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Issue 52: 2nd - 30th June 2017

News from Inside Bahrain Bahrain in the

Bahrain suspends only independent
newspaper Al-Wasat
Bahrains Ministry of
Information Affairs Bahrain accuses Qatar of
has indefinitely military escalation after
suspended the Turkish tanks roll through
only independent Doha
newspaper in the
county, Al-Wasat, after it published a column
that was deemed insulting to a sisterly Arab
country. In the published column Al-Wasat Al-Wasat: Newspaper shut
shed the light on recent incidents taking down by Bahrain fires staff
place in Morocco. The ministry said that
the newspaper violated the law and re-
disseminated what would stir division within
the community and undermine the Kingdom The Middle Eastern kingdom
of Bahrains relations with other countries. The of Bahrain is quietly heading
ministry also filed a criminal lawsuit against towards a total suppression
the newspaper. Al-Wasats Editor, Mansour of human rights
Al Jamri, said that the decision was shocking,
as the newspaper has always abided by the
laws. This is not the first time the newspaper
has faced suspension, but this time has been Bahrain says it will jail Qatar
forced to lay-off staff over uncertainty of its supporters for up to five
future. years

Rights activist arrested, fears of torture

Ebitsam Al-Saegh, a
Bahraini human rights
activist, has been
arrested and is Bahrain jailed activists over
currently being held in tweets but still gets U.S. arms
an undisclosed deal
location. Security forces raided her home on
3rd July, arresting Al-Saegh without a warrant.
In May of this year Al-Saegh was also
detained, during which time its alleged she For one year, the internet in
was sexually assaulted, as well as physically a town in Bahrain has been
and mentally tortured. Its claimed that her switched off every day
and her family were threatened with rape
and more attacks if she refused to end her
human rights activity. As of writing her
location is unknown and she has not been in Human Rights Activists Warn
contact with her family, sparking serious Of Worsening Situation In
concerns at her condition.

Bahraini lawyer arrested after filing lawsuit

against government
NGO`s on
Isa Bou Rashid, a Bahraini
lawyer, was arrested after
being accused of
sympathizing with Qatar.
Bou Rashid, who has since
been released, had filed a
lawsuit before the Bahraini courts against the
Bahraini Cabinet and Ministries of Interior and
Foreign Affairs to stop the siege imposed on Families ripped apart,
freedom of expression
Qatar, deeming the decision arbitral and in
under attack amid political
violation to the Bahraini Constitution. The dispute in Gulf
Ministry of Interior said that it arrested the
lawyer for posting contents that incite hatred
against the Bahraini government and
damage national unity. The Ministry had
previously published statement threating that
it would take legal measures against Bahrain: Press freedom
sympathizers with Qatar. Bahrain severed its groups call for lifting of Al
diplomatic and consular relations with Qatar Wasat suspension
on June 5, as did Saudi Arabia, the Emirates
and Egypt.

Youth found dead in mysterious


A Bahraini youth, Bahrain: Only Independent

Nabeel Al-Samie, Newspaper Shut Down
has been found
dead in mysterious
circumstances after
being kidnapped
from his farm by civilians believed to be
affiliated to the Ministry of Interior. The Ministry
of Interior said that it found his body in the Bahrain orders independent
outlet Al-Wasat to cease
farm and launched an investigation that
revealed his death was due to bomb blast.
However, sources familiar with Al-Samie
stated that he died after being severely
tortured and that forces affiliated to the
Ministry of Interior had recently threatened Congress Urged to Check
him. Following his death Al-Samie was forcibly Administrations Actions,
buried in Al-Hoora cemetery, contrary to his Block Sale of F16-s to
will and his family desire of being buried in the Bahrain
Sanabis cemetery. The security forces have
been forcibly burying protesters, since the
execution of the 3 Bahrainis on the onset of
the year, fearing mass protests in response.

Bahrains parliament passes emergency The world is watching

laws to pursue Al Wefaq figure - Bahrain must release
Nabeel Rajab
MPs in Bahrains
Parliament have
passed urgent
proposals to criminally
pursue a leading Al
Wefaq figure, who
was recently named on Bahrain TV as having
spoken with Qatari officials in 2011. Sheikh
Hasan Sultan was subject to a leaked
recorded phone call with Hamad Al-Atiyeh
an advisor to the Emir of Qatar - aired on Attack on protest in
Bahrain TV. MPs called for legal action Alekr
against Sultan, in the name of the security Suppression of protest in
and stability of Bahrain. Sultans son has twice Sitra
MOI forces deployed in
since been called in for interrogation by the
National Security Apparatus, during which
time he has alleged mistreatment.

Nabeel Rajab lawyers leave court Useful links:

Lawyers of prominent
human rights
defender and
President of Bahrain
Center for Human
Rights Nabeel Rajab
Al Wefaq National Islamic
left the court after the judge refused to meet Society
their demand to adjourn Rajabs case until
he can attend the session and defend
himself. Rajab faces two different cases; one
for tweeting and one for disseminating false
news. The first case was postponed until 7th
August and the second until 2nd July. Rajab
has been held in solitary confinement since
his arrest and his health is reportedly in
continuous deterioration. He underwent 2
surgeries and returned to prison with an open Bahrain Centre for Human
wound, with the authorities having to
retransfer him to the hospital as a result.

Jaw prisoners face harsh conditions during


Inmates in Jaw Prison

have complained
about restrictions
imposed on them Bahrain Mirror
and a lack of food,
with some saying they
have been forced to continue their fasts
for up to two days. Inmates said that they Bahrain Watch
face harsh conditions; they are not allowed
to leave their prison cells except to make
phone calls and are prohibited from buying
food. They went on to say that meals are
shared between up to 14 inmates in one
prison cell, while some dont receive food Manama Document
at all. They say they have been told, there
are insufficient meals. The Head of Ulama
Islamic Council Sayed Majeed Al-Mashaal
is one of the Jaw prisoners denied from Iftar
meals and treatment. Al-Mashaals health
is deteriorating; he is held in cold solitary
confinement without covering to keep warm.
Sometimes he receives no food to break his
fast, which makes him continue his fast for
consecutive days. As a result, he started to
feel numbness in his peripheral limbs.
Diraz siege continues with regular attacks
and arrests
The ongoing siege against the Diraz has
continued to see an
intense level of arrests
and raids. Security
forces carried out vast
security campaigns in
Diraz on 21st June,
arresting 3 women. The forces raided the
houses of the three sisters Fatima, Iman and
Amal Ali Abdullah, confiscating their money,
damaged their house contents and taking
away their electronic devices. Fatima and
Iman, who were arrested along with their
husbands, have been detained for 7 days
pending investigations. However, their sister
Amal was released. Detaining these two
women raises the number of female
detainees to 11 from Diraz.
First appeals hearing of Waad on October
Bahrains court of
appeals has set 11th
October as a date to
consider the appeals
raised by the National
Democratic Action
Society - Waad, against its dissolution verdict.
A Bahraini court has taken the decision to
dissolve the society and confiscate its assets
for the benefit of the state treasury, following
a lawsuit filed by the Ministry of Justice that
accused Waad of serious violations of the
principle of respect for the rule of law,
support of terrorism and promotion of political
change by force. Waad is the third society to
be dissolved after the Islamic Action Society
Amal, and Al-Wefaq National Islamic
LuaLua Roundabout opened after 6 years
of closure

The government of
Bahrain re-opened
LuaLua Roundabout
after more than 6
years of closure. The
centerpiece of the
14 February protests has been given a new
name Al Farooq Junction and was open
for people with new traffic signals being
installed. The authorities had demolished
the roundabout that has been guarded by
security forces for years, claiming that it is a
bad memory for the country.

News from Outside Bahrain

Bahrain severs ties with Qatar

Bahrain cut its
diplomatic and
consular relations with
Qatar accusing it of
supporting terrorism
and interfering in
Bahrains internal affairs. Bahrain also
suspended flights from and to Doha and
prevented Qatari ships from entering
Bahrains shores. The kingdom has also
prevented Qataris from passing through
Bahrain and gave them 14 days to leave its
territories and banned Bahrainis from
travelling to Doha. Bahrain issued a statement
saying that it will fine and jail anyone
expressing sympathy for Qatar. The Emirates,
Saudi Arabia and Egypt also served their ties
with Qatar.

Bahrain Invites High Commissioner to visit

Bahrain, cancels it
A planned visit of a
delegation from the
Office of the UN High
Commissioner of
Human Rights
(OHCHR) was
cancelled at the last minute by Bahraini
authorities, citing technical and logistic
reasons. However it is widely believed that
the Government tried to impose a number of
restrictions on the delegation including that
the Government should be informed of all
and any meetings the delegation were due
to have inside Bahrain. When the delegation
refused these terms the visit was cancelled
until further notice.

UN experts visited Bahrain, denounced

deteriorating human rights conditions
Five UN experts,
commissioned by the
OHCHR, issued a
condemning the
recent deterioration
of human rights in Bahrain. The statement
mentioned the intensified crackdown against
the opposition, especially following the
sentencing of Sheikh Issa Qassim. Bahrain
denied the issued statement citing that it
contradicts with the reality and facts and
lacks accurate information. The government
claimed that it has achieved progress in
human rights and democratic fields.

EU, US Congressman Call to Immediately

Release Nabeel Rajab

US Congressman James
McGovern called to
immediately and
unconditionally release the
prominent human rights
defender and President of
Bahrain Center for Human Rights Nabeel
Rajab. Members of European Parliament also
sent an open letter to the EU High
Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security
Policy, Federica Mogherini, urging her to call
for his immediate release. The MEPs called on
Bahrain to halt the harassment of those who
peacefully exercise their freedom of speech
or assembly, and immediately release all
prisoners of conscience. In addition, 14
international organizations expressed their
deep concern over Rajabs continued
detention, urging the authorities to drop the
charges against him. They also called on the
European Union and its Member States to
pressure on Bahrain to end the unlawful
detainment of Nabeel Rajab and to release
him immediately and unconditionally.

International human rights organizations

call to lift suspension imposed on Al-Wasat

Several international and

local press freedom
organizations expressed
concerns over the
suspension of Al-Wasat
newspaper. The groups,
including Index on Censorship, urged
countries including UK to call on the
government of Bahrain to lift the suspension
imposed on Al-Wasat and allow it to resume
publishing. The groups noted that Bahrain is
launching a severe campaign against
freedom of expression and is denying
journalists from visiting the country. Human
Rights Watch condemned the decision taken
by the Bahraini authorities, stressing that Al-
Wasats suspension is a violation of the right to
freedom of expression and an attack on
media freedom. It also appears to violate
article 28 of Bahrains 2002 press law - Decree
No. 47 for 2002 - which states that a court
order is required to close or suspend a

About Bahrain Justice and Development Movement:

Bahrain Justice and Development Movement (BJDM) is based in London, UK and

promotes democratic reform in Bahrain. We work with opposition figures both inside
and outside Bahrain, supporting their efforts to raise awareness of the situation in
Bahrain, as well as advocating political reform of a democratic nature.

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