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sc:nUUS1Y t; pU1JJU1L ~ llJ 'tlCVIt::WlllC : PCllUI , '

~;manceS" ofdts'< senior "' c'ritiC? . . , . . ,',
',;;;.The ':'il1:emory<oL.this '.,cal . .
;i distu~b ,~ J11e~Jor~;a;Jong ',' t.: ';i'?iC6l~~Td~~~~r~~
1 -am; sadly.'; rerrlirlde<f<
'couplet: " ;:"i', '
Swans ,sj~g ' b~j~;e,";'they . '
, bad thing.":, ,.;::!::,, ,\: ' . " .' c '\.,., '....
. Did certai;,perslJns' die befor;/theY:;i~!/~ .
And for~'sirig": you can sut)'s'ti'tt'Ite ::an:y ;:,j ,~~
verb that ,. you, wish. :'

:X:"~:~f~[~'):;/;~O~: :'~" :;("'". ' ',

,, 'HIS ' week ' ~brought:;,';

',: "' . bonus, have': :3:that
indeed" .' proof ~a: i2:'lin
silver/ ~\~';'~tl;~~~~II~i
" : 1.ntluenza,, :' ari.d?i~ hifyngit~s Vp . , . ,
. Nell ': Rosenshem;,:,JrOinsmgmg ": "_.,.__ ., ... ..
c'Grirries so Robert 'G ard ~ 'who had I'\pp,n " ,' I ''/';:
;,1 his ,"cover" 'a nd /\vho last:rsatl'g ,:th'e,:role,
for 'C anberra Opera in 1982 ,(a .facfmot '
acknowledged in the program slip) : ':",'
; stepped in at ;<a day.'s "notice.':',;ii k < . '

"He showedJhatlhe should ,have been ~(

,cast <in Jhe' tole ~ from the ~,beginning :::: ly ,
"" Gard surely .has Jew., rivals ; ~; , any:-" ;.
"where ,'::" .-a~ : 'a,~, Britten' : singer.,~,;'.) .. ;,::.ji ;~~
, His 'diction, isprecis'e and de'a r; .1ii5;", ~!
NEyi,':'*E~~NIOUES: i~n Shanahan~ .~~~~~~U~~~~di';re~tneg~~t~~i}6~~n?~,~ ,\

A"'~' : 'satisfyillg"'~;J~~:m~si ;
of recorder solos.
a ";)~MERONiS groupi th~t, I , ,"-.The ,fi;~t~~Fthe~~:~;~, :~thy'~ s~niJ,~,:
. .,.!.;havead.rriired ,for s.Orrietim. e ,:,; \was. a , s~rt. .' ?.r.'.' I.r.I. s. .h,1I..g.: ".or.i""sopr. ,.a n.,. '. n.,o;~..,
. but it seemsto be ata point of ', (WhiCh , hiS "e."or~ou~ fi!1g er,s s~emed: to
" . .. . . ' . '~ ,'envelop ' entirely: , God '\knoWs ihow..;he,
) crISIS. ' " . : i .' . :',<finds the: fin'gerhbles' ~to i playwith ~; such ,' ;:
.' ." ' . , I : : .' '.' " dexteritY with 'th'Ose substanti'aldigits!); :
" '," "

. Indeed; at Itsmostr~c,ent c~>ncert (at" another was ~Helicdl-R;bbo,( amodern-."

the 0bo.ssens~all:. m " U!tl~?) .the ' 'i istic treatment :6f, a"'\sifu:ilar~dahce:' jdea:::
contnbutIOns bY lts augmentedensem- ', I; 'Iif'For RecorderA'ld TdPe 1 b)"Martin'
bJe ~.' ' wo~ks by Gerald ' H.umen and Wesley-Sniith ~.the ~ prerecorded:'' ; '',Fair:';
Ge:ar,~ :G:nsey - ,' ",:ere deCidedly less , light" part ratnersvlamped him~' while iri1
satl.sfytngthan a senes of solos by the Nigel But'terleY's ',.; "delig'htf
almable I~n Shanahan, composer and White-Throd'ted; Warbler~\ I(writt'en '
recorder 'virtuoso. 1965 for earl Dolrrietsch ; arid 'd~~''''-''''''''''''''' '': '
Sha~~~' an is no ~rdinary , reco~der by Shanahan 'as ' ''a r c1assi'c''} his 'ten1p(Jf,t:F
player': he is' fascinated by the possibili- mightprofitably ~ have '; beena
ties for,' ri.e w . techniques and sounds quicker. '. h . . .,. ' l,! ,

which'tpewhole recorder family offers.}.wa:s :"'n~i.' such : problem ;:,in ~, the ,
i "

~', , ,,'. . . . , '. :..' ,_ .' ,,~ e~hllarattng '; Spl ba

''1':< . ,Qne["Gf'.~...mOSLtntrJgu~n&' Qf these:'~~;~:!J{frrpsfCho'rdY~:bY.!~. ' .'
hiS finger-t~ITlmg over ~he whistle-hole 1fl .. composer who seems, at eanoment
the he~d-plece of the Instrument. ~. the a 'roll ~ orspin 5 himseIL ; . \ : , '~ , , ., ', '
effect ;lsethereal. , .This , ,piece.;;is .; fast, :;, 'conr~enL;: and :'
He :~rayed a piece by a Vietnamese ,~ asserti~e;.ltrequires' chord-'c1ustersJrom:,;
com ppser; .Ton~ That :Tiet, .,and,<several ":i th~,:': harpsi,~h.prdist-1 (log , i ', ceaselessl
works"Tncluding three charm" inia- " bnlh'ant '
tures :~~f.!~ IWs ~ own: -:::<:Ly ,; ",'. ' " hanahan:~~'Qi.<i'~!i1(jlt} d,isa;pp,qiIlt~~

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