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Every recipe is a memory.

Bake a new one today.

Bake Time: 1 Hr. | Makes 12 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
1 (20-ounce) can crushed 1. Preheat oven to 350F.
pineapple in juice (do 2. Lightly grease a 9x13-inch baking pan. In the prepared baking pan, layer
not drain) undrained crushed pineapple, then cherry fruit lling. Sprinkle dry cake mix
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY over the top, smoothing evenly and covering the top.
LEAF Regular or 3. Pour the melted buAer or margarine over the top, covering evenly. Top with
Premium Cherry Fruit the coconut and nuts.
Filling & Topping 4. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or unSl brown on top and bubbly.
1 (18.25-ounce) 5. Let cool 30 minutes. Serve warm or cooled.
package yellow cake mix
1 cup buAer or
margarine, melted
1 (7-ounce) bag coconut,
1 cup macadamia nuts,
Prep Time: 10 Min. | Makes 8 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
18 chocolate cookies, 1. Mix crushed cookies and buAer. Press cookie mixture into boAom of an
crushed 8x8-inch baking pan sprayed with cooking spray.
3 Tablespoons buAer, 2. In large bowl, beat cream cheese, sugar and almond extract unSl smooth.
melted 3. Melt white chocolate in microwave according to package direcSons. When
cup sugar melted, pour into cream cheese mixture and beat with an electric mixer
1 (8-ounce) unSl smooth.
package cream cheese, 4. Fold whipped topping into cream cheese mixture.
soUened 5. Pour evenly into crust. Cover and chill for at least two hours or unSl
1 teaspoon almond ready to serve.
extract 6. Spoon cherry fruit lling on top just before serving.
cup white chocolate
1 (8-ounce)
container whipped
topping, thawed
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY
LEAF Regular or
Premium Cherry Fruit
Filling & Topping
Bake Time: 35 Min.

Ingredients InstrucAons
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY 1. Preheat oven to 350F.
LEAF Premium Apple 2. Reserve cup of the apple fruit lling; set aside. Spoon remaining lling into
Fruit Filling & Topping the crust.
1 9-inch graham cracker 3. Beat together cream cheese, sugar and vanilla unSl smooth; add eggs and
crust mix well. Pour this over the apple fruit lling. Bake at 350F for 35 minutes,
2 (8-ounce) or unSl center of the cake is set.
packages cream cheese, 4. Cool cake to room temperature. Mix the reserved apple fruit lling and
soUened caramel topping in a small saucepan and heat for about one minute, or unSl
cup sugar spreadable. Spoon apple-caramel mixture over top of the cheesecake and
spread evenly.
teaspoon vanilla
extract 5. Decorate edge of the cake with pecan halves and sprinkle with chopped
pecans. Refrigerate the cake unSl ready to serve.
2 eggs
cup caramel topping
12 pecan halves
2 Tablespoons pecans,
Bake Time: 20 Min. | Makes 9 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
2 cups all-purpose our 1. Preheat oven to 350F.
1 cup pecans, chopped 2. In a medium bowl, combine our, pecans, and melted buAer; spread evenly
1 cup melted buAer in a 3-quart rectangular baking pan. Bake 20 minutes; cool on wire rack 10
minutes. Break apart with a fork, reserving about -cup.
1 (3.4-ounce) package lemon
instant pudding mix 3. Meanwhile in a medium mixing bowl, combine pudding mix and milk. Whisk
two minutes to blend. SSr in lemon peel and lemon juice. Set aside.
2 cups milk
4. In a large mixing bowl, beat cream cheese with an electric mixer on medium
1 teaspoon lemon peel,
speed unSl smooth. Gradually beat in powdered sugar.
nely shredded
Fold in whipped topping.
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
5. In a 3-quart trie dish, layer the pudding, crumb mixture, about can of
1 (8-ounce) package cream blueberry fruit lling, cream cheese mixture and remaining fruit lling.
cheese, soUened Sprinkle with remaining crumb mixture. Chill unSl ready to serve.
2 cups powdered sugar
1 (8-ounce)
container whipped topping,
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY
LEAF Premium Blueberry
Fruit Filling & Topping

Prep Time: 1 Hr. | Bake Time: 16 Min. | Makes 8 Servings

Cake Ingredients Mousse Ingredients

cup light brown sugar, 3 teaspoons powdered unavored gelaSn
packed 3 Tablespoons water
cup sugar
4 cups heavy whipping cream, divided
cup buAer, at room
temperature cup powdered sugar, divided
1 egg, at room temperature 3 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon vanilla (21-ounce) can LUCKY LEAF Premium Peach Fruit Filling & Topping
1 cups all-purpose our (21-ounce) can LUCKY LEAF Premium Blueberry Fruit Filling & Topping
1 teaspoon baking soda
teaspoon salt
teaspoon baking powder
cup buAermilk
(21-ounce) can LUCKY
LEAF Premium Peach Fruit
Filling & Topping
(21-ounce) can LUCKY
LEAF Premium Blueberry
Fruit Filling & Topping

(DirecAons on next page)

1. Heat the oven to 350F and spray two 8x8-inch cake pans with
non-sSck cooking spray. 7. In three small bowls, divide the gelaSn and water. Mix to combine
2. In the work bowl of a stand mixer Aed with the paddle and let stand at room temperature for 10 minutes to bloom.
aAachment, or in a medium bowl with a hand mixer, combine the 8. Heat one of the bowls of gelaSn in the microwave for eight
brown sugar, sugar and buAer. Cream together unSl just seconds to melt. Set aside to cool slightly. In the work bowl of a
combined but not uy, about 30 seconds. Add the egg and stand mixer Aed with the whip aAachment, or a large bowl with
vanilla and beat on medium speed unSl lighter in color, about one a hand mixer, combine 1/3 of the cream, two Tablespoons of
minute. powdered sugar and one teaspoon of vanilla. Mix on medium
3. Add the our, baking soda, salt and baking powder and mix on speed unSl the mixture starts to thicken, about 40 seconds, then
low speed to just combine, then add the buAermilk and mix on pour in the melted gelaSn and increase the speed to high unSl the
medium-low speed unSl the baAer has no large lumps. cream forms soU peaks, about 35 to 40 seconds.
4. Remove 1/2 of the baAer and set aside. To the remaining baAer, 9. Puree the peach fruit lling and add to the gelaSn mixture.
add the peach fruit lling. Mix on low speed unSl combined, about ConSnue to whip unSl the mixture forms rm peaks, about 30 to
30 seconds. Spread the baAer into one of the prepared pans. 45 more seconds. Transfer the mixture to a clean bowl, cover with
Now, add the reserved baAer back to the bowl with the blueberry plasSc and chill for one hour.
fruit lling. Mix on low speed unSl well combined, about 45 10. Repeat the puree process with the blueberry fruit lling. With the
seconds. Spread the baAer into the remaining pan. remaining cream, prepare it like the step above, omigng the
5. Bake for 16 to 20 minutes, or unSl the cakes pull away from the peach fruit lling, and whip to medium-rm peaks.
sides of the pans and the center of the cakes spring back when 11. To assemble, cut each cake into -inch cubes. In one large trie
gently pressed. Cool for 10 minutes in the pan, then turn out onto dish, or in eight individual dishes, place an even layer of blueberry
a wire rack to cool to room temperature. cake, then spread over all the peach mousse, then the peach cake
6. While the cakes cool, prepare the mousse llings. cubes, then all of the blueberry mousse. Finally, top the trie with
the plain whipped cream. Chill for at least one hour before
Bake Time: 45 Min. | Makes 10 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
1 (18.25-ounce) 1. Preheat oven to 350F. Coat a 9-inch springform pan with cooking spray;
box brownie mix set aside.
1 egg 2. In a medium bowl, sSr together brownie mix, one egg and oil unSl
combined. SSr in chocolate pieces. Spread baAer in prepared pan.
3 Tablespoons oil
3. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or unSl brownie is just set. (It will not be
cup mini semisweet
completely done at this point.)
chocolate pieces
4. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar on medium speed
3 (8-ounce)
unSl well combined and smooth. Add in the eggs on low speed and set the
packages cream cheese,
mixture aside.
5. Carefully spoon can (1 cup) of cherry fruit lling into center of brownie,
cup sugar
leaving a 2-inch brownie border along sides of pan.
3 eggs
6. Dollop cream cheese mixture over surface; carefully spread to edges of pan.
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY
7. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or unSl center is set, but jiggles when the pan is
LEAF Regular or
lightly tapped.
Premium Cherry Fruit
Filling & Topping 8. Cool in pan on a wire rack for one hour. Cover and chill at least four hours
before serving.
1 (8-ounce) container
frozen whipped dessert 9. Top cheesecake with remaining cherry fruit lling. Garnish with whipped
topping, thawed topping, if desired.
Bake Time: 25-30 Min. | Makes 16 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
cup sugar 1. Preheat oven to 375F.
cup buAer 2. Cream sugar and buAer. SiU our and salt together and then add to creamed
1 cups all-purpose mixture. Mix in coconut.
our, siUed 3. Pack 1/2 of this mixture into a greased 9-inch square pan. Spread cherry fruit
teaspoon salt lling on top. Put remaining crumb mixture on top of fruit lling.
Pat down rmly.
1 (8-ounce) can aked
coconut 4. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. When cool, cut into 16 squares.
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY
LEAF Regular or
Premium Cherry Fruit
Filling & Topping

Bake Time: 25 Min. | Makes 8 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
1 cups our, siUed 1. Preheat oven to 350F.
2 teaspoons baking 2. SiU dry ingredients. Cut in buAer. Combine egg, milk and vanilla.
powder Add to our mixture.
cup sugar 3. Pour cherry fruit lling into greased 8x8-inch glass baking dish (2 quart).
Cover with baAer. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Bake for 25 minutes.
cup buAer or
1 egg
cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY
LEAF Regular or
Premium Cherry Fruit
Filling & Topping
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Bake Time: 1 hr 15 min. | Makes 12 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
cup biAersweet or semisweet 1. Preheat oven to 400F. 9. Bake for 15 minutes.
chocolate pieces 2. Place chocolate pieces in a food 10. Reduce oven temperature to 325F. Bake
18 chocolate sandwich cookies processor. Cover and process unSl ground; for one hour.
with white lling remove and set aside. 11. Turn oven o. Let stand in oven for one
3 Tablespoons buAer, melted 3. Add cookies to the food processor. Cover hour.
2 (8-ounce) packages cream and blend unSl ne crumbs form. 12. Remove foil from pan. Loosen sides of cake
cheese, soUened 4. Add melted buAer; cover and pulse unSl from pan. Cover and chill for two hours.
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened combined. Remove sides of pan.
condensed milk 5. Pat crumbs into the boAom and one inch 13. Place cheesecake on serving plaAer. Spoon
1 teaspoon vanilla up the sides of a 9-inch springform raspberry fruit lling over cheesecake.
2 eggs pan. Wrap outside of pan with a double 14. For topping, in a large mixing bowl, beat
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY layer of heavy foil. Place pan in a roasSng whipping cream, sour cream, powdered
LEAF Premium Red Raspberry pan; set aside. sugar, teaspoon vanilla and teaspoon
Fruit Filling & Topping 6. In a large mixing bowl, beat cream cheese rum extract with an electric mixer or wire
1 cup whipping cream (for with an electric mixer unSl smooth. Add whisk unSl soU peaks form.
topping) sweetened condensed milk and 1 teaspoon 15. To serve, cut cheesecake into wedges and
1 Tablespoon sour cream (for of vanilla, beat unSl combined. spoon topping over each serving.
topping) 7. Add eggs, one at a Sme, beaSng just unSl
1 Tablespoon powdered sugar combined aUer each addiSon. SSr in
(for topping) ground chocolate. Spoon baAer into
teaspoon vanilla (for topping) prepared springform pan.
teaspoon rum extract (for 8. Set roasSng pan on oven rack. Pour boiling
topping) water into roasSng pan around springform
pan to the depth of one inch.
Bake Time: 25 Min.

Ingredients InstrucAons
6 egg whites 1. Preheat oven to 350F.
teaspoon cream of 2. In bowl, beat egg whites unSl foamy. Add cream of tartar. Beat unSl sS,
tartar then add sugar and vanilla. Fold in crushed salSne crackers.
2 cups sugar 3. Place mixture in a greased 13x9-inch baking pan. Bake for 25 minutes. Cool.
2 teaspoons vanilla 4. Spread cherry fruit lling on top of mixture, then cover with whipped
topping. Cover and chill 6 to 24 hours.
2 cups salSne crackers,
crushed 5. Cut and serve.
2 (21-ounce) cans LUCKY
LEAF Regular or
Premium Cherry Fruit
Filling & Topping
1 (8-ounce)
container frozen
whipped dessert
topping, thawed

Bake Time: 35 Min. | Makes 12 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
1 (18.25-ounce) 1. Preheat oven to 350F.
package yellow cake mix 2. Blend together cake mix, can of the peach fruit lling and eggs in large
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY mixing bowl. Beat with an electric mixer at medium speed for two minutes.
LEAF Premium Peach SSr in remaining fruit lling unSl well mixed.
Fruit Filling & Topping 3. In a small bowl, combine sugar and cinnamon. Spread half the baAer in
3 eggs greased 9x13-inch baking pan; sprinkle with half the cinnamon-sugar
6 Tablespoons sugar mixture. Repeat with the remaining baAer and cinnamon-sugar mixture.
2 teaspoons ground 4. Bake for 30 - 35 minutes, unSl wooden pick inserted in center of cake comes
cinnamon out clean. Cool.

Bake Time: 20-25 Min. | Makes 12 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
1 (18.25-ounce) 1. Preheat oven to 350F.
package white cake mix 2. In a large bowl, beat cake mix, oil, water and eggs unSl smooth. Add a liAle
cup vegetable oil strawberry fruit lling at a Sme, gently sSrring to create swirls.
cup water plus 3 eggs, 3. Fill cupcake liners about 2/3 full of baAer. Bake 20 to 25 minutes, or unSl a
beaten toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool completely before frosSng.
1 (21-ounce can) LUCKY Dreamy Bu[ercream Icing:
LEAF Premium 1. Cream buAer unSl uy. Gradually add powdered sugar and beat unSl
Strawberry Fruit Filling smooth. Add vanilla and 1 Tablespoon heavy cream, and then beat for one
& Topping minute, adding more cream as needed to reach desired consistency.
1 cup buAer, at room 2. Spread frosSng onto cool cupcakes. Garnish with addiSonal strawberries.
temperature 3. For uer icing, place your mixing bowl and beaters in the freezer to pre-
3 cups powdered sugar chill while you are making/baking the cupcakes.
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 Tablespoons heavy
whipping cream

Bake Time: 40 Min. | Makes 12 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
3 eggs, beaten 1. Preheat oven to 350F.
1 cup sugar 2. Beat together eggs, sugar, oil, our, baking powder, vanilla and salt. Spread
2/3 of the baAer into a greased 9x13-inch baking pan.
cup cooking oil
3. Spread cherry fruit lling on top of baAer. Drop the remaining baAer by
1 cups all-purpose our
spoonfuls on top of the fruit lling layer.
3 teaspoons baking
4. SSr together the sugar and the cinnamon. Sprinkle over top of cake. Bake for
40 minutes or unSl a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean.
teaspoon vanilla
5. Serve warm or cooled.
1 dash salt
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY
LEAF Regular or
Premium Cherry Fruit
Filling & Topping
1 Tablespoon sugar
teaspoon ground
Bake Time: 30 Min. | Makes 12 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
2 (8-ounce) 1. Preheat oven to 350F.
packages refrigerated 2. Unroll one package of crescent dough and t into the boAom of an
crescent dough sheets or ungreased 9x13-inch baking dish. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes.
dinner rolls 3. In a bowl, mix cream cheese and one cup of sugar and vanilla. Spread
1 (8-ounce) package cream mixture over hot dough in baking dish.
cheese, soUened 4. Next, spread a layer of cherry fruit lling over the cream cheese mixture.
1 cup + 1 Tablespoon Unroll remaining crescent dough and lay on top of the fruit lling.
granulated sugar 5. Mix together 1 Tablespoon of sugar, almonds and melted buAer. Sprinkle
1 teaspoon vanilla over the top of the dough.
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY 6. Bake 30 minutes or unSl golden brown.
LEAF Regular or Premium
Cherry Fruit Filling &
1 Tablespoon buAer,
cup sliced almonds
Bake Time: 8 Min. | Makes 8 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
1 Tablespoon sugar 1. In a small bowl, combine sugar and cinnamon; set aside.
teaspoon ground 2. Spoon apple fruit lling down the center of each torSlla. Roll torSllas up
cinnamon Sghtly and secure with a wooden toothpick.
8 8-inch our torSllas 3. In a 12-inch skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add rolls to the skillet and
cook for 8 to 10 minutes, or unSl browned, turning every few minutes.
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY
LEAF Premium Apple 4. Brush rolls with melted buAer and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar to coat.
Fruit Filling & Topping 5. Serve warm.
1 Tablespoon
vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon buAer,
Prep Time: 10 Min. | Makes 16 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
2 cups fat-free Greek 1. In a large bowl, mix together yogurt and sweetened condensed milk.
yogurt, plain Fold in whipped topping. SSr in cinnamon and almond extract; set aside.
1 (14-ounce) can fat-free 2. Line a 9x13-inch baking dish with parchment paper. Place a layer of
sweetened condensed cinnamon graham crackers over the parchment paper. Top with 1/3 of the
milk whipped topping mixture. Dot with peach fruit lling. ConSnue adding
layers, ending with fruit lling.
1 (8-ounce)
container frozen 3. Cover and chill unSl ready to serve.
whipped topping,
1 teaspoon ground
teaspoon almond
1 box cinnamon graham
2 (21-ounce) cans LUCKY
LEAF Premium Peach
Fruit Filling & Topping
Prep Time: 20 Min. | Bake Time: 22 Min. | Makes 12 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
1 box chocolate cake mix 1. Preheat oven to 350F. 7. Prepare homemade whipped cream*:
2. Prepare 9x13-inch baking dish For best results, freeze bowl and whisk
2 large eggs
according to direcSons on cake box. aAachment about 5-10 minutes unSl
cup milk really cold. Add heavy cream to cold
3. Prepare cake according to direcSons
cup vegetable oil on box. Bake 20-22 minutes. Check for bowl and beat on medium speed for 3
1 jar hot fudge sauce doneness by inserSng a toothpick in minutes. Add powdered sugar and
middle of cake. If toothpick comes out increase speed to medium high. Beat
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY unSl sS peaks form.
LEAF Regular or Premium clean, cake is done. Allow to cool for
10 minutes. *A container of Cool Whip may be
Cherry Fruit Filling & subsStuted for homemade whipped
Topping 4. While cake is sSll warm, use the end of cream.
2 cups heavy whipping a wooden spoon or another round
object and poke holes over the top of 8. Spread whipped cream over top of
cream* cake. Chop or grate chocolate bar into
the cake.
1 cups powdered sugar* small pieces to sprinkle over top of
5. Microwave hot fudge about 30 cake.
Chocolate bar for shavings seconds or unSl it is thinned out and
can be sSrred. You may need to 9. Keep refrigerated.
*A container of frozen
whipped topping may be microwave an addiSonal 30 seconds.
subsStuted for homemade Pour the jar of hot fudge sauce on top
whipped cream. of cake and allow it to absorb in the
cake. Let set unSl completely cooled.

6. Spread cherry fruit lling evenly over
top of cake.
Prep Time: 20 Min. | Bake Time: 30 Min. | Makes 40 Servings

Ingredients InstrucAons
1 cup unsalted buAer, room 1. Preheat oven to 350F. PosiSon rack to center of the oven.
temperature 2. In a large mixing bowl on medium speed, cream together buAer and sugars
1 cup granulated sugar for two minutes. Scrape down sides of bowl as necessary. Add eggs, one at a
cup light brown sugar Sme. Mix in the vanilla.
3 large eggs 3. In a separate mixing bowl, combine the our, baking powder and salt. Add to
1 teaspoon vanilla extract the wet ingredients and mix unSl just combined.
2 cups all-purpose our
4. Mix in the oats and then the white chocolate chips.
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
5. Press about 2/3 of the baAer into a thin layer in a greased jelly roll pan;
3 cups rolled oats
set aside.
1 cup white chocolate chips 6. In another mixing bowl, sSr together the cherry fruit lling and apple buAer.
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY Spread evenly over the layer of baAer in the pan. Scoop the remaining baAer
LEAF Regular or Premium evenly over the fruit lling.
Cherry Fruit Filling & 7. Bake for 30-35 minutes, unSl golden. Let cool completely before cugng into
bars, or serve warm and gooey with ice cream.
Ice cream (opSonal)
Ingredients InstrucAons
CREAM CHEESE FILLING To prepare the cream cheese layer:
1 (8-ounce) package cream 1. Beat cream cheese, powdered sugar, brown sugar and cinnamon with an
cheese, soUened electric mixer unSl light and uy.
1 cup powdered sugar
2. Add the skim milk and whipped topping and beat on medium-high speed
2 Tablespoons brown sugar
unSl it is fully mixed into cream cheese.
1 teaspoon cinnamon
cup skim milk
3. Divide into thirds.
1 (8-ounce) For the layers:
container whipped topping 1. Cover the boAom of a 9x13-inch pan with graham crackers. Try and ll in as
LAYERS INGREDIENTS much of the boAom pan as you can with the crackers.
2 (21-ounce) cans LUCKY 2. Cover graham crackers with apple fruit lling. Then spoon 1/3 of the cream
LEAF Premium Apple Fruit
Filling & Topping
cheese lling on top of the apple fruit lling. Add a small handful of toee
chips on top and cover with a thin layer of whipped topping. Repeat this
2 packages graham crackers
twice so that you end up with three layers. (In the picture, we only used two
1 (8-ounce)
container whipped topping layers because we used a smaller pan). Cover the top layer of whipped
cup caramel sauce topping with addiSonal toee bites and then drizzle with caramel.
1 cup toee bits 3. Let it set up two hours in the fridge so the graham crackers will soUen. Store
in an air-Sght container and keep refrigerated. Best served cold.
Prep Time: 30 Min.

Ingredients InstrucAons
FOR THE CRUST: 1. Prepare a 9-inch springform pan with a layer of parchment paper on the
1 box sugar cones (reserve boAom and around the sides. To help parchment paper sSck to the sides,
one cone for garnish) spray with a touch of cooking spray.
cup buAer, melted 2. Place all but one ice cream cone into a food processor and pulse into
Dash of salt crumbs. Add in melted buAer and dash of salt, and pulse to combine. Press
FOR THE ICE CREAM: mixture into prepared pan and refrigerate while making ice cream.
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened 3. In a large bowl, whip the condensed milk and thawed whipped topping
condensed milk
together. Add in half the raspberry fruit lling and sSr to combine.
1 (8-ounce) container frozen
whipped topping, thawed 4. Pour into prepared sugar cone crust. Use a small amount of the remaining
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY raspberry fruit lling to add swirls to the top with a toothpick or knife (leave
LEAF Premium Red some fruit lling for serving).
Raspberry Fruit Filling & 5. Freeze 4-6 hours or overnight for best results.
6. Top with fresh whipped cream and raspberries.
1 cup whipped cream 7. Make the whipped cream extra thick by adding more powdered sugar. Use
1 Tablespoon powdered an ice cream scoop to put a "scoop" of thickened whipped cream in the
sugar center of the pie, then place reserved sugar cone on top. Add addiSonal
Fresh raspberries for garnish raspberry fruit lling to decorate.
1 sugar ice cream cone
Prep Time: 20 Min. | Bake Time: 30 Min.

Ingredients InstrucAons
1 (8-ounce) can crescent 1. Preheat the oven to 375F. Unroll the crescent rolls and press into a lightly
rolls, seamless greased 9x13-inch baking dish. Bake for 5 minutes and cool completely.
1 (8-ounce) 2. Beat the cream cheese, sugar, and extract unSl smooth. Smooth over the
package cream cheese crust and spoon the peach fruit lling over the sweetened cream cheese.
cup sugar 3. Whisk together the our and brown sugar, then cut in the cold buAer to
teaspoon almond form a grainy crumb. It helps to use your ngers in this process. Toss in your
choice of nuts and sprinkle over the peach fruit lling.
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY 4. Bake for 25 minutes or unSl the edges are brown and toasty. Cool on a wire
rack before cugng.
LEAF Premium Peach
Fruit Filling & Topping 5. Serve warm and eat with a fork, or refrigerate and eat with your ngers.
cup our
cup brown sugar
3 Tablespoons buAer,
cup walnuts, almonds
or pecans
Prep Time: 10 Min.

Ingredients InstrucAons
6 ounces frozen lemonade 1. Mix together the lemonade concentrate and sweetened condensed milk.
concentrate, thawed Add in the whipped topping and yellow food coloring if using. Mix unSl
1 (14-ounce) can
sweetened condensed 2. Let sit in the fridge 8 hours or overnight.
milk 3. Mix together the melted buAer, sugar and graham cracker crumbs.
1 (8-ounce) container 4. Layer the crumb mixture, lemonade mixture and strawberry fruit lling in
frozen whipped topping, small glasses. Repeat.
thawed 5. You can also make this into a whole pie. Just press the crumb mixture into
Yellow food coloring, a pie plate and top with lemonade mixture. Set in fridge 8 hours or
opSonal overnight. Top with fruit lling.
6 Tablespoons buAer,
cup sugar
1 cups graham cracker
1 (21-ounce) can LUCKY
LEAF Premium
Strawberry Fruit Filling &
Ingredients InstrucAons
1 (16.5-ounce) roll Preheat oven to 350F. Press cookie dough evenly into boAom and sides of a
refrigerated chocolate deep dish (2-inch deep) 9-inch pie plate. Bake 12 minutes at 350F.
chip cookie dough Cool completely. While crust is cooling, prepare lling. In a large bowl, beat
2 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, sugar, egg and vanilla unSl smooth. SSr in one can of cherry
cream cheese, soUened fruit lling. Pour lling into cooled crust. Bake 55-70 minutes (or unSl lling
1 cup sugar is set and golden brown) at 350F. Cool. Refrigerate unSl ready to serve. Top
with remaining can of cherry fruit lling.
1 egg
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 (21-ounce) cans LUCKY
LEAF Regular or
Premium Cherry Fruit
Filling & Topping,

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