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Both texts describes different issues of nowadays Music Industry.

The first extract examines the

impact file-sharing policies have on a musicians career, while the other analyses live performances
as a remarkable experience.

As far as CDs industry is concerned, it is well-known that Internet file sharing sites have contributed
to a turn down on sales. In the first text, the writer explaines that a possible bright side of this fact
is that It enables independent artists to become popular by gaining worldwide exposure. Moreover,
It is cheaper for a musician to upload their material on the Internet instead of sign a contract with
some Record Company. Considering this, It can result in a major benefit for artists as It enables
them to share much more material.

In the second text, live performances attractives are put up for discussion. Not only would live
concerts human spirit be irreplaceable, but also It would be not posible to capture in a digital
format the excitement that this experience generates. What is more, some artists are encouraged
by developing inedit material lively. On the other hand, some bands complain about the risks they
face by perfoming lively. Major inconvenients can appear as a sound engeneering error and It can
led to the audience wrong impression about the artist.

Taking into account the complexity of Music Industry; both CD recording and live concert
experiences should be carefully planned considering an artist aspirations. On the other side of the
stage, these situations may be seen from a different perspective. Attending live performances is a
very distinct involvement than hearing a recorded CD from the comfort of your home. However,
enjoying one more than other is matter of personal taste.

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