Element 1 1

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Standard 1.

0 1a School Vision - Collaboratively develop and implement a shared vision and


Element 1.1

Artifact 1.1.1

8/5/17 (3 Hours)

The vision statement for the students at Washington County Public Schools is Building a
community that inspires curiosity, creativity and achievement. Having this vision statement
leads nicely into the master schedule creation because the teachers on the School Improvement
Team (SIT) ensures that all the stakeholders are taken into consideration when creating the
school master schedule.

The SIT team looks at the building as a whole, as a grade level, and at the age of the
students. This scheduling team will ensure that younger students have more frequent breaks
throughout the day. For instance, they will have ENCORE in the morning, the earlier lunch
shift, and recess shortly after. The older students will have a larger block of time for instruction
before it is interrupted by other activities. To help the ENCORE teachers the scheduling team
makes sure that the primary grades have the ENCORE block in the morning and the intermediate
grades will have ENCORE in the afternoon. This especially helps the Physical Education
teachers get materials ready for each age group.

I believe that the vision statement is simple and an easy way to ensure that the SIT team
or anyone looking at the Improvement Plan can see that Maugansville cares for the students and
the community that it teaches. The building is always coming up with creative ways to deepen
the achievement of the students. If the staff sees that something isnt working then changes will
be made to the master schedule. In 2015, we tried having all STEM teachers and all ELA
teachers have similar planning blocks so the content teams could do more collaborate and
vertical planning with different grade levels. However, we quickly found that it would be more
beneficial to the students to have planning time with the entire grade level instead of with the
content area. The Common Core doesnt scaffold the curriculum, especially in math, so changes
were made to the schedule. Once the changes were made it allowed the grade levels to meet and
discuss and allowed integration into the grade level curriculum.

There is a congruence between the school vision, mission, and goals. Because the goals
at Washington County Public Schools;

1. All students will read at or above grade level by 3rd grade and continue to
read at or above grade level thereafter.
2. All students will meet or exceed grade-level and course-specific curriculum
3. All students will be healthy, informed, and productive citizens.

In order for students to read at or above grade level there will need to be meaningful
instruction and time for teachers to plan integrated lessons. The intermediate students would
need larger chunks of time to work collaboratively on projects while the primary students would
need breaks to help them be productive citizens.


Looking at the School Improvement Plan allowed me to better understand what the
teachers do when scheduling grade level blocks of time. At the end of every year, there is a
scheduling meeting for any teacher to contribute ideas and thoughts about how the schedule is or
isnt working. This is a very vital thing for the school to do. It allows the staff to feel valued and
permitted to share ideas on how to make the schedule better for next year.

Something that I think is challenging is that every year the schedule changes. I do
believe it is important to fluctuate and be equitable to all grade levels but it is challenging when a
grade level gets in the grove and has a schedule that works and then the following year it
changes. A grade level team then spends much of the first teacher week trying to figure out how
to make the new schedule beneficial and fair for the entire team. It becomes monotonous to try
to divide up the time and transition students from class to class. This is why I feel that if the
school believes that a schedule is working than it should remain the same year after year.

Standard 1.0 1a School Vision - Collaboratively develop and implement a shared vision and

Element 1.1

Artifact 1.1.2

MVE Improvement Plan

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