TRB Rejinpaul Question Papets

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CO te 9 | By ip) iu B S 5. 6. Downloaded From PART-A 1 3 a The value of [x4(1 ~ x2)? dris: 3 (A) 31/256 (8) 20/256 (Q 30/265 I Theva of 28 axis: ~ e 2 ’ a (A) Zlog2 ) Flog2 © ie ©) Floss we WU ‘How many permutations of the letters sacha) contain the string ABC 7 / (A) 3! B) 6! a ! @ 3! we, Ke © 2 How many edges are there in a Cong Mi ten vertices each of degree size ? (A) e=30 @) £ (© e=20 () e=10 e Find the cut vertices Mona: graph 8 h a et ®) {bee © fees) ©) {bg} IP addresses are written in (A) Integer Notation (B) Floating Point Notation (C) Summing Notation (D) Dotted Decimal Notation _ : € Cyne Grow With Us 10. aa. 12, 13. Downloaded From provides a method for the general public to access files on the remote sites. (a) TCP (8) Anonymous FIP (© UDP (D) TELNET Which of these generate inelastic network traffic ? (A) e-mail (B) instant messaging a (©) streaming multimedia (D) web documents © ‘Type of ICMP messages used by ping program : c ss (@) 93 ® 08 © 38 ) 9 ‘The most efficient data structure used for implementing ro} a. : (A) Tree (8) Graph (©) Trie # CY © Binary Tre LR parsers are attractive because (™. (a) It can be constructed to recognife CF@xgorresponding to almost all programming ~ (b) It doesnot backtrack. “~ (8) @ only Cie (® only : (© @and (%) 4 (D) neither (a) nor (6) ° load addresses to the various parts of the program and adjusting rogram to reflect the assigned addresses is called : (B) Relocation (D) Symbol resolution The RD lapsed between the job submission and its completion is (A) Response time (8) Waiting time (©) Burst time (D) Tum around time 1S E - (06) 3 D il, rejinpaul.cor Grow With Us Downloaded From 9 14. Ina system that does not support swapping : (A) _ the linker normally binds symbolic addresses to relocatable addresses. (8) the compiler normally binds symbolic addresses to physical address. (C) the loader binds relocatable addresses to physical addresses. a (D) binding of symbolic addresses to physical addresses normally takes"place’during execution. &, 15. Which of the following is not shared by the threads of the same A. (A) Stack (8) Address =~ ° (©) File descriptor table (0) —— Oo» wa 16. DAG fora :=b¥-c+b¥~cis (D) None of the above 17 Apmister descriptor : “wee (A) Keeps track of the usage of a register (B) Keeps track of what is currently in each register (©) Keeps track of the address of each register (D) Keeps track of the location where the current value of the name can be found at runtime D 14 E- (06) 4 : A eejinpaul.cor Downloaded From 18. All information required for a single activation of a procedure are present in : (A) stack (B) tree (©) environment — (D) activation record 19. A computer system has 6 tape drivers, with ‘n’ processes competing for them. Each process may need 3 tape drives. The maximum value of ‘n’ for which the system is guaranteed to/be deadlock free is a (A) 4 ®) 3 42 (D) 1 oO 20. Consider a logical address space of 8 pages of 1024 words mapped into meiory gf 32 frames. The number in bits in the logical address and physical address > e (A) 13 and 15 bits respectively (B) 15 and 13 bits respectit (©) Mand 13 bits respectively (D) 13 and 13 bits ae (\ 21. The optimal solution of the following graph of tra A (y e a “y N CO) (A) 18 one On (D) 25 eo 22, Themost: a for finding the number of connected components in an undirected graph on n ve xd'm edges has time complexity : (A) (0) ad (B) 8m) (C) m+n) (D) @(mn) ae 23. _Bitemy\gearch algorithm can not be applied to : (A) Sorted linked list (B) Sorted binary tree } (©). Sorted linear array (D) Pointer array 4 14 E - (06) 5 D ied Grow With Us ¢ al rejinpaul.cor SS —_————————— Downloaded From 24. Space and time taken to recognize a regular expression using NFA is given by (ris an input string denoted by regular expression 1) : (A) 0, of) (8) ohh, oc) (©) O(elx|2), OU) (D) O()), Ox Ix!) 25, Which is not a representation of intermediate representation ? (A) Syntax tree (B) Postfix notation (©) Three address code (D) Parse tree 26. The format for a receive call for symmetric communication 1 (A) receive (sender, flags, ad(status-area), ad(message-ai (B) receive (fags, adlstatus-area), ad(message a (C)_teceive (receiver id, flags, ad(s mato area)); \( (D) receive (receiver id, message ras 27. If the number of bits in a rail Sy of a program is 16 and the page size is 0.5 k bytes, the number of pages inthe vstygl attress space s (A) 16 C (©) 64 (D) 128 , 28. How many valid Sipsscibe are possible for four transactions ? s-area), flag); (A) 24 © 16 ©4 @) 8 7% ~ 29. Tyo oan T, and T, do conflict each other if : (@).\ T, and T, read the same data item T; reads while T writes the same data item ‘T reads while T, writes the same data item T, and T, write the same data item (a) and (b) (8) (@) and ) (© ©, @and@ (©) @,()and() 14 E - (06) 6 r : am jinpaul.cor 5 Sam ‘With Us Downloaded From 30. Fudge factor is considered to : (A) Avoid deadlock during concurrent execution (B) Avoid starvation during concurrent execution (©) Handle Bucket overflow in hashing (D) Link the Buckets 31. What is the running time of NFA-to-DFA conversion algorithm ? C ) (A) O(n82") (8) O(n) © Of) es 32. Consider a Grammar G with n productions, none of them are € ae and G is converted to CNF then the Grammar has : mN (A) Exactly O(n?) productions (B) Atle a (©) Atmost O(n’) productions (D) Exact ") productions e 33. The time taken by the one tape TM Siyiate “n” moves of the K-tape TM Mis: (A) O(aK) (8) =) © om @) o«) . am 34. Which of the following is a 2 (A) The sme | is fot Recursively Enumerable (®) The tengo sh is Recursive (©) Thellanguage SA is not Recursive (D) _, The Yanguage NSA is not Recursive Arn, Sa CeNedrilietioeting binary sutmberits Heseeetmalimnie : 0.01111110 (A) 06F (8) 0FC (© FC (D). 0.7E 14 E - (06) a Grow With Us rr eo Downloaded From 36. Equivalent relational algebra expression for the SQL Query ‘Select Ay, Ay, Sum(As) from ty ty where P group by Ay Ay is: (A) Ap Ay Ag (Ay An(P( 2) (B) Ay Ay sum(A,) (Ay, Ap(oP(r, X42) (©) Ay Ap Ay As(Pl X22) (D) Ay Az (Ag (Py X12) 37. Average access time fora file of b Blocks is b/2 when, : (a) _ File is unordered and linear search is performed . (b) File is ordered and linear search is performed i, ° (©) _ File is ordered and binary search is performed ~y (A) @) and (&) (8) (@) and () as ) (D)_ (a), (b) and (©) 6 Vv 38. RED stands for Mm (A) Random End Detection / q) End Detection (©) Read End Delay or Random Early Detection 39. FIP uses for, ection. ‘ (A) Port 21 « oe 32 (©) Port 40 (D) Port 42 40. Which of these, is nét a igs 2 7) su? ~~) IMAP (POPS (D) MIME 41. a spt of the following gates are 14 S=p>- ED= (A) Gye, +42)’ ®) @'+y) Y'+2) G+) @' ty) © G'y'z) @ ty 42) (D) xyz (+y'+2) @'+y) E- (06) 8 > am jinpaul.cor Grow With Us —_—_—_—_——— Downloaded From 42, After deriving minimal product. of _~— sum —_ expression —_for f(wayz) =m +m, +m-+my-+mg +my +m) + m3 a aD) + 9) ® (+242) ©) (w +x) (y+ 2) ©) (w+ 2) (v2) 43. A technique where DMA controller is given complete access to main memory Y (A) Cycle stealing (B) Memory stealing y ( CPU gee (Dy Bareertode Go 44. keeps few discarded blocks available, when the fickle Warf®cache wants a word that is recently discarded. (A) Cache coherance (B) Victim cache (©) Simple cache (D) Cache pot 45. In case of zero address instruction the operands in: (A) Registers (B) _ACCRmgulatsrs (©) Push down stack to, e 2 46. Ina circular queue, the state of qui ir it satisfies the condition : A (A) Front=(rear mod length) ) Front=(length mod rear) (© Front=(length mod ref+1 (D)_ Front=(rear mod length) #1 \ e 47, For balanced searchatreek the average time efficiency for searching, insertion and deletion is: ke @) 9a) 4 “® o@ © A(log n) (D) a(n tog n) ~~, 48. Cross edge is # (ayS¢kidge in a DFS tree (ByrNon-tree edge from a vertex ut to a proper ancestor of u in a DFS tree (©) Nom-tree edge from a vertex u to a proper descendant of u in a DFS tree (D) Non-tree edge that connects vertices in two different DFS trees 14 E - (06) 9 “ pyri. .cor Grow With Us Was 49. 50. 51. 52. 53, 54. 55. in Downloaded From Which method of traversal does not use stack to hold nodes that are waiting to be processed ? (A) Depth First (B)_D-search (©) Breadth Fist (D) Back tracking ‘Arithmetic expression with unbalanced parenthesis represents error. (A) Lexical (8) Syntactic (Q). Semantic (D) Logical = 9 S The subtraction of (uy a2 )is equal to : (A) (10011.010110), (8) (100011.1111 (© 210110.11001), (P) (110010.0011}, ¢ Logic X-OR operation of (4ACO),, and (B53F)y, reghilts yy, (a) 1a (8) OFFF yr (D) FFFF / Which is the fastest storage unit fh a ae, hierarchy ? 7 * (A) Cache N\@) Main memory (©) Hard disk memory /“> > (D) Register / e A Red Black tree is hag P (A) B tree e (B) AVL tree (© Binskgree™ (D) Binary search tree aa of an external variable is : (A) Whole source file in which itis defined (8) From the point of declaration to the end of the file in which itis defined (©) Any source file in a program (D) From the point of declaration to the end of the file being compiled 14 E- (06) 10 D as rejinpaul.cor Grow With Us Downloaded From 56. Simplify the following boolean expression to a minimum number of literals : xy + xyz! +ay2' +xzy (A) xytyz 8) ¥ KE) XY (D) x 57. To construct a 161 multiplexer, how many 8X1 multiplexers and 2x1 multiplexers arg needed respectively : ‘ee (A) 21 ®) 8&2 © 28 (D) 4,2 oO ‘S 58. A combinational logic circuit that selects binary information from one of oa pre lines land directs it to a single output line, This circuit is called. oe (A) Decoder (B) De multiplexer (C) Multiplexer ae 59. The equivalent decimal number for the binary number (0. 01} (A) 0.203125 (B) 0.206875 oO 0.20655, (D) 0.208125 60. The address mapping done, when the progi mS ded is called : (A) Dynamic relocation © ~ ° (8) Memory Allocation Yy (C)_ Dynamic as well as static CT ° . (D) Static relocation £ 61. How many temporary Variabls can be generated by the following expression to preserve the intermediate results three address code ? a=(b+c)* ests (A) 3 Armed, (B) 2 @ 5 (D) 4 Ane A 62. Théinterdependencies among the inherited and synthesized attributes at the nodes in a “parse be can be depicted by a direct Graph called: (A) Cyclic Graph (8) Acyclic Graph (©) Independency Graph (D) Dependency Graph 14 E - (06) 11 D | Qu 63. 64, 65. 66. 67. “68, Consider a weighted complete graph G on the vertex set {V1 V2, . Downloaded From Ata particular time, the value of a counting semaphore is 10. It will become 7 after (A) 3 signal operations (B) 3 wait operations (©) Ssignal and 2 wait operations (D) 13 wait and 10 signal operations Which of the following is true ? a (A) Accepting states of the NFA are those sets that include at least one acceftting state of the DFA. (B) Accepting states of the DFA are those sets that include at least one! oa state of the NFA. (©) Accepting states of both NEA and DFA sets are equivalent, bufwomfetimes may vary. (D) Accepting states of both NFA and DFA sets are equivalligt al@ays. IF L, and Ly are context free languages and R is a.zegtilar language, then which one is incorrect ? ¢ (A) LyUL, and L,AR are CFLs 7 A (B) Ly ALy is not CPL and LR is CFL (© (fCT) is not CFL and wenrakcr (D) Ly-RisnotCrL = ® %. \, _ : What is the minimum lea nodes in a complete binary tree of height K ? (A) 2K-1 Aqp) 2K-141 (© 2K-1 (D) 2K The fia gs} are non-negative functions. The function f(n) = 8(g(n)) iff there exist positive, ts Cy, Cy & mg such that for all n, n>N9. A), esinstesscree (B) Co*g(n)!=f(n) = C,*8(n) om Sx (a) > f(a) = Cy*g(n) @) Cgia)sfin)=Cy*8(n) Vp} such that the weight of the edge (V, Vj) is 2|i— j|. The weight of a minimum spanning tree of G is: (A) 2n-2 () n-1 © n/2 () 14 E- (06) 2 D : as rejinpaul.cor «Grow With Us Downloaded From 69. The recurrence equation TA)=1 T(n)=2T(n-1) +n, n>2 evaluate to fs (A) 28*+1-n-1 (B) =n (© 28+1-2n-2 () ain 70. A grammar that produces more than one leftmost or more than one right most, “> for the same sentence is called : (A) LL@) grammar (8) Operator grammar (Q. Ambiguous grammar (D) LR grammar ae e 71. Which of the following is not a multiple issue processor % »~ (A) Statically scheduled superscalar processor (8) VLIW processors (CQ) Dynamically scheduled eee P (D) Systolic Array Processor 72. The dirty bit is e (A) Set to 1 when a read oj urs (®) Stto 1 when a write opalption occurs (© Settoo sehen gre optration occurs (D) Set too wig eh operation occurs 73. The minisiaga time required to execute N instructions for a superpipelined machine of degree nwithK stages in the pipeline is : 1 martes base cycles (B) K+ 7 (N-1) base cycles (©) K+ gay base cycles (D) Kn+(N=1) base cycles 14 E- (06) 13 | Own Grow With Us

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