CGSC Oct Nov 09 Newsletter

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What’s New

Inside this edition: Welcome Students, APFRI Health Tip, APFRI

Classes, Great American Smoke Out 2009 and more...

From the Army Physical Fitness Research Institute

APFRI Publication No. 10-09 Oct/Nov 2009
APFRI Welcomes You!

Welcome! We expect that this year will be a rewarding Strength Training Fundamentals
experience for you. Part of that experience may be a health
and fitness assessment from the Army Physical Fitness Attending the Strength Training Fundamentals class is a
Oct/Nov 2009 Newsletter

Research Institute (APFRI). Following the assessment, you wonderful start to becoming stronger, faster and more power-
are encouraged to attend the APFRI noon-time lectures and ful in everything you do. Are you an avid runner or cyclist?
small group classes to improve your health and fitness. Perhaps swimming is your preference. Regardless of what
mode of aerobic conditioning you prefer, the addition of
APFRI Offers Executive Fitness Classes strength training, specific to that mode of exercise, is a tre-
mendous plus in terms of enhanced performance. All too
The APFRI Executive Fitness Program is honored to serve often the APFRI staff hears, “I don’t need to strength train…
you in many fitness related capacities. The Executive I run!” While running is considered one of the best modes of
Fitness Classes are designed to address any deficiencies aerobic exercise, running is not a strength exercise unless
found during your assessment and provide information to you perform a lot of hill training. The instruction and infor-
improve in those areas. Though the classes are designed to mation received in this class will get you on your way to
address the results of the Health and Fitness assessment, they becoming more fit by providing a comprehensive entrance
are available to anyone in the community who is looking to level exercise prescription. This is important to establish so
improve his/her fitness. The classes are on-going and posted that modifications can be made based on performance
monthly at oriented or health and fitness goals. During the academic
index.asp. APFRI information is also posted on the year, you will have a wealth of opportunities to learn and

Comprehensive Soldier Fitness page on the CAC site at perform intermediate and advanced strength movements, as taught by the APFRI Executive Fitness staff.
Army Physical Fitness Research Institute

The Executive Fitness Program staff encourages you to par-

ticipate in the classes that APFRI offers throughout the year. Lumbar Stabilization
Intermediate and advanced fitness classes will be offered in
order to provide a variety of challenges for the wide realm of For many, performing thousands of crunches or sets on an
fitness levels in the Resident Student class. The Executive abdominal machine are the way to a strong stomach. OK…
Fitness Program offers the following classes: but, these types of exercises target just a small portion of
your entire core musculature and may produce some low
back discomfort due to overemphasis on one muscle group.
Flexibility Lumbar stabilization and core strengthening are terms often
used interchangeably, yet they are not one and the same.
During the APFRI assessment, you will be tested for overall Lumbar stabilization exercises target the deep muscles
flexibility. Invariably, even before the test begins, staff (stabilizers) of the core, while core strengthening exercises
members hear “Oh, I am not going to do well at this…” or target the superficial trunk muscles (the movers). Before the
“…you’re going to tell me I am the worst you’ve ever seen!” APFRI Executive Fitness Staff introduce you to performing
You know you should stretch, but there is no time left in the more difficult core exercises on something that moves such
workout to squeeze it in. We all, at one time or another, as a physio-ball or BOSU® ball, a base foundation must be
neglect this part of our exercise routine. At the same time, it established. This is analogous to building a house…the
becomes increasingly difficult to move easily when we first foundation must be established and set before the walls and
get out of bed. Have you ever noticed your running form not roof are added. This class focuses on the foundation: a few
as smooth as it once was or your stride length shortened be- practical exercises to help develop strength and endurance of
cause hip flexors are so very tight? How about tight low the deep stabilizer muscles. The purpose is to educate par-
back muscles because you sit in class all day or tight chest ticipants in proper training techniques applicable to everyday
muscles from sitting behind a computer. The purpose is to activities and prepares them for more difficult exercises
provide a simple, clear method of identifying and isolating taught in future APFRI fitness classes.
the appropriate muscle groups for stretching while avoiding
harmful stretches.

CGSC Annex Noon-Time Lectures 1230-1330

October November
2~Running Shoe Lecture 2~Weight Management
5~Intermediate Strength Training 6~Deployment/High OPTEMPO
13~Weight Management 9~Metabolic Syndrome
14~Cholesterol 10~Increasing Aerobic Power
16~Deployment/High 18~Essentials of Strength Training
23~Metabolic Syndrome
28~Restorative Sleep
For more information
Please call 758-3439

CGSC Annex Fitness Classes 1500 Gruber Gym

October November
2~Spinal Stabilization 6~Parent/Teen Strength Training
20~Power walking 30~ Strength Training Fundamentals
28~Strength Training Fundamentals

CGSC Annex APFRI Professional Exercise Staff

Ms. Susanne Dale, BS

ACSM Certified Health Fitness Specialist®
Exercise Physiologist
Mr. Tommy Davis, MS
ACSM Certified Health Fitness Specialist®
Exercise Physiologist
Mr. William North, MS
ACSM Certified Health Fitness Specialist®
Exercise Physiologist
Mrs. Tracy McClung, MS References
Page 3 Health Tip
Physical Therapy Tech Archives of Internal Medicine June 8, 2009
Ms. Angela Sanchez, MS abstract at <>
Page 3 Great American Smoke Out
Rehabilitation Therapy Tech
American Heart Association

Healthy Snack Idea Avocado and Corn Salsa
Serves: 8
 3/4 cup(s) frozen corn, thawed Serve with baked chips or low fat pita
 1/2 cup(s) quartered grape tomatoes Calories: 50 per serving
 1 medium avocado, diced Toss avocados, tomatoes, corn,
 1 tablespoon(s) chopped fresh cilantro cilantro, lime juice and salt in a medium
 2 teaspoon(s) lime juice bowl. Put in the refrigerator for one hour
 1/4 teaspoon(s) salt then serve. Enjoy!

APFRI Health Tip for the Month

If you're concerned about high blood pressure, make sure you get a good night's sleep. A new study
at the University of Chicago, among the first of its kind to objectively measure sleep duration, reports
that for every one-hour reduction in sleep, the risk of hypertension increased 37%. Shorter sleep
times were similarly linked with higher blood pressure levels and adverse changes in blood pressure.
Your diet and lifestyle can make a difference in these risk factors: Obesity, high sodium intake, drink-
ing too much alcohol, and lack of physical activity. Although stress is often mentioned as a risk factor,
stress levels are hard to measure, and responses to stress vary by individual.

Great American Smoke Out 2009

For the past 30 years, the American Cancer Society has challenged Americans on the third Thursday in
November to stop smoking for one day. The premise is that if you can do it for one day, then it is possible to
quit for good.
We all know the health risks with smoking to include emphysema, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cancers. So, if we understand that tobacco products cause all these
health problems then why is it so difficult to quit? Addiction is not just a will power issue. Even our new
president, Barack Obama, struggles with the addiction of nicotine. The purpose of this article is to examine
how nicotine affects brain chemistry and why it is so difficult to stop.
Our brain is made up of billions of nerve cells. The nerve cells communicate by releasing chemical
messengers called neurotransmitters. Each neurotransmitter is like a key that fits into a special "lock," called a
receptor. These receptors are located on the surface of nerve cells. When a neurotransmitter finds its receptor,
it activates the receptor's nerve cell.
The nicotine molecule is shaped like a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine and its
receptors are involved in many functions, including muscle movement, breathing, heart rate, learning, and
memory. They also cause the release of other neurotransmitters and hormones that affect your mood, appetite,
and memory. When nicotine gets into the brain, it attaches to acetylcholine receptors and mimics the actions of
Nicotine also activates areas of the brain that are involved in producing feelings of pleasure. Scientists
recently discovered that nicotine raises the levels of a neurotransmitter called dopamine in the parts of the
brain that produce feelings of pleasure and reward. Dopamine, which is sometimes called the pleasure
molecule, is the same neurotransmitter that is involved in addictions to other drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
Researchers now believe that this change in dopamine may play a key role in all addictions. This may help
explain why it is so hard for people to stop smoking.
Yes, it is difficult to quit, but not impossible. Today there are many tools to help a person kick the habit.
Participate in the Great American Smoke out challenge on November 19 and contact the American Heart
Association at to obtain resources and
materials to help you stop using tobacco products. Also remember……..
"Exercise can't counteract the damage being done to your body while you continue to smoke. What exercise
can do is help you kick the habit."- Kenneth H. Cooper

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