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Standard 6.

0 Engage in a continuing dialogue with other decision makers regarding the future
of education

Element 6.1.d, 6.2.d, 6.3.d

Artifact 1.1.1

5/22/17 (6 Hours)

While looking at data for the summer school program, I realized that it appeared that two
students would require aides to help support them during the three week program. I then talked
with Special Education case manager, Director of Elementary Education and Principal about
finding funding for an aide for a student that is enrolled in the summer school program.

The budget provided to you a few months ago was to be allocated for all staffing needs. Its up
to the school to determine the needs for students and work within the budgets. With that being
said, please let me know how much you anticipate being needed for a para position. Ill see if I
can access additional money to support.
Matthew Semler | Director of Elementary Education and Early Learning

I then took all the student application for summer school to the special education case
manager to see if there was any other concerns that the summer school staff would need to be
aware of. We then took time to discuss behaviors and IEP goals with the case manager and how
to have the teachers plan to have a successful summer school program. Talked with the principal
about the behavior concern and having consequences for the student when he misbehaviors. We
then brainstormed and created action plans for one of the more challenging students.

I also had to collect all the health issues of the summer school students and report them to the
Director of Elementary Education.

Morning Mr. Semler,

Here is Maugansville Medical Needs

Matthew Hancock - Cerebral Palsy
Kamden Ford - allergic to cows milk
Kailynn Prevatt - allergic to cinnamon

Landen Wood - Focalm 10mg at noon
Da'Shyah Long - Concerta 18mg 1 X per day for ADHD (doesn't state what time to give this)
Amber Holmes - allergy meds (doesn't state what time to give)
Tyler Beard - Tenexo 5mg at lunch time and focalin 15mg at lunch
Zoie Showe - Folin 5 mg at lunch

Just in case you need

Damiere Slater - asthma
Zane Reihart - ADHD, PTSD, panic, and anxiety attacks
Isaac Hill - ADHD with lots of bathroom breaks
Caleb Bucklew - asthma
Darryl Blake - asthma
Derek Canby - PFAPA (fever syndrome)
Antwann Reeves - asthma
Richard Nave IV - ADHD
Gabrielle Bussard - hearing aides and FM system

I know some of the students aren't high medical needs but I wanted to make you aware of all of
them just in case it was needed. Wanted to keep all of my bases covered.

Thanks so much and have a wonderful day,


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