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Storyboard Assignment: (Student Name)

Curricular Competencies:
Think critically, creatively, and reflectively to explore ideas within, between, and beyond texts
Recognize how literary elements, techniques, and devices enhance and shape meaning
Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful literary and
informational texts for a variety of purposes and audiences

Self Assessment:

Curricular Beginning Developing Applying Extending


Literary -Beginning to -Basic -Deep -Sophisticated

Elements: understand understanding of understanding of understanding of
-plot literary elements literary elements literary elements literary elements
-character -Some literary -Several literary -Most elements -All literary
-setting elements are elements are are correctly elements are
-theme correctly correctly identified (1 or 2 correctly
-conflict identified (5 or identified (3 or 4 incorrect) identified.
more incorrect). incorrect).

Presentation Key information Some information Storyboard is Storyboard is

Technique: that would help that would help clearly presented visually
-visuals the reader the reader and provides appealing and
-text understand the understand the enough provides enough
story is missing story is missing information for information for
reader to reader to
understand the understand the
story story

Conventions of Spelling or Several spelling Minor spelling or Storyboard is free

Writing: grammatical or grammatical grammatical from spelling and
-spelling errors make it errors but errors that do not grammatical
-grammar difficult to storyboard detract from errors.
read/discern message is still storyboard.
information. clear.

What will you change or improve for next time?

I would add more detail to the drawings

Teacher Assessment:

Curricular Beginning Developing Applying Extending


Literary -Beginning to -Basic -Deep -Sophisticated

Elements: understand understanding of understanding of understanding of
-plot literary elements literary elements literary elements literary elements
-character -Some literary -Several literary -Most elements -All literary
-setting elements are elements are are correctly elements are
-theme correctly correctly identified (1 or 2 correctly
-conflict identified (5 or identified (3 or 4 incorrect) identified.
more incorrect). incorrect).

Presentation Key information Some information Storyboard is Storyboard is

Technique: that would help that would help clearly presented visually
-visuals the reader the reader and provides appealing and
-text understand the understand the enough provides enough
story is missing story is missing information for information for
reader to reader to
understand the understand the
story story

Conventions of Spelling or Several spelling Minor spelling or Storyboard is free

Writing: grammatical or grammatical grammatical from spelling and
-spelling errors make it errors but errors that do not grammatical
-grammar difficult to storyboard detract from errors.
read/discern message is still storyboard.
information. clear.

Teacher Feedback:

All literary elements were correctly identified, and the quote you found for character was a
great example of an indirect characterization.
I like the pop of colour on the fireworks. Adding colour elsewhere would have enhanced the
rest of the storyboard.
In the future, remember that writing and designing are processes. It is important to proofread,
receive feedback, and make changes before submitting a final copy.
Overall Assessment: Extending

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