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Temperate and subtropical zones


In geography you often y-axis

get information from
numbers and statistics.
It is much easier to
see patterns when the
information is presented
in the form of colourful
charts and diagrams.
Diagrams and charts can
have different topics and
it is important to analyse line

them carefully.

# Line graph: Foreign tourists in southern % Bar chart: Tourists visiting Majorca

How to analyse charts

There are different types of charts, as you
can see here. These charts show information
about tourism in Europe.

A line graph shows how something

develops over time. This one shows how
many tourists visited Spain, Italy, Portugal
and Greece from 1970 to 2006.
A bar chart compares two different aspects
$ A pie chart: Domestic and foreign and shows which is bigger (or smaller). This
tourists in Majorca in 2001 one compares the numbers of tourists and
inhabitants in Majorca with each other.

A pie chart shows how an aspect is divided

into different parts or sectors.This one shows
the percentage of different nationalities of
tourists visiting Majorca in 2001.


DO04104510_Environment_040_051.indd 50 03.09.2009 11:31:17

Follow these steps This line graph shows how many pattern
tourists came to four countries Muster, hier:
Step 1: Description in southern Europe from 1970 to Entwicklung
What kind of graph (line graph, bar chart, 2006. Italy, Spain and Greece are foreign
pie chart) is it? auslndisch
shown from 1970, Portugal starts
What do the title, key, axes, labels, sectors domestic
in 1980.
tell you? einheimisch
The number of tourists increased in
What are major changes/differences you inhabitant
can see?
all countries. Most tourists went Einwohner
to Italy in 1970, but in in the percentage
The chart shows that beginning of the 90s most people Anteil
remains constant travelled to Spain for their holiday. to remain
More / Less that half of More than twice as many tourists bleiben
Over / Nearly twice as many/three as in 1970 went to Spain and increase
times as many Greece in 2006. Portugal increased Anstieg
reached a peak of its number of tourists five times. steady
All lines show the highest numbers gleichmig
in 1998. Afterwards the numbers
Step 2: Interpretation
went down.
What are the reasons for changes/
If you compare the figures you see
differences you described?
What are main points/aspects you get from
more and more tourists wanted to
the chart? go to the four countries. This chart
shows a steady growth of tourism in
If you compare the figures for and , the four Mediterranean countries.
you can see The chart shows a trend in
shows a(n) increase / decrease / tourism. Many tourists choose the
steady growth / slight rise/ Mediterranean countries for their
an all-time-high/low holidays. The main reason is their
subtropical climate with a lot of
sun and nearly no rain during the
Step 3: Conclusion
summer months. The chart does not
What do the results tell you about the
say anything about the situation in
Portugal before 1980. Portugal was
Are there any missing information (research
the topic in your geography book, on the
quite poor and had to build hotels
Internet, etc.)? and streets before it was ready for
The chart doesnt say anything about
& An example text for line graph 1

# Analyse charts 2 and / or 3 according

to the three steps. Use numbers from
different years to make your text stronger.


DO04104510_Environment_040_051.indd 51 03.09.2009 11:31:17

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