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Exciting yet safe for all, Scuba diving is regarded as one of the most satisfying of
hobbies. It can be learned, initially anyway, free of charge at many local baths, and
afterwards the heaviest expense is likely to be that of traveling to the sea. Scuba divers come
from all walks of life. They don't have to be well-off or upper class; nor do they have to be
particularly strong. Generally, beginners should be over fifteen, as it is difficult for children
to master the various safety regulations.

To regard as: To consider
Scuba diving: Diving with air tubes
Initially: First
Free of charge: Without paying money
Walks of life: Positions or occupations in society
Well-off: Rich
To master : To learn
Regulation: Rule
II. EXERCISE: Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the words defined
1. I like this job because I meet people from almost all
2. We do not have to pay for the concert. It is...........
3. My friend's family is quite................. ; They can buy everything they want.
4. Probably the hardest task .................. during match play is concentration.
5. ......................, 1 found it difficult to get accustomed to the food in Hong Kong, but
later I got used to it.
1. Anyone who wants to learn Scuba diving at local baths.
A. should pay for it.
B. must be a member of the local baths.
C. may find it expensive.
D. doesn't have to pay any money.
E. has to go to the sea.
2. We understand that Scuba divers.
A. don't have to be rich.
B. .shouldn't learn rules.
C. must be upper.
D. need strength.
E. find the regulations difficult.
3. Anyone can become a Scuba diver.
A. provided he buys all the equipment.
B. if he has great courage.
C. except youngsters under fifteen.
D. if he likes going for a walk.
E. but .it is not safe..

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