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Standard 2.

0 School Culture - 2c Create a personalized and motivating learning environment

for students

Element 2.1, 2.3

Artifact 1.1.1

3/9/17 (1 Hour)

I met with the lead teacher to discuss ideas about planning summer school. We discussed
the next steps of writing letters to the parents and what they should include. We also
brainstormed ideas on what the theme should be to motivate students to attend. This was also the
day that we looked at the names of the students that the teachers recommended in each grade.

This was great to get ideas and discuss the students that were recommended to attend
summer school. We had 100 names of students and we were hopeful that at least half of them
would sign up to attend the summer school program.

Hi Stacey..

I am available to meet with you on Thursday during your planning. I am also going to share with you the
letter to parents and registration form that we used last year. We can probably just tweak it for this
year. Thanks!
Jeanette :)
Jeanette Wagner / Lead Teacher

I thought this fit into this standard because this created a personalized and motivating
learning environment for the students.

Standard 2.0 School Culture - 2c Create a personalized and motivating learning environment
for students

Element 2.1, 2.3

Artifact 1.1.2

3/10/17 (1 Hour)
I e-mailed the summer school teachers to get ideas on planning and organizing the
summer school program. We decided to meet March 14th to discuss ideas as a group. We
determined that each teacher would get one hour on pre-planning money from the budget to
assist in completing this.

Hello lovely summer school teachers,

I would like to get together to work on brainstorming and sharing ideas for summer school
sometime next week. Please let me know what days next week would work for you. I am
available March 13th, 14th, 16th, and 17th after school. We can meet in my room 507 at 3:10.

Thanks so much and have a great day,


I thought this fit into this standard because this created a personalized and motivating
learning environment for the students.

Standard 2.0 School Culture - 2c Create a personalized and motivating learning environment
for students

Element 2.1, 2.3

Artifact 1.1.3

3/14/17 (2 Hour)

I also got an agenda together to share with the summer school teachers. To keep the ball
rolling with the planning process we did everything through a Google Doc that allowed us to edit
the document and discuss ideas on our own time. We determined this would be the easiest thing
until we got more items planned. I then took the feedback of the teachers and created a better
plan for what our vision would be for the 2017 Summer School program.


I thought this fit into this standard because this created a personalized and motivating
learning environment for the students.
Standard 2.0 School Culture - 2c Create a personalized and motivating learning environment
for students

Element 2.1, 2.3

Artifact 1.1.4

5/2/17 (2 Hour)

I worked on the agenda and getting materials together for a meeting with the teachers on
May 16th. We gathered data for the number of students that were currently enrolled. At this
point we were currently at 85 students. This was a huge jump from just 25 students enrolled into
the summer program. We had a pretty even split with about 43 students in the primary grades
and 42 students at the intermediate level. I started to group the students by grade level and tried
to make differentiated groups. As a summer school staff we needed to brainstorm what we
needed to do to teach a large number of students with only four teachers and one ENCORE

I thought this fit into this standard because this created a personalized and motivating
learning environment for the students because I was designing how the summer program and
teachers were going to meet the students needs. .

Standard 2.0 School Culture - 2c Create a personalized and motivating learning environment
for students

Element 2.1, 2.3

Artifact 1.1.5

5/16/17 (2 Hours)


I thought this fit into this standard because this created a personalized and motivating
learning environment for the students because I was designing how the summer program and
teachers were going to meet the students needs.
Standard 2.0 School Culture - 2c Create a personalized and motivating learning environment
for students

Element 2.1, 2.3

Artifact 1.1.6

8/15/17 (6 Hours)

I created and then sent out this survey to the staff at Maugansville on 8/4/17 and also posted it
onto my social media page to get a diverse look at different counties and states and what the
thoughts may be at each school.

Hello, wonderful staff! I hope you are enjoying your summer and taking advantage of the few
days we have remaining. I have a huge favor to ask you all -- I have a survey that needs to be
completed before Aug. 11th for my grad class. I'm hopeful that the link will work correctly.

Survey link

I greatly appreciate you taking the time to do this for me,


Here are the results from the survey

Not so much instructor lead but give us more time to collaborate and plan together as
teachers offer trainings to all staff not just select few.
Differentiate the PD sessions just like educators have to for students. It would be great if
it could be meaningful and able to incorporate teammates in the content area.
Choice, variety of times, pay the teachers for their time
Professional development should focus more on providing ideas and techniques vs just
focusing on statistics/data.
Throughout the year, it would be very beneficial if teachers were continually given a
survey of what their needs are now. A topic for PD that you chose in September, can be
completely different than what you would chose in February. As our needs change and
we grow, the opportunity to have different PD options should grow as well.
Teacher creation material time
I would like to see more PD that provides specific strategies and tools to be put in place
immediately in the classroom. Things we can apply directly to our subject area. I love
book studies but so often it becomes overwhelming with all there is to do to develop the
resources needed in the classroom right now, school initiatives must align with district
initiatives. PD must be used to support based on the initiatives of both school and district
PD should align. PD should also be provided based on the needs of the teachers.
Recognize effective PD can be differentiated.
Self selected
Those providing professional development should be expected to teach in a way that
classroom teachers do. There should be a pre-assessment and differentiated instruction so
that all individuals get what they need out of the PD.
Culturally relevant pedagogy
Give teachers the choice to manage their own PD that is truly relevant to their content
My recommendations would be for administration to listen to their staffs' needs. PD
opportunities should be based on what the teachers need

I also had the Google Form collect data in a graph to tabulate the survey results on what teachers
felt the degree of importance that professional development should have in teacher evaluations. I
was not surprised by the results showing that professional development shouldnt be a part of the
teacher evaluations.

Here are the recommendations that the teachers felt would benefit meaningful Professional
Development and why they rated the way they did in the graph above.
We are all at different points in our family lives and careers (2)
All the education and development in the world still doesn't make you a good teacher.
You have to care about it show that you care about it and mostly have a connection with
kids that makes you stand above the rest
PD should mandate how well you do in evaluation. Just because you are partaking in PD
doesn't make you a. Enter educator than someone that isn't taking PD.
Teachers have lives outside of the school day and some would love to attend PD but other
responsibilities (families) are more important.
Professional development is important for teacher growth but I feel like it should not be
used in teacher evaluations. If a teacher is not showing growth or progress in evaluations
then maybe a plan should be made for more professional development.
We as teachers expect our students to have a growth mindset and to continually learn new
things. Our expectations of ourselves should be the same or higher.
Teachers do a lot of Pd on their own outside of county pds
Professional development is very important but when it comes to teacher evaluations that
can be tricky and has so many facets. Not everyone can take advantage of school based
professional development especially when it requires time beyond the normal school day.
I am not saying teachers are not willing to give up personal time but sometimes personal
obligations or responsibilities prohibit it. In that case I don't feel it is fair for PD to be
considered on your evaluation.
Depending on the PD if it is effective teacher evaluations will show improvements in
areas. If the PD was not effective is that the fault of the teacher if they engaged in the PD
and it was not effective?
We must stay up to date on current practice and the latest trends in education in order to
be most effective.
Professional development is important. Teachers should want to improve their craft.
However, not all professional development is worth sitting through and participating in.
Improvements require ongoing development
It is important for teachers to continue to grow as educators or to keep their skill level up-
to-date. PD is necessary, but should not carry significant weight in a teacher's evaluation.
I believe willingness to go to professional development is a good indicator of a passionate
teacher. It is not specifically what makes a good teacher (there are MANY factors that
play into teacher effectiveness), but it is a good indicator that teachers are willing to
better themselves for student success.

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