Heed The Message: Look Ahead, Not Back

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A thought for today

If a country doesnt recognise minority
rights and human rights, you wont have the
stability and prosperity that is possible
Look Ahead, Not Back
As India completes 70 years of independence, time to trash the blame games

Heed The Message

Dipankar Gupta craftspeople in Britain as well.
Britain, however, went on to become an
Independence Day is a industrial power, while we fell back. The
celebration of the new first Indian-owned cotton factories still
and a closure of the needed British engineers to establish
Departing Veep points out uncomfortable reality old. In the euphoria them. Should we blame Lancashire fat
following freedom, it is cats, or make sure such situations

eparting Vice-President Hamid Ansaris farewell speech was
tempting to play the never recur? When a country is truly
unexceptionable and balanced, and its hard to see why BJP is self-righteous victim, and blame the Independent it enters a time machine
in such a tizzy about it. If statements such as a democracy is past; but for how long? Now that the shoe that only goes forward.
distinguished by the protection it gives to minorities, but at the is on the other foot, we should learn to tie Still changing gears, India, since
same time, the minorities also have their responsibilities are up our laces and move. Only malingerers, 1950, has set up institutions of higher
deemed political in an unprecedented way, its worth remembe- who wallow in self-pity, find excuses in education, and it is not done yet. As a
ring that is a direct quote from Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Indias history to stay away from work. result, today, in this computer age, we
Every year Independence Day sends can actually teach the West a trick or
distinguished former president who can hardly be accused of being out a clear non-partisan message: this is two. Our satellites in space have won
ignorant of constitutional responsibilities. your country now, look ahead, not back. acclaim from everywhere, including
Perhaps what has upset BJP is previous references by Ansari to Blaming colonialism has an attractive from technical giants in this field. If, on
rising insecurity among minorities, sparked by a trend of food bans, political ring about it, but it is a lazy, the other hand, we let memories and self-
vigilantism and beef lynchings which disingenuous ploy. We can accuse the pity take over, then our drive to better
target them. But this sense of insecurity British for our poverty, our bureaucracy, ourselves would diminish by that much.
our cumbersome laws, our rote learning, In other words, instead of moaning
is indubitably the case, and it needs to be and so on, but such charges are time over our historical misfortunes let us
addressed rather than swept under the barred. It is now our job to right those resolve never to be in that place again.
carpet. It is alarming, for example, that wrongs and not of that ghost who has These sentiments are twins, born at the
the Maharashtra government wants to long since gone. same time, but must be separated
revive a law that would allow police When we allow memories to condition at birth. A defeat can be a learning
to raid peoples homes looking for our thinking, we lose the capacity experience if it alerts us to examine
for self-examination and introspection our shortcomings. When the French lost
proscribed meats, despite its having so essential for progress. George was now breaking free from its past, to the Prussians in 1870 they did not
been struck down by the Bombay High Santayana was wrong. The truth is that almost at one stroke. In a similar fashion, blame the enemy, but themselves. Many
Court. The law, incidentally, also those who remember too much of their the newborn Indian state turned against Those who remember too even argued that Prussians had a better
overturned a basic axiom of Indian jurisprudence: that everyone is past are condemned to repeat it. We must landlordism and the many iniquitous army because their children went to
break this cycle before it becomes an practices that went with it. much of their past are better schools.
deemed innocent until proven guilty.
If such a law comes into force there should no prizes for guessing addiction. The right time to stop For example, sharecropping and rack condemned to repeat it. We Contrast this with the flaccid tendency
smoking is now. renting had devastated the agrarian poor, must break this cycle before to blame the past for our present ills.
which community will be targeted most, although anyone can In the 1950s, most of the policies our but village oligarchs thought This affliction is widespread, across
potentially be harassed by authorities. It would not only open the Constitution enacted were to combat nothing of it. We know how the British it becomes an addiction different political persuasions, with
floodgates to greater corruption and extortion, it would also those aspects of our tradition that had stayed imperiously unmoved, even minor variations of severity. Of course,
destroy social harmony. Attempts to set up such draconian made us weak. The founding figures of though their wartime policies caused blame game would be an indulgent the British came as colonial rulers and
legislation cast a new light on the right to privacy case currently independent India did not waste time on the 1943 Bengal famine. But what is distraction. Yes, democracy was being not as our benefactors, but why did we
being litigated before the Supreme Court, where the government is the British, but critiqued our society shameful to us as Indians is that many planted on hostile soil; but that was cause let them in? Before we start waging
from within, even when it hurt. We members of the then rural elite, along for cheer, not despair. our finger, recall Tagore who once said:
arguing against granting such a right to citizens. Suddenly a lot recognised our internal deficiencies with speculators, made money while Most western intellectuals of those Satan comes in when there is a flaw.
more seems to be at stake in the Supreme Courts upcoming and, by law, no less, sought to neuter them. millions died. years were of no help, either. They were The best way to plug these flaws is to
privacy judgment than just Aadhaar or data security. Consequently, a slew of measures The determination with which our convinced that the past would soon trash the blame games mother board.
against caste, gender and religious leaders carried out post-independence swallow us and we would return to our We have had enough of memory and
discrimination came to life. Together, reforms was, in one word, heroic. They original state of chaos. That did not hap- there isnt room for any more. This could

No Loo, No I Do these firmed up Indias position as a

full-fledged democratic nation. A
culture that allowed child marriage,
untouchability and occupational rigidity,
demonstrated both correctness and
self-correction in equal proportion.
When the withering fact of poverty was
waiting to be addressed, playing the
pen. India stood up from hands to knees to
feet and faced the future, head to head.
It is true that Lancashire mills ruined
our weavers, but they finished off such
be our Independence Day resolve.
We need never forgive, but there are
certain things we should learn to forget.
That is the good amnesia.
The battle Lakshmi Devi waged for a toilet

he toilet is a pretty common cause of marital discord. Some
couples quarrel over opposing theories of the proper way to
hang the toilet paper whether the new sheet should come up
Keep elephant corridors open and allow Indias national
and over or go behind and down. Many others argue for decades
about whether the toilet seat should stay up or down. But they are
the lucky ones. Imagine the plight of a pair who cross swords over
heritage animal to survive, itll help the whole ecosystem
whether their house needs a toilet at all. Dia Mirza seasons. Elephants in India are They are landscape archi-
Jharkhands Rajesh Mahato got Swachh Bharat Abhiyan money primarily threatened because tects, creating clearings in the
to build a toilet. But to the dismay of his wife India has for of habitat loss, shrinkage and forest, preventing overgrowth of
Lakshmi Devi, he used this bounty to buy thousands of degradation. The growing certain plant species and allo-
years revered infrastructural and agricultural wing space for the regeneration
himself a smartphone instead. A rueful needs of Indias burgeoning
and worshipped of others, which in turn provide
Mahato reports that this triggered a all natural human population have led to sustenance to other herbivorous
Mahabharat in his family. Lakshmi threw resources, flora increasing encroachment within animals. Elephants eat plants,
the phone on the ground and made it clear and fauna. And the elephant and around elephant habitats, fruits and seeds, releasing the
Mahato couldnt use it until the toilet was has a special place in Indian resulting in the fragmentation seeds when they defecate in
built. The construction is, happily, under way mythology. of wild habitats and a loss of the other places as they travel,
We now live in an India that traditional movement paths of benefiting biodiversity.
now, as if bearing out what Vidura said in the elephants.
has 17% of the worlds popula- Elephant dung provides nou-
epic, that right will invariably triumph over wrong. tion while occupying 2.61% of This has forced elephants to rishment to plants and animals
Actually across the country wives and would-be wives are making the worlds landmass, which we move through human-use areas, and acts as a breeding ground for
it clear that they are fed up with open defecation. Its unhygienic also share with 60% of the insects. In times of drought they
and unsafe. But, illustratively, an Odisha study found in 80% of worlds Asian elephants, 65% of access water by digging holes,
households decisions on constructing sanitation facilities are made the worlds tigers, 100% of The Gaj Yatra begins generation to generation. Today, elephant corridors. which benefits other wildlife.
Asiatic lions and 85% of the as forest lands continue to be lost, The Gaj Yatra begins today, Further, their large footprints
exclusively by men who may treat themselves to a smartphone or a today, its the biggest they are crucial natural habitat
worlds one horned rhino. World Elephant Day 2017, in New collect water when it rains,
second-hand motorcycle instead. Thats why for many devis the desire While all this is incredible, event ever around linkages between protected Delhi but will continue over the benefitting smaller creatures.
for a toilet means having to fight something like a Mahabharat. its also the reason why were forests that allow elephants to next 15 months. Its the biggest To have elephants in isolated
fast losing natural habitat, dis-
Indias wild elephants move between these areas freely, event ever around Indias wild populations, unable to move
connecting once uninterrupted contributing to increased uninterrupted, giving them elephants. Therell be a roadshow freely through their home rang-

The Real Military Truth

forests, obstructing natural human-elephant conflict, which access to food and water and rolling through 12 states, with es, would therefore have a devas-
migratory routes of key species often leads to loss of human and other elephants! elephant sized artworks created tating effect on Indias natural
and disturbing an ecological elephant lives. There are an esti- Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), by local artists and craftsmen as heritage. Many animal species
balance that is key to our wellbe- mated 30,000 wild elephants in the governments Project the centrepiece. Therell also be would suffer and the ecosystem
ing. If we hope to have free flo- India (MoEFCC, 2012). This acco- Elephant and other NGOs have
On Doklam, stop saying the Chickens wing rivers, forests sequestering unts for around 60% of the global mapped 101 elephant corridors
Gaj Mahotsavs at different venu-
es, with elephant sized fun to be
balance of several wild habitats
would be unalterably upset.
Neck area is vulnerable: it isnt carbon and less severe impacts of population of Asian elephants, across the country. Protecting had: concerts and parades and It would also, of course,
climate change, we have to find a which has declined by about half and securing these is of critical street plays; sculpture making eventually lead to the local
Kanti Bajpai way to secure, protect and keep in just the last 60-odd years. importance. Not too many and wall painting for kids. extinction of Indias national
our forests connected. So how can we help Indias people know about elephant Why should we care what heritage animal, one of the
The Doklam confrontation is not over by any means, and no The elephant is a perpetual elephants? By becoming aware corridors though, which is why happens to elephants? Well, wisest and most beloved species
one can say how it will turn out. As the two sides reinforce nomad. Being a very large and of and spreading awareness WTI and its partner NGO the because elephants are a keystone on the planet. So come,
their positions, the portents are not good. In the meantime, herbivorous animal it needs about the importance of elephant International Fund for Animal species. Their nomadic behavio- #JoinOurHerd and help us
India needs to stop overplaying the vulnerability of the vast areas to roam: constantly corridors. These are traditional Welfare are organising the Gaj ur the daily and seasonal secure #101Corridors, give our
Chickens Neck, the narrow corridor between north and browsing, foraging, moving migratory paths that elephant Yatra, an awareness campaign migrations they make through elephants #RightOfPassage!
northeastern India. from place to place in search of herds have used for centuries, to celebrate elephants and high- their home ranges is immensely The writer is brand ambassador
Indian commentary has identified the Chickens Neck as the driving food and water with the changing their location passed down from light the necessity of securing important to the environment. of Wildlife Trust of India
concern behind New Delhis insistence that it must stand firm in Doklam. The
Chickens Neck area is the area between Bhutan, China, Nepal and Sikkim in
the north and Bangladesh to the south. At its narrowest, between Bangladesh
dilbert Sacredspace
and Nepal it is 14-17 km wide. Beyond this, it is about 200 km by 60 km in area.
The strategic argument is that China could use Doklam to thrust through the Positive Life
Chumbi Valley to sever northern from northeastern India.
This is an extremely dubious thesis. It is about as credible as arguing that Do you yearn to experience
the Siachen Glacier is vital to the security of Kashmir and northwestern India.
For one thing, Indian forces in the Doklam-Sikkim sector are superior to their positivity in your life?
PLA counterparts, a point that Indian experts never tire of repeating. India cle- You cannot have a positive
arly has the advantage of the heights, numbers, and logistics. If so, a Chinese life with a negative mind.
breakthrough here is highly unlikely.
But assuming that the PLA does get past our defences, a thrust from Doklam So turn all negative thoughts
or from the trijunction of Bhutan, China and India will have to traverse 100-130 into positive ones as
km of Indian territory, with Indian forces all round. Note that the PLA will have
to negotiate winding Indian roads on which there is no place to hide. It cannot
much as you can.
get its men and equipment off the road, and Indian long-range artillery, rockets
and attack aircraft will pick them off in a turkey shoot. Sister BK Shivani
If the PLA gets to flatter land, it will be able to fan out. However, by the time it
does this, Indian forces from both flanks will have

The Conditional And The Constitutional

massed. The Chinese may even be vulnerable in
rebootingindia their rear, with the Indian army harrowing
them from behind. Again, long-range artillery,
rockets, and aircraft will have a field day.
Assuming that nevertheless Chinese forces make it to flatter ground and try B V Vaman Maharaj ned life, these are called conditional. we all accept that a living being is called our hands now and then. It is not eternal.
to consolidate their positions, they will face an enormous logistical problem. Besides these, the living entity who is living when he possesses that conscious Though the desire to be happy, to be in

Their supplies will have to come all the way from Tibet. In military parlance, verything is generally associated fully conscious of his spiritual nature principle, known as Atman. Accepting a bliss is always there.
India will have the interior supply lines which are much shorter while the with two types of activities, the and is engaged in devotional services living being as Atman is accepting the What should we then do, to retain this
Chinese will have the exterior lines going back to the Tibetan plateau. As a conditional and the constitutional. unto Krishna, has activities which are constitutional position of that living hard-earned happiness forever?
result, their logistics will be horribly exposed to Indian interdiction. The PLA Conditional means an activity that is transcendental, performed in his being. In other words, until the atomic According to the Bhagwad Gita, living
forces in the Chickens Neck area will gradually be starved of supplies and will subjected to one or more conditions or constitutional position. soul, energy of the eternally existing, entities are not part of the Supreme, but a
be destroyed or captured. requirements being met. Constitutional In general, we understand blissful, knowledgeable Supreme part of His energy. We, the souls, are the
Another possibility is that the Chinese would try to take and hold this area means an activity relating to someones body as the person and also use Lord, remains in the body, it is servants of Krishna, eternally. In the
with special forces that are parachuted behind Indian lines. Chinese special nature. terms as my body, my mind, identified as a person. By the seventh chapter of the Gita, Krishna
forces have grown and improved in capability over the past decade, but they For example, water is liquid by nature. my intelligence. Nobody says, existence of that principle, I explains that soul is part of his potency.
are not much more than a short-operations force against paramilitary or Hence, liquidity is its constitutional I am body, I am mind... This remains and by the absence of that This means soul is servitor of Super-soul.
insurgent opposition. Their ability to hold ground against regular military activity. However due to excess cold it means that the speaker I is principle, I do not remain; that is By staying in this material world and
forces and expand their operations is extremely limited. becomes ice and freezes others. If heated, somebody different from the my nature (means, I am a soul). forgetting the Super-soul, we suffer from
This then is the commonsense military truth. It is not clear why Indian it changes to vapour and makes others body. Across the globe, if the Soul is eternal, body is not eternal. threefold misery. When this soul serves
analysts, including unnamed or retired military analysts, continue to propagate warm or burns. Both of these are body has conscious principle, it That is my constitutional position. the Lord in his constitutional position, or
the myth that the Chickens Neck is vulnerable, but it does us no good to repeat conditional activities. is considered as a person. When the Whenever we embrace our practises devotion, he remains in
this myth endlessly. Certainly, the PLA knows that a thrust here would be suicidal.
Having said that, there is one circumstance in which the Chickens
Srila Bhakti Vedanta Swami writes
that when a living entity is conditioned,
the same body loses conscious-
ness (or is dead), nobody addres-
speaking conditional state, we move away
from our constitutional state, that
transcendental ecstasy, unaffected by any
threefold miseries. One who attains this
Neck would be vulnerable: all-out war with China. In that case, India would be he has two kinds of activities: one is ses that dead body as a person. tree is, reality. Being soul, we exalted state of devotion is instantly
fighting desperately in many sectors, and it might not be able to defend the conditional and other is constitutional. Without realising the fact, we accept comprise of sat+chid+anand. We have liberated from the cycle of birth and
Chickens Neck sufficiently. If so, the Doklam road would be of little or no As for protecting the body or abiding by the constitutional position of all living inbuilt desire to become happy. Although death. (The writer heads the Sree
relevance since the entire border would be in flames and Indias military the rules of society or state, and many beings, though we tend to accept conditio- striving hard for many years to become Chaitanya Gaudiya Math, Chandigarh).
situation would be perilous across hundreds of kilometres. other activities in connection to conditio- nal position of living being. This means happy, we see happiness slipping from Post your comments at speakingtree.in

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