Character Traits Group Project 2017

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Character Traits Group Project

Your group will be given one character from the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The following
must be completed for your character.
Assignment requirements:
Jem Scout Boo Radley Dill Aunt Alexandria Atticus Calpurnia Walter
1. Find SEVEN quotes from part one of the novel that show your characters, character
a. Must have word description
b. Must have quotes and PC
c. EXAMPLE: Loyal: ____________________ (Lee 34).
2. Log onto Canva to create your inforgraphic. How you design this assignment is up to
your group, but you need to put in effort. This should be clear and properly citation. Have
fun and be creative!
3. Your group will present to the class, so be ready.
a. All members must speak during to receive full credit

Character Trait Presentation Rubric

Character Traits Character Trait # 1 ______/3pts.
(accurate with
correct MLA Character Trait # 2 ______/3pts.
citation) Character Trait #3 ______/3pts.

Character Trait #4 ______/3pts.

Character Trait #5 ______/3pts.

Character Trait #6 ______/3pts.

Character Trait #7 ______/3pts.

(knowledge, volume,
professionalism, and _____ 4pts.

Poster Creativity,
completeness, and
Neatness _____10pts

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