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U ndergraduate Practicum Manual

I. Objectives of the Marketing Practicum Program

General Objectives

The practicum program is the culmination of the marketing academic curriculum. It

prepares graduating students for their first job by providing them meaningful corporate exposure.
It aims to synthesize all the marketing theories students have learned in the classroom. It also
aims to make students part of marketing-oriented firms as regular employees or trainees.

The practicum will help develop students skills and attitudes in the workplace. It will
make them more confident and will aid them overcome the fears that usually come with the first

The practicum likewise aims to instil corporate values such as dignity of labour,
adherence to rules and regulations, humility and desire to be of service to others and to our

Specific Objectives

1. To give students a meaningful exposure in marketing-oriented firms for a minimum of

200 hours.
2. To give students the chance to contribute to the participating companies by writing either
a marketing plan, service plan, retail plan or research paper based on the companys
3. To allow the students to defend their paper in front of a panel composed of professors and
industry practitioner(s).

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II. Requirements and Responsibilities

The responsibilities are as follows:

A. The Practicum Students

The practicum students are formed into groups with Marketing students (3-4) members
only. Each group applies to a marketing-oriented company and work together on the required

The following conditions must be met by the student in order to take the practicum:

1. S/he must have finished all the required Marketing/Advertising subjects (all subjects
with and MKT or and ADV on the course code) and other academic requirements. In
exceptional cases, the student may be allowed to take practicum, even if they still have
some academic subjects left, as long as they only have one term left after the practicum;
2. For MMG students, s/he can only enrol 3 units in a single term and with no other subjects
with it.
3. S/he must be willing to be treated like trainee-employees subject to the policies and
regulations of the participating company; for the length of 200 hours.
4. S/he must be willing to work without compensation;

The following are the other responsibilities of the student:

5. S/he must write either a research paper, marketing plan, service plan, advocacy, retail
plan or advertising campaign (IMC) of thesis quality with his/her group mates;
6. S/he must defend the paper before a panel made of two (2) faculty members, one (1)
company representative or industry practitioner;
7. S/he must observe strictly the schedules for the submission of requirements and the oral
8. S/he must revise the paper if needed and submit on the designated date;
9. S/he must obtain from his/her parents or guardian a written waiver; and observe the no
waiver, no OJT policy.
10. S/he must attend all the general assemblies and comply with all the other policies of the
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B. The Company Supervisor

The company supervisor is the direct superior of the practicum students. His/her duties
are as follows:

1. S/he should supervise the students and make sure that assigned tasks are
performed properly by the students;
2. S/he should provide feedback to trainees regarding their performance;
3. S/he should accomplish the evaluation form and hand them over to the adviser
through the students;
4. S/he should be willing to be a panelist during the oral defense and should confer a
just grade for the group based on the criteria; and
5. S/he should notify the students or the Practicum Coordinator if he/she cannot
attend the defense, so a substitute can be arranged.

Requirements and Responsibilities of the Students for Practicum Partner Acceptance

1. To check if the company is eligible to be part of the Practicum Program

2. All of the group members are accepted by the company.

3. It is assumed that the students take full responsibility in explaining to the Practicum
Partner/Company the deliverables of the Thesis Program
4. S/he must confirm that s/he finished all the required Advertising or Marketing Majors
5. S/he must confirm that s/he is only enrolled in thesis.
6. Submit the requirements required by the department through the thesis coordinator.
7. S/he will only start Practicum Hours upon completion of University and Department
8. S/he will only start Practicum Hours at the start of the Term enrolled for thesis.

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Requirements and Responsibilities of the Students for Defense Day

1. The defending group of students must observe the strict adherence to the Thesis
Defense Schedule.
2. It is assumed that the students take full responsibility for the attendance of their
company representative on the day of the Defense (secure entry permits).
3. The students shall be provided with the necessary audio-visual equipment by the
IMS. Student/s reserves equipment through IMS.
4. After successfully completing the defense, the students must be informed of their
defense grade which shall be announced by the Panel chair.
5. The students are expected to communicate with the panel chair regarding the
necessary corrections, must secure the signatures of panel chair upon approval.
6. In cases(s) of a nomination for Best Thesis, the students must be informed that it is
still subject for further screening and evaluation.
7. Defending the paper on another date (Early defense) will be allowed only in highly
meritorious cases. The defense of the papers can only be done inside the campus and
in the designated rooms and not outside the campus. Approved requests are scheduled
on a Thursday or Friday before original scheduled defense.
8. Request for Early Defense must be accompanied by:
a. Formal request from Company representative 2 weeks before Final Defense
b. Three spiral copies of paper for Final Defense
9. Students who are working on papers, which are highly confidential, should notify the
practicum coordinator and the adviser to ensure that the proper guidelines are
followed. Coordinator, Adviser and panelists must be willing to sign Non-disclosure
Agreement provided by Practicum Partner.
10. Students who are not able to find a company on the last day of dropping a subject will
be considered dropped in the practicum.
11. Once the Defense Grading Sheet has been signed, graded and accomplished by the
assigned panel, the grade is official.

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12. Should the group be assigned to conduct a survey for their venue and there is an
existing research/survey/study done by the company, the group is still required to
execute and conduct their own primary research for thesis.
13. Only the mentor is empowered to defer any member of the group.
14. Should there be any conflicts and disagreements among members, the mentor shall
decide informing the practicum coordinator the status of the group.
15. It is the students responsibility to be updated with any announcements posted in the
Bulletin/Information groups.
16. The schedule of the defense shall be uploaded in the Bulletin/Information groups
Three (4) days before the defense day or earlier if possible.
III. Guidelines for the Oral and Written Presentation

A. Written Report
1. The written report should discuss clearly all the assigned essential points to be covered as
specified by the format. (Refer to Appendix C for all the formats).
2. Specific examples/situations/anecdotes should be presented if necessary to highlight
certain points.
3. Charts/exhibits/graphs/tables should be used to help explain or make important points
concrete. Furthermore, these charts, etc. should be referred to in the text and highlights
of these should be pointed out.
4. If available additional sources of information such as brochures, forms, newsclippings,
etc. should be appended to the report.
5. The title page should contain the following:

Title of the Paper

Members of the group
6. Names of respondents (for interviews only not survey), designation and company should
be appended. For research paper, the completed survey forms should be kept by the group
and be presented upon the request of the panelists.

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7. Every page should be numbered and every exhibit/table/chart should be properly

identified with a title and number. Use double space and font should be size 12.
8. Writing style should be formal and business-like. Avoid the use of contractions such as
isnt, dont etc. Do not use taglish. Edit the text closely to make sure that the grammar
is flawless.
9. For papers with industry studies, this should be separate from the actual strategy part. The
appendices used in the industry study should be included in the industry part and the
appendices for the strategies with strategy part.
10. The final paper (excluding appendices) should not exceed 100 pages. The group can use
any type of paper (Company stationery, Product stationery etc.).
B. Oral Presentation (Defense)
1. The presentation must be a formal business presentation and should be conducted in
English unless the paper is written in Filipino. Minimum required medium of
presentation is the PowerPoint. The group can use other audio-visual methods.
2. Each group is given 1 hour and 30 minutes for the entire presentation. This includes the
15 minutes Set-up time
30 minutes Group presentation
40 minutes Question and Answer/Open forum
05 minutes Deliberation
3. The marketing presentation should follow the following format:
a. Product/Service Marketing Plan
i. The Industry
ii. The Company SWOT Matrix
iii. Objectives
iv. Strategies
v. Financial Plan
b. Research Paper
i. The Company
ii. Statement of the Problems/Objectives of the Study
iii. Methodology

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iv. Presentation of Results

v. Recommendations
c. Retail Plan
i. Trade Area Analysis
ii. Mall Assessment and Self-Assessment
iii. Overall Retail Plan
iv. Administrative/Management Plan
v. Financial Plan
4. Before the presentation begins, the group is informed of the chair of the panel. Students
should introduce their company representatives to the faculty members. The grade of the
group is given during the defense.
5. The decision of the panelists is final. The criterion for grading is on Appendix E. The
adviser may observe but is not allowed to participate in any form whatsoever. Copies of
the paper should be returned to the group after the defense.
6. Each student is required a minimum fee of P50.00 for the food of the panelists. This
amount is paid at the accounting office during the practicum term.

IV. Guidelines for Submission (Spiral Copies)

1. Submit three (3) copies of the following (depending on your paper):

a. For Product or Service Marketing Papers:
i. Ring-bound Industry Study and Strategy part
b. For Research Paper
i. Ring-bound Research Paper
c. For Retail Plan
i. Ring-bound Retail Paper
2. All papers must be limited to 99 pages, excluding Front page, Acknowledgements and
Table of Contents.
3. Appendices must only be 1/3 of the body of the paper, maximum 33 pages. Ring bound
with the body of the paper
4. All papers (3 copies, ring-bound) must be submitted and received by the marketing
department secretary and/or practicum coordinator on or before 3:00pm (1500hrs) of the
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scheduled deadline. Should the secretary or the coordinator be unavailable, any faculty
(except the adviser) can receive the paper. It is assumed that the proper documents are
inserted and note that the reference time is the red clock.
5. Together with the copies to be submitted to the department, the group should present the
acknowledgement receipt (refer to Appendix D) signifying that the company has also
received a copy of the paper.
6. If a group fails to submit at 3pm but is able to submit all copies including
acknowledgement receipt, before 5pm they shall be considered late and be given a
highest grade of 89 for the oral presentation. This group cannot compete for best thesis
and shall be marked Yellow.
7. For papers submitted after 5pm, the practicum coordinator and Department chair will
decide based on the merits of the case. The sanctions may include allowing the group to
defend, giving a cap to the grade (e.g. 1.0 as highest), defer the group or give a failing
grade and shall be marked Orange.
8. After 5pm but before 7pm deferred and shall be marked Red.
9. Each group member should submit the Evaluation Form filled up by his or her respective
supervisor upon finishing the required 200 hours or on or before the deadline for the
hardbound copy. This Evaluation Form is given to the adviser. (Appendix H)
10. Submitted spiral copies will be attached with the corresponding format (i.e.
Marketing/Service/Research Plan/PR Plan/Advertising Campaign Plan) for reference
during defense.

V. Guidelines for the Best Thesis

1. There are two categories for Best Thesis. Best Marketing Plan for a Product, Service or
Retail Firm and Best Research Paper.
2. Only groups with a minimum grade of 90% and a minimum average of which will be
qualified in the Best Thesis category. There should be a consensus among the panelists to
nominate the group for the Best Thesis category.
3. It is not automatic that if there is only one group competing in a category, they will
immediately be awarded.

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4. Once nominated, the group should revise the paper and submit a revised spiral copy for
another round of evaluation with another group of panelists. The groups will no longer
under go another oral defense. Only the paper will be used for evaluation.
5. The panelists for the Best Thesis category come from the Marketing department as well
as other departments from the College of Business and Economics. The practicum
coordinator makes sure that the panelists did not participate during the oral defense of
any competing groups.
6. The criterion for evaluation for Best Thesis is seen on Exhibit E.
7. The practicum coordinator informs the department chair of the grades of the different
groups and the winners for the different categories.
8. The winners will be announced by the Department and will be awarded medals during the
meeting with the Deans. Winning groups should be present during this awarding.

VI. Guidelines for the Revisions and the Final Electronic/PDF copy/ies

1. Type the Certificate of Acceptance (found on Appendix F) and include this as the top
page for submitting the revised copy.
2. Revisions are presented to the chair of the panel on the Wednesday after the defense.
Revisions should be printed on bond paper, inserted on the pages of the ring bind
copy where corrections are necessary. The chair of the panel should agree with the
revisions and sign the Certificate of Acceptance. If the revisions are still
unacceptable, they have to schedule another meeting with the chair of the panel
regarding the submission of the revisions. However, they should still be able to meet
the deadline for the hardbound copy/ies.
3. Once the chair of the panel has signed the Certificate of Acceptance, the other
member s of the panel can be asked to sign including the adviser and the coordinator.
4. As long as the chair of the panel has signed, the group can proceed to have the thesis
converted to an electronic PDF copy.
5. The electronic PDF copy shall be divided to two (2) parts.
Part 1 shall start with the scanned approval sheet followed by the title-cover
Part 2 shall start with the goals and objectives until the end.
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6. The electronic PDF copy shall have the title-cover page as the CD cover.
7. The department secretary or the Practicum coordinator should receive the hardbound
copy/ies before 5p.m. If a group competing for best thesis doesnt meet this deadline,
the group is automatically disqualified.

VII. Guidelines for Major Revisions, Re-Defense and Deferment

1. Type the Certificate of Acceptance and include this as the top page for submitting the
revised copy.
2. Major revisions are presented to the chair of the panel on the Friday after the defense.
Revisions should be printed on bond paper, inserted on the pages of the ring bind
copy where corrections are necessary. The chair of the panel should agree with the
revisions and sign the Certificate of Acceptance. If the revisions are still
unacceptable, they have to schedule another meeting with the chair of the panel
regarding the submission of the revisions.
3. The hardbound copy/ies should be submitted on the next Friday following the same
color and format as discussed in the earlier part.
4. For those who need to re-defend their papers, the coordinator will set the schedule of
defense as well as the deadlines on revision and submission of the hardbound copy.
Failure to adhere and comply with the schedules automatically means a grade of 0.0
for the group.
5. For those who are deferred, the coordinator will likewise set the new schedules for
submission, defense and final copy/ies during the next term.

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Sample Application Cover Letter



Dear Mr. Last Name,

In line with the course requirements of the Practicum Program of the Marketing Management
Department of De La Salle University, we would like to have your company as our host.

The practicum program has the following objectives:

To have the opportunity to be exposed to the actual marketing environment, apply marketing
knowledge gained in school thru 200 hours of "marketing work;

To have the opportunity to contribute to the company/industry through a written output (a

marketing plan, a service plan, a retail plan, or a research paper) that is original, innovative and

To present and defend the thesis in the presence of Marketing Management professors and a
company representative.

Please find attached our resumes for your review. Should you have any clarification, please do
not hesitate to contact our team beadle or any of the signatories. We look forward to your favorable

Thank you.

Yours in St. La Salle,

Students names with contact numbers

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Thank You Letter for the Companies that you have not chosen
Letter of Decline



Dear Sir:

Thank you for considering our group to have our practicum with your company.

After careful evaluation of our objectives and alternatives, we have decided not to pursue our
application for practicum with your company.

Thank you.

Yours in St. La Salle,

Students names with contact numbers

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Appendix C Checklist before Thesis Acceptance

Please enclose in brown envelope and submit to Thesis Coordinator.

Place your names and Company on the upper right hand corner of the Brown Envelope.


Full Name
Practicum Coordinator
De La Salle University

We wish to seek your approval for the company we have been accepted to. Please find attached
documents placed inside a brown envelope:

C.1 Acceptance Letter from the Company

C.2 Approval Sheet For Marketing Practicum
C.3 Parents Certification of Permission/Waiver (from each group member)
C.4 Student Information Sheet (from each group member)
C.5 Photocopy of EAF with student handwritten certification and signature (each member)
C.6 Signed MOA

We also confirm that we have fulfilled the following: (Yes/No)

a) The company knows what the requirements of the thesis is/are? _____
b) Is the company part of the list not eligible for thesis? _____
c) All of our group members are accepted in the company? _____
d) We are not enrolled in any other subject except Thesis for Advertising/Marketing _____
e) All of us have finished the REQUIRED Major Marketing and Advertising courses _____

*Any falsification of information above is considered a Major Offense - academic dishonesty

as set forth in Sec. 4.17 of the DLSU Student Manual and will invalidate our Practicum
hours and Thesis Paper.

List below group members: (In Alphabetical Order)

Thank you.

Yours in St. La Salle,

Students names with contact numbers

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Appendix C.1 Sample Company Acceptance Letter


Full Name
Practicum Coordinator
De La Salle University

Practicum Coordinator,

This is to confirm our companys acceptance of the practicum group composed of the following
members for the (trimester) Academic Year ____:
A. (indicate your names)

This also signifies that the practicum group has clearly explained the objectives, mechanisms and
policies of the practicum program.

For your information.

Thank you.

Very truly yours,

(Company Representative)

Name with signature

Contact No.

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Appendix C.2

I. BASIC INFORMATION: ___Trimester, ______SY

Members: (Alphabetical order)
Name Address Tel no./Cell#
1. ___________________ ________________ ________________
2. ___________________ ________________ ________________
3. ___________________ ________________ ________________
4. ___________________ ________________ ________________
5. ___________________ ________________ ________________

Faculty Adviser: ______________________________________________

Company Name: ______________________________________________
Company Address: ______________________________________________
Telephone Number: ______________________________________________
Contact Person /Designation: __________________________________
Work Period: __________________________________________________



Practicum Coordinator Department Chairman

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Appendix C.3 - Sample waiver form

Parents Certification of Permission/Waiver

This is to certify that I am allowing my son/daughter to start the practicum for the period
_________ with (Company name and address).

It is understood that he/she will abide by the rules and regulations that may be imposed by the
facilitators/staff-in-charge for the welfare and safety of the group.

I fully agree to waive any responsibility on the part of De La Salle University, the sponsoring
organization/ group and/or the facilitators/staff-in-charge in case of any untoward incident that may
happen to my son/daughter during the duration of the activity.

Sign over Printed Name of Student

Sign over Printed Name of Parent/Guardian

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Appendix C.4
Student Information Sheet
Marketing Management Department
NAME: ____________________________________________________ NICKNAME: __________________________
STUDENT NO.: ___________________ TEL. NO.: _________________ CIVIL STATUS: _______________________
PRESENT ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________
LIVING WITH (RELATION): ___________________________ NAME: _______________________________________
PROVINCIAL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________
NAME ____________________________________ _______________________________
OCCUPATION ____________________________________ _______________________________
NAME OF COMPANY ____________________________________ _______________________________
HIGHEST DEGREE EARNED ____________________________________ _______________________________
ELEMENTARY: ___________________________________________________________________________________
HIGH SCHOOL: ___________________________________________________________________________________





WHAT I EXPECT FROM THIS COURSE: (Additional information at the back)


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/a:practicum file/form-e.doc/bambi/june 4, 1998

Appendix C.5 Sample EAF with Signature and confirmation


Updated EAF as of Month XX, 20XX

Appendix C.6 MOA from University Legal Office

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Appendix D
Cover letter/Cheklist and Spiral Thesis Submission


Practicum Coordinator
De La Salle University

As part of our requirements for the (AMG/MMG course) of De La Salle University. We wish to submit
the following to the Marketing Management Department:

D.1 Endorsement Letter Signed by your assigned University Adviser.

D.2 Acknowledgement receipt signed by your company representative.
D.3 Filled up Typewritten Approval Sheet (Signed by adviser).
D.4 Defense Evaluation / Practicum Paper Evaluation Guide 4 copies (Available at the
department cubby holes)

Items to be submitted with the items above, no need to place in brown envelope.
D.5 Accomplished Evaluation forms by company representatives (sealed and signed in placed in
an envelope to be forwarded to your University Adviser).
D.6 Spiral Thesis (2 copies for the Marketing Department + 1 Copy for Company Rep)
D.7 Formal letter of request for early Defense (Only if requesting for early defense)

Please enclose D.1, D.2, D.3, D.4 in a brown envelope

We also confirm that we have fulfilled the following: (Yes/No)

All of us have finished the REQUIRED Major Marketing and Advertising courses _____

*Any falsification of information above is considered a Major Offense - academic dishonesty

as set forth in Sec. 4.17 of the DLSU Student Manual and will invalidate our Practicum
hours and Thesis Paper.

List below group members: (In Alphabetical Order)

Thank you.

Yours in St. La Salle,

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Students names with contact numbers

Appendix D.1
Endorsement letter from Thesis Adviser

This is to Endorse the paper

entitled _____________

Submitted by: (names of the students)

Signed: (Thesis Adviser)

Date signed: ________

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Appendix D.2
Acknowledgement Receipt

This is to acknowledge receipt of the paper

entitled _____________

Submitted by: (names of the students)

Signed: (company representative)

Date received: ________

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Appendix D.3
Approval Sheet

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D.4 SAMPLE Defense Evaluation / Practicum Paper Evaluation Guide

Available at the department cubby holes
I. The presentation 20 pts
a. Professionalism
i. Coherence and consistency
ii. Handled questions well/graciously
iii. Good time management
b. Creativity (used appropriate visuals)
II. The written report 15 pts
a. Form and style
i. Adhere to prescribed format
ii. Appropriateness of font, number of pages and spacing
iii. Grammar and structure
iv. Organization and completeness
III. The content
a. On-Strategy
i. Appropriateness of objectives stated 10pts
ii. Consistency of strategies and recommendations with set objectives 20pts
iii. Industry, Corporate, Competitor, Situation 10pts
1. Attribution of resources primary and secondary, exhibited through
graphs, charts, grids and text
2. Supported with facts and figures
3. Interpretation of gathered facts and figures (indication of ability to think
analytically and critically)
iv. Research component 5pts
IV. Usefulness of paper 20pts
a. To the academic community
i. Adds new knowledge on the subject matter
ii. Reinforces current theories on the subject matter
b. To the industry
i. Ideas generated deemed applicable
ii. Timeless
iii. Addresses certain current industry/corporate issues/proble

Total score 100 points

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D.5 Evaluation form


Your evaluation is expected to guide the faculty adviser in determining a fair grade to be given to the
practicum student assigned to your company. Your evaluation is also intended to make the student aware
of his/her strengths and of the areas for improvement.

NAME OF PRACTICUM STUDENT ____________________________________________

PERIOD COVERED AND NUMBER OF HOURS (200 HOURS): ________________________
DEPARTMENT/S OR SECTION/S ASSIGNMENT _______________________________
PLEASE RATE THE PRACTICUM STUDENT IN EACH ITEM (1-4, 1 being the lowest and 4 being
the highest):
______ (25%)WORK ATTITUDE
______ (25%)WORK HABITS


1. What outstanding attributes or accomplishments has the practicum student shown during his/her
assignments with you?

2. What technical or personal attribute does he/she need to improve on?


3. Has the practicum student shown any improvement in his/her performance since the time he started?
If yes, in what specific areas has he/she improved on? If no, what may be the reason(s) for his/her
poor performance?

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Name & Position of Evaluator:______________________________ Date:______________

Appendix E- Different types of Thesis.





A. Content

1. The written report should discuss clearly all the assigned essential points to be
2. Specific examples/situations/anecdotes should be presented if necessary to
highlight certain points.
3. Charts/exhibits/graphs/tables should be used to help explain or make important
points concrete. Furthermore, these charts, etc., should be referred to in the text
and highlights of these should pointed out.
4. If available, - additional sources of information such as brochures, forms, news
clipping, etc., should be appended to the report.

B. Report Format and Style

1. Title page This should contain the following:

* Title of the Thesis paper
* Date
* Members of the group
* Mentor
2. Names of respondents, designation and company/bibliography.
* These should be listed down on the last page of the report.
3. Every page should be numbered and every exhibit/table/chart should be properly
identified with a title and numbered.
4. Writing style should be formal and business like. Avoid the use of contractions
such as isnt, dont, etc. Do not use taglish.
5. The industry study should be separate from the actual marketing/service/mall

C. Grammar

Edit your text closely. Make sure your grammar is flawless.

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D. Submission

1. Submit three (3) copies of the marketing paper to the Coordinator or Department
2. All papers (3 copies) must be submitted on the date set on or before 3:00 p.m. at
the Marketing Department. Please ask the department secretary to acknowledge
receipt of the paper.
3. Failure to submit on the said deadline will automatically defer the marketing
presentation for the next term except for very valid reasons to de decided by the
committee (exclusion of adviser).
4. The final paper should not exceed 100 pages excluding appendices and annexes.
Paper should be double-space with paper pagination.
5. The group should present a receipt copy from the third panelist as a proof that a
copy of the paper was received prior to the scheduled oral presentation. This
receipt copy should be submitted to the marketing department before the
scheduled presentation.
6. Revisions after the oral presentation should be submitted and approved by the
faculty panelist/s 3 working days after the presentation.
7. The final paper (bookbound) should be submitted to the department 5 working
days after the revision deadline.
8. All the papers presented to the panelists should be surrendered to the
coordinator/adviser for safekeeping. However, for those papers to be revised, both
the unrevised and revised edition should be submitted to the department on the
said date.


1. The presentation must be a formal business presentation (i.e. Business attire, English
communication unless thesis is written in Filipino).
2. Each group is given 1 hour and 30 minutes for the entire presentation. This includes
the following:

15 minutes - set-up time

30 minutes - group presentation
40 minutes - question and answer open forum
05 minutes - deliberation

3. Before the presentation should follow the following format:

a. Marketing Service Plan

a.1 Industry Analysis/Competition
a.2 The Company SWOT
a.3 Objectives
a.4 The 4Ps Strategies
a.5 Financial Report

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b. Research Paper
b.1 The Company
b.2 Statement of the Problem/Objective
b.3 Methodology
b.4 Results
b.5 Recommendations

c. Advertising Campaign
c.1 The Factbook
c.2 Creative Strategy
c.3 Creative Materials
c.4 Media Plan/Strategy
c.5 Media Schedule
c.6 Statement of Expectation

4. Before the presentation begins, the chair of the panel will inform the group of the
composition of the panel and the basis for grading and evaluation.
5. For a paper to be considered in the best thesis category. It should earn a grade not
lower than 90 and more importantly, the panelists nominate the paper by consensus.
6. The decision of the panelists is final.
7. The adviser may observe the presentation, but is not allowed to participate in any
form whatsoever.
8. The snacks/lunch for the panelists should be provided by the presenting group.

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I. Executive Summary
A one page abbreviated overview of the plan which includes specific goals,
recommendations (through strategies and programs) and the investment/costs required.
This part also includes the effect of the plan on the profit and sales.

II. Current Marketing Situation Analysis

Industry Study
This is a qualitative and quantitative description of the market and industry where your
product/brand participates in. the use of industry models or matrixes (e.g. Porter, GE
models) should only be used when appropriate. This part should include:
- Composition/size/market segments
- Usership patterns/significant buying habits
- Growth/decline patterns
- Other market characteristics

Current Product/Brand Situation

This is a review of the companys product/brand which includes:
- Brief history of the product/brand
- Relevant market/definition of the market or market segment targeted (primary and
- Market positioning vs. product positioning (what product really is vs. consumer
- Past and current marketing strategies vis--vis objectives and goals

Competitive Situation
This is a description of the competitive environment indicating
- Major players in the industry and direct competitors, their market shares,
volumes, marketing efforts.

Discussion of the indirect competitors should only be made if there are no direct
competitors. Thus, it is expected that a more in-depth discussion of the direct
competitors will be made. A grid is required to summarize the analysis and to present
the competitive situation in one glance. Perceptual mapping can also be used.

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III. SWOT Matrix

This part summarizes the analysis of the firms strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
Opportunities Threats
Strengths What the firm should maximize, What the firm should watch
Exploit out for

Weaknesses What the firm can improve on What the firm should avoid,

The detailed SWOT analysis should be appended for the reference.

IV. Goals and Objectives

A goal tells where a business wants to go and is a broad statement of what the firm
wants to achieve. Objectives on the other hand are more specific and quantitative indicating
sales volume (units or peso), market share, profit among others. This part should include:
- Statement of the goals of the firm for the product/brand
- Short term objectives (for the next fiscal year)
- Medium term objectives (2-3 years)
- Long-term objectives (4-5 years)

V. Marketing Mix Strategies and Programs

This is the companys game plan by which the product/brand hopes to achieve its
goals and objectives. This part should include a timetable or a scheduling of the proposed
strategies and which should be prioritized.

Market Targeting
This part appears if there is a need for the firm to change, expand its current target market. This
- Size of the new market
- Demographic characteristics
- Psychographic characteristics
- Behavioral characteristics

Product Development/Innovation Program

This part discusses the product and if there are changes to be made. This includes:

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- Unique selling proposition or benefit

- Product positioning: benefits, performance, quality, usage
- Product features
- Packaging
- Other significant decisions like changing brand name, labeling, customer service,

Pricing Program
This discusses the pricing strategies for the product/brand that includes:
- Product costing
- Computation of selling price
- Pricing objective and strategies which may be planned and developed during the
year for the product/brand.

Sales and Distribution Program

This discusses how the product will reach the consumers in the most effective and cost-
efficient way. This includes:
- Policies
- Sales targets by target market or geographical areas
- Extent/terms of distribution

Marketing Communication Program

This part the whole communication mix which will include:

1. Advertising Program
- Objectives
- Target audience/s
- Creative approach
- Material requirements (mock ups are required)
- Other advertising aids (which may include non-traditional)
- Media planning (mix, frequencies, schedules and TARP computations)

2. Sales Promotion Program (Consumer and Trade)

- Objectives
- Specify whether for consumer or trade
- Types/frequencies
- Coverage
- Promo schedule
- Promo casting

3. Public Relations Program

- Objectives
- Strategies
- PR materials to be used and costing
- Schedule

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VI. Investment Plans

This part is the quantitative summary of all the expenses to be incurred based on the
proposed strategies. It can also include cost for research, evaluative programs, contingency,

VII. Estimates of Profitability

This part shows the projected Profit and Loss Statement with the implementation of
the proposed plan and without it. Thus, a comparative P&L for the next fiscal year is
required. If the marketing plan results in loss, there is a need to compute and project until
the P&L shows a positive profit.

VIII. Evaluation of Results

This part should consider a schedule of activities that will monitor progress and the
implementation of the marketing plan. It provides management with guidelines for review.
This can include a summation of the measurements by which management can gauge the
success of the strategies and implement control mechanisms.

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This is an abbreviated interview of the plan and it must include specific goals,
recommendations to achieve them (through strategies and programs) and the investments/costs
required. Management would also want to know how the budget will be managed and the means
to evaluate performance and results of strategies and programs adopted.


A. The Industry
This is a qualitative and quantitative description of the industry where your service business
will participate in. This part should include:
composition of businesses belonging to the industry and the different sectors in it;
usership patterns and significant behaviors of people in the industry;
growth/decline patterns; and
other characteristics of the industry.

B. The Service Business

This is a review of a traditional and non-traditional services that the company is offering
which includes:
discussion on the companys history and profile of its management team;
relevant service clients/definition and description of the service segments targeted;
positioning strategies adopted in the past by the business; and
past performance vis--vis objectives and goals stated.

C. Competition
This is a description of a competitive environment indicating:
direct (and possibly indirect) competitors;
competitors positioning, market shares, volume of business; their direct marketing
efforts (such as strategies and programs for the different services they are offering); and
other significant information about competition.


This part should enumerate/identify the firms strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats. By analyzing the internal controllable environmental factors, information on the firms
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strengths and weaknesses can be provided. On the other hand, the opportunities and threats to the
service business can be obtained by analyzing the external, uncontrollable factors such as
economic, political, technological, cultural, etc.

To make the analysis more meaningful, a matrix of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,

and threats should summarize the discussion with the attendant implications of each area of
strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, the different strategies to be adopted for each,
and recommended action plan for management.


A goal is expressed in general and broad terms as to what to achieve with reference to
targeted market segments and the positioning of the service business concerned.

Objectives, on the other hand are:

annual term or short term (at least for one calendar year) that specifically and quantitatively
includes sales volume (in peso value), market share, service business awareness, usership and
medium term (for a period of two to five years) that specifically and quantitatively includes
targets in sales volume (in peso value), market share, usership and profitability.
long term (for a period of six to ten years) that includes sales volume, market share, and
profitability, etc.

All objectives and goals should follow the SMART and KISS concepts in corporate planning
(simple/specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and time-bound; or keep it short and


This is the companys game plan by which the service businesses of the company hope to
win. These are the actions or weapons in a marketing warfare to achieve the objectives and
goals earlier established. Through the programs (corresponding to the marketing mix to be
used), the idea is to be on parity or to be better and more efficient than the competitors offering
the same service form.

A. Service Development Program. This part includes the service segments unique selling
proposition; service performance in consumer terms; service features and other significant
decisions like customer service, account management, etc.

B. Pricing Programs. This part includes service costing, setting of prices, competitive pricing
strategies, and other strategies which may be planned and developed during the year for the
service business.

C. Sales and Distribution. This part includes policies (e.g. whether the service businesses can
be handled by franchises, by the company directly or by a combination of the two); sales
targets by service area/town/cities should be quantified; timing of sales monthly or quarterly
should be related to sales targets; and extent/terms of the service functions.
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D. Advertising. This part includes the communication plan (objectives, target

audience/audiences, creative strategy and approach, material requirements for TV, radio,
print, outdoor, etc.); media plans (media mix, frequencies, media schedules, GRP or TARP
computations); and non-conventional media.

E. Promotions. This part includes objectives/policies/rules of the different promotions to be

adopted; specification of the promotional details (such as if the promo is for final or
organizational customers, service franchise or promotions; coverage of the promo
(regional/national); and promotion schedules.


This part provides qualitative and quantitative descriptions of the different investment
requirements of the strategies and programs to be adopted by the company for the particular
period including the estimates of profitability for the service venture.

A. The Investment Plan. The plan should cover advertising expenditures (media breakdown),
promotions expenditures (breakdown by project/period of time), sales and franchise
expenditures (in addition to what are normally provided within the company), production (for
media, promos, sales ads, etc.), research and studies to evaluate the programs; and
contingency (if necessary).

B. Estimates of Profitability. This part should present the net income targets for the service
segments based on sales, contribution to overhead and profit, and projected selling,
advertising, and other marketing costs. In other words, this is a presentation of the Projected
Profit and Loss Statement to further support the targeted profit contribution which can be
expected form service business.


This part should consider a schedule of research studies/activities to monitor progress of
the market performance/acceptance/sales and other requirements to provide management the
guidelines for continuing/enlarging support projects and investment for the service business.

The management of the marketing effort (all the programs previously discussed) involves
close monitoring of the implementation of the activities and tasks based on a time frame (usually
presented in a calendar of activities showing dates, assigned responsibilities, etc.) which are
reviewed quarterly or every six months depending on the company policy. Specifically reviewed
are volume targets, market shares, and level of awareness. The information during the marketing
review with top and middle management in attendance will provide the guidelines for their
decisions to continue or change current stated plans. Therefore, a schedule of research activities
either to be undertaken by the firms research and development unit or an outside independent
research firm should be presented indicating necessary data and cost involved.

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Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Appendices

Background of the Study
Conceptual Framework
Variables under Study
Analysis of Variables
Flowchart of Analysis
Statement of the Problem/Hypothesis
Objectives of the Study
General Objectives
Specific Objectives
Assumption of the Study
Scope and Limitations of the Study
Definition of Terms
Foreign Studies
Local Studies
Research Design
Sampling Method
Method/s of Analysis

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An abstract (100-200 words) giving a very brief but comprehensive contents of the paper
from the statement of the problem/hypothesis and methodology.

This part provides the historical background of the company/institution (corporate

a. Background of the Study

This part discusses the background and description of the product or service and
the historical significance of the study. Comprehensively discuss the variables of the
study. It also includes the rationale/purposes of the study (why conduct on investigation
of the problem).

b. Conceptual Framework
This part invokes the ins and outs of the study, specifically on the variables to be
studied. If the type of research is descriptive or exploratory, it outlines the basic inputs
and outputs of the study in a flowchart form. If the type of research is causal or
experimental it needs to identify the independent and dependent variables to be studied
and the flow by which they will be evaluated, analyzed, and their relationships

c. Statement of the Problem/Hypothesis

This part identifies the problem of the study. If the researchers chose to use the
descriptive or exploratory research, a descriptive statistical analysis will be used. If the
researchers chose to use the causal or experimental research, inferential statistic
analysis is needed to establish hypothesis testing.

d. Assumption of the Study

This part enumerates the reasons for assumption on the following: 1) respondents,
2) questionnaire, 3) secondary data, 4) sources of information, 5) researchers, and the
chosen 6) statistical method in terms of its reliability, accuracy, and validity.

e. Scope and Limitation of the Study

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On this part, a profile of the respondents will be identified in terms of

demographics, psychographics, and behavioral (product usage and buying behavior). It
also discusses the limitation (variables) of the study, sources of information, type of
information or data, financial and time constraints.

f. Significance of the Study

This part enumerates the reasons for the studys contribution to the 1) marketing
field, 2) business and industry, 3) the student and faculty.


This part discusses the major discourses of authors (literature: foreign and/or local) and
research (studies: foreign and/or local) about the topic being studied. It presents in laymans
language the similarities and/or differences of authors and researchers subjects presented in the

This part includes the:

a. Research Design type of research used, sources of data, type of data, method of data
collection, type of research instrument, type/kind of questionnaire (if survey method
will be use)

b.Sampling Method Probability or Non-Probability sampling method, if probability

sampling, identify if random, satisfied, cluster or a combination will be used. In case
non-probability was selected, identify if convenience, judgmental, quota or a
combination. Or other sampling methods.

c. Statistical Treatment of Data Identify the method of statistical tool which will used in
the study, descriptive statistics (if descriptive or exploratory research) or inferential
statistics (if causal or experimental research).


This part illustrates the table/graph/pie chart, etc. (choose only one) of the data gathered.
Each table/graph/pie chart, etc. should include verbal interpretation with marketing implications.


The conclusion part should enumerate and discuss the findings based on the result of the
data gathered. It should also indicate the table (e.g., Table 1) and page as its source. The
recommendation part should enumerate the plan of action (relying on the objectives of the
recommendation study) in marketing terms.

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A. Assessment of the Mall

I. Retail Audit by Classification
II. Target Market Description
III. Total Image / Position of the Mall
B. Self Assessment and Business Choice
I. Own strengths and Weaknesses
II. Commitment Paragraph: Why should you be in the business for yourself?
III. Description of the retail business: What type of retail business to fit own strengths
and desires? What will make it unique? What will the business offer for
customers? Are there any weaknesses of competitors and how will you capitalize
on these?
C. Overall Retail Plan
I. Philosophy of Business
II. Form of ownership
III. Long and short-run objectives (profit, market share)
IV. Definition and analysis of target customer
V. Competitive analysis 4Ps
VI. Retail strategy store locations and operations, merchandising, pricing, store
image and promotion
D. Administrative management plan
I. Organizational structure
II. Brief description of jobs
III. Inventory management
IV. Daily operations
V. Managing risks
E. Financial Plan
I. Investment for the first year and sources
II. Profit planning
III. Break-even analysis
F. Recommendations

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*For advertising students: you are required to produce video campaign in applicable

I. Executive Summary
A brief digest or abstract of the entire plan or study. Purpose is to give top
management the highlights of the plan in a form easily read and understood. Just
one or two page summary of what is proposed and highlights the most important
areas like advertising and creative strategy, sales promo, and budget.
II. Situation Analysis
Industry Study:
A qualitative and quantitative description of market and industry where your
product/brand participate in the use of industry models of matrices (Porters, GE models)
should only be used when appropriate.
Composition/size/market segments
Growth/decline patterns
Other market characteristics/projected growth based on previous growth
Step analysis

A. Definition of issues
Background: Why it came to be? Corporate profile of CCT, Legal Status,
directorate, ownership.
Need: How badly is it needed?
Obvious solutions: List everything
B. Position of advocate
Mission and Vision: Why can the company only do so much? Why only up to
Resources: sponsors, affiliates, partners, tie-ups
Competition: 1. Anything that will stop you from doing that you want to do
2. Main competitors of your product and their position in the
3. Analysis of competitors strategies/activities vis--vis the clients
SWOT Matrix
III. Definition of
A. Target Publics: Same with PR
Population General Perspective
Identification of target market
1. Primary
2. Secondary those with influence in buyers demo/psycho
B. Recipients: Who are the beneficiaries? Why do they exist?
C. Product: What?
IV. Goals and Objectives
A. Short term: for the fiscal year
B. Medium term: 2 to 3 years
C. Long term: 4 to 5 years

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V. Marketing Mix (strategies and programs: See Marketing outline)

A. Market targeting
Size of the new market
Demographic characteristics
Psychographic characteristics
Behavioral characteristics
B. Product development / Innovation program
Unique selling proposition or benefit
Product positioning benefits, performance, quality, usage
Product features
Other significant decisions
C. Pricing program
Product costing
Computation of selling price
Pricing objectives and strategies which may be planned and
developed during the year of the product/brand
D. Sales and distribution program (how target audience will have access to
Extent/terms of distribution/access
E. Marketing Communication program
1. Advertising Program
Synopsis: introduction and justification of advertising
i. General objectives: should spell out in quantifiable, measurable
terms, what sales message(s) should be communicated to the
target market and time period in which these goals will be
accomplished. Example: creative awareness, imparting
knowledge, developing preference.
ii. Creative strategy: talks about the directions of the advertising
message which will offer solution to the target markets needs
or problem, whether real or perceived. This is a promise and a
reason why our brand and fulfil that promise
a. Target person: personification
b. Creative objective: which the copy and the visuals of the ad
aim to accomplish
c. Consumer promise: that particular unique product that can
benefit target consumers. USP.
d. Support: substantiations
e. Brand personality: brand image translated into peoples
f. Tone and mood of advertising: manner that ad will be
treated both textually and visually. Jibes with brand
iii. Creative executions

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a. Big idea: brief description of the total creative concept of the

ad that will be reflected in all creative materials.
iv. Media strategy plus rationale: what platform we should stand
on to talk to our target market. TV/R/P and rationale for using
media recommended.
a. Target Market
b. Media Itinerary: Itinerary of target
person. What he does from a.m. to p.m.
which will serve as a guide to media
planners in preparing actual media
c. Media Objectives: should indicate reach
and frequency
d. Media Mix: combination of media to use
e. Media rationale: reason for use of each
v. Media Plan and schedule: actual media purchases and schedule
in various media. Shows number of publications, radio or TV
spots, and the corresponding costs for each. Also shows a
visual media schedule for easy reading.
vi. Allocation of advertising budget
Percentage for TV, radio, and print
10% reserve for opportunity buys
Cost of production, media placements, research cost for pre
and post tests and evaluation of the campaign. Better if
illustrated in a flow chart or a grid.
vii. Evaluation
APPENDIX A Laws and rules governing advertising of the
a. Government
b. Industry
APPENDIX B creative materials like print layouts and
copy, radio, and scripts, storyboards.
F. Public Relations
MPR Recommendations
1. MPR Objectives: state what the program is designed to do.
Usually in terms of communicating information, increasing
awareness, and influencing behaviour, predisposing target to buy
the product.
2. MPR Strategies: ways that the program will cause objectives to be
3. MPR Recommendations: place to describe good ideas and show
how they will contribute to overall marketing effort.
a. Message: not slogan, but can generate stories that give
target consumers reasons for choosing your product.

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b. Media: Media plan should describe means for

disseminating useful information in selected target media.
Might include mass media, and media vehicles to be used
to reach audience. Example: booklets, newsletters
c. Program: specific tactics to be used to deliver the message.
It details the methods that will be employed to achieve
media tours and conferences and tools such as press kits
and video news. Ex. One-on-one media interviews, media
tours and conferences and tools such as press kits and video
news (this section also recommends events, sponsorships
and other designed to reach the audience rather than the
d. Timeline: detailed calendar that shows the amount of time
required to prepare, produce, and implement each element
of the program. Key dates should be coordinated with cost
commitment requirements.
e. Budget: weigh MPR recommendations against other
promotion options in terms of relative cost effectiveness in
reaching and influencing audiences. This involves cost
estimated from suppliers, event locations, spokespersons
and others. Estimated costs of expanding or reducing the
program should be available and the presenter should be
prepared to prioritize recommendations in terms of relative
importance of tactics in meeting strategies and marketing
4. Evaluation of results usually stated in print circulation and
broadcast audience or estimated numbers of consumers exposed to
the media
5. PR materials
VI. Investment plans

VII. Evaluation of results

This part should consider a schedule of activities that will monitor progress and the
implementation of the advocacy plan. It provides management with guidelines for
review. This can include a summation of the measurements by which management can
gauge the success of the strategies and implement control mechanisms.

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Advertising Plan

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Prepared by: Legaspi May2017

Updated by: Vergara May2017

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