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Sensors and Actuators B 176 (2013) 985993

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Detection of explosives by plasma optical emission spectroscopy

Jane H. Fujiyama-Novak a , Chethan Kumar Gaddam a , Debanjan Das a , Randall L. Vander Wal a, ,
Benjamin Ward b
Dept. of Energy and Mineral Engineering & The EMS Energy Institute, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA 16802, USA
Makel Engineering, Inc., Cleveland, OH 44128, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A new pre-concentration/separation system coupled to a micro-hollow glow discharge (MHGD) plasma
Received 10 July 2011 detector is demonstrated for the analysis of explosives. The detector and spectrometer are miniaturized
Received in revised form 14 August 2012 and eld-portable. Separation eliminated air interferences while pre-concentration improved detection
Accepted 27 August 2012
limits for TATP (triacetone triperoxide) and DNT (dinitrotoluene). In the analysis step, a temperature
Available online 6 September 2012
ramp desorbed the two explosives into an entraining Ar ow. Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) was
applied to detect the plasma generated atomic and diatomic radicals using a spectrometer at atmospheric
pressure. For both test species, the detection limits reached values lower than 5 ppb. The effect of an at-sea
environment was also evaluated. Such a detector system is very promising for the detection of explosives
Optical emission spectrometry due its small size, high sensitivity and selectivity.
Explosives 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction achieve statistically meaningful detection, pre-concentration offers

enhanced detection limits and accuracy. In general such detection
Three goals for sensors are sensitivity, selectivity and stability. limits are reciprocally related to pre-concentration time. In a mon-
Sensitivity equates to low detection limits. Explosives are partic- itoring mode pre-concentration times can extend from minutes to
ularly challenging in this regard as they typically have very low hours. Periodic release of collected analyte then determines the
vapor pressures, e.g. 2 104 Torr for TNT at 25 C [1]. By compar- sampling interval. In reality pre-concentration times should be
ison triacetone triperoxide (TATP) has a vapor pressure of 0.05 Torr as long as possible to prevent false negative detection.
at 20 C, enabling relative ease of detection. Moreover its precur- Selectivity is a second key sensor metric. A limitation of
sor, acetone, has a vapor pressure of 77 Torr at 20 C. Nevertheless, chemical-sensors based upon metal oxides is their lack of chem-
real detection environments will not present such an equilibrium ical specicity. To distinguish oxidizing or reducing gases requires
vapor pressure. Instead of being open to the ambient, explosives either additional elements and/or further modication of individ-
likely will be concealed or otherwise contained. Additionally, large ual elements, thereby establishing an electronic nose. It is desired
standoff detection is highly desirable. These factors then drastically that a sensor could discriminate against other organics such as
lower the partial pressure or ambient concentration at the detec- ambient fuel or organic solvents in general and for explosives in
tor location. For detection in the eld, such as by unmanned aerial particular.
vehicles (UAVs), concentrations are subject to varying atmospheric Stability is also a key sensor metric, particularly with respect
conditions. In fact at particular times and locations, detection to explosive detection. Elaborate molecular recognition schemes
could fail simply because of transient environmental factors (e.g. using uorescence quenching have been developed for TNT detec-
being upwind). Therein sampling is highly desirable and pseudo- tion but such bio-based sensors are limited to one-time use [2].
continuous monitoring rather than instantaneous measurement is Binding of the TNT is irreversible and sensor regeneration is dif-
the better strategy for detection and prevents false negatives. cult. Moreover many such systems are solution based, an approach
Given the likely possibility of concentration uctuations and low not well suited for vapor phase detection [35]. In general any
vapor pressures in real environments, coupled with sampling to sensor for monitoring and sampling over long durations must be
renewable, ideally self-regenerating.
Large platform analytical equipment such as gas chromatogra-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 814 865 5813; fax: +1 814 865 3248. phy (GC) [6,7], high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
E-mail address: (R.L. Vander Wal). [8], mass spectrometry (MS) [9,10] and inductively coupled plasma

0925-4005/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
986 J.H. Fujiyama-Novak et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 176 (2013) 985993

atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) have been used to ana- a capillary discharge [25]. In a sophisticated arrangement using
lyze chemicals in the environment. However, due to their large a DBD plasma coupled with diode laser atomic absorption of Cl,
power requirements and supporting high carrier (gas or liquid) Br, F and S atoms as an element specic detector for gas chro-
ows or pumping apparatus, these analytical instruments are too matography, Kunze et al. showed low to high picogram/second
large and heavy for eld-portable use. One such use would be the detection of various halogenated and sulfur containing compounds
maritime inspection in vessels potentially carrying explosives. The [26]. Applying OES using a photodiode array, Guchardi and Hauser
development of a very compact electronic sniffer to be mounted demonstrated detection of oxygen, hydrogen and SO2 species
on shipboard-launched UAVs will provide vital remote inspection within helium carrier and mixture separation of carbon-containing
capabilities for Navy and Coast Guard vessels or shipping containers species CH4 , CO and CO2 with detection limits ranging from 1 to
in ports. 10 ng. Notably all species were as chromatograms with comparison
Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) based on plasma excitation to TCD [27]. A relevant review may be found elsewhere [28].
is a useful detection method due to its linearity, sensitivity and In this article we describe the development and demonstrate the
because of the possibility of element-specic detection [1114]. capability of just such a sensor system, featuring a miniature plasma
Eijkel et al. reported 600 ppm methane using a glow discharge coupled to a pre-separation system. Plasmas are well known for
contained within a microchannel etched on a glass chip [15]. A their analytical utility and we enhance this capability using a pre-
pulsed high-voltage plasma between opposing wires contained concentrator for TATP to achieve ppb detection limits and in parallel
within a capillary tube was reported by Jin and others [13] for eliminate air interference. The plasma is based upon a micro-hollow
organic vapor detection using CH* emission at 431.2 nm. The glow discharge (MHGD) that dissociates molecules and electroni-
authors achieved a detection limit of 0.2 ppm for dimethyl sulf- cally excites the atomic and diatomic radical constituents. Despite
oxide (DMSO). Using a microhollow cathode discharge (MHCD), differences in terminology, approaches with other plasmas can lead
Miclea et al. demonstrated detection of ferrocence vapor with a to an arc or spark and at least two of the aforementioned references
limit of 500 ppb [16] and later detection limits by OES for Cl and F directly reference the sputtering action or erosion of the electrodes
[from Freons] of 20 ppb using a MHCD and miniaturized Echelle in their plasma conguration [15,18]. By its operation the MHGD
spectrometer [17]. More recently Mitra and Gianchandani inte- plasma generates reactive ions, metastables and energetic elec-
grated a pulsed microdischarge within a MEMs conguration for trons that maintain its operation free of contamination, permitting
analysis of hydrocarbon vapors. Using a two-electrode congura- long-term use by providing device stability.
tion, isopropyl alcohol was detected at 100 ppm using CH* emission
and with a 3-electrode FlashFET conguration, acetone vapor in
2. Materials and methods
air ambient at 501000 ppm using CN* emission at 388.1 nm [18].
Recently OES was applied to detection of halogenated hydrocar-
High purity argon (99.999%, Praxair) and dried air (99.0%, Prax-
bons using the Cl emission line using a RF-driven MHCD with limits
air) were used as plasma gases. Triacetone triperoxide (TATP)
reported for Freon of 15 ppb for Cl based upon a calibration curve
standards were obtained from AccuStandard Inc. (New Haven, CT,
[19]. Each of these demonstrations used a ber-optically coupled
USA). Materials were supplied as 0.1 mg/ml solutions in acetoni-
miniature spectrometer for resolving the OES. Yet despite these
trile. Dinitrotoluene (DNT) was obtained from Aldrich and used as
impressive limits, these are energetic plasmas (on a microscale) due
to repetitive initiation of electrical breakdown that can introduce
spectral interpretation difculties, cause electrode erosion, and are
not steady-state plasmas. Detection of low vapor pressure com- 2.1. Experimental setup
pounds, such as explosives with such plasma-based systems in eld
applications has remained elusive. Fig. 1 shows the experimental setup where the MHGD geom-
One such reason is due to spectral interferences. Anghel et al. etry has been applied to owing gases. It consists of gases, a
[20] described the air interfering effects with their helium plasma multi gas programmer, a pre-concentration system described in
torch. The authors explained that the back-diffusion effect of air on the next section, a chamber with a MHGD element, dc power supply
the discharge results in atomic emission lines of oxygen, O I at 777 and spectrometer for capturing atomic/molecular optical emission.
(5 P5 S0 ) and 844 (3 P3 S0 ) nm, hydrogen H at 656 nm (3n 2n) High purity argon is used as the working gas; and the ow rate was
and molecular bands from NO, OH, N2 and N2 + . The wavelength regulated using MKS mass ow controllers and Multi Gas Program-
range 200300 nm is dominated by the NO molecular -bands (226, mer. The argon gas ow rate was restricted to 2 l/min or less at
236, 247, 258 and 271 nm). NO is presented due to the chemical standard conditions (293 K, 0.1 MPa). A HP 6525A high voltage dc
conversion of N2 and O2 [21]. The OH radical is the result of the power supply with a ballast resistor is applied for the excitation and
dissociation of H2 O molecules with accelerated electrons or long- sustaining of the discharge working with 1.01.2 kV operational
lived species present in the plasma, especially helium metastables, range and current values less than 12 mA.
He*m [22]. The nitrogen molecules are mainly represented by the The development of a permanent and steady glow discharge
emission of the second positive system of N2 (315, 337, 357 and depends in greater part on the quality of the metalized disc ele-
380 nm) and the rst negative system of N2 + (391.44 nm). The for- ments. The original design and demonstration of these units was
mation of N2 + is attributed to Penning ionization of N2 with helium reported by Schoenbach et al. [29]. Their motivation and tests,
metastables [23]. With plasma discharges in air generating excited along with those following with advancements were toward UV
species with atomic and molecular bands at UV, detection of com- light sources [30], not analytical chemistry and molecular detec-
pounds at this wavelength range will be difcult. As a solution, a tion, our purpose as herein summarized. Rather than laser or
separation system could eliminate the air components. micro-drilling through refractory metal foils [29], we used a screen-
A second, perhaps more perplexing issue in detecting explosives printed process starting with nickel paste lms supported on an
is their extremely low vapor pressure. Yet dilution within open alumina dielectric (with laser drilled hole) that were then red,
environments and other environmental factors as indicated may together as a unit. Fig. 2 shows two different designs for the elec-
well obscurate detection. For these reasons a sampling and precon- trodes, the circular and spiral geometries. Difculties such as short
centration approach is warranted. Precedence for pre-separation lifetime of the electrode or the instability of the plasma glow dis-
includes studies by Eijkel, using direct current microplasma [12], charge were found when using the circular electrode. On the other
Bessoth et al., using a dc-driven plasma [24], Duan and Jin using hand, the spiral nickel screen-printed alumina discs exhibited a
J.H. Fujiyama-Novak et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 176 (2013) 985993 987

of these species is large in air, so (1) they can quench emission of a

minor constituent or (2) contribute interfering transitions that will
overlap the atomic and molecular species of the analyte, reducing
the analytical ability of the plasma detector to identify the com-
pound. In addition, comparing to inert gases such as helium and
argon, the plasma stability is markedly less when the background
is air.
In order to eliminate the interfering bands from air species,
a pre-concentration/separation system was developed and inte-
grated with the MHGD element chamber. At its core is a stainless
tube (length 100 mm, OD 6.4 mm) packed with 1 g high surface area
stationary phase. Two valves control the entrainment of the sam-
ple in air or the argon gas carrier into the column. These valves also
control the gas destination: waste or MHGD element. The objective
is to immobilize the analyte on the surface of the packing material
and as result air gases, such as N2 and O2 , precursors to NO, N2 and
OH species, can be separated from the analyte and later eliminated
from the column using an inert gas purging at room temperature.
In parallel, the packing material is able to concentrate the analyte
in the column thereby augmenting the amount of the compound
that will reach the detector, increasing the limit of detection (LOD)
for our microplasma spectrometer.
Fig. 3 shows the schematic of our developed pre-
concentration/separation system. The U-shaped column was
packed with 0.5 g of HayeSep Q 80-100 mesh from Supelco.
HayeSep porous polymer is a poly (divinylbenzene) adsorbent
and the co-elution of the light gases occurs in this material at fast
rates. As a result these light gases can be removed by switching the
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. valve to waste. On the other hand heavier organic compounds are
adsorbed in the pores of the HayeSep, and they can be desorbed
sequentially by increasing the temperature.
substantial longevity increase, on the order of days due to their In Fig. 3 two ow states are illustrated: Fig. 3a represents
smaller electrode area and consequent lower capacitance features. the sampling process when the analyte is concentrated in the
Microplasmas such as these offer the key advantage of operation stationary-phase of the column and separated from the air gases
at atmospheric pressure [31] by virtue of microscaling the relevant (N2 , O2 , CO2 , Ar); and Fig. 3b shows the thermal desorption of the
physical dimensions. Yet characterization of the plasma envi- analyte, in argon atmosphere, which vapor phase elutes from the
ronment (energetic species concentrations, electron energy, etc.) column and reaches the MHGD element. As a result, the only emis-
becomes highly challenging with modeling offering key physical sion molecular bands and atomic lines seen in the spectrum will
insights [32]. Nevertheless, as a DC operated plasma, it nominally
offers a steady-state energetic environment with other plasma
parameters such as energy density and IV characteristics being
well-characterized [31].

2.2. Pre-concentration system

The operation of the plasma in air background yields high inten-

sity emission bands from NO, N2 and OH species. The concentration

Fig. 3. Schematic of pre-concentration/separation system: (a) Position 1 corre-

sponds to the elimination of air-component gases and low-boiling point organic
Fig. 2. Micro-hollow glow discharge (MHGD) element: (a) photograph of nickel solvents and pre-concentration of analytes; and (b) Position 2 corresponds to the
screen-printed alumina discs with the spherical and spiral-geometry electrodes; elution of the concentrated analytes at higher temperatures in an inert gas atmo-
and (b) description of the MHGD elements dimensions. sphere.
988 J.H. Fujiyama-Novak et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 176 (2013) 985993

be generated by dissociation/excitation of the analyte and the inert

gas argon.
The pre-concentration/separation system was coupled to the
MHGD chamber. Prior to perform the experiments with the ana-
lytes, the entire column was heated up to 200 C using a silicone
bath. We observed no emission lines or bands from the packing
material or off-gases potentially generated during the heating pro-
cess, merely the argon lines. This indicated that the porous polymer
did not undergo thermal degradation at 200 C.

2.3. Emission spectrum measurements

The light emitted from the plasma jet was collected by an

Ocean Optics optical ber (F1000-UV-VIS-SR) connected to a col-
limating lens (74-UV UV/VIS) and guided to the Ocean Optics
Maya2000 Pro Spectrometer with back illuminated CCD (grating:
Holographic HC1 300 g/mm; slit width: 0.025 mm) This spectrome-
ter uses a linear CCD-array detector for simultaneous acquisition of
the whole spectrum from 200 to 1100 nm with a nominal resolution
of 0.48 nm.
Fig. 4. Spectrum of acetonitrile at initiation of argon purge and after 15 min (red
trace). At the start of argon purging, the spectra are dominated by molecular bands
from N2 (C3 u -B3 g ) at 358 nm, CN (B2 + -X2 + ) at 387 nm, CH (B2 -X2 ) at
3. Results
389 nm, CH (B2 -X2 ) at 387 nm, CH (A2 -X2 ) at 431.25 nm, C2 Swan band
(d3 g-a3 a) at 473, 516 and 563 nm (corresponding to v v 10, 00 and 01
In recent times, TATP (triacetone triperoxide) has been one of vibrational bands, respectively), H at 656 nm (3n 2n) and Ar I [2 (3/2)0 2 {3/2)] at
the primary tools of terrorism. According to the press report, TATP 696 nm. Thereafter only the Ar I line remains (blue trace). (For interpretation of the
references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
has been implicated in recent bombings throughout the world
this article.)
[33,34]. The high vapor pressure (7 Pa at ambient conditions) [35]
makes its detection in post-detonation residue more difcult, and
emphasizes the importance of developing analytical methods with [38]. Acetonitrile presents the additional bands of CN (B2 + -X2 + )
low limit of detection. at 387 nm, N2 (C3 u -B3 g ) at 358 nm and H at 656 nm (3n 2n).
Due to its volatility and instability, triacetone triperoxide is By means of Fig. 4 we conrmed that most of the acetonitrile
only available commercially as a dilute solution to be used as an was eluted from the column after 15 min of gas purging, with
analytical standard. Some studies reported the analysis of TATP only argon Ar I [2 (3/2)0 2 {3/2)] at 696 nm being observed in the
using direct injection of TATP dissolved in an organic solvent by 200700 nm wavelength range. Consequently 15 min was adopted
GC/MS (gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) [36] and LC/MS as equilibrium time in order to separate acetonitrile from TATP in
(liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry) [37] with nanogram- the following experiment.
detection limits. Nevertheless both analytical instruments are very
heavy and require well-controlled laboratory conditions in which 3.1. Detection of TATP diluted in acetonitrile
to operate. As an alternative, in this article we described the method
development of TATP by means of a highly portable micro-hollow Initially 300 l of TATP diluted in acetonitrile (0.1 mg/1 ml) was
glow discharge (MHGD) plasma technique and its limit of detection added to the column by means of a microsyringe and for 15 min air
(LOD). was eluted into the column. This procedure aims to simulate the
As described before, TATP standard is commercially available sampling process that would occur in a UAV or similar platform for
as a dilute solution, dissolved in acetonitrile (Accu Standard, detecting TATP highly diluted in air with other organic chemicals
0.1 mg/ml). Acetonitrile has a lower boiling point (82 C) compared present at higher concentrations.
to TATP (97160 C), therefore the separation of the TATP from the Fig. 5 shows the spectra at different points of time and temper-
acetonitrile is feasible. Variables such as stationary phase mass, ature for the TATP standard solution in acetonitrile. After 15 min of
tube diameter, gas carrier ow and elution time were studied in air purging (Position 1, Fig. 5a) at room temperature for the elim-
order to dene the most satisfactory conditions for TATP analysis. ination of the greater part of acetonitrile, argon was introduced
Initially, we determined the elution time necessary to eliminate for some minutes in the column in order to obtain a sustained
most of the acetonitrile at room temperature. For this test, 300 l and stable plasma discharge; and the temperature was heated
of pure acetonitrile was added to the column prior to the test. Argon up to 85 C. Fig. 5a shows the saturated spectrum of the resid-
gas as carrier owed into the column. Fig. 4 shows the acetonitrile ual acetonitrile that was not desorbed from the column at room
spectrum at the start of argon purge as well after 15 min. The ordi- temperature and subsequently eluted at 85 C. After some seconds,
nate axis of the graphic is linearly scaled and the two spectra are the spectrum did not present any bands arising from acetoni-
offset (arbitrarily) for clarity, in Fig. 4 and subsequent OES gures. trile, indicating complete solvent removal from the column. Fig. 5b
Due to the difference in the concentration of the species during the illustrates the spectrum of TATP eluted at higher temperature
elution process, we have normalized most of the spectrum inten- (160 C); a spectrum very different from that of acetonitrile. The
sities with respect to the Argon line intensity at 696 nm, which is most characteristic molecular bands and atomic lines of TATP
given a relative intensity value of 1. are the C2 Mulliken band system (D1 u + -X1 g + ) at 231 nm, OH
Upon starting the argon purge, Fig. 4a shows strong emissions (A2 + -X2 ) at 310 nm, H atomic line at 656 nm (Fig. 5b), and
of CH (B2 -X2 ) and CH (A2 -X2 ) radicals with nominal band- oxygen atom O I (5 P5 S0 ) line at 777 nm (Fig. 6). The presence
heads at 387 and 431 nm respectively; and C2 radicals (d3 g -a3 a of the Mulliken band at 231 nm and the atomic H line at 656
triplet Swan band systems) with vibrational bands occurring at 473, that also appear in the spectrum obtained at 85 C suggests that a
516 and 563 nm. These bands are characteristics of hydrocarbons portion of the TATP was eluted together with the acetonitrile at this
J.H. Fujiyama-Novak et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 176 (2013) 985993 989

Fig. 5. Spectrum of (a) acetonitrile eluted from the column at 85 C and (b) TATP
collected at 160 C. The most characteristic bands and lines of TATP are the C2 Mul-
liken band (D1 u + -X1 g + ) at 231 nm, OH (A2 + -X2 ) at 310 nm and H at 656 nm.
(For interpretation of the references to spectra in this gure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.) Fig. 7. Spectrum of TATP: (a) solid deposited upon a conducting plate and (b) vapor
eluted from the pre-concentration/separation column. (For interpretation of the ref-
erences to spectra in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
temperature. Spectral bands from OH (A-X), N2 (C-B), CN (B-X) and
H-atoms are indicators that some residual air and water also des-
orbed from the column at 85 C. This spectral comparison shows
a clear need for pre-separation of TATP from other organic com-
pounds and air components.
As a test for the chemical distinctiveness of the TATP spectrum previously, are observed in the two spectra, conrming similarity
as generated by the microplasma, we carried out an analysis of the of the MHGD environment in both batch and dynamic sampling
TATP solution deposited upon a conducting backing plate as a sur- modes in addition to conrming that the OES plasma spectrum is
rogate cathode for the MHGD plasma unit. Prior to the analysis the a representative TATP indicator. Moreover, the spectral similarity
solvent (acetonitrile) was evaporated at room temperature and the suggests that no signicant chemical modication (e.g. polymer-
spectrum was collected with the solid TATP microcrystals sand- ization) of TATP occurred using the pre-concentration/separation
wiched between the conducting plate and the spiral disc electrode. system.
Fig. 7 illustrates the comparison between the spectra of solid TATP The limit of detection (LOD) for TATP was determined by con-
deposited on a backing plate and the TATP vapor eluted from the tinuous monitoring of the TATP hydrogen H line eluted from the
column. The main bands and lines characteristic of TATP, described column at high temperatures until there were no more character-
istic bands and lines of TATP in the spectrum. In order to clarify the
LOD calculation, an example of one of the runs is presented: dur-
ing the elution time of 150 s, more than 100 spectra were recorded.
After the baseline subtraction process, the intensity values referring
to the H atomic line at 656 nm of all spectra were summed and the
total value is 1,837,512 counts. This intensity value corresponds
to the amount of TATP added to the column (30 mg). Assuming
that TATP is an ideal gas, the volume of vaporized TATP is equal to
3.02 l. Considering 150 s as the elution time, and an average argon
ow rate of 0.75 l/min, the total volume of the carrier gas was 1.87 l.
Consequently, the total intensity detected by the spectrometer can
be correlated to the volume of TATP (3.02 l) diluted in 1.87 l of
carrier gas.
By denition [39] the limit of detection (LOD) is the lowest con-
centration level that can be determined and is typically determined
in the region where the signal to noise ratio (S/N) is greater than
5. The average noise level of the spectrometer was found to be 584
counts; therefore the LOD can be calculated by rst determining
the signal level with S/N = 5, 584 counts 5 = 2920 counts and the
volume of TATP to produce a signicant signal (VAS) according to
Eq. (1):

Fig. 6. Spectrum of TATP collected at 160 C (spectral range 750800 nm) with the
3.02 l 2920 count
oxygen O I (5 P5 S0 ) line at 777 nm. (For interpretation of the references to spectra VAS = = 0.0048 l = 4.8 nl (1)
in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 1, 837, 512 count
990 J.H. Fujiyama-Novak et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 176 (2013) 985993

If the volume of the system was 1.875 l, the LOD for TATP will be C2 (d3 g -a3 a ) at 473, 516, 563 nm, CH (A2 -X2 ) at 431 nm,
calculated by Eq. (2): CH (B2 -X2 ) at 386 nm, CN (B2 + -X2 + ) at 387 nm, N2 + (B-X) at
356 nm, NH (A3 -X3  ) at 336 nm, Na I (2 P0 2 S) at 589 nm and H
0.0048 l 106
LOD = = 0.0025 ppm = 2.5 ppb (2) (3n 2n) line 656 nm. Afterward, these band and line intensities
1, 875, 000 l
decreased as seen in the spectrum recorded after 240 s from the
Based upon the ratio of the spectral acquisition time to the total start of the DNT elution. After 480 s, the spectrum did not present
time required for that plus CCD readout and data display, the so- the CN (B-X) characteristic bands of DNT, indicating the complete
called duty cycle is <1. Therein only a portion of the plasma signal desorption of the chemical from the column. The intensity of CN
is acquired during each detection (i.e. spectral acquisition) cycle. (B-X) band at 387 nm, after baseline subtraction, was used to cal-
With longer sampling duration and/or shorter readout and elim- culate the DNT LOD. During the elution time of 480 s, 430 spectra
ination of screen display during the elution time, the duty cycle were recorded and the calculated limit of detection (LOD) for dini-
could be signicantly improved with a commensurate lowering of trotoluene is 9.5 ppb. Similar comments as made with regard to the
the calculated detection limit to sub-ppb levels. sampling duration in connection with the TATP detection limit also
apply to the calculated LOD for DNT.
3.2. Detection of DNT
3.3. Effect of the seawater in the detection of TATP
Commercial standards of TNT explosive are only found as a
dilute solution; therefore for the experiments described in this In plasma emission spectroscopy, radiative emission species is
report we used pure DNT as a surrogate for 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. directly related to the electron energy distribution and metastables
2,4-Dinitrotoluene has a high boiling point (250300 C) that that promote molecular dissociation and fragment electronic exci-
exceeds the stationary phase temperature limit (275 C). Conse- tation. The presence of different species has the potential to affect
quently, to demonstrate the separation concept for the analysis these dominant plasma processes, thereby modifying the dissoci-
of DNT, the packing (stationary phase) of the separation col- ation and excitation process of the main analyte. For detection in
umn was replaced by glass wool. Prior to the analysis, 5.7 mg the eld, such as by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in maritime
of 2,4-dinitrotoluene was added to the column and immediately airspace, it is relevant to evaluate the effect of sodium chloride in
thereafter connected to the plasma chamber. Argon gas was eluted the dissociation process of TATP and verify if the salt can interfere
into the column at ow rate of 2 l/m and the plasma was generated with the quantication of the explosive.
with an applied voltage of 1200 V. In order to reach higher tem- Initially we placed a slight quantity of NaCl on the copper back-
peratures, the column and the entire gas line was wrapped with a ing plate; a spectrum of this compound is shown in Fig. 9. It is
heating tape, thereby avoiding any condensation process in the gas characterized by means of an intense emission line of sodium D
line; and the temperature was kept higher than 300 C. (the current spectral resolution did not permit resolution of the
Fig. 8 shows the spectra of DNT eluted at different times from familiar doublet pair). Additionally, a few excited species such as
the column. The ordinate axis is linear and the spectra at different OH (A-X) generated from air contaminants are present in the spec-
times are labeled and offset for clarity, but otherwise are scaled trum. It is quite possible that some water vapor may have been
similarly, each having been normalized as described previously. At retained upon the MHGD chamber walls although it was initially
5 s, DNT spectrum was observed with its characteristic bands from purged with argon for 10 min.
To better simulate the detection of TATP in a maritime airspace,
replicated seawater (3.5 wt.% NaCl in water) drops were placed on
a backing plate. Just as with electronegative compounds, easily

Fig. 8. Spectra of DNT eluted from the column at 300 C at different elution times.
The spectra are dominated by molecular bands related to the C2 Mulliken band
(D1 u + -X1 g + ) at 231 nm, OH (A2 + -X2 ) at 310 nm, N2 (C3 u -B3 g ) at 337 and
358 nm, CN (B2 + -X2 + ) at 387 nm, CH (B2 -X2 ) at 389 nm, CH (B2 -X2 ) at
387 nm, CH (A2 -X2 ) at 431.25 nm, C2 Swan band (d3 g -a3 a ) at 473, 516 and Fig. 9. Emission spectrum of sodium chloride (NaCl), Na I (2 P0 2 S) at 589 nm and
563 nm, Na I (2 P0 2 S) at 589 nm, H at 656 nm (3n 2n) and Ar I [2 (3/2)0 2 {3/2)] Ar I [2 (3/2)0 2 {3/2)] at 696 nm with the OH (A2 + -X2 ) at 310 nm generated from
at 696 nm. (For interpretation of the references to spectra in this gure legend, the water vapor. (For interpretation of the references to spectra in this gure legend,
reader is referred to the web version of this article.) the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
J.H. Fujiyama-Novak et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 176 (2013) 985993 991

therefore did not interfere with the characteristic bands and lines
of TATP.
The limit of detection (LOD) for TATP in the presence of sea-
water was determined by continuous monitoring of TATP eluted
from the column at high temperatures until there were no more
characteristic lines or bands of TATP in the spectrum. During the
elution time of 120 s, 104 spectra were recorded. A detection limit
of 2.2 ppb (v/v) for TATP could be achieved.

4. Discussion

In the MHGD, a few hundred volts applied across the electrodes

cause breakdown of the gas and formation of energetic ions, elec-
trons and other species. In a traditional glow discharge, positive
ions are accelerated across the cathode dark space and collide with
the cathode surface, resulting in physical sputtering. In this man-
ner, the sample is atomized and introduced into the discharge. As
the sputtered atoms diffuse into the negative glow, they may be
ionized by electron impact and Penning ionization. Use of a noble
gas can enhance these effects. Our use of the backing plate as sur-
Fig. 10. Emission spectra of NaCl and TATP: (a) backing plate with dried seawater rogate cathode mimics this conguration while the open-hollow is
only; (b) TATP eluted from the column at 160 C and the backing plate loaded with
rather different.
the dried seawater; and (c) TATP eluted from the column at 160 C. (For interpreta-
tion of the references to spectra in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the
In either conguration the key to plasma analysis in general
web version of this article.) and the proposed MHGD in particular is that the atomic emission
serves to identify the sample composition [40]. As it is not in ther-
mal equilibrium but relatively cold [41], the emission features
are correspondingly narrow, aiding identication and selectivity.
ionized materials such as alkali elements can substantially alter The low electron densities and energies within the negative glow
the plasma characteristics and stability. Prior to the analysis, the region result in minimal Bremstrahlung continuum background
system was heated on a hot plate to evaporate the water and form while providing high signal-to-noise.
NaCl microcrystals upon the backing plate. This backing plate was The combination of sample atomization and electronic exci-
placed against the spiral disk electrode in the MHGD chamber. tation is a powerful combination for direct solids analysis or
Next, 300 l of TATP standard solution was added to the devel- deposited particulate, as demonstrated. In fact this approach is
oped pre-concentration/separation system packed with HayeSep used commercially where the plasma provides sample atomiza-
Q and connected to the chamber. For 15 min dried air was eluted tion for subsequent analysis by mass spectrometer [42]. In this
into the column, removing the solvent and thereafter the air was approach a particular advantage of the MHGD is the immunity
replaced by argon gas at an initial ow rate of 1 l/min. Shortly to sample spatial/geographic uniformity and quantity. Spatially
thereafter, the column was immersed into a silicone oil bath at inhomogeneous deposition is entirely acceptable with precollec-
160 C with the plasma generated using an applied voltage of tion. Other sensor approaches for detecting explosive vapors have
1.1 kV. relied upon spectrometric methods and ion detection methods
Fig. 10 shows the spectrum of (a) backing plate with dried sea- [43]. Spectrometric (in situ gas-phase) methods such as multi-pass
water, (b) TATP eluted from the column at 160 C and the backing infrared absorption or cavity ring-down spectroscopy achieve high
plate loaded with the dried seawater, (c) TATP eluted from the col- sensitivity (ppm or ppb levels respectively), by selective detec-
umn at 160 C. It is clear that the spectra of TATP in the presence tion of NO2 stretching modes. Such approaches however lose
or absence of salt are similar. It was found that the intensity of selectivity by targeting specic functional groups. Ion mobility
some bands and lines were slightly modied due to the presence methods have been rated for minimal mass of detectable mate-
of additional compound NaCl. However, the main radical emission rial, picogram or lower for TATP, but not concentration. Moreover
bands and atomic lines characteristic of TATP, the C2 Muliken band denitive detection requires an additional mass spectrometer with
at 231 nm, H (I) line at 656 nm and O I line at 777 nm (not shown in the added equipment complexity, power and operational burden.
Fig. 10) are well pronounced. A pre-concentration system as illustrated here adds additional
In the spectrum of NaCl (Fig. 10a), there is a minor hydrogen degrees of freedom to achieve selectivity and sensitivity. Coupling
line emission that is most probably generated from physisorbed with the MHGD links the pre-concentrators sensitivity gain with
water in the surrogate seawater sample. The H atomic line micro-plasma eld portability and optical emission spectroscopy
intensity at 656 nm is used for the limit of detection of TATP, selectivity.
and we concluded that water would present a signicant spec- The present system serves as proof-of-concept for a miniatur-
tral interference for the detection of this explosive without ized system to be on-board a UAV. The present system response was
pre-separation. on the order of several tens of seconds. Suitable scaling to a micro-
On the other hand, our pre-concentration/separation column capillary as the concentration column will reduce this sampling
allows the initial elution of water at a temperature of 100 C, time interval to a sub-second scale, thereby permitting pseudo real-
and at modestly higher temperatures TATP leaves the column. In time analysis. In addition to the determination of organic vapors,
real environments the salt would be retained by the stationary the detector is also applicable to the analysis of solids and aerosols
phase, thereby afrming that TATP can be separately character- in a static-sampling mode. We project that the detection sensitivity
ized, without the water H-atom interference arising from water. of the explosives using the described technique can be improved
As illustrated in Fig. 9, the Na I line is emitted at 589 nm and by increasing the duty cycle of the detector, using a more efcient
992 J.H. Fujiyama-Novak et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 176 (2013) 985993

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[17] M. Miclea, K. Kunze, J. Franzke, K. Niemax, Plasmas for lab-on-chip applications, lubricants as well as the development of atmospheric pressure plasma for optical
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J.H. Fujiyama-Novak et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 176 (2013) 985993 993

Chethan Kumar Gaddam was born in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India and obtained interests include laser-material interactions for annealing and SERS. Prior programs
his bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering from Osmania University. He began have included HRTEM & XPS characterization of aerosols and development of laser-
his research career at Penn State in The Dept. of Energy & Mineral Engineering, study- based diagnostics such as DFWM and LII. He holds a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry and
ing plasma science under the direction of Dr. Randy Vander Wal. His other interests has worked at Sandia National Labs and NASA prior to Penn State.
include developing plasma sources and processes for surface functionalization of
nanostructures, synthesis of nanostructures and nanoparticles. Dr. Benjamin Ward is the senior engineer in charge of sensor development at
Makel Engineering, Inc. (MEI); he has overseen ongoing development efforts in gas
Debanjan Das is presently a graduate student at Penn State University in the Dept. microsensors, microreactors, and system integration targeting aerospace, automo-
of Energy and Mineral Engineering. tive, and power generation applications in particular. Synergistic activities at MEI
include the development of gas and uid sensors incorporating MEMS processing
Dr. Randy L. Vander Wal leads a research group with projects in catalysis, energy and chemically sensitive nanomaterials, smart systems with integrated sen-
storage, tribology & lubrication, sensors and plasma development for analytical sors, and highly efcient microreactors incorporating novel catalysts and reaction
applications. These have included vapor detection, aerosol and liquids analysis schemes.
and most recently demonstration of lunar simulant analysis. His other research

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