2017 January Final Exam Marking Scheme

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Academic Session 2017

First Semester Examination

May / June 2017

WUC107/03 Workplace Communication Skills

Marking Scheme
2 WUC107/03

Part A (40 marks)

Answer any four (4) questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

1. Briefly discuss the concepts of internal communication and external

communication. Provide two (2) examples for each concept.

Term Explanation(4m) Example(1m) Mark allocation

Internal It is the exchange of information and ideas
communication between members of an organisation. 4+1=5m
It is a rapid channel for transmission of
It helps employees and employers to get
their job done.
It enables everyone to identify problems
and quickly react to address them.

1 m for each point

Any two of the following examples: telephone,
email, fax and memo (0.5 m each).

External It links the company to the outside world. 4+1=5m

communication It can communicate a favourable or
unfavourable impression
The communication maybe with customers,
suppliers, investors etc
Sometimes they are carefully planned to
suit a specific purpose.

1m for each point

Any two of the following examples: telephone,
email, fax, letter, advertisements, press
announcements, reports, websites and official
announcements (0.5 m each).

Accept any relevant answer.

(2x5 marks = 10 marks)

2. Briefly describe five (5) basic forms of non-verbal communication

Type of non-verbal Explanation(1m) Mark
communication(1m) allocation
Body language Body language covers a wide range of 1+1=2m
motions ranging from facial expressions
to eye contact, body movements and
3 WUC107/03

Your face, especially your eyes, reveals
the intensity of your emotions. Eye
contact, in some cultures, is essentially a
sign of sincerity and confidence.
A gesture is the use of your arms to
express ideas or feelings. Many gestures
are understood world-wide. A wave of
the hand obviously means hello or
goodbye to most cultures.

0.5 m for each point(max 2 points)

Vocal Characteristics Paralanguage refers to non-verbal 1+1=2m
symbols that accompany a verbal
Speed, volume, rhythm and pitch of your
voice reveal whether you are prepared,
confident or nervous.
Vocal characteristics like laughing,
crying, yelling and moaning send their
own messages.
0.5 m for each point(max 2 points)
General appearance All cultures are concerned about how 1+1=2m
and dressing they look and make judgements based
on looks and dressing.
We can improve our looks with proper
grooming, clothing and accessories.

0.5m for each point

Touching Touching is determined by culture. 1+1=2m

Each culture has a clear concept about
what parts of the body may/may not be
0.5 m for each point(max 2 points)
Time and space Both used to show authority or respect. 5 1+1=2m
People of a higher authority have a say
over time and space as they determine
the venue and duration of a meeting.
Space refers to physical distance
between individuals and varies from
culture to culture.
0.5 m for each point(max 2 points)
Accept any relevant answer
(5x2 marks = 10 marks)
4 WUC107/03

3. Briefly discuss the four (4) point framework for structuring parts of a

Point(1.5m) Explanation(1m) Mark

Introduction/opening State the reason for writing. 1.5+1=2.5m
Make references to either a previous
letter or document.

(0.5 m each)
Details Provide or request for information 1.5+1=2.5m
Give relevant details
Ensure that each paragraph contains a
separate issue or theme

(0.5 m for any two of the above)

Feedback action Explain the action that you will be taking 1.5+1=2.5m
as a writer
Explain the action you expect the reader
to take
Provide necessary deadline (if any)

(0.5 m for any two of the above)

Conclusion/ closing Provide summary or conclusion 1.5+1=2.5m
Maintain goodwill and give assurance
Generally a simple closing is good

(0.5 m for any two of the above)

Accept any relevant answer
(4x2.5 marks = 10 marks)

4. Briefly describe four (4) points you should consider when writing bad
news letters.
Point(1m) Explanation(1.5m) Mark allocation
Begin with buffer Elaboration- a neutral statement that is meant 1+1.5=2.5m
to soften the bad news
Reasons/factors Elaboration- make sure you cover all logical 1+1.5=2.5m
reasons or factors that caused you to make the
Sentence that Elaboration- communicate this in a tactful and 1+1.5=2.5m
informs reader positive way without elaborating too much on
about bad news the bad news
Positive/ helpful Elaboration- if possible provide positive/ helpful 1+1.5=2.5m
suggestions suggestions or alternatives
Closing statement Elaboration- close with a positive statement 1+1.5=2.5m
that will help you to maintain goodwill with your
5 WUC107/03

Accept any relevant answer

(4x2.5 marks = 10 marks)

5. List five (5) rules to remember when you are at meetings.

Be courteous and respect the opinion of others.

Ask questions when you need to but participating actively does not mean
monopolising conversations.
Make sure what you say is concise and you do not beat around the bush.
You may disagree with the ideas of others but never criticise anyone.
Do not take rejection of your ideas personally nor get defensive when
people do not agree with you.

2m per rule
Accept any relevant answer

(5x2 marks= 10 marks)

6. Define the following terms used in negotiations.

Term Explanation(2m) Mark allocation
Contract A written agreement between two or more 2m
Supplier A person or company that supplies goods or 2m
Agreement An arrangement between two or more people 2m
or companies
Condition A requirement which must be fulfilled 2m
Negotiate Discuss a business deal or contract in order to 6 2m
reach an agreement
Accept any relevant answer
(5x2 marks = 10 marks)
6 WUC107/03

Part B (60 marks)

Answer ALL questions. Each question carries 30 marks

Question 1

You recently travelled by taxi to a business meeting and encountered problems

with the taxi service.

Write an email of complaint to the manager of the taxi service:

saying when and where you were travelling;

describing two(2) problems with the taxi service; and

explaining what you would like the manager to do.

Format (5 marks)

From (name@email address) 1mark

To (name@email address) 1mark
CC (0.5mark)
Subject (1 mark)
Salutation (0.5 mark)
name (0.5 mark)
title (0.5 mark)

Content (10 marks)

Introduction (1 mark)
When and where you were travelling (3 marks-1.5 marks each)
Two problems with the taxi service (3 marks-1.5 marks each)
Explaining what you would like the manager to do (2 marks)
Conclusion (1 mark)

Language (15 marks)

13-15 marks The writing uses a wide range of vocabulary with natural and
sophisticated control. Sentence structure is used with full
flexibility and accuracy. Errors in spelling and grammar occur
only as slips.
10-12 marks The writing uses a wide range of vocabulary; contains well-
developed and coherent ideas. Sentence structure is good with
appropriate use of expressions, and minimal spelling and
7 WUC107/03

grammatical errors.

7-9 marks The writing uses a fair range of vocabulary with ideas
satisfactorily developed. It contains occasional faulty sentence
structures and some errors in spelling and grammar.

4-6 marks The writing attempts to communicate ideas but is not always
successful; contains ideas and details which are inadequately
developed; contains inappropriate choice of words and intrusive
spelling and grammatical errors.
1-3 marks The writing is only understood after much effort; has irrelevant
ideas that are difficult to follow; contains severe spelling and
grammatical errors; some ideas are incomprehensible.

0 mark The response is totally incomprehensible. The candidate has

merely copied out the question or part of it at random. The
question is not attempted at all.

Total 30 marks

Record your marks on the answer script in the following manner:

F 5 Marks for format
C 10 Marks for content
L 15 Marks for language

Question 2
You are a trained counsellor and have been invited to speak to a group of parents
on the following topic at Cemerlang Secondary School in Johor Bahru during its
Family Day:

Today there is an increasing trend showing the involvement of teenagers in

crime. What causes teenagers to be involved in crime? What are the best ways
to prevent this from happening?

Write the speech that you will be making to the parents. Provide two (2) causes
for teenage involvement in crime and two (2) ways to prevent this from happening.
8 WUC107/03

Content (15 marks)

Salutation: Greeting guests (0.5 mark)

Attention grabber (0.5 mark)
Introduction Credibility Statement/Preview Thesis statement (0.5

Total: 1.5 marks

4 Body Paragraphs Topic sentence (1m)
Two main causes Supporting sentences (2m)
Two solutions
Total: 4 paragraphs x 3 marks = 12 marks
Signal closing (0.5m)
Summary/Review of main points (0.5m)
Conclusion Concluding remark /Thank audience for listening (0.5m)

Total: 1.5 marks

Language (15 marks)

The writing uses a wide range of vocabulary; contains well-

developed and coherent ideas. Sentence structure is good with
13-15 marks
appropriate use of expressions, and minimal spelling and
grammatical errors.

The writing uses a fair range of vocabulary with ideas

9-12 marks satisfactorily developed. It contains occasional faulty sentence
structures and some errors in spelling and grammar.

The writing attempts to communicate ideas but is not always

successful; contains ideas and details which are inadequately
5-8 marks
developed; contains inappropriate choice of words and intrusive
spelling and grammatical errors.

The writing is only understood after much effort; has irrelevant

1 4 marks ideas that are difficult to follow; contains severe spelling and
grammatical errors; some ideas are incomprehensible.

Record your marks on the answer script in the following manner:

C 15 Marks for content
L 15 Marks for language

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