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HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Connector State

The connector state is defined as one of the following types:

unrealized The initial definition of the connector entity after it is

created. The connector is displayed in yellow.

realized The connector is considered realized only if weld creation

at the connector was successful. The connector is
displayed in green.

modified The connector is considered modified when one or more of

its corresponding attributes have been edited in the
Connector Entity Editor. The connector is displayed blue.

failed The connector is considered failed if the weld creation at

the connector was not successful. The connector is
displayed in red.

Note: The color code provides an easier way to visualize and

filter connectors based on their state.

A connector that was realized can revert back to being unrealized if, for example, a link entity
is suppressed from its definition, or the weld element is deleted.

See Also:
Connector Terminology

file:///C:/Program%20Files/Altair/2017/help/hm/connector_state.htm?toc=0&printWi... 11.05.2017

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