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TruView Integrator for

Install and Configuration Guide

Version 2014

April 2014

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2 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide

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TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 3

4 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide
Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Product Documentation ..................................................................... 7
Documentation Comments ..................................................................................................................... 7

Welcome to TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO ........................................................................................... 9

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Hardware and Software Recommendations ................................... 11

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Application Server ............................................................................ 11
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Workstation ...................................................................................... 11
Licensing ............................................................................................................................................... 12

Installing TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO on the Server ..................................................................... 13

Install Leica TruView ............................................................................................................................. 13
Install TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO ................................................................................................ 13

Configuring TruView Integrator Site in Server Manager ....................................................................... 15

Configure a new TruView Integrator site .............................................................................................. 15
Delete a site .......................................................................................................................................... 15

Configuring TruView Integrator Web Portal in Server Manager ........................................................... 17

Configure a new TruView Integrator web portal ................................................................................... 17
Delete a web portal ............................................................................................................................... 17

Setting up TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO for SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner
Operators.................................................................................................................................................... 19
Load additional files for SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators (SPO)........................................ 19

Setting up a TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Workstation .................................................................. 21

Using the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO............................................................................................. 23

Working with the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO in SmartPlant Foundation Desktop
Client ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
Load Plant and Users ..................................................................................................................... 23
View Documents in SmartPlant Desktop Client ............................................................................. 24
Find Tags ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Create new hotspotted items .......................................................................................................... 25
Navigating to a new laser scan ...................................................................................................... 26
Working with the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO in Web Portal ........................................................ 26
View the laser scan and the tags in the laser scan ........................................................................ 26

Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Laser scan .DAT files do not load in TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO ................................................ 29
Leica TruView screen is all white .......................................................................................................... 30

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 5


Leica TruView warning on Potential Data Issue ................................................................................... 31

TruView Integrator Schema and the Extended Data Model .................................................................. 33

Extended Data Model ..................................................................................................................... 34

Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 37

6 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide

This document contains information about the installation and configuration of TruView
Integrator for SPE/SPO. This document is intended for system administrators and users who are
installing and setting up TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Product

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO documentation is available with the application as Adobe
PDF files. To view printable guides for TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO, navigate to the Help
directory in the <installation directory>\SmartPlant\TruView Integrator for SPE-SPO\2014
Intergraph gives its customers permission to print as many copies of the delivered PDF files as
they need for their non-commercial use. Do not print the PDF files for resale or redistribution.
Installation and Overviews
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Release Bulletin - Provides information on the TruView
Integrator for SPE/SPO features for the current release.
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Installation and Configuration Guide Provides installation,
set up, and configuration information. It also provides information about possible errors and
Administrative Guide
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Server Manager User's Guide - Provides instructions for
using SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager to configure the TruView Integrator for
SPE/SPO server and the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Web Portal.

Documentation Comments
Send documentation comments or suggestions to
( comments).

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 7


8 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide


Welcome to TruView Integrator for

The TruView Integrator for SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators combines the power of
Intergraph Process, Power & Marines (PP&M) trusted plant asset management software with
Leica Geosystems intuitive TruView software, allowing for easy management of rich and
complex engineering information.
The TruView Integrator for SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators introduces photorealistic
representations of plant assets to workers on the plant floor, enabling plant floor activities to be
carried out safely, quickly and cost effectively. With the TruView Integrator for SmartPlant
Enterprise for Owner Operators, plant workers can access the correct plant data and
documentation much more quickly and easily, whether on the plant floor, in remote locations
without internet connectivity or in the back office.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 9

Welcome to TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO

10 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide


TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO

Hardware and Software
Before beginning the installation of TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO, verify that your servers and
client workstation computers meet the following hardware and software recommendations.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Application Server

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO must be installed on a SmartPlant Foundation application
server, and it has no additional hardware requirements. For more information on SmartPlant
Foundation hardware and software recommendations, see the SmartPlant Foundation
Installation and Setup Guide delivered with the SmartPlant Foundation software.
Supported Operating Systems
The supported operating system recommendations are the same as those recommended for the
SmartPlant Foundation application server.
Software Prerequisites
SmartPlant Foundation 2014 R1
SmartPlant License Manager 2012

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Workstation

The TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO client can be installed in a 32-bit or a 64-bit environment.
Minimum Hardware Recommendations
8 core 2.13 GHz processor
Supported Operating Systems
Windows 7 Professional or Enterprise Service Pack 1 (64-bit)
Software Prerequisites
SmartPlant Foundation 2014 R1
Leica TruView 3.0.2 or later

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 11

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Hardware and Software Recommendations

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO is licensed concurrently with SmartPlant Foundation. When you
install and configure SmartPlant Foundation and its prerequisite software, you must also install
SmartPlant License Manager on the SmartPlant Foundation server.
For more information about licensing for SmartPlant Foundation, see the SmartPlant Foundation
Licensing Guide delivered with SmartPlant Foundation or the SmartPlant License Manager
Installation and User's Guide delivered with SmartPlant License Manager.

12 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide


Installing TruView Integrator for

SPE/SPO on the Server
Before installing TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO server, you must first install and
configure SmartPlant Foundation and its prerequisite software. If you already have SmartPlant
Foundation installed, you only need to install TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO.
For more information on SmartPlant Foundation installation, see the SmartPlant Foundation
Installation and Setup Guide delivered with the SmartPlant Foundation software.

Install Leica TruView

1. From the product installation DVD, if the installation does not start automatically,
double-click TruViewSetup302-108.exe to start the installation.
2. In the Welcome window, click Next.
3. In the License Agreement window, carefully read the licensing agreement. When you are
finished, click Yes to agree to the license agreement and conditions.
4. In the Choose Destination Location window, click Change to select the path on the local
server where the software is to be installed.
5. Click Next.
6. On the Ready to Install the Program window, click Install.
7. Click Finish when the installation is complete.

Install TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO

The installation process checks whether the prerequisite software are installed on
the server. If software prerequisites are not installed, the Prerequisite page will be displayed
with a list of required software.
1. From the product installation DVD, if the installation does not start automatically,
double-click setup.exe.
At this point, the installation process checks whether the required software and
services are installed. If not, a warning is displayed, and you must install the missing
software or services in order to continue.
2. In the Welcome window, click Start Setup.
3. In the License Agreement window, from the Country or Region list, select your country or
4. Carefully read the licensing agreement. When you are finished, select I agree to the
license agreement and conditions, and click Next.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 13

Installing TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO on the Server

5. In the Details and Features window, enter your Serial Number, User Name, and
6. In the Select Features To Install section, select the components you want to install:
You can clear the check boxes for any software that you do not want to install.
However, if this software installation is a modification to a previous installation, do not clear
any selected check boxes unless you want those components to be uninstalled.
All Features - Installs all the items described below.
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Client Components - Installs the TruView Integrator
for SPE/SPO client functionality on the user's local computer.
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Server Components - Installs the TruView Integrator
for SPE/SPO Server.
7. In the Install Path section, enter the path on the local server where the software is to be
8. Click Install.
Required information is marked by a red star. The Install button is not enabled until all
this information is provided.
9. Click Finish when the installation is complete.

14 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide


Configuring TruView Integrator Site in

Server Manager
After you have installed TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO, use SmartPlant Foundation Server
Manager to configure the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO site.
In order to work with SmartPlant Fusion, you must configure the TruView Integrator
site after the creation of a SmartPlant Foundation site with the SmartPlant Fusion database.
SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager is used to configure the following server settings for
your new TruView Integrator site:
Install DLLs
Update configuration XML files on a TruView Integrator site

Configure a new TruView Integrator site

1. Open SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager.
After installing SmartPlant TruView Integrator on the SmartPlant Foundation
application server, the TruView Integrator Sites node appears in the tree view.
2. Select the TruView Integrator Sites node.

3. Click New on the Server Manager toolbar.

You can also select the TruView Integrator Sites node, and click Edit > New, or
right-click the node and click New on the shortcut menu.
4. In the New TruView Integrator Site dialog box, select a site to configure from the list, or
type a new site name, and click Configure.
The site node is added under the TruView Integrator Sites node. All server DLLs
are installed on the site and configuration XML files are updated.

Delete a site
1. Right-click the site you want to delete from TruView Integrator Sites node in the tree view.
2. Select the Delete command from the pop-up menu.
You can also access the Delete command in Server Manager by selecting the site in
the tree view and then clicking Edit > Delete.
3. Click Yes in the confirmation window. The TruView Integrator site is removed from Server
Manager. The SmartPlant Foundation site does not get deleted.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 15

Configuring TruView Integrator Site in Server Manager

16 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide


Configuring TruView Integrator Web

Portal in Server Manager
After you have installed TruView Integrator,use SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager to
configure the settings for the TruView Integrator Web Portal.
After installing TruView Integrator on the SmartPlant Foundation application server, the
TruView Integrator Web Portals node appears in the tree view.

Configure a new TruView Integrator web portal

1. Open SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager.
2. Right-click the TruView Integrator Web Portals node in the tree view.
3. Select the New command from the pop-up menu.
You can also access the New command in Server Manager by selecting the node in
the tree view and then clicking Edit > New.
4. In the New TruView Integrator Web Portal dialog box, select a web portal to configure
from the list.
5. Click Configure.

Delete a web portal

1. Right- click the Web Portal you want to delete from the TruView Integrator Web Portals
2. Select the Delete command from the context menu.
3. In the confirmation window, click Yes to delete the Web Portal.
4. The Web Portal is removed from the TruView Integrator Web Portals node.
When you delete a Web Portal, the underlying directory structure is not deleted.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 17

Configuring TruView Integrator Web Portal in Server Manager

18 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide


Setting up TruView Integrator for

SPE/SPO for SmartPlant Enterprise for
Owner Operators
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO can be installed on an authoring environment like SmartPlant
Fusion or on a published environment like SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators (SPO).
The core schema for TruView Integrator is delivered with SmartPlant Fusion. In order to make
TruView Integrator work with a published environment like SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner
Operators (SPO) a few additional files need to be loaded into the database.

Load additional files for SmartPlant Enterprise for

Owner Operators (SPO)
Use the SmartPlant Foundation Loader to load the additional files that are required for TruView
Integrator for SPE/SPO to work in a published environment.
1. Log on to SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client as an administrator.
2. Click File > Loader to open the Loader dialog box.
3. Browse to the load files in the TruViewIntDataModel folder in the TruView Integrator
installed location. For example, navigate to <Drive>:\Program Files
(x86)\SmartPlant\TruView Integrator for SPE-SPO\2014\TruViewIntDataModel.
4. Select the following files and click Open.
5. Click Process to view the results of the load in the Processed load files list.
6. Click Close.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 19

Setting up TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO for SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner

20 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide


Setting up a TruView Integrator for

SPE/SPO Workstation
If you want to use the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO on your client computer, you must install
the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO software. Before you install TruView Integrator for
SPE/SPO, be sure that you know the Web server host name.
The installation process checks whether the prerequisite software are installed on
the server. If software prerequisites are not installed, the Prerequisite page will be displayed
with a list of required software.
1. From the product installation DVD, if the installation does not start automatically,
double-click setup.exe.
At this point, the installation process checks whether the required software and
services are installed. If not, a warning is displayed, and you must install the missing
software or services in order to continue.
2. In the Welcome window, click Start Setup.
3. In the License Agreement window, from the Country or Region list, select your country or
4. Carefully read the licensing agreement. When you are finished, select I agree to the
license agreement and conditions, and click Next.
5. In the Details and Features window, enter your Serial Number, User Name, and
6. In the Select Features To Install section, select the components you want to install:
You can clear the check boxes for any software that you do not want to install.
However, if this software installation is a modification to a previous installation, do not clear
any selected check boxes unless you want those components to be uninstalled.
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Client Components - Installs the TruView Integrator
for SPE/SPO client functionality on the user's local computer.
7. In the Install Path section, enter the path on the local server where the software is to be
8. Click Install.
Required information is marked by a red star. The Install button is not enabled until all
this information is provided.
9. Click Finish when the installation is complete.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 21

Setting up a TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Workstation

22 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide


Using the TruView Integrator for

The functionality of TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO is accessed in the SmartPlant Desktop
Client and the Web Portal. After installation, you can get started with some sample data.
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO has a sample data directory available in the Installation
directory that contains sample data and allows you to explore your new TruView Integrator for
SPE/SPO installation without having to create everything from scratch.
The instructions in this section assume that you have just installed TruView Integrator for
SPE/SPO and that you have not created your project, organizational items and objects.
If you already have a system set up for you by an Administrator, then do not install the
sample data. When you are ready to set up your own project, you may reinstall or create a new
site without the sample data to start clean.

Working with the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO in

SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client
In order to view and update new laser scans in SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner
Operators (SPO), the Station files need to be manually copied in to the TruView virtual directory
for the plant and then a published document needs to be loaded into SmartPlant Foundation.
During installation a virtual directory gets created, which is used to place the laser scans. For
example, <drive>:\SmartPlant Foundation 2014 Server

Load Plant and Users

Use the SmartPlant Foundation Loader to set up new signatures, load a new plant, and load
some users.
1. Log on to SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client as a superuser.
2. Click File > Loader to open the Loader dialog box.
3. Browse to the load files in the SamplePubData folder in the site virtual directory location.
For example, navigate to <drive>:\SmartPlant Foundation 2014 Server
4. Select the file Z_01_LoadSampleData.xmlldr and click Open.
5. Click Process to view the results of the load in the Processed load files list.
6. Click Close.
7. Set the Query Scope and Create\Update Scope to PlantA.
8. Select the file Z_03_LoadSampleData.xmlldr and click Open.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 23

Using the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO

9. Click Process to view the results of the load in the Processed load files list.
10. Click Close.

View Documents in SmartPlant Desktop Client

1. Open SmartPlant Dashboard.
2. Log in to SmartPlant Dashboard as TruViewIntEditor.
3. Click SmartPlant Foundation Client.
4. Set the Query Scope and Create\Update Scope to PlantA.
5. Click Find > Published Data > Documents.
6. Right-click the Station9 document, and select Send To > New Items from the shortcut
7. In the New Items window, right-click Station9 and select Files > View Laser Scan
Document from the shortcut menu. The View Scan window is displayed with the selected
laser scan.

8. Click the image and drag the mouse to scroll through the image to reach two pumps placed

24 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide

Using the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO

Find Tags
1. Click Find > Published Data > Equipment.
2. On the Find dialog box, type the name of the tag that you want to search.
3. Click OK to find the tags.
The tags 1409-P-221 and 1409-P-222 are displayed in the List view.
4. Right-click the 1409-P-221 tag, and select Send To > New Items from the shortcut menu.
5. Right-click the 1409-P-222 tag, and select Send To > New Items from the shortcut menu.
6. Close the List view.

Create new hotspotted items

1. In the New Items window, select 1409-P-221.
2. Click and drag the tag onto the first pump displayed in the laser scan.

The hotspotted item and the tag name 1409-P-221 is displayed in the View Scan
window. The laser scan registers that one action has been done by displaying 1 Modified
on the bottom of the image.

3. Click on 1409-P-222 and drag the tag onto the second pump displayed in the laser scan.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 25

Using the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO

The hotspotted item and the tag name 1409-P-222 is displayed in the View Scan
window. The laser scan registers that one action has been done by displaying 2 Modified
on the bottom of the image.

4. Click and select Commit. The hotspotted item is saved to the laser scan and the

Navigating to a new laser scan

A yellow triangle is displayed within a laser scan when a neighboring station is available in the
application. Station9 and Station10 are the neighboring laser scan files that are available in the

In the View Scan window, click on the yellow triangle to navigate to the Station10 laser

Working with the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO in

Web Portal
The Web Portal provides view and query functionality of the SmartPlant Foundation client
system through an easy-to-deploy Internet Explorer web browser.

View the laser scan and the tags in the laser scan
In the TruView Integrator Web Portal, we can view the Laser Scan and view the
hotspotted items that we have created in the SmartPlant Desktop Client.
1. Open an internet browser.
2. Type the Web Portal URL in the address bar, and click Go. The Web Portal URL is in the
format http://<webserver>/<WebPortal_virtual directory>/default.aspx.

26 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide

Using the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO

3. Log in to Web Portal as TruViewIntEditor.

4. In the Search web part, select Published Documents and Drawings from the Item type
5. Type Station* in the Name box, and click Search.
6. In the Discover web part, select Station9 from the Search Results list.
If the Navigate option is associated with the selected document, then the Laser Scan
will open in the View Laser Scan web part.
7. In the Review web part, click the Actions tab.
8. Select Show Laser Scan Tags.
The tags 1409-P-221 and 1409-P-222 should be displayed in the Discover web part.
9. In the Discover web part, select 1409-P-221.
10. In the Actions tab, select View Item in Laser Scan.
In the View Laser Scan web part, the laser scan image spans until the selected tag is
centered. The selected tag is highlighted in the laser scan image.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 27

Using the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO

28 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide



Laser scan .DAT files do not load in TruView

Integrator for SPE/SPO
During the creation of the virtual directory in Server Manager, the .dat MIME type should by
default get configured. If the MIME Type does not get added by default, then the Laser Scan
files will not properly load for viewing as shown in the graphics.

1. On the application server, open the Control Panel.
2. Open Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services.
3. In the tree view, select the Default Web Site node, and then double-click MIME Types in
the Features View window.
If the Features View window is not visible, right-click the Default Web Site node in the
tree view and select the Switch to Features View command.
4. If the file extension for files that you want to download and view using the SmartPlant Fusion
client does not appear in the list, click Add in the Actions window.
5. In the Add MIME Type dialog box:

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 29


In the File name extension box, type .dat.

In the MIME type box, type MIME type for the file type.
If you do not know the correct MIME type for a file extension, you can use
application/octet-stream as the default.
6. Click OK to save the new MIME type.

Leica TruView screen is all white

After installation of Leica TruView on a new system for the very first time, you may encounter
issues in viewing the Laser Scan file. A white screen may appear or sometimes a white screen
with only the hotspots may appear as shown in the graphics.

You should close the Laser Scan image and open it again to overcome this problem.

30 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide


Leica TruView warning on Potential Data Issue

After installation of Leica TruView on a new system for the very first time, you may encounter a
warning message on potential data issues as shown below.

1. Click OK on the warning dialog box.
2. Open the Laser Scan file again to overcome this problem.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 31


32 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide


TruView Integrator Schema and the

Extended Data Model
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO is intended to be a standard format for publishing and viewing
Laser Scan files within a SPE/SPO environment. It is an application designed to work with
applications such as SmartPlant Fusion and SmartPlant Operations (SPO). SmartPlant Fusion
is an application that is typically used to handle brown field data and has been implemented to
work within an authoring environment of SmartPlant Foundation. SmartPlant Operations is an
application designed to manage structured data and has been implemented to operate within a
publishing environment. As the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO can be deployed to work with
each product independently or together the same schema is used, but the methods to load and
access the data may vary between the two environments. The schema used with both
environments is as shown below.

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 33

TruView Integrator Schema and the Extended Data Model

Shared Relationships

Extended Data Model

In addition to the schema described above, which is delivered as part of the integrated schema,
there is additional schema required for TruView to operate.

Extended Schema (both Authoring and Publish)

An additional property is added onto the ITruViewVault interface called TruViewExtURL that
should store the URL path to the TruView virtual directory. This is used by the web portal to
locate the TruView data.
An additional relationship definition is required called SPXLSCNVaultHost, which is used to
relate a TruView Vault (ITruViewVault) with a SmartPlant Foundation host (ISPFHost)

34 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide

TruView Integrator Schema and the Extended Data Model

Extended Authoring Schema

An edge definition called TagLaserScan is required that contains the following path definition:
A graph definition called TruViewTagToDocument that expands from the Tag to the current
version is added:

Extended Publish Schema

An edge definition called TagLaserScan is required that contains the following path definition:
ComprisedOf,+SPFDocumentRevisions,+SPFRevisionVersions. This edge definition is used
in the View Item in Laser Scan (DTC) method.
An edge definition called TagLaserScanX is required that contains the following path definition:
epresentation. This edge definition is used in the View Item in Laser Scan (Web) method.
An edge definition called TagLaserScanY is required that contains the following path definition:
This edge definition is used in Expand to the Laser Scans.
A graph definition called TruViewTagToDocument that expands from the Tag to the current
version is added:

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 35

TruView Integrator Schema and the Extended Data Model

36 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide


Configure a new TruView Integrator site Setting up a TruView Integrator for
15 SPE/SPO Workstation 21
Configure a new TruView Integrator web Setting up TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO
portal 17 for SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner
Configuring TruView Integrator Site in Operators 19
Server Manager 15
Configuring TruView Integrator Web Portal T
in Server Manager 17
Create new hotspotted items 25 Troubleshooting 29
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Application
Server 11
D TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Hardware
Delete a site 15 and Software Recommendations 11
Delete a web portal 17 TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO
Workstation 11
F TruView Integrator Schema and the
Extended Data Model 33
Find Tags 25
Using the TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO
Install Leica TruView 13 23
Install TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO 13
Installing TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO
on the Server 13 V
View Documents in SmartPlant Desktop
L Client 24
View the laser scan and the tags in the
Laser scan .DAT files do not load in laser scan 26
TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO 29
Leica TruView screen is all white 30
Leica TruView warning on Potential Data W
Issue 31 Welcome to TruView Integrator for
Licensing 12 SPE/SPO 9
Load additional files for SmartPlant Working with the TruView Integrator for
Enterprise for Owner Operators (SPO) SPE/SPO in SmartPlant Foundation
19 Desktop Client 23
Load Plant and Users 23 Working with the TruView Integrator for
SPE/SPO in Web Portal 26
Navigating to a new laser scan 26

Preface 7

TruView Integrator for SPE/SPO Install and Configuration Guide 37

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