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Lesson Plan Form

Jessica Griffith

Learning Area/theme: Music

Grade: Kindergarten

My Family Plays Music By: Judy Cox
Juice/Vegetables cans (enough per child)
Paper (cut so it fits around the can and also over the top)

Objectives of lesson:
Culture: 11B
Government: 9A
Art: 2

Introduction(focusing event):
Read the book My Family Plays Music. And discuss where each musical instrument is from.
But really have the children focus on the maracas since that will be the instrument they will
be making in their activity.

Development (modeling, demonstration ,explanation):

The children should also be able to name one to two other instruments besides the maracas.

Practice (guided, monitored activity):

During their activity, each child gets a piece of paper to decorate to put on their can. Once done decorating them
each get a handful of beans to put inside their can. Help the children tape the paper for the top on to it. After
everyone is done have they class come all together as one and come up with different beats/rhythms.

Independent Practice (give feedback):

After being able to do different beats/rhythms as a class the students partner up and make different
beats/rhythms with one another.

Reflection: What worked and what will you change for the next time?
(to be completed after the lesson is taught)
Making sure that the children are able to name one to two other instruments besides the maracas. If not we will
look back over the book together as a class naming the instruments.

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