Element 1 4a

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Standard 1.

0 School Vision - 1i Continuously examine your personal assumptions, beliefs, and


Element 1.3, 1.4

Artifact 1.1.1

8/11/17 (5 Hours)

On August 4th I created a Google Doc and e-mailed the survey to the staff at Maugansville as
well as posted on Facebook to reach more educators that I am friends with from other
areas. Many of the teachers are from Pennsylvania as well as teachers from Prince Georges
County, Maryland (a district that I worked in for three years)

Educator Survey

Some of the responses from the survey are below;

The grade level and subjects teachers feel comfortable teaching instructional planning
and implementation of instruction
When it involves building staff and scheduling
With technology it is very easy to get staff input for many things within the building. It
would be wonderful to have the board take teacher suggestions as well as politicians
before decisions are made.
Lesson planning, committees, design changes to the school day/instruction
I believe all decisions should be collaborative. It is important for all opinions to at least
be heard before a final decision is made.
Some examples would be: creating a school mission; deciding on a design model;
problem solving school wide behavioral issues; analysis of data and plan of action to
address it.
Scheduling - we know our students attention tendencies as well as how we collaborate
with other teams so our input is needed so that scheduling can work best for the students
In decisions involving students in the classroom as a grade level team. for example- how
we created flexible groupings and moved students.
School initiatives
Decisions that impact the school community and classroom environments.
Student interventions
Changes in scheduling should involve a representative from effected grade levels and/or
encore teachers.
Most decisions should have a collaborative element. Some of the best work is done in
teams. Just like teachers should listen to their students before making decisions, an
administrator should listen to teachers on what is going on in the classroom with their
students. On the other hand, there are times when a teacher or administrator may need to
make the final decision if that is what's best, even if it is not the "popular choice".
Student groupings- teachers work the most with the students so therefore their opinion
should be respected
What PD to have or least be able to suggest PD ideas. Often the PD sessions are made
from above . I understand that there are certain topics that must be shared but teachers
should be allowed to collaborate with PD they would like to see
Groupings of children in classrooms and equitable assignment of said classrooms
(teachers should rotate each year whether they are teaching highs or lows), scheduling
and what subjects you might be teaching if departmentalized (teachers should not be
pigeonholed), fair treatment of school committee assignments and involvement

Using the Google Doc was a great way to collect data and survey many different teachers from
many different areas. It was simple to see the results from the survey and what individuals
thought. It was great to see that many educators feel that it is necessary to collaborate on similar

Discussion with principal

She has an open line of communication. She is willing to support teachers and give
assistance when necessary. If something isnt working in the school such as the schedule
please notify her so a solution can be created.
The SIT team works closely to collaborate and give feedback to the school.
Teacher surveys are completed so the administrators can get a feel for what the teachers
feel needs to be changed or modified.
She states if you have an idea share it. The Grade 3 team met with the principal to
brainstorm logistics about how we could meet students needs and allow the three new
team members to feel welcome and supported. After discussing these ideas it was then
determined that Grade 3 would departmentalize where two teachers would teach math
and science and the other two teachers would teacher reading and writing. One teacher
would have to be departmentalized and teach all of the subjects.

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