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Goals of environmental science:

Introduction: Environmental Science To develop a sustainable world, a world in which the supply of
Today we hear people from all walks of life using the terms ecology and food, water, building materials, clean air, and other resources can
environment. Students, homeowners, politicians, planners and union leaders sustain human populations to continue to exists indefinitely with
speak of environment issues and ecological concerns. Often these terms high standard of living and health.
are interpreted in different ways, so we need to establish some basic To study environmental problems and issues, and priorities
definitions. regarding acceptable environmental preservation of natural
species and habitats, freedom of nations to do as they please,
Ecology as compared to Environmental Science? within their own potential boundaries, and issues on the quality of
Environment (from the French environner: to encircle or surround) can be life, fairness and ethics.
defined as:
(1) The circumstances and conditions that surround an organism or a group of Environmental Education
organisms. Environmental education is the process by which people develop
(2) The social and cultural conditions that affect an individual or a community awareness, knowledge, and concern of the environment and its diverse
values and processes, and learn to use this understanding to preserve,
Ecology can be defined as: conserve and utilize the environment in a sustainable manner for the
Ecology (from Greek: oikos, household, home or house and logos benefit of present and future generations.
knowledge) is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of
life and the interactions between organisms and their environment. The National Environmental Education Action Plan for Sustainable
The study of the interactions of organisms among themselves and with the Development (2005-2014)
physical environment. The years 2005-2014 have been declared as the United Nations
The word ecology is often used more loosely in such terms as social Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD).
ecology and deep ecology and in common parlance as a synonym for the Resource management and resource technology are significant
natural environment or environmentalism. features of environmental science.
The term ecology or oekologie was coined by the German biologist Ernst Our natural resources are classified as follows:
Haeckel in 1866, when he defined it as the comprehensive science of the 1. Non-renewable resources that can be retrieved from the
relationship of the organism to the environment. environment once, but are not generated.
The first textbook on the subject was written by the Danish botanist, 2. Renewable resources that can be retrieved, adjusted and
Eugenius Warming. Warming is often identified as the founder of ecology. manipulated such as some of our biological resources.
Both renewable and non-renewable resources can be created or
The Principles of Ecology replaced. Replacement costs more than what can be prevent the
1. Everything is connected to everything else. depletion of our resources.
2. Everything must go somewhere.
3. Sun is the source of life.
Classification of Living Things
4. Nature knows best.
Taxonomy (Greek tasso, arrange, and nomos, law) deals with
5. Ours is a finite planet.
identification and naming (nomenclature) of organisms; began with
6. All life forms are important.
ancient Greeks and Romans.
Nomenclature the orderly application of binomial names to a
Environmental science can be defined as:
particular taxon.
Environmental science is the systematic study of our environment
Carl von Linne known as the Father of Taxonomy. Converted his
and our place in it either globally or locally, and its living and non-living
name to a two-part Latin version, Carolus Linnaeus. He introduced
components. A relatively new field, it is highly interdisciplinary.
the use of binomial system of nomenclature for all species.
Environmental Science
The seven obligatory hierarchical categories
Kingdom may be composed of several phyla
An approach to study environmental systems. It encompasses wide
Phylum (Division in plants) may composed of several classes
range of scientific disciplines to better understand and manage the
Class - may be composed of several orders
natural environment and the relationship and interconnectedness
Order may be composed of several families
of all the organisms.
Family may be composed of several genera
Attempts to interpret and study the impact of human actions on
Genus may be composed of several species
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
Species may be composed of several sub-species or varieties
Develop programs and strategies in restoring these ecosystems.
Taxonomic Categories
Environmental science can be defined as:
The group organisms in a particular category is called a taxon.
Environmental science is the systematic study of our environment
Each of the category could be subdivided into three additional
and our place in it either globally or locally, and its living and non-living
categories as in superorder, order, suborder and infraorder.
components. A relatively new field, it is highly interdisciplinary.
The fundamental unit of classifying living things is the species.
It is inclusive and holistic, mission oriented and implies that we all
Kingdom is the broadest of the taxa, all animals in the Kingdom
have a responsibility to get involved and try to do something about
Animalia and all plants are in the Kingdom Plantae.
the problems we have created.
Linnaeus based his classification system on the physical appearance
It integrates information from natural sciences which include
of organisms that he could observe.
biology, chemistry, geography, agriculture and many other fields.
A domesticated cat and a lion have the same ancestor and thus are
Social sciences which include economics, political science, sociology,
homologous structures.
history, philosophy and ethics.
Organisms that have similar features but evolved from different
Other sciences such as mathematics, statistics, technology, business
ancestors are called analogous structures.
and management, law, religion, morality and aesthetics.
Zebras that live together in a herd are members of the same species
Classification of Human: and thus population may change considerably especially when food is plentiful.
Kingdom Animalia The population may decrease in size during severe environmental
Phylum Chordata conditions such as drought or if the population of predators who feed on zebras
Class Mammalia will increase significantly.
Order Primates
Family Hominidae Characteristics of Populations
Genus Homo 1. Density number of individuals/per unit area (e.g. per acre or hectare) or
Species sapiens unit volume (e.g. in a column of water)
2. Spacing - dispersion
Scales of Ecology
Diagram illustrating the scales of ecology: Density and Numbers
atom molecule organelle cell tissue organ Counting individuals to determine density and population size.
organism population community ecosystem biosphere Rarely able to count the entire population, instead count all the individuals in
a prescribed area.
Atom smallest unit of an element that still retains the
characteristic properties of that element. 1. Simple counts (# seals/islands, # burrows/area, # wildebeest/herd)
Molecule unit of matter in which two or more atoms of the same 2. Mark-recapture technique capture individuals, mark Individuals, and
element or different ones, are bonded together. recapture at a later point in time provide estimate of population size
Organelle specialized part of a cell performing one or more specific for a given area.
functions. Calculation = (total number marked) (total number recaptured)/ (number
Cell basic living unit of all plants and animals. of recapture that were marked)
Tissue a group of cells and intercellular substances that function
together in one or more specialized tasks. Example:
Organ part of the body composed of two or more tissue types and initial capture of 50 individuals
performing one or more specific functions. second capture of 100 individuals. 10 of the 100
Organism any living thing considered as a whole, whether were marked from the first capture
composed one cell or many. estimated population size = 50(100)/10 = 500
Population all members of the same species inhabiting a particular individuals
Community all the populations found in a particular area. Consists 3. Census techniques transect methods, walk or drive a line (transect) and
of all the population that live and interact in one environment. count the number of individuals at specific locations, evenly distributed
Ecosystem community and its physical environment, characterized along the line.
by a flow of energy and a cycle of inorganic nutrients. Demography - study characteristics of a population that affect growth.
Biosphere - regions of the earth where organisms exist and the life Methods: follow a cohort (group of individuals from birth to death) over time
supporting region of earth
Calculations Rates for Populations
1. Survivorship number of individuals that reach the next year of life
CHAPTER 2 2. Birth number of individuals born/ designated time frame
3. Mortality number of individuals that die each year
Fundamentals of Population Ecology
Ecologists try to identify the factors that influence various populations of
Every second, on average, four or five children are born, somewhere organisms:
on the earth. In that same second, two other people die. This difference 1. Size
between births and deaths means a net gain roughly 2.3 more humans per 2. Density
second in the worlds population. 3. Distribution
Humans are now the most numerous vertebrate species on the 4. Growth
earth. We are also more widely distributed and manifestly have a greater global
environmental impact than any other species. Many people worry that Once of these factors are identified, it would be easier to predict how well a
overpopulation will cause or perhaps already is causing- resource depletion and particular population survives and how fast it grows.
environmental degradation that threat the ecological life- support systems on
which we all depend. These fears often leads to the demands for immediate, Population density
worldwide birth control programs to reduce fertility rates and eventually Defined as the number of individuals of a certain species per unit
stabilize or even shrink the total number of humans. area or volume. It is derived by dividing the number of individuals of a certain
Others believe that human ingenuity; technology and enterprise can species by the area they occupy. Most of the people live in cities where the
extend the worlds carrying capacity and allow us to overcome any problems number of people per unit per area is significantly higher than in the provinces.
that we encounter.
Whether human populations will continue to grow at present rates Natural and human factors that affect population density:
and what that growth would imply for environmental quality and human life A. Natural Factors
are among the most central and pressing questions in environmental science. 1. Relief (shape and height of land)
High Density: Low land which is flat (e.g. Central Luzon)
Population Low Density: High land that is mountainous (Mountain Province)
Defined as the number of individuals of a particular species in a 2. Resources
given area. When population in an ecosystem changes, one population of a High Density: Areas rich in resources such as coal, oil, wood, fishing etc.
certain species can also change. The study of the variables that determine the (e.g. Western Europe)
abundance and distribution of a population in time and space. Low Density: Areas with few resources (e.g. The Sahel)
Group of individuals belonging to the same species that inhabit a 3. Climate
specific geographic location at a specific point in time. High Density: Areas with temperate climates as there is enough rain and
heat to grows crops (e.g. UK, New Zealand)
Population Ecology Low Density: Areas with extreme climates of hot and cold (e.g. The Sahara
Study of distribution, density, numbers of individuals and structure Desert; North and South Pole)
(gender, age), rates of natality and mortality, factors that affect growth.
B. Human Factors Growth pattern
1. Political To understand how populations grow, visualize what happens to
High Density: Countries with stable government (e.g. Singapore) population under ideal conditions. Suppose you put a single bacterium in a
Low Density: Unstable countries as people migrate to other countries (e.g. nutrient-rich culture dish then incubate the dish under conditions ideal for
Afghanistan) bacterium to grow.
2. Social
High Density: Groups of people want to live to close each other for security There are two general of population growth:
(e.g. USA) 1. Organisms that reproduce only once and cease to grow as adults. They
Low Density: Other groups of people prefer to be isolated (e.g. expand all their energy in one reproduction then die.
Scandinavians) 2. Organisms that reproduce throughout their lifetime and invest all energy
3. Economic for future survival.
High Density: Good job opportunities encourage high population,
particularly in large around the world. Population Regulation Two factors affect population growth:
Low Density: Limited job opportunities cause some areas to be sparsely 1. Density dependent depend on the number of individuals in the population
populated (e.g. Amazon Rainforest) (food, mates, increased rates of predation and parasitism, stress and
behavioural problems due to overcrowding, available nesting habitat,
Population Distribution water, oxygen, waste build up)
The pattern of dispersal of certain species within the area occupy. It
can be said that places which are sparsely populated contain few people and 2. Density independent do not depend on the number of individuals in the
tend to be difficult to live. While places which are densely populated contain population (weather and climate: drought, typhoon, hurricane,
many people contains habitable environments. excessive rain or snow, etc... geological disturbances: earthquake, tidal
wave, volcanic eruption, etc...)
Distribution Patterns
To give a better picture of population density, distribution within the Mathematical Models of Population Growth:
area needs to be known. Exponential growth
Community structure refers to patterns of spatial distribution of A population could reach its biotic potential, the maximum growth rate
individuals and populations within a community, as well as the relation of a of which a population is physiologically capable, if these conditions are met:
particular community to its surroundings. At the local level, even in a relatively environmental conditions are ideal
homogenous environment individuals can be distributed randomly, clumped there are no restrictions on reproduction
together or highly in regular patterns. mortality rate is kept extremely low

There are three patterns of dispersion. These are: Biotic potential

1. Random distribution (patchy distribution of resources) pattern to be Maximum rate at which a population can increase when resources
expected when there is no special force acting on the spatial distribution are unlimited and environmental conditions are ideal. Varies due to difference
because members of the species do not frequently interact with in:
another. 1. Reproductive span
2. Uniform (territorial species) pattern that results when members of the 2. Frequency of reproduction
species are equally spaced apart because of the interactions among 3. Litter size
members of the species. 4. Survival rate
3. Clumped (random distribution of resources) pattern that results from the
restricted availability of suitable habitat or uneven distribution resources. Limiting factors
The clumped pattern may also be linked with the defense behaviour of Environmental influences that restrict the growth of populations.
the organism as in safety in numbers. May include the availability of food, shelter, water, and space. If the predatory
species were not controlled by a particular limiting factor then the prey species
Population Age Structure will eventually decrease in number.
The age structure can tell more about population dynamics than
either density or distribution. Carrying capacity
1. Functional age classes because of the difference in life spans, the ages of The number of individuals in a population that the environment can
these groups can be very different from one group animals to another. sustain over a relatively long period of time. if the limiting factor is the supply
a. Pre-reproductive too young to reproduce of food, if it eventually dwindles, birth rate will slow down and death rate will
b. Reproductive able to reproduce speed up. If the carrying capacity of the environment is reached, population will
c. Post reproductive too old to reproduce level off. It means that the birth and death will evenly balanced. Thus,
population will stabilize, carrying capacity
2. Population age profile an estimation of the number
of individuals in each age class Age distribution
Growing populations have a large percentage of young individuals
Population Size while declining populations have a large percentage of elderly individuals.
The number of individuals in a population Genetic relationship is
used to single out a certain organism or individual if it belongs to a population There are two typical age structure diagrams:
or not. Changes over time just like population density and distribution. 1. Expansive population distribution is typical in developing countries such
as in African and Asian countries. A pyramid shaped diagram is expected
The factors that contribute to the fluctuation of population size: when birth rate is higher than death rate.
1. Natality (rate of birth) the ratio of the number of births in a given time to 2. Stable population distribution is typical in industrialized countries such as
the total population. United States of America. A bell shaped diagram results when there is
2. Mortality (rate of death) the ratio of the number of deaths in a given time a balance birth rate and death rate.
to the total population.
3. Immigration is the movement of individuals into an area occupied by an
existing population.
4. Emigration is the movement of individuals out of an area where a
population is located.
There are two characteristics to consider in distinguishing a certain community 5. Commensalism a relationship between species where one organism
from other communities: benefits from the association and the other organism is neither helped or
1. Composition a recording of the various species in the community harmed. An example is the relationship of barnacles and whales. Barnacles
Northern hardwood forest community of central to northern England. attached themselves on the skin of the whale and obtain food by filtering
2. Diversity - the number of species (species richness) the water. The whale is neither harmed nor helped in this interaction.
and the abundance of each species in a community (species evenness)
Example: Oak trees Investigating Our Environment:
Habitat: oak woodland 1. Define these terms and explain how they are important in the study of human
population and natural resources: fertility rate, sustainable development,
Ecological Niche developing and developed countries.
1. Absorb by sunlight through photosynthesis 2. What is the relationship between human birth rates and death rates in the
2. Absorb water and minerals from the soil world? How are both rates contributing changes to the human, animal, and
3. Provide shelter for many animals and plants plant population?
4. Acts as support for creeping plants 3. What do you think are the factors that influence the growth of human
5. Cover the ground with their dead leaves during autumn populations?
6. Serve as a source of food for animals.

Habitat factors can be divided into two major groupings:

1. Physical factors terrestrial and aquatic habitats. CHAPTER 3
2. Biotic factors - all other species that occupy the habitat. Nature of Ecosystems

As an example, the following are some of the physical factors in The system approach of ecology encourages us to think holistically about
terrestrial and aquatic habitats: interconnections that make the whole systems more than just the sum of their
individual parts.
1. Terrestrial habitats elevation, steepness, slope direction, soil type, and
water availability. Definition of Environment
2. Aquatic habitats pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration, Ecology - branch of biology that studies relationships between organisms and
temperature, flow rate of water. environment
Environment - factors that affect an organism during its lifetime
Ecological niche can be categorized into two: fundamental niche Biotic factors - living things that affect an organism
and realized niche. These two categories of niche were first recognized by Abiotic factors - non-living things that affect an organism
George Evelyn Hutchinson. Elements of habitat and niche are considered in
distinguishing geographic ranges. Organization of Ecological Systems
1. Organism - Smallest living unit
These concepts can help understanding in effectively planning conservation 2. Populations - groups of organism of same species
programs. 3. Communities - interacting groups of populations of different species
1. Fundamental niche the species potential to use available resources in the Niche - role in community for each organism
absence of relations with other species or if there were no competition. 4. Ecosystem - all interacting organisms in an area and their interactions with
2. Realized niche the ability of the species to use available resources in the their abiotic surroundings
presence of interactions with other species.
Characteristics of Ecosystems
Community Interactions Ecosystem have structure:
Organisms interact in a community in so many ways. Interactions 1. Biotic factors - living things that affect an organism
can be complex and may cause disturbance or fluctuations in other members 2. Abiotic factors - non-living things that affect an organism
in a community.
Ecosystem have processes:
Major interactions happening in a community: 1. Cycling of chemical elements
1. Competition organisms in a community compete with other species for 2. Flow of energy
food, shelter, water, and other survival needs of the species.
The two types of competition are: Abiotic components: non-living parts the physical environment: water, air, soil,
a. Intraspecific competition occurs between members of the same species. temperature, light, inorganic nutrients and weather conditions
This will limit how large a population in a community can be.
b. Interspecific competition occurs between individuals of different species. Biotic components: living parts composed of a habitat and a niche
As an example, trees in dense forest compete for sunlight. Technically,
taller trees can be absorb more sunlight than shorter trees. Lions and tigers 1. Autotrophs (producers) chemoautotrophs and photoautotrophs plants
feed on the same prey, and both species are negatively impacted by the base of the food chain
presence of the other because they will limited supply of food. 2. Heterotrophs herbivores feed on plants; many are adapted to live on a diet
2. Predation the consumption of one organism by another where the high in cellulose (graze directly on plants)
consumed organism (prey) was alive when the predator first attacked it.
3. Parasitism a relationship between two species in which the host is harmed, Components of a food chain:
but not killed immediately, and the species feeding on it (parasite) is 1. Carnivores feed on herbivores, omnivores and other carnivores
benefited. A parasite is an organism that obtains its organic nutrients 1st level carnivore feed on herbivores
from the hosts body without causing instant death. Examples of parasites 2nd level carnivore feed on 1st level carnivores
that live inside a hosts body includes tapeworms, liver flukes, and 2. Omnivores (feed on both plants and animals)
pinworms. 3. Decomposers (detrivores) consume on dead animals the final consumer of
4. Mutualism a relationship between species that have developed a positive the group use energy available in dead plants and animals transform
impact and dependency on each other. Two species interact in a way that organic material into inorganic material
benefits each other. As an example, cows have microorganisms in their
digestive tract. These microorganisms help the cows digest grass, and other
plant materials.
Different Roles (niche) of the Biotic Components Second Law of Thermodynamics No process of energy
1. Producers or Autotrophs transformation will spontaneously occur unless there is degradation of energy
The autotrophic organisms capable of producing their own food from simple from concentrated form into a dispersal form.
inorganic materials in the process called photosynthesis; mainly green plants.
Plants use carbon dioxide, water and minerals to produce carbohydrates and Living organisms maintain their orderliness at the expense of their environment
organic materials with oxygen being given off. Could be chemoautotrophs and in return increases its entrophy. Living organisms are called open systems
(bacteria), obtaining energy by oxidizing inorganic compounds to synthesize since they exchange both matter and energy with the environment.
carbohydrates, or a photoautotrophs (plants), and obtaining energy from light
to synthesize carbohydrates Flow of Energy
2. Consumers or heterotrophs Energy enters the ecosystem in the form of sunlight, captured by
Include all animals and other organisms like fungi and bacteria which cannot plants and other photosynthetic organisms. The interconnecting paths of
make their own foods directly from simple inorganic materials, they take in energy flow are represented by a food chain, food web and trophic levels. The
food that is already formed, by eating plants or other animals that have eaten amount of biomass or biological material produced in a given area during a
plants. Organisms that obtain their own food by consuming other organisms, period of time. Photosynthesis provides all energy for nearly all ecosystems
if they consume plants they are called herbivore or primary consumers. Food Chains
3. Decomposers The transfer of energy from plants through a series of other
The heterotrophic organisms that break down detritus, non-living organisms constitutes food chains. e.g. Grass -> cattle -> man
organic matter, to inorganic matter, to be used again by the producers.
They use dead plants, animals and excrete as their own food. Food Chain - sequence of organisms feeding on one another

Unit of Energy and Concept of Productivity Paths of energy flow through an ecosystem sequence of organisms through
Energy units units or weights may be used because energy is stored in the which nutrients and energy in the form of food, are transferred from one
organic compounds, which compose the animals bodies. trophic level to another.

One calorie is the amount of heat necessary to heat one gram of water 14.5 to Components of a food chain:
15.5 degree celsius. One kilocalorie (Kcal) is equivalent to 1,000 calories. Carnivores feed on herbivores, omnivores and other carnivores
1st level carnivore feed on herbivores
Daily food requirements: 2nd level carnivore feed on 1st level carnivores
Man K cal/kg of live body weight or about 3,000 and Kcal/day for 70 kg adult Omnivores (feed on both plants and animals)
Small Bird and Mammal 1.0 Kcal/gm of live body weight Decomposers (detrivores) consume on dead animals the final consumer of the
Insect 0.5 kcal/gm of live body weight group use energy available in dead plants and animals transform
zNature of Ecosystem organic material into inorganicmaterial

Heres a little math to get you started on your calorie watch: Trophic levels refer to the parts of food chain or nutritive series in a group of
1. Calculate for your basal metabolic rate (BMR) the amount of energy your organisms secures food. Form by the populations in an ecosystem, from the
body needs to function properly: producers who produce the food for the population which ate the consumers

BMR = 66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x Types of Food Chain

height in inches) (6.8 x age in years) 1. Grazing Food Chain starts with green plants base to grazing herbivores and
then on carnivores. The grazing food chain begins with photosynthetic
2. Calculate for the following, then add the result to your fixation of light, carbon dioxide, and water by plants (primary producers)
BMR: that produce sugars and other organic molecules. The tertiary consumers
and secondary carnivores are animals that receive their organic energy by
If you are sedentary: BMR x 20% consuming primary carnivores.
If you are lightly active: BMR x 30% 2. Detrital Food Chain goes from dead organisms or organic matter into
If you are moderately active (you exercise regularly): BMR x 40% microorganisms then detritus feeding organisms and their predators.
If you are very active (you do intense exercise for prolonged periods): BMR
x 50% Food Web
If you are extra active (you do hard labor or are in athletic training): BMR x Food chains which are interconnected with each other by
60% interlocking of food chains to form food chains to form food webs, patterns of
energy flow is complicated that it is difficult to disagree all possible
Amount of Energy Derived from Different Food Stuffs relationships. e.g. food web in a small stream numerous food chains linked
1 gm of carbohydrates 4.2 kcal together found in a natural ecosystem: plants herbivorous insects ( spiders,
1gm of proteins 4.3 kcal predaceous insects, toads, insectivorous birds), rabbits, squirrels, mice, seed
1gm of fats 9.5 kcal eating birds foxes, hawks and owls, snakes
Marine Web large shark tuna mackerel small fish shrimplike creatures
Kcal Needed by Man of Varying Activities per day (magnified) one-celled life (magnified)
Sedentary or Office Work 2,500 Kcal/day
Construction work or Manual Endeavors 4,000 5,000 Kcal/day Ecological Pyramids
Man at rest or Sleeping 1,500 Kcal/day Representing biomass, number of organisms, or energy content of
each trophic level in a food web, from producer to the final consumer
Bioenergetics populations show trophic levels stacked one on top of the other generally show
Molecular work, continuation or nerve impulses and synthesis of that biomass and energy content decrease from one trophic level to the next
complex food molecules are some of the examples in which energy transfer there are two types of ecological pyramids, pyramid of biomass and pyramid of
involved. energy
First Law of Thermodynamics Energy cannot be created or
destroyed. Living organisms absorb from their environment useful form of
energy under constant temperature and pressure and return to the same
energy of less useful form to the environment. The useful form of energy is
called free energy, which is capable of doing work.
Pyramid of biomass Nitrogen Cycle
Shows a decrease in the biomass from the higher trophic levels. The Organism cannot exist without amino acids, peptides and proteins,
basic trophic level in the marine environment the basic trophic level in occupied all of which are organic molecules that contain nitrogen. Nitrogen-fixing
by the autotrophic plants. e.g. terrestrial and marine environments biomass of bacteria (in nodules and in the soil) reduce nitrogen gas providing a form of
producers is greater than the biomass of herbivores and the biomass of nitrogen available for the producers and followed by the consumers nitrifying
herbivores than the biomass of carnivores. If the biomass of herbivores is bacteria convert ammonium to nitrate denitrifying bacteria convert nitrate
greater than the biomass of producers ( as in aquatic ecosystem, where algae back to nitrogen gas.
and phytoplankton are the only producers), the result is inverted pyramid
Nitrogen re-enters the environment in several ways:
Pyramid of Energy 1. Death of an organism fungi and bacteria decompose dead organisms
Pertain to the amount of energy being transferred from one trophic releasing ammonia and ammonium ions.
level to another. Follows the 10% rule, the amount of energy from one level to 2. Plants shed on their leaves, needles, flowers, fruits and cones, animals shed
the next is reduced by a magnitude of 10. If an average of 1,000 kg of plant hair, feathers, skin, exoskeleton, pupal cases and silk.
materials is consumed by herbivores, only 100 kg is converted to herbivore 3. Animals produce excrement and urinary wastes that contain nitrogenous
tissue, 10 kg to the secondary consumer and only 1 kg to the tertiary consumer. compounds.
Indicates reduction in the availability of energy between different trophic
levels. Greater amount of energy by respiration increases progressively from Phosphorus cycle
lower to higher trophic levels. Weathering makes phosphate available to producers followed by
consumers. Death and decay of all organisms makes phosphate available to
Pyramid of Numbers decomposers. Most phosphates are found as salts in ocean sediments or in
Illustrates population density relationship within and between the rocks. Over time, geologic processes can bring ocean sediments to land, and
trophic levels. Number of individuals decrease at each trophic level due to weathering will carry terrestrial phosphates back to the ocean. Plants absorb
differences in population growth rate and due to predation upon small phosphates from the soil. Phosphorus is also found in bones, whose strength is
organisms by larger ones. e.g. lake and grassland derived from calcium phosphate, and phospholipids.

Energy from the sun about 1% captured by plants (producers) 99% loss of Sulfur cycle
energy 10% energy of plants (herbivores) 90% heat loss 10% passed on Plays an vital role in organisms, especially as minor but essential
primary carnivores 90% heat loss 10% energy captured by secondary components of protein. Sulfur compounds are important determinants of
carnivores 90% heat loss. acidity of rainfall, surface water and soil. Most of the earths sulfur is tied up
underground in rocks and minerals. Weathering, emission from deep seafloor
Cycles of Nutrients (Biogeochemical Cycles) vents and volcanic eruptions release this inorganic sulfur into the air water.
Water cycle
The fresh water evaporates from the bodies of water and falls to the The Cause of Pollution
earth. Water from the aerial portion of plants also evaporates through 1. Human activities are controlling the biogeochemical cycles through modern
transpiration. Water that falls on land enters the ground or surface waters and technology
eventually run-off back to the bodies of water. The circulation of water within 2. Human activities alter the transfer rates because they move an element from
the earths hydrosphere, involving changes in the physical state of water one component of an ecosystem to another at a greater rate
between liquid, solid, and gas phases. 3. In carbon cycle, humans increase the transfer rate from fossil fuels to the
atmosphere and into the oceans;
Water cycle involve four main physical actions: 4. In phosphorus cycle, human increase the transfer rate from sediments to the
1. Evaporation is the transfer of water from bodies of surface water into the soil and into bodies of water
atmosphere. 5. In nitrogen cycle, humans increase the transfer rate from the atmosphere to
2. Precipitation is the atmospheric moisture that has previously condensed in the soil and into bodies of water any change in transfer rate that can lead
form clouds (changed from the gas phases to a liquid or solid phase) falling directly or indirectly to a degradation of human health or degradation of
to the surface of the earth. the natural condition of the environment is called pollution
3. Infiltration into the ground is the transition from surface water to
4. Runoff includes the variety of ways by which land surface water moves down Investigating Our Environment:
slope to the oceans. 1. Construct a concept map showing all the components of the biotic
5. Subsurface flow incorporates movement of water within the earth, either community of an ecosystem and the relationships existing in the
within the vadose zone or aquifiers. ecosystem. You will be creating food webs from organisms living in the
Philippines tropical rainforest. Review the kinds of plants and animals that
Carbon cycle dominate the tropical rainforest.
Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by green plant 2. List at least three (3) plant and six (6) animal species that can be found in the
through photosynthesis and is returned by all living things through aerobic Philippines rainforest. Then research on the following information:
respiration. Plants obtain carbon dioxide from the air and through a. nutrients the plants need and what the animals eat
photosynthesis, incorporate carbon into their tissues. b. are they prey or predator; producers or consumers
c. survival strategies/ how they interact with other species
Producers and consumers transform part of the carbon in their food back into 3. Illustrate the feeding relationships of each species by creating a food web. If
the atmosphere. possible, they may connect and combine all the plant and animal species into
one complex food web
Decomposers - release the carbon tied up in dead plants and animals into the
Nature of Ecosystem

Many biological processes in motion by people release carbon dioxide:

1. Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas)
2. Slash and burn agriculture
3. Clearing land for permanent pasture, cropland, or human settlements
4. Accidental and intentional forest burning
5. Unsustainable logging and fuel wood collection

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