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HHANGMAN TREE 1 hangman tee prefers tole in wait ne tracks and game trails, waiting for victims to wander by. ese carnivorous planis are incredibly patient, and can wait formonths ina single lation for food to approach, When prey does draw near, the tee vines lash like striking snakes, Living Gallows. The tre alten uses ts pul ality te hoist ‘prappled foes 10 to 15 feet i the air sothat they are out of each ofallies while they lowly stan. The tree generally ‘only swallows one foe whole ata me, lelting its ether ‘captured victims nit is ready o feed on them, ‘Armor Cass 16 (natural amor) Hit Points 175 (1412 ~ 84) INT wis GHA (2) 12641) 1060) Oarags Rnien poyic Condon immunities Sine. Senses bindsight 60 fp Languages Syn tilenge 6 (3300 XP) False Appearance. Wile he hangman tee remains rrotionless, itis indisinguishable from an ordinary ving Vires Each vine grappling acreaure can be directly targeted (AC 14, 30 hit points resistance to Diuegeoring damage, immurity te psychic damage and Vulnerabilty to fire damage), Half of the damage suffered by a vine i alse deat to the hangman tee itgelt When avine s reduced to Ohit points, the srappled creature is released Actions Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit. reac target Hi-9 (148 + 5) piereng damage SRR, one Vine Meize Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 30f, one target Ht-9 (1a8 5) bludgeoning demage IF the targetis a Medium or smaller creature, itis grappled (escape DC 16) and pulleg 10 feet in the air frisn't aiready, Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, Gann! speak or cast spells with verbal components, and takes 8 (1d6~5) slashing damage at the start of tach ofits turns “Swallow. The havgman tres males one bite attack against a Medium or smaller creature it is grappling If the that creature takes the bite's damage and is swalowed, an¢ the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature ie blinded and restrained, it hae total cover against atacks and other effects outside the hangman tree, and it takes 14 (446) sludgeoning damage atthe stat ofeach of the hangman tree's Ifthe hangman tre takes 20 damage or more on a single tuen from a creature inside it,the Fangman ee must succeed on aC 15 Constitution saving throw at the end ofthat turn or regurgiate al swallowed creatures, which fall prone in aspace within 10 feet of ‘he nangman tree Ifthe hangman tee cies a swallowed creature is no longer rest'ained by it and can escape from the corpse using 15 feet of movemert, ecitng prone LeGenDary ACTION The hangman tree can take 3 legendary actions, enoosing fiom the option! Belov. Only ane legendary ction can be used ata time and only atthe end of, Tictiner crestine's tur Ths Hangenan tee Feiss spent legendary actions atthe stare ofits turn Vine Attack The hangman tee makes a vine atack, Constiction (Costs 3 Actions), The hangman tee ‘ighten the vines which encircle its targets, dealing 8 (1a6 + 5) slashing damage to al creatures curently grappled by it.

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