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Standard 4.

0 Gather information on the resources available to the schools from the community
and businesses.

Element 4.1.i, 4.2.i

Artifact 1.1.1

8/2/17 (2 Hours)

I was able to discuss with Erin about the resources available to the school;

1. I need to become familiar with the resources available to the school from the community
and businesses. Each school also has a Student Support Team. I often work closely with
the counselor to share specific community resources available, depending on the family's
needs, such as Brooklane or other mental health agencies like Potomac Case
Management. Jamie Donohue would be an excellent person to reach out to for additional
information. She has a booklet with all those resources listed by category.

I then talked with the school counselor to gain more information on the resources
available. I feel that teachers should be made aware of this booklet in the instance that
they need to help students that are struggling with home, school, or personal issues. I
guess this is why we alert the counselor when we believe that the students are dealing
with something and need to talk to someone.
Having these services available to the school is a valuable resource. It is great that there
are businesses that will partner with the schools to help the students in Washington
County. There have been students that need the services of Brooklane and around the
clock care and admitted to the services for several weeks. Brooklane is able to get to the
source of the problem of the student and give the parents options and strategies to work
with the child.

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