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Simplified Liquefaction Prediction and Assessment

Method Considering Waveforms and

Durations of Earthquakes
Shinji Sassa 1 and Hiroyuki Yamazaki 2

Abstract: This paper presents a new simplified liquefaction prediction and assessment method that is capable of considering the influence of
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the waveforms and durations of earthquakes. The concept of an effective number of waves was introduced to represent the characteristics of
the irregularity of waveforms and the different number of load cycles of irregular seismic motions, as well as their influence on the occurrence
of liquefaction. A comprehensive set of laboratory liquefaction tests and statistical analyses were performed to study and validate this concept.
The validity of the proposed method, which adopts a wave correction coefficient based on the proposed concept, was verified using the case
histories of five past major earthquakes, demonstrating that the predictive capability of the new method was improved compared with that of
the conventional method for the cases of liquefaction and no liquefaction. A unique feature of the new simplified method is its universality,
allowing it to be applied to various types of liquefaction charts, facilitating more-rational liquefaction prediction and assessment worldwide.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001597. This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International license,

Introduction characteristics in light of liquefaction, that is to say, the influence

of variable waveforms and their durations for given earthquakes, in
Liquefaction prediction and assessment is a vital part of the earth- contrast to soil resistance characteristics, which have been exten-
quake-resistant design of structures on liquefiable soils. Liquefac- sively studied and developed, including the aging effect with fines
tion prediction and assessment charts, originally developed by Seed (e.g., Kokusho et al. 2012; Dobry et al. 2015). Indeed, under given
and Idriss (1971), have been widely used for such design in prac- maximum ground surface accelerations and maximum cyclic stress
tice, as well as for disaster prevention and mitigation. The lique- ratios at given depths, the results of the corresponding liquefaction
faction charts are characterized by the relationships between the prediction and assessment would be the same, for the given soil
severity or level of earthquake loading, represented by the cyclic characteristics, even if there were considerable differences in the
stress ratio, versus the soil liquefaction resistance, represented by waveforms and durations of the seismic motions concerned.
field measured values such as the SPT (standard penetration test) In this study, a new simplified liquefaction prediction and as-
N-values, i.e., blow counts (Seed et al. 1983, 1985; Tokimatsu sessment method that is capable of considering the influence of
and Yoshimi 1983; Iai et al. 1989; Youd et al. 2001; Cetin et al. the waveforms and durations of earthquakes is developed. The con-
2004; Boulanger et al. 2012), CPT (cone penetration test) q-values, cept of the effective number of waves is introduced and validated
i.e., tip resistances (Robertson and Wride 1998; Moss et al. 2006; using the results of a comprehensive set of laboratory tests and the
Robertson 2015; Boulanger and Idriss 2015), and shear-wave case histories of five major earthquakes, including the 2011 Off the
velocities (Andrus and Stokoe 2000; Andrus et al. 2004; Kayen Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake. A unique feature of the pro-
et al. 2013). These charts have been calibrated against cases in posed method is its universality, allowing it to be applied to all
which liquefaction occurred or did not occur at given sites. types of liquefaction charts mentioned above.
Earthquake motions at given sites generally have different
waveforms and durations that vary considerably in space and time
depending on the characteristics of the sites, routes along which Review of Technical Standards of Liquefaction Charts
seismic waves propagate, and source rupture process of earth-
quakes (e.g., Aki and Richards 2009). However, current engineer- This section concisely reviews the essential features of technical
ing designs do not adequately consider such earthquake loading standards of liquefaction charts and simplified procedures for lique-
faction prediction and assessment. Liquefaction charts commonly
1 represent the relationship between the severity of seismic loading,
Head, Soil Dynamics Group and Research Director, Asia-Pacific
Center for Coastal Disaster Research, Port and Airport Research Institute, defined in terms of the cyclic stress ratio versus the field measured
National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, National resistance represented by the SPT N-values (Seed et al. 1983, 1985;
Research and Development Agency, Nagase 3-1-1, Yokosuka 239-0826, Tokimatsu and Yoshimi 1983; Iai et al. 1989; Youd et al. 2001;
Japan (corresponding author). E-mail: Cetin et al. 2004), CPT q-values (Robertson and Wride 1998;
Distinguished Researcher, Port and Airport Research Institute, National Moss et al. 2006), or shear-wave velocities (Vs) (Andrus and
Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, National Research
Stokoe 2000; Andrus et al. 2004). Recent developments include
and Development Agency, Nagase 3-1-1, Yokosuka 239-0826, Japan.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on November 7, 2015; approved reexamination of an updated case history database (Boulanger
on June 15, 2016; published online on August 8, 2016. Discussion period et al. 2012), use of a probabilistic approach (Kayen et al. 2013),
open until January 8, 2017; separate discussions must be submitted for in- and intermethod comparison of the SPT, CPT, and Vs charts
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and (Robertson 2015; Boulanger and Idriss 2015). All of these charts
Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241. share the same basic principle and important characteristics.

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(2): -1--1

As an illustrative example, a liquefaction chart based on stan- The liquefaction chart in Fig. 1 is for an earthquake magnitude
dard penetration tests (Youd et al. 2001; modified from Seed et al. of 7.5. For other magnitudes, magnitude scaling factors are intro-
1985) is shown in Fig. 1. Here, the N-value, N160 , denotes the duced to correct the cyclic stress ratio, based on the assumption that
SPT blow count that is normalized to an overburden pressure of there exist an equivalent number of cycles for a given earthquake
approximately 100 kPa and a hammer energy ratio, or hammer ef- (e.g., Youd et al. 2001; Liu et al. 2001). Related aspects of earth-
ficiency, of 60%. For liquefaction prediction, one plots the cyclic quake behavior will be discussed later in this paper.
stress ratio and the N-value on this graph; if the plot lies above the For the purpose of comparison and subsequent discussion, the
given line corresponding to a certain fines content, liquefaction is liquefaction chart taken from Japanese guidelines (MLIT 2007) is
predicted to occur, otherwise no liquefaction is predicted. Here, the shown in Fig. 2. Here, the equivalent acceleration e is defined in
cyclic stress ratio (CSR) is calculated from the following equation: terms of the cyclic stress ratio as
amax v0 max
CSR 0.65 max 0.65 rd 1 e 0.7 2
v0 0
v0 0 g
g v0
where amax (Gal) = maximum horizontal acceleration at the ground
and the equivalent N-value is defined as
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surface; max (kPa) = maximum cyclic shear stress exerted on the

soil at a given depth; v0 and v0 (kPa) = initial vertical total stress
N 0.019 v0 65
and initial vertical effective stress, respectively; g = gravitational N 65 3
acceleration (980 Gal); and rd = stress reduction coefficient, with 0.0041 v0 65 1.0
rd 1.0 at the ground surface and, typically, rd < 1.0 below the
ground surface. As is evident in Eq. (1), it is based on the where e (Gal) = equivalent acceleration, which is obtained
assumption that max amax =g v0 rd , along with the maxi- through site response analysis, generally using the code SHAKE
mum acceleration amax estimated at the ground surface. Eq. (1) also (Schnabel et al. 1972); and N 65 = equivalent N-value correspond-
offers an alternative approach (Dobry and Abdoun 2011), where the 0 65 kPa, where the N-value
ing to a vertical effective stress of v0
cyclic stress ratio (CSR) is obtained directly from the maximum at a given soil depth is obtained from a standard penetration test
shear stress max calculated with a site response analysis program (SPT). The equivalent N-value is adjusted for soils with certain
such as SHAKE (Schnabel et al. 1972). fines contents and plasticity indexes (MLIT 2007).

Fig. 1. Liquefaction chart based on standard penetration tests (SPTs) for magnitude 7.5 earthquakes (reprinted from Youd et al. 2001, ASCE; data
from Seed et al. 1985)

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(2): -1--1



Equivalent N-value


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0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Equivalent acceleration: Gal

Fig. 2. Liquefaction chart showing four zones for liquefaction predic-

tion and assessment (data from MLIT 2007)

The occurrence and possibility of liquefaction are predicted and

assessed depending on where a given plot point, based on Eqs. (2)
and (3), lies in the four zones of the chart. Namely, Zone I means
that liquefaction will occur, Zone II represents a high possibility of
liquefaction, Zone III represents a low possibility of liquefaction,
and Zone IV means that liquefaction will not occur. For a more- Fig. 3. Grain size distribution curves with the ranges of possibility of
accurate evaluation of liquefaction in Zones II and III, one may liquefaction marked (data from MLIT 2007): (a) soil with low coeffi-
conduct liquefaction tests in the laboratory using undisturbed soil cient of uniformity Uc < 3.5; (b) soil with high coefficient of unifor-
samples, and together with the results of these tests, one can assess mity Uc 3.5
the occurrence or absence of liquefaction. Before applying the
aforementioned liquefaction chart, first, screening is performed
with soil classification, as shown in Fig. 3. That is to say, there due to the characteristics of the sites, routes, and sources of earth-
are different ranges of grain-size distributions with a possibility quakes (e.g., Aki and Richards 2009).
of liquefaction, depending on the grading of the soils. If the soil In what follows, the authors present a new method that incor-
has a grain-size distribution that falls in the ranges with the pos- porates the influence of such waveforms and durations of the earth-
sibility of liquefaction, it is assessed that liquefaction can occur, quakes and that can be applied to any type of the liquefaction charts
and if not, it is assessed that liquefaction does not occur. In the described earlier.
former cases, the liquefaction chart is used for liquefaction predic-
tion and assessment.
New Method Considering the Influence of
Converting the horizontal and vertical axes in Fig. 2 and using
Waveforms and Durations of Earthquakes
the line between Zone II and Zone III as a dividing line between
liquefaction and no liquefaction, the structure of this chart be- A new liquefaction prediction and assessment method that takes
comes essentially the same as the chart shown in Fig. 1, where the account of the influence of waveforms and durations of seismic
clean-sand base curve is considered. Indeed, through appropriate motions is presented herein. For this purpose, the results of a com-
conversions (Iai et al. 1989), the Japanese liquefaction chart was prehensive set of laboratory tests will be described first. The con-
previously shown to compare favorably with those of Seed et al. cept of the effective number of waves is then discussed and is
(1985) and Tokimatsu and Yoshimi (1983). incorporated into liquefaction prediction and assessment.
There are some basic assumptions underlying the liquefaction
charts with respect to the influence of the waveforms and durations
of earthquakes. Those assumptions are such that the nonuniform Undrained Cyclic Torsional Shear Tests and Constant-
cyclic shear stress variation exerted on a soil layer during an earth- Volume Cyclic Simple Shear Tests
quake can be replaced by an equivalent number of cycles of uni- Three series of laboratory liquefaction tests were conducted using
form stress, and there are an equivalent number of loading cycles 11 types of irregular waves with different waveforms and load
relating to earthquake magnitudes (Seed et al. 1983; Youd et al. cycles, as shown in Fig. 4, together with regular waves, comprising
2001; Liu et al. 2001; Idriss and Boulanger 2008; Dobry and a total of 241 test cases. The laboratory tests performed were un-
Abdoun 2011). However, these assumptions neither represent nor drained cyclic hollow cylindrical torsional shear tests for Series 1
account for actual field conditions, such as the waveforms and du- and 2 and constant-volume cyclic simple shear tests for Series 3, as
rations of seismic motions varying considerably in space and time listed in Table 1. All of the tests were carried out using reconstituted

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(2): -1--1

0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2

Shear stress ratio:

Shear stress ratio: 0.1 0.1
0 0
-0.1 -0.1
-0.2 -0.2
-0.3 -0.3
-0.4 -0.4
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
(a) Time: s (b) Time: s

0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2

Shear stress ratio:

Shear stress ratio:

0.1 0.1
0 0
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-0.1 -0.1
-0.2 -0.2
-0.3 -0.3
-0.4 -0.4
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(c) Time: s (d) Time: s

0.4 0.6
0.3 0.4
Shear stress ratio:

Shear stress ratio:

0.1 0.2
0 0
-0.1 -0.2
-0.4 -0.6
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 20 40 60 80 100
(e) Time: s (f) Time: s

Shear stress ratio:
Shear stress ratio:

0 0

-0.2 -0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 200 400 600 800 1000
(g) Time: s (h) Time: s

0.4 0.3
Shear stress ratio:

Shear stress ratio:

0 0
-0.4 -0.3
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
(i) Time: s (j) Time: s

Shear stress ratio:

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
(k) Time: s

Fig. 4. Eleven types of irregular seismic waves used for laboratory liquefaction tests: (a) Wave 1; (b) Wave 2; (c) Wave 3; (d) Wave 4; (e) Wave 5;
(f) Wave 6; (g) Wave 7; (h) Wave 8; (i) Wave 9; (j) Wave 10; (k) Wave 11

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Table 1. Undrained Cyclic Torsional Shear Tests and Constant-Volume Cyclic Simple Shear Tests for Regular and Irregular Seismic Waves, Comprising a
Total of 241 Test Cases
Sample Dr
Series Testing method preparation (%) CSRR CRR20 Waveform CSRIR CRRIR
T-1 Cyclic torsional Air pluviation 50 0.121, 0.153, 0.200, 0.296 0.163 1 0.229, 0.242, 0.261, 0.276 0.247
shear 2 0.241, 0.253, 0.288, 0.378 0.290
3 0.203, 0.207, 0.227, 0.251 0.221
4 0.178, 0.179, 0.188, 0.189 0.186
65 0.159, 0.178, 0.202, 0.229 0.186 1 0.286, 0.313, 0.351, 0.402 0.327
2 0.261, 0.301, 0.398, 0.482 0.396
3 0.220, 0.235, 0.270, 0.280 0.267
4 0.227, 0.235, 0.259, 0.273 0.246
80 0.182, 0.201, 0.301, 0.480 0.220 1 0.352, 0.452, 0.609, 1.031 0.422
2 0.345, 0.561, 0.765, 1.060 0.514
3 0.340, 0.436, 0.513, 0.588 0.371
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4 0.243, 0.264, 0.280, 0.311 0.263

5 0.261, 0.287, 0.325 0.294
90 0.214, 0.250, 0.281, 0.330 0.260 1 0.403, 0.615, 0.826, 1.239 0.768
2 0.399, 0.628, 0.842, 1.187 0.902
3 0.412, 0.518, 0.679, 0.910 0.613
4 0.349, 0.400, 0.443, 0.588 0.417
T-2 Cyclic torsional Vibratory 50 0.172, 0.205, 0.244 0.178 6 0.203, 0.262, 0.306 0.271
shear compaction 7 0.200, 0.259, 0.282, 0.309 0.270
8 0.213, 0.229, 0.260 0.235
9 0.208, 0.256, 0.258 0.257
10 0.204, 0.248, 0.290 0.258
65 0.182, 0.266, 0.365, 0.480 0.242 6 0.303, 0.402, 0.443 0.412
7 0.308, 0.354, 0.410 0.365
8 0.224, 0.281, 0.314 0.288
9 0.259, 0.297, 0.301 0.284
10 0.249, 0.317, 0.360 0.327
80 0.299, 0.404, 0.506 0.348 6 0.575, 0.617, 0.671 2.320
7 0.404, 0.513, 0.622 0.540
8 0.259, 0.303, 0.410 0.318
9 0.407, 0.421, 0.449 0.421
10 0.343, 0.402, 0.453 0.404
S Cyclic simple Vibratory 40 0.085, 0.107, 0.140 0.117 6 0.160, 0.173, 0.183, 0.192 0.172
shear compaction 7 0.149, 0.154, 0.160, 0.161, 0.165 0.158
8 0.128, 0.142, 0.143, 0.145, 0.147 0.144
50 0.105, 0.131, 0.144 0.123 6 0.186, 0.191, 0.194, 0.197 0.191
7 0.172, 0.174, 0.178, 0.246, 0.293 0.175
8 0.145, 0.153, 0.155 0.146
9 0.161, 0.170 0.169
10 0.172, 0.173 0.173
65 0.111, 0.158, 0.179 0.155 6 0.238, 0.267, 0.314, 0.356 0.286
7 0.170, 0.213, 0.235, 0.254 0.215
8 0.183, 0.187, 0.188, 0.189 0.187
9 0.192, 0.202, 0.224, 0.232 0.202
10 0.171, 0.201, 0.203, 0.210, 0.214 0.209
11 0.247, 0.318, 0.384, 0.457 0.279
80 0.130, 0.156, 0.209 0.176 6 0.247, 0.410, 0.573, 0.750 0.317
7 0.246, 0.289, 0.337 0.264
8 0.207, 0.235 0.212
9 0.201, 0.220, 0.247 0.207
10 0.180, 0.266, 0.310 0.216
90 0.176, 0.235, 0.300, 0.360 0.283 6 0.315, 0.803, 1.150, 1.648 0.909
7 0.224, 0.296, 0.373, 0.455, 0.602, 0.686 0.557
8 0.194, 0.252, 0.317, 0.384, 0.515, 0.584 0.434

specimens of silica sand with a median grain size D50 0.17 mm through air pluviation by adjusting the fall height to achieve the
and a uniformity coefficient U c 1.7. The sizes of the hollow targeted relative densities, and were frozen and set in the cell with
cylindrical specimens were 30 mm in internal diameter, 70 mm subsequent thawing in Series 1, whereas in Series 2 samples were
in external diameter, and 70 mm in height for Series 1, and prepared by dry vibratory compaction. In both series, the samples
60 mm in internal diameter, 100 mm in external diameter, and were saturated so that the pore pressure coefficient B became
100 mm in height for Series 2. The size of the cylindrical specimen, higher than 0.95 and were isotropically consolidated to an effective
which was confined in 10 circular Teflon polytetrafluorethylene stress of m0 98 kPa, and then subjected to undrained cyclic
rings each with a thickness of 4 mm, was 100 mm in diameter torsional shear with given seismic waves. Series 3 samples were
and 40 mm in height for Series 3. The samples were prepared prepared by dry vibratory compaction and were K o consolidated

ASCE 04016091-5 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(2): -1--1

80 0.6
Shear stress : kPa 40
20 0.5
Series T-1
-40 0.4

Cyclic stress ratio

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0.3
Time: s
Excess pore water pressure ue: kPa

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0 1 10 100 1000
(a) Number of cycles: Nc
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time: s
0.5 Series T-2

Shear strain

Cyclic stress ratio

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time: s 0.2

Fig. 5. Definition of liquefaction with reference to the results of a test

case with Dr 80% for the irregular Seismic Wave 2 in Series T-1 0.1

0 0
to a vertical effective stress of v0 98 kPa, and were then sub- 1 10 100 1000
(b) Number of cycles: Nc
jected to constant-volume cyclic simple shear with given seismic
waves. The 11 types of irregular waves shown in Fig. 4, which 0.6
had a wide variety of waveforms and durations with the number
of seismic waves ranging from 10 to over 300, were collected
0.5 Series S
and/or artificially created on the basis of the seismic records of past
earthquakes. The time axes of the loaded seismic waves were cali-
brated and elongated so as to assure accurate control of the loads 0.4
during the undrained or constant-volume cyclic shear of the sam-
Cyclic stress ratio

ples (Yamazaki and Emoto 2010).

The example test results are shown in Fig. 5. It is seen that, with
seismic loading, the excess pore-water pressure built up, and shear
strain developed. The definition of liquefaction used for all test 0.2
cases under the regular and irregular wave loading is such that
liquefaction takes place when the double-amplitude shear strains
reach DA 7.5% (Tatsuoka et al. 1986). Indeed, the excess pore
pressure reached the level of the effective confining pressure
(m0 98 kPa) at around DA 7.5% in this case. 0
The cyclic shear stress ratio, c =v0 , versus the number of load (c)
1 10 100
Number of cycles: Nc

cycles, N c leading to liquefaction for the regular wave loading is

shown in Fig. 6. The liquefaction resistance for the regular waves Fig. 6. Liquefaction resistance curves for Series (a) T-1; (b) T-2; (c) S
was defined by the cyclic stress ratio with N c 20, designated as
CRR20 . For the irregular wave loading, the maximum cyclic stress
ratios, max =v0 , were varied, and their relationships with the
Effective Number of Waves
developed double-amplitude shear strains, DA , were plotted, as
shown in Fig. 7. The liquefaction resistance for the irregular waves The concept of effective number of waves introduced to character-
was defined by the maximum cyclic stress ratio corresponding to ize the waveforms and durations or number of load cycles of irregu-
DA 7.5%, designated as CRRIR . The liquefaction resistances, lar seismic waves is described here. The theme here is how to
i.e., cyclic resistance ratios CRR20 and CRRIR , obtained for all represent the severity of given seismic waves, with certain maxi-
regular and irregular wave loading cases, are summarized in mum amplitudes, yet having distinctly variable waveforms and du-
Table 1, with the relative densities, Dr , ranging from 40 to 90%. rations. The key idea is that small waves relative to the maximum

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J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(2): -1--1

1.2 1
Dr = 40%
Dr = 90%
Wave 1 0.9
1 Wave 2
Wave 3
Wave 4
Wave 5 Dr = 80%
DA =7.5% 0.8

Correlation coefficient R
Maximum cyclic stress ratio



Dr = 65%

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0.2 0.4
0 5 10 15 20
Maximum double amplitude shear strain :%
Dr = 50%

Fig. 7. Definition of liquefaction resistance for irregular waves 0.3

0 20 40 60 80 100
with reference to the results of the 19 test cases with Dr 80% in :%
Series T-1
Fig. 9. Correlation coefficient R versus for all the test cases in Series
T-1, T2, and S under the 11 types of irregular seismic waves

Acting shear stress

2 80%
Liquefaction resistance ratio CRRIR / CRR20

70% Time


In this case : Nef =5/2=2.5
Fig. 10. Definition of effective number of waves
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Number of half waves above
The correlation coefficient, R, was lower for low values of . The
Fig. 8. Relationships between the liquefaction resistance ratio R-value increased with increasing , reached a peak and then de-
CRRIR =CRR20 and the number of half-waves having intensities above creased with increasing . For Dr 40%, however, the R-value
max for Dr 65% was consistently high, which stemmed from the smaller number
of test cases for very soft soils, as given in Table 1. Overall, the
results indicate that there exists an optimal value of at around
waves may not make a significant contribution to the occurrence of 60%. This means that the number of half-waves having inten-
liquefaction due to the lesser cyclic plasticity of the soils (e.g., Sassa sities above 0.6 max had the highest correlations with CRRIR =
and Sekiguchi 2001). In other words, seismic waves having inten- CRR20 . Hence, with reference to Fig. 10, the effective number of
sities above certain proportions of the maximum waves may effec- waves, N ef , was defined as half the number of half-waves above
tively contribute to the occurrence of liquefaction. The proportion 0.6 max in the time history of the shear stress variation due to
of such waves was defined as , and the relationships between , irregular seismic waves, as shown in Fig. 10. By definition, the
specifically the number of half-waves having intensities above N ef value becomes equal to N c in the case of regular seismic waves.
max , and the liquefaction susceptibility defined by the ratio Ishihara and Yasuda (1973, 1975) classified the waveforms of
CRRIR =CRR20 was studied. Example relationships are plotted irregular seismic waves as a shock type and vibratory type, depend-
in Fig. 8 for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90% and ing on the number of waves preceding the maximum whose am-
Dr 65%. The dotted lines represent power-function regression plitudes are greater than 60% of the maximum shear stress max .
curves whose correlations were analyzed for all of the test cases This classification, however, has proven insufficient in characteriz-
in Table 1. The results of this statistical analysis are shown in Fig. 9. ing the degree of the irregularity because it was based solely on

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information regarding the preceding seismic waves before max 1
manifested in a given shear stress variation.
A notable feature of the effective number of waves defined Dr = 50%
Dr = 65%
above is that it varies not only by the durations or load cycles of Dr = 80% Series T-1
Dr = 90%
the seismic motions, but also by the degree of irregularity of the : Regression of measured values
seismic waveforms through the shear stress variation, such as im- : Eqs. (4) and (5)

Liquefaction resistance CRRIR

pulsive or oscillatory waveforms, even for the same durations. As a
consequence, the effective number of waves, together with the con- 0.6
ventional maximum shear stress, is capable of representing the
severity of given seismic loading, simultaneously taking account
of the influence of such waveforms and durations of the irregular 0.4
seismic motions in a simple yet workable way.
The liquefaction resistance for the irregular seismic waves,
CRRIR , is plotted against the effective number of waves, N ef , as
shown in Fig. 11. The solid lines represent the power regression 0.2
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curves and the dotted lines will be explained later with reference
to the proposed equations. It is seen that the CRRIR value de-
creases with increasing N ef , and its dependency varies considerably 0
with Dr . 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
(a) Effective number of waves Nef

Liquefaction Prediction and Assessment 2.5

For liquefaction prediction and assessment utilizing the effective

number of waves concept, and its wider applications, this subsec- : Dr = 50%
: Dr = 65% Series T-2
tion considers the normalized liquefaction resistance CRRIR =CRRr 2 : Dr = 80%
in terms of the liquefaction resistance CRRr for a reference value of : Regression of measured values

Liquefaction resistance CRRIR

: Eqs. (4) and (5)
N ef , namely N r, and defines the term CRRIR =CRRr as a wave cor-
rection coefficient c :
N a
r N ef c
Eq. (4) indicates that under the conditions N ef N r , then c
1 ensues. The index a links c and N ef through a power function
and depends on Dr . Regression analysis of the observed data led to
the following form: 0.5

a 0.20.7 Dr 5

Here, Eq. (5) is valid for a 0, thus, Dr 2=7, that is, nearly 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
30%, and under very soft soil conditions with Dr < 2=7, it follows (b) Effective number of waves Nef
that a 0 and c 1. Eqs. (4) and (5) indicate that c increases
for N ef < N r and decreases for N ef > N r. The Dr value can be as- 1.2
sessed from the widely used correlation with the SPT N-value
Dr = 40%
(Meyerhof 1957; Ishihara 1996): Dr = 50%
s 1
Dr = 65%
Dr = 80%
Series S
170 N Dr = 90%
Dr 0.16 6 : Regression of measured values
70 v0
Liquefaction resistance CRRIR

: Eqs. (4) and (5)

Other widely used correlations between Dr and the CPT
q-value, or between N and q and Vs (Jamiolkowski et al. 1985;
Robertson 1990; Ishihara 1996; Andrus and Stokoe 2000; Andrus
et al. 2004, among others) can also be employed for calculating c .
With reference to Fig. 11, the dotted lines represent the values
predicted from Eqs. (4) and (5). Here, the condition N r 5 was
used, and the corresponding CRRr values were adopted from
the measured ones (solid lines) in Fig. 11. There are reasonably
good agreements between the two. The form of the proposed
Eqs. (4) and (5) is kept constant for any value of N r , which facil-
itates universal application of the wave correction coefficient, c . 0
The wave correction coefficients, c , on the basis of Eqs. (4)(6) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
(c) Effective number of waves Nef
are plotted against Dr and N in Fig. 12. It is seen that the c value
changes more markedly with increasing Dr and N. The correspond-
Fig. 11. Liquefaction resistance versus the effective number of waves
ing procedure for the liquefaction prediction and assessment is de-
for Series (a) T-1; (b) T-2; (c) S
scribed subsequently.

ASCE 04016091-8 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(2): -1--1

2 10
Nef = 1
Nef = 2.5
1.8 Nef = 5
Nef = 7.5 8
Nef = 10
1.6 Nef=12.5
Nef = 12.5

Effective number of waves Nef

Wave correction coefficient

1.4 6

Nr = 5
Downloaded from by on 05/23/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.


30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0
Dr: % 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Number of soil layers
Nef = 1 Fig. 13. Effective numbers of waves calculated through site response
2 Nef=2.5
Nef = 2.5 analysis using the SHAKE code for the 1983 Central Japan Sea Earth-
Nef = 5 quake at Akita Port, Japan
Nef = 7.5
1.8 Nef = 10
Nef = 12.5
Nef=12.5 30
Wave correction coefficient

1.6 Nr = 5 Current
:Nef = 1 Corrected
:Nef =10 Corrected

Equivalent N-value

Nr = 5


0.6 10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
N-value No liquefaction

Fig. 12. Wave correction coefficient c versus Dr and N-value in the 5

case of N r 5
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Liquefaction charts have been constructed semiempirically fol- Equivalent acceleration : Gal
lowing the past case histories of earthquakes. This means that there
exist reference earthquakes for which the charts, or more specifi- Fig. 14. (Color) Liquefaction prediction and assessment using the
cally their boundaries for liquefaction and no liquefaction, were wave correction coefficient, c
best validated and most consistent results obtained. The effective
number of waves, N ef , is first assessed for such a reference earth-
quake and is used as N r . For instance, the liquefaction chart shown 3 to 7, with an average of 5. Accordingly, N r was set to 5. Then,
in Fig. 2 was best validated against the 1983 Central Japan Sea one can perform liquefaction prediction and assessment that simul-
Earthquake with the corresponding liquefaction and no-liquefac- taneously considers the influence of the waveforms and durations
tion cases at Akita Port. The effective numbers of waves at various of earthquakes by plotting the cyclic stress ratio or the equivalent
locations at Akita Port during that earthquake were calculated from acceleration in Fig. 2, which is divided by the wave correction
the site response analysis using the SHAKE code, and the results are coefficient, c , as shown in Fig. 14. Here, the open circles denote
shown in Fig. 13. Here, the numbers of soil layers represent the example plots with N r 5, and the solid circles and triangles
consecutive numbers of soil layers analyzed for various points represent the corresponding corrected plots for a lower effective
and depths at this site. It is seen that the N ef values ranged from number of waves with N ef 1 and for a higher effective number

ASCE 04016091-9 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(2): -1--1


Eqs. (4), (5) 30

Fatigue theory
Predicted liquefaction resistance CRRIR



Equivalent N-value

0.4 10

Acceleration: Gal
150 max = 177Gal
Downloaded from by on 05/23/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

5 -100
0.2 -150
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time: s
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
0 Equivalent acceleration : Gal
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Measured liquefaction resistance CRRIR Fig. 16. Results of the liquefaction prediction and assessment for the
1983 Central Japan Sea Earthquake at Akita Port, Japan, together with
Fig. 15. Comparison between predicted and measured liquefaction the input acceleration used

of waves with N ef 10. The symbol e0 represents the corrected represents an outcrop 2E wave that was deconvolved to the rock
equivalent acceleration, namely, the corrected cyclic stress ratio as base, which was at a depth of 7 m from the ground surface, at the
divided by the wave correction coefficient c . The panel on the site from the observed waveform of the ground surface acceleration
bottom shows that the plots can vary, crossing the dividing line there. The site response analysis using the SHAKE code was per-
between liquefaction and no liquefaction. formed for the soil profiles at the Akita Port. The new method was
It is necessary to check the accuracy of the wave correction co- then applied to the corresponding liquefaction prediction and as-
efficient, c . The predicted liquefaction resistances using Eqs. (4) sessment. The predicted results are shown in Fig. 16. Here, the
and (5), i.e., the dotted lines in Fig. 11, and the measured liquefac- solid circles represent the liquefied points, and the open circles re-
tion resistances, i.e., the solid lines in Fig. 11, are plotted as solid present the nonliquefied points. The liquefied and nonliquefied
circles in Fig. 15. Comparison of the predicted and measured lique- points are based on postearthquake field observations for the sites.
faction resistances confirms the accuracy of the wave correction The results from the conventional method and the new method with
coefficient, c . In Fig. 15, the predictions from a fatigue theory the wave corrections introduced are plotted together in a superim-
(Annaki and Lee 1977) are also plotted as open circles for compari- posed manner. It is seen that, regardless of the presence or absence
son. Here, the liquefaction resistances for the irregular waves were of the wave corrections, both of the predicted results are generally
predicted using information on the liquefaction resistance curves consistent with the liquefaction and no-liquefaction cases.
for the regular waves shown in Fig. 6. Essentially the same degree The input acceleration used for the 1993 Kushiro Offshore
of accuracy is observed for both theories. Earthquake at Kushiro Port is shown in Fig. 17. This acceleration
was observed at the engineering rock base [ground surface level
(G.L.), 76 m] of Kushiro Port. The results of the corresponding
Verification of the Proposed Method Using Case liquefaction prediction and assessment, performed in the same way
Histories of Five Major Earthquakes as described above, are shown in Fig. 17. At the observation site, no
traces of liquefaction were reported. The predicted results show no
This section discusses the validity of the proposed new liquefaction liquefaction (Zone IV) and a low possibility of liquefaction (Zone
prediction and assessment method in light of the past case histories III) regardless of the presence or absence of the wave corrections,
of major earthquakes involving liquefaction and no liquefaction. and are consistent with the observed results. Closer examination
The basal liquefaction chart for which the proposed method was tells us that the predicted results after introducing the wave correc-
applied is shown in Fig. 2. The case histories used were (1) the tions show higher equivalent accelerations globally and partly ap-
1983 Central Japan Sea Earthquake with a moment magnitude proached Zone II with a high possibility of liquefaction. At Kushiro
of 7.8 at Akita Port, (2) 1993 Kushiro Offshore Earthquake with Port, although the liquefaction state was not reached, cyclic mobil-
a moment magnitude of 7.6 at Kushiro Port, (3) 1995 Southern ity that manifests itself in the course of the build-up of excess pore-
Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake with a moment magnitude of 6.9 water pressures in dense sands was reported to take place (Iai et al.
at Port Island Kobe, (4) 2009 Suruga Bay Earthquake with a mo- 1995). In this respect, the results predicted by the new method
ment magnitude of 6.3 at Omaezaki Port, and (5) 2011 Off the appear to be more consistent with the field evidence in cases with
Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake with a moment magnitude no liquefaction but a partly near-liquefied state.
of 9.0 at Urayasu City, Japan. The acceleration observed at G.L. of 16 m through array
The input acceleration used for the 1983 Central Japan Sea observation at Port Island Kobe during the 1995 Southern Hyogo
Earthquake at Akita Port is shown in Fig. 16. This acceleration Prefecture Earthquake was used as an input for the liquefaction

ASCE 04016091-10 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(2): -1--1

30 30
300 300

Acceleration: Gal

Acceleration: Gal
200 max = 203Gal 200 max = 316Gal
100 100
25 0
25 -100
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -300
20 Time: s -400
Equivalent N-value

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
20 Time: s

Equivalent N-value


5 10
Downloaded from by on 05/23/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 5
Equivalent acceleration : Gal

Fig. 17. Results of the liquefaction prediction and assessment for the
1993 Kushiro Offshore Earthquake at Kushiro Port, Japan, together 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
with the input acceleration used Equivalent acceleration : Gal

Fig. 19. Results of the liquefaction prediction and assessment for the
2009 Suruga Bay Earthquake at Omaezaki Port, Japan, together with
the input acceleration used

and used as an input for the liquefaction prediction and assessment
600 is shown in Fig. 19. As seen in this figure, the seismic motion was
Acceleration: Gal

25 400 max = 565Gal in impulsive form, giving rise to a very low effective number of
200 waves, equal to unity. At the observation site, no traces of lique-
0 faction were found, indicating that liquefaction did not take place.
-200 The results of the corresponding liquefaction prediction and assess-
-400 ment are shown in Fig. 19. The conventional method predicted that
Equivalent N-value

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time: s
liquefaction will occur or that there is a high possibility of lique-
faction. By contrast, the new method predicted significantly lower
15 possibilities of liquefaction, with a major shift in the predictive
zones. Thus, the new method showed markedly improved predic-
tive capability and consistency with the no-liquefaction cases.
10 The acceleration observed adjacent to the Urayasu City during
the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake, and used as
an input for the analysis of the liquefaction is shown in Fig. 20. The
Tohoku earthquake had a long duration (200 s) that was about 10
times longer than that of the 1995 major Kobe Earthquake. The
results of the corresponding liquefaction prediction and assessment
are shown in Fig. 20. The predicted results are generally consistent
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
with the observed results for liquefaction and no liquefaction. A
Equivalent acceleration : Gal closer examination shows that the new method showed increased
equivalent accelerations in Zone II, with a high possibility of lique-
Fig. 18. Results of the liquefaction prediction and assessment for the faction, confirming the accuracy of the predictions in the liquefac-
1995 Southern Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake at Port Island Kobe, tion cases. Also, the liquefied point, indicated by the solid triangle
Japan, together with the input acceleration used in Zone III, which was predicted to have a low possibility of lique-
faction by the conventional method, shifted marginally so as to
come in contact with the boundary of Zone II, showing a high pos-
prediction and assessment shown in Fig. 18. At the observation site, sibility of liquefaction. These results indicate that the new method
traces of liquefaction were confirmed, indicating that liquefaction has improved predictive capability in liquefaction cases.
took place at the site. The results of the corresponding liquefaction Finally, it is worth investigating the relationships between the
prediction and assessment are shown in Fig. 18. All of the predicted effective number of waves N ef and the magnitudes M of the five
results, regardless of the wave corrections, lie in Zone I, showing major earthquakes described earlier, as shown in Fig. 21. While
that liquefaction will occur, and are consistent with the liquefac- there is a tendency for the effective number of waves to increase
tion cases. with increasing magnitude, it is evident that a unique relationship
The acceleration observed at the engineering rock base (G.L., does not exist between N ef and M, and in particular, N ef varies
10 m) of Omaezaki Port during the 2009 Suruga Bay Earthquake, considerably for a given earthquake magnitude. This means that

ASCE 04016091-11 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(2): -1--1

The new method adopts the concept of an effective number of
waves, which was studied via statistical analysis and validated us-
ing the results of a comprehensive set of laboratory liquefaction
tests with undrained cyclic torsional shear and constant-volume
cyclic simple shear comprising 241 test cases. A total of 11 types
of irregular seismic waves were used to clarify this concept, which
represents the characteristics of the variety of the waveforms and
Equivalent N-value

different numbers of load cycles, as well as their influence on the

occurrence of liquefaction in a simple yet workable way.
In the proposed method, liquefaction prediction and assessment
can be performed using the wave correction coefficient defined in
Eq. (4), together with the site response analysis for calculating the
10 Acceleration: Gal 150
maximum cyclic stress ratios and the effective numbers of waves
max = 109Gal under the target seismic motions. The validity of the new method
was verified with the case histories of five major earthquakes in
Downloaded from by on 05/23/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

5 -50 Japan, namely, the 1983 Central Japan Sea Earthquake, the 1993
Kushiro Offshore Earthquake, the 1995 Southern Hyogo Prefecture
00 100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300

Time: s
400 500
Earthquake, the 2009 Suruga Bay Earthquake, and the 2011 Off the
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake. The results demonstrate that
Equivalent acceleration : Gal the new method has improved predictive capability and accuracy in
comparison with the conventional method for cases of liquefaction
Fig. 20. (Color) Results of the liquefaction prediction and assessment and no liquefaction.
for the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake at Urayasu The proposed new method with the reference effective number
City, Japan, together with the input acceleration used of waves has the unique feature that it can be applied to all types
of liquefaction charts formulated in terms of the cyclic stress ratio
and field measured values, such as SPT N-values, CPT q-values,
12 and shear-wave velocities. The corresponding procedures were de-
scribed and explained. The authors sincerely hope that the new sim-
plified method will be widely used for liquefaction prediction and
10 assessment with such influence of the waveforms and durations of
earthquakes introduced.
Effective number of waves Nef

The authors would like to acknowledge Urayasu City, Japan, for
6 providing the ground data concerning the analysis of the liquefac-
tion at Urayasu City.


The following symbols are used in this paper:

CSRIR = cyclic stress ratio for irregular seismic wave;
CSRR = cyclic stress ratio for regular seismic wave;
CRR20 = cyclic resistance ratio for regular seismic wave with
6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5
N c 20;
Magnitude M c = wave correction coefficient;
Dr = soil relative density;
Fig. 21. Relationships between the effective number of waves and g = gravitational acceleration;
magnitudes of the past five major earthquakes in Japan N = N-value from standard penetration test;
N 65 = equivalent N-value corresponding to v0 0 65 kPa;

N c = number of load cycles with constant-amplitude shear

the magnitude itself cannot be used to infer the effective number stress;
of waves, which has been introduced and validated, to account for N ef = effective number of waves;
the influence of such waveforms and durations of earthquakes on N r = reference value of N ef ;
liquefaction. q = tip resistance from cone penetration test;
U c = coefficient of uniformity;
ue = excess pore water pressure;
Conclusions V s = shear-wave velocity;
e = equivalent acceleration defined by Eq. (2) in terms of
This paper has presented and discussed a new simplified liquefac- cyclic stress ratio;
tion prediction and assessment method that is capable of consider- = proportion of acting shear stress relative to the maximum
ing the influence of irregularities in the waveforms and durations of shear stress;
seismic motions. = shear strain;

ASCE 04016091-12 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2017, 143(2): -1--1

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