 2 m a ' n g u n s a n d 6r c o n d a r yb a n e n e s .
Colin Stand.isl) If a player wishesto tum a vesel. he must do so before my fo ard
movementod at a cost of a PIP per vessel.DD nay rum up to 180
whilst other l{ger ve$els may only tun 90. VesselsDay then be
movedfoodd its ddimum move disbnce if desiredat a cost of oDe
PIP which reprcsenBpriodic bunts of speed,Guch dasheswere only
Theserules de designedto representnaval warfaft at rhe time of the priodic beause they consumedlarge amountsof tuel, usually ships
Russo-Japanese Wd of 1904/1905using dre DBA concept of rule would cruise at a Difom sped).All remaining vesselsthat have not
design.TrEre is m @ord keepingand lhe rules are capableof coping alEady movedmustmovedirectly fo.wad 2' (reprcsentingthe nomal
with just a few vesselsor entift fleels. Fundamenrally,the rulesreplace cruisespeed),unlesshaltedat a cost of otrePIP.Veseh in pon may hal1
spuious accuracywith playability ed a f@us o. fleet tacdcs.Ships
e clalsified inro l}?e and no attemptis madeio idendfy differences Ve$els may mdoeuvre d a single group if in a line 6tem
beMeen ships of the sme lyPe, althoDd this could asily b done. fomation. In this fomtion the lead ship ndoeuvres and pays the
Gmes may be playedon a 2' squ&etableor ldger if prefeftd, (nrher app.opnaE PIP\, but all following vesselsin the group may
thu the usuarchuch hall floot. Useyour veseh in their intendedrole mdoeuvre at no cost prcvided they follow rhe ship in fronl md re
and operatein line astemfomations, md you shouldnor go f& wrong. capableof copying that lead vessel.Thereforc Batdeshipsnay not
follow a destroyerthat makesa mdimDm moveor 180 tum.
ORDER OF PLAY The maximumspeedof my vesel is:

Decide which flr is out-scouted.The oufscouted fleel,

followed by their opponent.All ve$els should be deployedwithin 9"
of the player\ own bas. edge.The out-scoutedflet then movs6rsr.
Eachmovis divided into severals@tionsd foliows
l) Roll PIPdice.
2) Us PIP s to repaii oipples md rcnove hit mdke6.
3) UsePIPs to tm vesels.
4) Use PIP s to move a vesselat nodmum speed. Collisions may @cu. if two vesels havemovedinro eachorherduring
5) Cairy out conpuhory movementor use 1 PIP to hold a vessel. movenent, or followitrg comba(.In this eventboth vesselsattack one
6) Non moving player shoots dother eachvesel addin8 the scorcof one dice to its combatfetor
7) Movitrg player shoots The loser is mlmed and sutreB nomal combatresulB as if shotat.
8) Moving player removeshit markersftom his owr vessls.
9) Opposineplayer now becones the rnovingptaye! ed rcpeatslhe
Combar is not simultd@Ds, @ch tm the non-noving ptayer wil
SCOUTING shoorfi^t, followed by the noving player. Each vessetmay shoot in
ey diftction at a target it can see,and make one attack {or support
Eachfleet calculatesa scoutinSfactor dd addsthe roUof onedice.The dother ship's altack)pr shootingphe. Only one attackmy be made
player with the highestcumulativescoreoDr,scouishis opponenl.The againsta sin8le ship pe. shootingpha$. In order to attackeachplayer
scouting facior is calculated by addinS one poim ler DesEoyeror .olls a dice. addin8the relevdt vessel\ combatfactor and wiables. If
Amoured Cruiser,and two poinrsper Light Cruisd. the finng player scorcsmorc the the tuger, a hit is achievedand a hil
narker placedby the rdget. If the firing playersscoris doublethat of
PIP DICE the tdget. a crippling hil is achievedupon rh tdget- If the tdger
playert score is equal 1o or greater than the attackers,a miss has
Eachplayer rolls one six sided dice. The scoE represenbrhe nunber
of PIP s that playercan usein that tum to conlrol his fleet. Largerfleets If the combattakesplaceat a tuge of 3" or less,atl hits will cilple,
should be divided into divisions with one additional PIP dice per excepthits againstDD which will tm 180 dd flee 5 awayftom the
division. PIP\ may b usedto carry out the folowine aclions: atacke.. If a vesselsuffes two cripplinS hic in one rum, it explodes
Tum a vesel ldger thd a Deshoyer90;
Tum a Destroyerup 1o 18(} Combatfacrorsand wqpon ruges de d folloqs:
Move diEctly fotrdd ar naxinun speedi
Prcventa vesselfrcm noving fooard 2": Rttge in inch6
DD I 3
CL 2 6
It cosls2 PIP\ to rcmovea cripple mdker. CA 3 9
B 9

All vessls m classifiedinto rhe following ship types. -l ftoln the tdgeis scoE for eachenemy vesselsupportingthe main
(DD) Destroyers- Beitrg a collection of small torpedoamed vesels
toalling 2,000tons betweenthen. As m optionalrule, CA s and B\ may tue their secondarysrmamen!
{CL) Lighl Cruiser Being un'amoured or prctectedvesels of les at DD within 3" at a factor of 2 whiht the main amment is used
aglinstanorherrareer.This is theonly tirnea singlevesel nay make
or supportmorethanoneatrck in a phase.
The Gngeis measured fromfte nearest poinlbetween rherwo ships. The followin8scenarios aredesignedro -sivewareanena rasteotfte
pe.iodwnh somehisbncalscenriosrakenfroD the RuseJaprnese
LINE OF SIGHT War Tbis is a iascinalingpe.iodof navalhistoryin which fleelsoi
Line of sightis t bow to bos of the atackingand td8el submarinesand aircraft.The Russo'Japatese war is pa(icularly
vessels.L.O-S-is blockedilany partofany vesselintersects this line- interestine
because. despitethe Japanese achievinga decisiveviclory
HowevearheL.O.S-of shipslargerftd r DD is not bl@kedby DD overthe Russians duringthis wu.lhe tbrcest-dcing eachotherwereal
unlessfte owning pl.yer decideslhat th DD is laying smoke timescloselybalanced. Thusrhe wtuSaDeris otleredthe opportunrty
BEFOREeitherplayerbeginssh@tingftar tum. to playour "wha1if sc.ndios!s well asrcfiehtinghnbricrl barles.I
have ourlined belo{ four hisrorical scenlDos based on lctual
EFFECTSOF HITS engagements with notesto explaidwhatactuallyhappened.I hopelhey
wheryourapperite for thissadlyneglectedperiod.
Itthe allackert scoreis greater lhan the defender's but not double:
Placea hi1marker(whitesmoke)besidethe vessel.The veskl must THE RUSSO-JAP.ANESE WAROF 1904/05
rhen turn 90'AWAY frcn rhe utlacker.or. if ALREADY tircing more
thrn 90"awaytrom rheattacker, ntove2 direcrlyforuard.This lessel PORT ARTHUR
Diplomatic tensron grcw betweenJapanand Russiaover (erilorial
nry nor FIREor MOVE Ar MAXIMUM SPEEDuntil the hit marker
claimstbr Korea.In Febtuary1904.lhe Japdesetook actionand
anackupot theunprepadRussiarileetanchored
Hn markesareremovedal r cosrofone PIP!t thebeeinningoithe mounteda suense
tufr. (This ourside Pori AnhD. Undercoler of ddknes Iapanese torPedoboats
pl.yeis turn.or autoDnticall!at no cosrat rheend oifte
creptloward fte Russianfleetandsucceded in c.ipplingtwo Rus\id
psentstheeffeclsof repairublehns andninordamage).
bartleships.Uninnunarely this resuh was far below.lapanese
If the attacker'sscoreis doublethat of the detenderl expeclalionsbeciuse nve baltleshipssill remained,forcing the
snoke)beside Thevesselmusr Japanese
thevessel. to concentarethelr efforts on blskading this tleet 1o.
Plflceacnpple marker(hlack
virluallythe durationolthe $ar.
turn 90'AWAY iiom rhe auacker.or. if ALREADY tacing nore than
90'awayfrcm theattacker. remainsrationaryThe cnppled!e$elmry
Rusian forccs: 7 Brdeships(B).
nol rufl, nole or fi.e untl repdnedar a costof2 PIP\. An additional
'hit hasro effecl.but a secondc.ipplewill sinklhe vesel. 6 LiehrCrDisers(CL)
5 Desfole( (DD).

MINES JaparcseFores: 9 Deslroyes(DD)

who surt at fie cenlreof lhe lable.
Minesmaybe laidby any!es*l duringa game,or nay bepl&ed upon The remainder of $e fleercomprising
fte rable BEFORE eilher fleer is placed.If laid betbrc the fleec m 6 Banleships (B).
placed.up to two drmhy fieldsmay beaddedpergenuine one.Fields 6Amoucd Cruise6(CA)
shouldmeasu.el" by 1". lt coslsa minelayingshiponePIP ro hy a 6 LiChtCruisers(CL). srait6 fiom the
J.panesc baseedge.
lf a ve$el movesinto or dcros a genuinemineUeld.codbrr must
be resolvediDmediatelyalie. movenent has ended.Conbdr is The Russians !.c dn.horedwithin 6 of theirsmn line shiP
resolved in thesameway asshootingcombal.exceprthattbemjnefield musl remainstalion!ryunles 2 PIP\ a.e spentro ra'sesieamand
is thooling dd the sbip is the la.get. Bolh nines and their targets rherafie.lhrt shipmaymanoeuvre asnormal.
haved combatiacto.of 2 andhils uponlhelargetaurodatically cipple The JapDesemust sink or crippleI Rusian battleships without
(anddoublescoressirk). ShipsDay not auackminesudessequipped losingnore thanfiveof theirdesfoye6cnppledor sunk.or dore than
oneof theirBaltleshipsor moud cruiseEsunk.
Mine swepeB may insleadattackfte minesfl6t a1a cosl oi one PIP
Dd wnh a combatfactorof 4. If they 'hil . theminefieldis clededdd
emoved. If they DisJ , the sweeperis attackedby the mines.but
retainsit combatfaclor of 4. If any vesselmovesdcrossa dumny The blockadecortinuedinlo thesunmerwith theJaPanese atEdpting
minefield.thedummyis aulomatically noved. ro physicallyblockthe Russians in Pon Anhur with block shipsdd
mines.The Rusians appoinbd the talentedAdmirul M.kdoff to
OBSOLETE SI PS comand ihe tleet aDd Russiadefficiency imprcved, nuch to rhe
concernof the .lapanese whosemining sortiesbecme increditgly
Somefleersmay containold. obsolelevessels thatarc usudlll slower dangercus. The Russidsevenrually rcpaircdthencnppbdbanleships
and equippedwith les erecriveordnancethan more modemshiPs bu! whilsr .etumingfrom a sortieio chaseoff someJapanese nine
ofthesameclass.In su.h cases.rhe6nge of a ships weaponsshould layes- they losr thei. flagshipand AdmiralMakdoff ro a Dine.The
be reducedby l- (to a ninin!6 ofl") andiK nuimun speedby l'. .Iapanese in lud losr rwo batlleshipsto dines, bnt had fortunately
added two more armoDredcruisers to their fleet. Inspired by
Makarofisexdmple. theRussianscontinued to nakesortiesagainstthe
Japaneseandon l0 AugDst1904,the two neelsclashedin lheYeuow
Theserulesde not particula.lybloodydd histoncalbattlesrarely
iivolved balancedforces. the.efore,objeclives sbould be ser. The balle wns iouEhtal lon8 ange (overt0.000ydds) whichwas
Altemalively a fleel may be rcgarded$ deierled if %of its battleshjps unherd of at fte tine. The 8unnery duel w$ ldgely indecbive
or moured cruisels,or I of the fleet as a whole nre dippled or sunk reruldng in a Russianwithdmsnl afle. two of lheir batdeshipseceived
al the end of any one player's move.The mjnimum numberof shipsso sedoushits,oneof whichKlted theirnewAdmiral-
crippled o. sunk mustequateto two shipsor morc. This meansa lleet Rusian Forccs: 68 dd 4 CL.
cdnor bedefeated afterlosingjusroneship. JspanesForcerr 4 B, 4 AC, 9 CL and I obsolerebattleshiP-
Th. Ru\ilns deplov [rsr dnd rhc Jlprnese sccond J\ r ur nornu]
deplolmcnr tule\. NoDrl ricroD condihonsbNed on tosscslpptl

VLADMSTOCK. - l4l08n 904

South Expo99
lhe lank tlluseum
A snnll lunrber ol Russidncruisers$ere basedin vlidnonocl, qo//ngtonOorset
snuled on rhe orhersideof thc Korernpenjnsut.fronrpon Anhur
UMble ro rssisrthc main|ccr diredl)_rhis forceinneadcrried our 2-3 'ctober
rard\ae$Dn.rlJ'anese 1r.d leurful)coDnrerce.
On l_+Augu\r t9[U. r
hp!ne-\e c.uiscr force Ncceededrn c chin! rheseRu\silh rnd
nlnaeed k) s'nli one cruiserdnd bbckadedlhe rcsl i! Vladilosloc(
RussianFdces:3 AC hpaneseF(rccs:.t AC lnd 2 CL CenturyWargames
The Ru$iansdeployfiNl dd uin bt eririn! ts,o ol rheirshtpsol1
thelapmesesranlhe. Thc lipane\s,inb) liit jne No l{usiln ships

TSUSHIIITA- 27,28l0sn90s
hpaneseland forces besiegedpon Arrhur aDd b\ Ocrober$erc
Donatedby :
grudualhlnkiDg rhe Rusian fleets.hiteir sroodidle in rhepofl. rn Britamia Mi atures. SHQ . Suapdragon
JaDulr\ 1905.Port Anhlr sunendcrrd.Hoserer lle Russiaishrd
al.eadydisparch.d dresrelrerpm ol rhcirBdlric|eer ro rhcFar Err. Fsntaslicdemogam8ledbyColio RuBford &Richrfd M!6h
\hich corrinuedon irs nraradron crui\. ro\fud vtadi\osroc\ OD :?
1905.rheRuslansaftcnpredro prs\ rhroughrhc sl|lirs or'Tsushinr F@ cdping facilitics I Socialga$cing Satudaynighl !
burran o theJaprne\efleerlhrr $rs pariemlya*aningthetrarildl
TheRussrn\\ erein soDre Trad.rsconfirnedsofrr !
disa@),{,henrhebarrtecomnrcnced ind Bnrmia / Quetr\ Hssd - sHQ- Snapdraso! - Mirnuc! -
n.!.r reco\; confusbnsrs ta,-eeljcruscdb\ ateDpr(, Lsr valrey- sldl Hdl.sedc - ta cdos - Pr{ctrucb bsks - s&s mod.k,
.crrraree thcu baulelnrcjln b rbc Jlpue\. nrde conracr The FIBU ABnildiigs-SOTC W- omd Matu{- pienir b.ok -
ordcrrdand lasrernolin.mJrpane\cblrdelinecrcsed rhe RussilnT RNrDrho$c- RalisricTmiD - FrodlineWdsujlg - ctobbyTanls-
Sigialno , norerofouow
and pou.ed lr upon rle r$o lclding Rusjar brtlestrips\h,ch
includedrhc Russianlk8ship.Alicr se\erlt hoursol punjstnnenr. rhe Conracr
fl.Sship$!s lbdndoned rnd rhcrso bumineb.nleshipsroltedo\cr ind n'e TanlMueun isa idependmreginaadchdjryNo274640
sa.[ Con]Dra.d o1rheRus\ianfleerhld ncrernuch bceni. eliderce
blr wjrh dre kxs of $e r'tasship. rheRusio lteetL,eemee\cn nro.e
'li<,tjsed.TheJap!nese bantclineconhnued rooul
nranoculrethe di\order.d R!\sirns. \inr,ns rwo nn)rc rsorrred THE NAFZIGER COLLECTION
baue\hipsand b) nighrlaltrhe Ru*ian fleer scaneredrnd ried k) ord6 0fBafth 1600to 194s,thousandsof dctaildtis6
es.rpe The Jlpanese.neanqrrile.tepr theircrpiratship\ a\rat,ironr Assom Fjnlrpriss, 70 Harcouri Strer, n"sa.ti, Notrs. NG2,t lR'F
rhcnighrrnneilhring. teavingrhenn)tpingut lo rhenlishlercni. Tel + Fax, 01636701439
Surprisin-qi) linle ol rheRussianttecr$rs rcru!1t\ \unr durin! rh.
i r ' l c r r ' e l . h u , n \ p r . h - . o l l o\\ni n: .:. r h . . . " . , , u , . . . 1 , , . t IIARGAMING THE PERIOD
sur!tr1n9ba!leship\rlcrc racled do\r bt \ul.dor hrccs .nd ejrtrcl
{nr or iarcedro sun.nde. Somccrunes rclchedMlnih \lherethe! Na\ tru and Da\co make modeh ofrhe dcruatships tionr rhis penod itr
\ere 'nt.nred. lervine jusr one cnriser lhc Ar,z:. ro escapckr l/100(Jrhscale.ud ar 75 pencc 0 prcl: mosr ofrhe\e \cen.nos cr. be
vhdilon(f,k This dislsrerelii.rivet\ bn)tc Rusiu navatpowerrb, recrcated ar re!n)!able co\r lnd prinhs riDr. Thc lbtr(Ni.e
Ihc resrol rhrsc.rlu.! biblbs.lthr iisrs rhe lour publicarions r cuntnrr).o\n lnd rbu.d
ro be in\rlulble sourccs ol inlornlrion nn rh( drrcte Thc Jrnr\
RussianForcesr 7 B- 5 Ob\oteLe g
R_ CL. tDt) publicdions ar.less der4lcd. bur inctudcsofre \alLrbte colou picrurs
Japanese Forces: .r B. 8 AC. 16Cl- lnd 16DD olJrplne\ ud R!$i!n fesselsin rh.ircomemponr! cor)ur scnenre\
Coner\'\ l// lk rv,,/dj t(,l.t,r !/,h conhin\ !llrhr r,,or,,ruon
Thi\ nk\ bc scaleddownrogne rheRusixn rB. 3OB..rCL rd I DD. could e\er $!nl on rhc ships olihc pcriod ta nmst fo. rhc ob\csj\c)
a l a r n strh e ] a p a n c lsBe. 1 A C .8 C l _a n d8 D D Ed leltb iD oth., totr,tt I n !n cxcellenrand \eU \rnren dc()unr
The Rusia.\ shoulddcpto\ ltar and DUj e\ir rhcir flc.r orlhe or nr\rl rvrrlare fion rhc ADerican CiYil \\rr ro rhe er. o, rtre Fnn
l$rnesc brsecdSe\irhour suflerinsc.ipptesor ro\seserceedin-q World War. VoluDre: deals qilh lhc Firsr \Vrr ir\etl: Bcside\
,i ot
rhencapnolshipsor I oi rbc fleerA a \hole. Thc laprne\e$in b! descirt ons ol rhe blde\ rhcnrlel!c\. rhis bool !lso inctude\ orde^ of
prc\ent'nglhe Ru\silns escaF rnd bl,rloidins rhc tos\ r!1. sraled b a r l e a n d e p l n r c i p . r i n gs h j p s \ i l r t n a r n r j c s .N e j r h c r o f r h e \ eb o o l s
r\ chcap. bur lhet dc Mtrlh it in D\ \ie\


Cotrn?rlr .,11/th. tv,Lts Filhjnry srri)! 1,!6ir /gr-i Con\.)
Pl!\crs shouldnorerhar hisro.iclttr-desrtu)ersard rhejr rorpedocs
$crc surprisin-!hincflecri\e.althouthrhelearofsrch arracks foner.d Bernrrd Ireldd J&t(: Ranl.sttir! d nt :\ttj C.nrn Hdper Co|!L
r caurlousrrtrtudeo. bolh side\ Throlghoutdre $r. rtrehpuese 1 9 9 6
\ho\ed g..rter p.oiissiondlism andskill. in pani.ularrr rhebatrlcof Bemard lreland Jdna tyarut S.d t397 - t997. lA0vd6if Jun.s
Tsu\hinu.$hererheRu\\ian cre\s $ere l&letr rcr^nr\ o1liDircd Fi.(l,rr,s sli,r' Harp.rCollin\t997
sr'll This nD\ be replicaredin lhe -lmeb) a|owing rheJapa.e\ero H.w wilson Barlcjlb ti ti rrn , y,/rrr. / torilrnxlt\ published
score. bir ren,lrifrhcr dm$ shooring in 1916)Con{a}IlfuirimePresst995

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