Sprint Meeting Next Week's Goals

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To do for the next sprint

(written on Aug 11 2017)

Verify reduction of number of holes on chassis is okay with PR
Finalize solar panel design
Stress analysis on chassis
ICD for chassis
Catch up to modelling Michael McCarthy has done
document /organize thermal contacts met in Utah conference
Order new charge PCB
EPS (power)
Order generation and distribution PCBs
Size battery heater
Complete more cycle tests
Work with Erin on structures regarding solar panel requirements
Test photo diode board
Design photo diode engineering model
Build and check fitting of reaction wheel bracket
Order reaction wheel board
Manufacture and setup test setup for COM2 full scale antenna
Tourbleshoot intro projects CAN stuff
Tweek intro projects
Finish finite state diagram for power
Document DBC files and create readme for non-techy people
Calibrate hardware behavior and software on bdot

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