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Evan Pfeifer

PSYC 3101-101

Dr. Van-Hecke

2 June 2017

Assignment 2 Infant Mortality

The Milwaukee infant mortality rate for White and Hispanic people is average, but the rate

for Black people is shockingly high, about 3 times as high as the national average, which is where

white and Hispanic people sit.

I chose to examine Canada, because of their notoriously good healthcare. Because of this,

I thought the infant mortality rate would be quite low. It is lower than the U.S., but still evident.

They sit at 4.3%, as of 2015 (World Bank). The causes are, Strongly correlated to those structural

factors, like economic development, general living conditions, social wellbeing, and the quality of

the environment, that affect the health of entire populations (The Conference Board). Factors

such as living conditions and social wellbeing can indicate the amount of resources that mothers

need to nurture their child, and social wellbeing can indicate the amount of stress on a mother.

These factors can lead to preterm births and unhealthy babies, which are at a higher likelihood of


The leading cause of death in Milwaukee county is prematurity, for all ethnicities. This is

similar to Canada. I was surprised that Canada has a high infant mortality rate, and that they rank

poorly among other developed countries, but I was not surprised that prematurity was the leading

cause of death, because it is so common. To help expecting mothers, we can provide information

about being healthy and things to avoid during pregnancy, which Im sure many people do not
know about. We can also provide vitamins to keep babies healthy in the womb. Canada could do

the same, because information and healthiness is the best defense against prematurity.

Works Cited

"Infant Mortality." How Canada Performs. The Conference Board of Canada, n.d. Web. 02 June


"Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births)." Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) | Data.

The World Bank, n.d. Web. 02 June 2017.

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