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Ludi Fortes - Strong Games

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not
Ars Metamagica
guarantee compatibility, |1
and does not endorse this product.
Ars Metamagica
by Mark L. Chance

Playtesting, Proofreading & Suggestions: Jeffrey Brady, Thomas J. Burns,

Katrina Chance, Damon Griffin, Renaud Lotte, Ben McFarland, Jeremy Miller,
Shane O'Connor, Alice Peng, Brandon Powers, Geoff Wobbema

Table of Contents
Introduction..................................................3 Magician's Metamagic Mastery................9
Being a Metamagic Artist................................3 Orisons & Cantrips...................................9
1 - Choose Your Arts................................4 Preferred Spell Feat.................................9
Table: Metamagic Arts..............................4 Sorcerer's Arcane Bloodline.....................9
2 - Select Your Metamagic Palette............5 Sorcerer's Bloodline Bonus Feats..........10
3 - Apply Selected Arts.............................5 Spell-Like Abilities..................................10
Preparing Casters................................5 Spellcraft and Metamagic Arts................10
Spontaneous Casters..........................6 Spell Perfection Feat..............................10
The Metamagic Check.........................6 Wizard's Bonus Feats.............................10
Limits to Applying Metamagic Arts.......6 Wizard's Universalist School...................11
Failing the Metamagic Check...............6 New Feats.....................................................11
Disrupting a Metamagic Spell..............7 Extra Metamagic Art...............................11
Metamagic Art & A Spell's Level...........7 Extra Palette Slots..................................11
Heighten Spell Metamagic Art..................7 Greater Metamagic Art Focus.................11
Reach Spell Metamagic Art......................8 Metamagic Art Focus..............................11
Using These Rules with Your Game..................8 Resist Magical Feedback.......................12
Arcane Concordance Spell.......................8 New Traits....................................................12
Healing Domain Healer's Blessing...........8 Metamagic Talent...................................12
Loremaster's Feat Requirements.............8 Palette Variety........................................12
Magical Lineage Trait...............................8 Metamagic Rod............................................12

Open Gaming Content

Except for terms identified as Product Identity or that are already part of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Reference Document, this entire document is closed content.

Designation of Product Identity

The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity:

1. The name "Spes Magna Games" as well as all identifying marks of Spes Magna Games, including but not
limited to the Spes Magna logo and the phrase "Ludi Fortes - Strong Games". Spes Magna logo by Darren

2. The product name "Ars Metamagica" except for its use within Section 15 of the Open Gaming License.

Art Credits
Cover: Almanach comique, pittoresque, drolatique, critique et charivarique pour l'anne 1887 (Paris, 1887).

Pages 5 and 8: WPClipart.

Page 11: Dugald Stewart Walker (1883 - 1937), found in The Boy Who Knew What The Birds Said (1918).

Copyright and Trademark Notice

Ars Metamagica. Copyright 2010, Mark L. Chance, published by Spes Magna Games.

Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used
under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License.

See for more information on the compatibility license.

Ars Metamagica | 2

I've played the third edition and the subsequent iterations of the World's Most Popular
Roleplaying Game since about the time they were put on the market. I've read oodles of
splatbooks and adventures related to the game. One of the more interesting and frequently
expanded upon concepts are metamagic feats. It seems that just about every new supplement
had to have at least a handful of these feats.

Metamagic feats let casters modify their spells. Want a summon monster spell that lasts longer
than normal? Apply Extend Spell. Want some extra firepower? Apply Empower Spell or
Maximize Spell. In a hurry? Apply Quicken Spell. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

Unfortunately, sounds (like appearances) can be deceiving. In my experience, metamagic feats

are seldom used. Players don't take them. Feats are precious commodities, after all, and
spending a feat for an effect of limited utility can be a hard sell. What's more, the inclusion of
metamagic rods combined with the all-too-common Magic Shop Syndrome1 pretty much makes
metamagic feats obsolete.

The coolness that should've been metamagic feats has long rankled me, so I decided to do
something about it. Thus, this PDF.

As always, if you have any comments, questions, or criticisms about this PDF, don't hesitate to
email me.

Behind the Scenes
Mark L. Chance
Spes Magna Games You might be wondering where the DC modifiers on
Table: Metamagic Arts come from. The DC is a
Being a Metamagic Artist bonus equal to the number of levels the standard
metamagic feat adjusted an affected spell. So, for
All casters learn how to manipulate their example, a silent spell normally uses up a spell slot
spells via the art of metamagic. This one level higher than the spell's actual level. Thus,
knowledge comes as part of normal Silent Spell in Ars Metamagica has a +1 DC
advancement in a spellcasting class. modifier.

No feats are required. In other words, This simple translation is intended to keep
metamagic feats do not exist. They are metamagic feats in relative balance with each other.
replaced by a metamagic system
available to any creature with an ability The minimum caster level is based on the lowest
to cast spells derived from a character caster level at which a spontaneous full caster could
class. normally apply the metamagic effect to a 0-level
spell. For example, an empowered 0-level spell
Your spellcaster can be a metamagic would be a 2nd-level spell. A spontaneous full caster
artist by following these simple steps. would have to be caster level 4 to execute such an

1 The Magic Shop Syndrome is one of the nastier aspects of too many players' sense of
entitlement. Players with this syndrome believe that their PCs get desired magic items just
because the rules say such items cost X and their PCs have X.

Ars Metamagica | 3
1 - Choose Your Arts
Refer to Table: Metamagic Arts below. Make note of which metamagic arts your character can
learn based on that character's caster level. If your character has more than one spellcasting
class, he may have different arts available depending on which type of spell he's casting.

Table: Metamagic Arts

Metamagic Art Caster Level DC Metamagic Art Caster Level DC
Bouncing Spell1 1st +1 Maximize Spell 6th +3
1 1
Dazing Spell 6th +3 Merciful Spell 1st +0
1 1
Disruptive Spell 1st +1 Persistent Spell 4th +2
Ectoplasmic Spell1 1st +1 Quicken Spell 8th +4
1 1
Elemental Spell 1st +1 Reach Spell 1st +13
Empower Spell 4th +2 Selective Spell1 10th4 +1
Enlarge Spell 1st +1 Sickening Spell 1st +1
Extend Spell 1st +1 Silent Spell 1st +1
Focused Spell 1st +1 Still Spell 1st +1
Heighten Spell 1st +13 Threatening Illusion2 1st +1
1 1
Intensified Spell 1st +1 Thundering Spell 4th +2
Lingering Spell1 1st +1 Widen Spell 6th +3
These feats are found in the Advanced Player's Guide.
This feat comes from the Pathfinder Companion: Gnomes of Golarion.
Or higher. See explanatory text below.
This metamagic art has an additional prerequisite of 10 ranks in Spellcraft.

Before moving on, let's take a moment to define some terms:

Preparing Caster: This type of caster must prepare his spells. For example, wizards and
witches are preparing casters.

Spontaneous Caster: This type of caster does not prepare his spells. For example, sorcerers
and inquistors are spontaneous casters.

Relevant Ability: This is the ability that determines the ability score modifier applied to a spell's
DCs. For example, Intelligence is the relevant ability for wizards, Wisdom for clerics, and
Charisma for summoners.

At 1st caster level, a caster gains a number of metamagic arts equal to his relevant ability
modifier. At 2nd caster level and every two caster levels thereafter (4th, 6th, et cetera), he learns
another metamagic art from those he meets the prerequisites for2.

2 Keep in mind, this applies to caster levels, not class levels or character levels. Thus, a
paladin doesn't gain metamagic arts until he reaches 4th level as a paladin, at which time he
is caster level 1.

Ars Metamagica | 4
For example, Xolani Themba is a cleric 2/wizard 4 with a 15 Intelligence and a 16 Wisdom. At
cleric level 1, he learned Enlarge Spell, Intensified Spell, and Silent Spell. As he advanced to
6th level, he learned Bouncing Spell, Reach Spell, and Empower Spell. He can only use
Empower Spell with his wizard spells since it has a caster level requirement of 4th.

A metamagic art functions exactly like the metamagic feat of the same name, but a metamagic
art does not modify a spell's level (except for Heighten Spell). Some metamagic feats have
prerequisites other than a minimum caster level. The corresponding metamagic art retains those
prerequisites. Of the arts listed on Table: Metamagic Arts, only Selective Spell has an
additional prerequisite.

2 - Select Your Metamagic Palette

Once a day, when your character prepares his
spells and/or regains spell slots, you get to select
your metamagic palette as part of the normal
process for recovering spell slots or preparing
spells for the day. This requires no extra time.
These are the metamagic arts your character has
available for the day.

A character gets a number of palette slots equal

to 3 + the character's relevant ability modifier. A
character with more one spellcasting class uses
his highest relevant ability modifier. A metamagic
art takes up a number of slots equal its DC

For example, Empower Spell has a +2 DC

modifier, and it thus takes up two palette slots.

When selecting his palette for the day, a caster

can leave some of his palette slots open. Later during that day, he can repeat the selection
process as often as he likes, circumstances and time permitting. During these extra sessions of
selection, the caster can fill these unused palette slots. This selection takes 1 minute per point
of metamagic art DC modifier. He cannot, however, abandon a previously selected metamagic
art to replace it with another one. That sort of preparation requires a mind fresh from rest.

For example, Taliba is a 6th-level witch with a 18 Intelligence. She daily prepares a palette of 7
palette slots from those she has access to. Xolani's highest relevant spellcasting ability is
Wisdom 16. Xolani has 6 palette slots. (His 15 Intelligence doesn't matter for palette selection.)

3 - Apply Selected Arts

Metamagic arts are applied two different ways, depending on whether the character is a
prepared caster or a spontaneous caster.

Preparing Casters
A prepared caster applies metamagic arts from his palette to his spells when they are prepared.
He casts the spell as normal, making the necessary metamagic check as part of the normal
casting time. Alchemists may apply metamagic arts to his extracts.

Ars Metamagica | 5
Spontaneous Casters
Spontaneous casters apply metamagic arts on the fly when casting a spell. Applying a
metamagic art on the fly requires a move action (unless attempting Quicken Spell).

The Metamagic Check

Regardless of caster type, using a metamagic art requires a metamagic check at the time of
casting against DC 15 + spell's normal level + metamagic art DC modifiers. If you are applying
more than one metamagic art to a spell, the metamagic art DC modifiers are cumulative. The
aforesaid DC modifiers are found on Table: Metamagic Arts. Metamagic checks do not
provoke attacks of opportunity.

Metamagic Check = d20 + 1/2 caster level (drop fractions) + relevant ability modifier
Metamagic Check DC = 15 + spell's normal level + metamagic art DC modifiers

If a caster is not rushed, in combat, et cetera, he can take 10 on a metamagic check. It is never
possible to take 20 on a metamagic check.

All metamagic arts require a somatic component except for Still Spell, which requires a verbal
component (unless combined with Silent Spell, in which case no components are required).

When a spontaneous caster applies a metamagic art to a spell that has a casting time of 1
round, the caster do not use a move action for the metamagic check. Instead, impose a +5 to
the metamagic check DC3. One round casting time spells still require the normal metamagic art

The Quicken Spell metamagic feat is a special case. Instead, the caster makes a metamagic
check as free action. If he succeeds, he casts the modified spell as a swift action.

For example, Taliba casts cure moderate wounds with the Reach Spell metamagic art to
increase the range from touch to close (a +1 DC modifier). She makes a +7 metamagic check
against DC 18. If she succeeds, she casts cure moderate wounds at a single target within 40

Limits to Applying Metamagic Arts

There is a limit to how many metamagic arts can be applied to any one spell. The spell's level
plus total metamagic arts modifiers cannot exceed 9 or caster level +1, whichever is lower.

For example, Xolani is a 2nd-level cleric/4th-level wizard. His metamagic art limit for cleric
spells is 3, thus limiting him to a +2 total metamagic art DC modifier with 1st-level cleric spells.
His metamagic art limit for wizard spells is 5. He can apply up to a +4 total metamagic art
modifier with 1st-level wizard spells and a +3 total metamagic art modifier with his 2nd-level
wizard spells.

Failing the Metamagic Check

If you fail by 4 or less, the spell takes effect as if not modified by any metamagic arts. Indeed,
failing a metamagic check never causes your spell to fail. Instead, the spell always takes effect
as if not modified by any metamagic arts. There are other consequences for more serious levels
of failure.

3 Why? Because I don't like the hassle of keeping track of actions that bleed over from one
round to the next.

Ars Metamagica | 6
If you fail your metamagic check by 5 to 9 points, you suffer magical feedback that inflicts a
number of points of temporary ability damage4 to Constitution equal to the total metamagic art
DC modifiers applied to the spell. If you fail by 10 or more points, you suffer this magical
feedback plus gain one level of fatigue.5 An exhausted caster who fails a metamagic check by
10 or more points suffers 1d6 points of nonlethal damage.

For example, Taliba makes her metamagic check, but rolls a 6 for a 13 total. She failed her
metamagic check by 5 points. Taliba suffers 1 point of temporary Constitution damage from
magical feedback. If she had rolled a 3, Taliba would've failed by 10 points. She'd suffer the
Constitution damage plus would become fatigued.

Disrupting a Metamagic Spell

Spells modified by a metamagic art can be disrupted as normal. Disruption can be countered
with a concentration check (d20 + caster level + relevant ability score modifier). Use normal
concentration check DCs but add applicable metamagic art DC modifiers.

For example, Xolani is attempting to empower a magic missile. He faces a DC 18 metamagic

check. Unfortunately, he's on the vigorously moving deck of a small ship. Xolani must make a
DC 13 concentration check to both apply the metamagic art and to cast the spell.

On a related topic, applying a metamagic art to a spell doesn't alter how that spell can be

Metamagic Art & A Spell's Level

A metamagic art does not change a spell's level, unless we're talking about Heighten Spell (as
explained below). In the above example, Xolani's empowered magic missile still counts as a 1st-
level spell.

In all ways, a metamagic spell operates at its original spell level. Saving throw modifications are
not changed unless stated otherwise in the corresponding metamagic feat's description.

The modifications made by metamagic arts only apply to spells cast directly by the art user. A
spellcaster can't use a metamagic art to alter a spell being cast from a wand, scroll, or other

Metamagic arts that eliminate components of a spell don't eliminate the attack of opportunity
provoked by casting a spell while threatened. Casting a spell modified by Quicken Spell does
not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Heighten Spell Metamagic Art

The DC modifier for this metamagic art is +1 for each effective level of increase applied to the
spell. Unlike other metamagic arts, Heighten Spell does change a spell's actual level.

A prepared caster prepares the spell with Heighten Spell in a slot of the appropriate level. A
spontaneous caster loses a spell slot of the appropriate level when applying Heighten Spell.
Thus, heightening chill touch to a 5th-level spell imposes a +4 metamagic DC modifier, and
counts as one of the caster's 5th-level or higher spells.

4 Keep in mind that ability damage in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game does not actually lower
an ability score. Instead, it applies certain penalties. See here for more information.
5 In other words, the character becomes fatigued. If already fatigued, he becomes exhausted.

Ars Metamagica | 7
Reach Spell Metamagic Art
The DC modifier for this metamagic art is +1 increase in
range category. For example, increasing a touch range
spell to long range faces a +3 DC modifier.

Using These Rules with Your Game

Ars Metamagica requires some alterations to the normal

Arcane Concordance Spell

Replace the bard's arcane concordance6 spell with this

Arcane Concordance
School evocation; Level bard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a spent wand)
Range personal
Target you
Area 10-ft.-radius emanation centered on you
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

A shimmering, blue and gold radiance surrounds you,

enhancing arcane spells cast by your allies within its area. Any arcane spell cast by a creature
within the area gains a +1 enhancement bonus to the DC of any saving throws against the spell,
and can be cast as if one of the following metamagic arts was applied to it (without requiring a
move action or a metamagic check): Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, or Still Spell (you
choose the metamagic art when you cast arcane concordance).

Healing Domain Healer's Blessing

This domain granted power function as described, and it does not stack with the Empower Spell
metamagic art.

Loremaster's Feat Requirements

The feat requirements for the loremaster prestige class are changed to any three of Metamagic
Art Focus, Greater Metamagic Art Focus, or item creation feats, plus Skill Focus (Knowledge
[any individual Knowledge skill]).

Metamagic Art Focus and Greater Magic Art Focus are new feats that are described below.

Magical Lineage Trait

Change the benefit of this trait to read this way: Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When
you apply metamagic arts to this spell, you gain a +1 trait bonus to your metamagic check.

6 See Arcane Concordance" in Chapter 5 of the Advanced Player's Guide.

Ars Metamagica | 8
Magician's Metamagic Mastery
Replace the bard magician's metamagic mastery7 class feature with this one.

Metamagic Mastery (Ex): At 14th level, a magician can use performance to apply a metamagic
art to a spell he is about to cast without using a move action or applying the +5 DC modifier for
altering a 1 round casting time spell. This causes the performance to immediately end. This
ability requires audible components. This performance replaces frightening tune.

Orisons & Cantrips

Since most metamagic arts do not actually change a spell's level, it is possible to apply such
arts to orisons and cantrips without them having to be prepared in a higher spell slot or
consuming a higher spell slot.

Preferred Spell Feat

Use this Preferred Spell feat8 instead of the published one.

Preferred Spell
You find it very easy to cast one particular spell.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 5 ranks, Metamagic Art Focus (Heighten Spell).
Benefit: Choose one spell which you have the ability to cast. You can cast that spell
spontaneously by sacrificing a prepared spell or spell slot of equal or higher level. You can apply
any metamagic arts currently on your palette to this spell when you cast it without using a move
action or applying the +5 DC modifier for altering a 1 round casting time spell.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the
feat, it applies to a different spell.

Sorcerer's Arcane Bloodline

Change the bloodline arcana and bloodline powers to the following.

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you apply a metamagic art that has at least a +1 DC modifier,
increase the spell's DC by +1. This bonus does not stack with itself, and does not apply to spells
modified metamagic arts that increase a spell's DC.

Bloodline Powers: Magic comes naturally to you, but as you gain levels you must take care to
prevent the power from overwhelming you.

Arcane Bond (Su): At 1st level, you gain an arcane bond, as a wizard equal to your sorcerer
level. Your sorcerer levels stack with any wizard levels you possess when determining the
powers of your familiar or bonded object. This ability does not allow you to have both a familiar
and a bonded item.

Metamagic Prodigy (Ex): At 3rd level, you can apply a +2 bonus to any single metamagic check.
You can use this ability once per day at 3rd level and one additional time per day for every four
sorcerer levels you possess beyond 3rd, up to five times per day at 19th level. This bonus
stacks with Metamagic Art Focus and Greater Magic Art Focus.

7 See the "Magician" in Chapter 2 of the Advanced Player's Guide.

8 See the "Preferred Spell" feat in Chapter 3 of the Advanced Player's Guide.

Ars Metamagica | 9
New Arcana (Ex): At 9th level, you can add any one spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list to
your list of spells known. This spell must be of a level that you are capable of casting. You can
also add one additional spell at 13th level and 17th level.

School Power (Ex): At 15th level, pick one school of magic. The DC for any spells you cast from
that school increases by +2. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Spell Focus.

Arcane Apotheosis (Ex): At 20th level, your body surges with arcane power. Whenever you use
magic items that require charges, you can instead expend spell slots to power the item. For
every two levels of spell slots that you expend, you consume one less charge when using a
magic item that expends charges.

Sorcerer's Bloodline Bonus Feats

Replace bonus metamagic feats with Metamagic Art Focus for that metamagic feat. For
example, an abyssal bloodline sorcerer has Empower Spell listed as a bonus feat. Using these
rules, he has Metamagic Art Focus (Empower Spell) instead.

Spell-Like Abilities
Metamagic arts can never be used to modify a spell-like ability.

Spellcraft and Metamagic Arts

The Spellcraft check DC to identify a metamagic as it is being applied to a spell is 15 + the art's
DC modifier.

Spell Perfection Feat

Use this Spell Perfection feat9 instead of the published one.

Spell Perfection
You are unequaled at the casting of one particular spell.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 15 ranks, Greater Metamagic Spell Focus and/or Metamagic Spell
Focus applied to at least three metamagic arts.
Benefit: Pick one spell which you have the ability to cast. Whenever you cast that spell you may
apply any one metamagic art on your palette to that spell without using a move action or
applying the +5 DC modifier for altering a 1 round casting time spell. Furthermore, Heighten
Spell does not change the spell's level (but you can't heighten it to more than 9th level). In
addition, if you have other feats which allow you to apply a set numerical bonus to any aspect of
this spell (such as Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus [ray], and so on), double the
bonus granted by that feat when applied to this spell.

Wizard's Bonus Feats

Instead of metamagic feats (which this system replaces), a wizard adds these feats to his list of
bonus feats: Extra Metamagic Art, Extra Palette Slots, Greater Metamagic Art Focus,
Metamagic Art Focus, and Resist Magical Feedback.

These feats are described below.

9 See the "Spell Perfection" feat in Chapter 3 of the Advanced Player's Guide.

Ars Metamagica | 10
Wizard's Universalist School
Replace this school's 8th-level ability with this one.

Metamagic Adept (Su): At 8th level, you can apply a +2 bonus to any single metamagic check.
You can use this ability once per day at 8th level and one additional time per day for every two
wizard levels you possess beyond 8th.

New Feats
Since this PDF removes all metamagic feats from play, it seems only fair that it offers something
to fill the void.

Extra Metamagic Art

You know one more metamagic
Prerequisite: Caster level 1.
Benefit: Choose one metamagic
art for which you meet the
prerequisites. Add this metamagic
art to those you know.
Special: You can gain this feat
multiple times. Each time you take
the feat, choose another
metamagic art.

Extra Palette Slots

Your metamagic palette is larger
than normal.
Prerequisite: Caster level 1.
Benefit: You have two more slots
on your metamagic palette.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you gain more two
more slots on your metamagic palette.

Greater Metamagic Art Focus

Choose a metamagic art to which you have already applied the Metamagic Art Focus feat. You
are even more talented with this art.
Prerequisite: Metamagic Art Focus.
Benefit: Add +2 to metamagic checks when using the metamagic art you select. This bonus
stacks with the bonus from Metamagic Art Focus.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the
feat, it applies to a new metamagic art to which you already have applied the Metamagic Art
Focus feat.

Metamagic Art Focus

Choose a metamagic art you have access to. You more easily apply this art to your spells.
Benefit: Add +2 to metamagic checks when using the metamagic art you select.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the
feat, it applies to a new metamagic art.

Ars Metamagica | 11
Resist Magical Feedback
You can ignore some of the negative effects of failing a metamagic check.
Benefit: When you fail a metamagic check, you may use a standard action to not cast the spell.
You do not lose a prepared spell or spell slot. You may then attempt to cast the metamagic
modified spell at a later time since you did not cast it at all. You still suffer the other normal
effects of failing a metamagic check (such as Constitution damage).
Normal: When you fail a metamagic check, your spell takes effect as if unmodified by
metamagic arts.

New Traits
And now, for a couple of new traits.

Metamagic Talent
You have a innate talent for a metamagic art. Choose one metamagic art (even if you don't
already know it). When using this art (either singly or with other arts), you gain a +1 trait bonus
on your metamagic check.

Palette Variety
There are more colors on your metamagic palette than normal. You gain one more slot for your
metamagic palette.

Metamagic Rod
See all those metamagic rods lovingly described, illustrated, and listed on tables? Well, throw
them all out, because Ars Metamagica makes them obsolete. Replace all of them with this
magic item.

Metamagic Rod
Aura strong (no school); CL 17th
Slot none; Price 11,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.

Once per day, a caster chooses to attune a metamagic rod to any one metamagic art he has
prepared on his palette. A metamagic rod grants a +2 bonus when using the attuned art.

Requirements Craft Rod, Metamagic Art Focus; Cost 5,500 gp (normal).

Ars Metamagica | 12
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5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
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License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the
copyright holders name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
7.Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate
compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game
Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark.
The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The
owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8.Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are
Open Game Content.
9.Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized
version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
10.Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
11.Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You
have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
12.Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open
Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13.Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within
30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14.Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based
on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Advanced Players Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Companion: Gnomes of Golarion. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Hal Maclean, Colin McComb, Mark
Moreland, Jeff Quick, Sean K Reynolds, Steven Schend, and Owen K. C. Stephens.
Pathfinder Companion: Second Darkness Players Guide. Copyright 2008, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: James Jacobs, F. Wesley
Schneider, Amber Scott, Greg A. Vaughan.
The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase,
Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Ars Metamagica. Copyright 2010, Spes Magna Games; Mark L. Chance.

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