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Choose the word which is stressed differently from the other three.
1. A. atomic B. oceanic C. acidic D. organic
2. A. antiapartheid B. antibiotic C. anticlerical D. anticlimactic
3. A. Incognito B. Incoherent C. Introverted D. intravenous
4. A. disguise B. display C. discourse D. disband
5. A. millimeter B. pedometer C. thermometer D. speedometer
6. A. absentee B. detainee C. matinee D. patentee
7. A. subcommittee B. bachelorette C. unpicturesque D. governmentese
8. A. differentiability B. Immunoreactivity
C. electronegativity D. extraterritoriality
9. A. short-sighted B. long-term C. high-end D. ear-bending
10. A. reconcile B. formidable C. decadent D. vehement
11. A. argumentative B. theoretical C. contributory D. hypersensitive
12. A. ecotourism B. hierarchy C. acropolis D. neighborhood
13. A. hieroglyphics B. horizontal C. revolutionary D. aristocracy
14. A. ingenuity B. guarantee C. caravansary D. committee
15. A. mausoleum B. testimony C. miniature D. meteorite
16. A. rhetoric B. rheumatic C. revertible D. religious
17. A. origin B. interest C. prejudice D. endurance
18. A. insufficient B. analysis C. situation D. tranquilizer
19. A. intensify B. combat C. column D. consequence
20. A. appliance B. ancestor C. ancestry D. absolute
21. A. innocent B. criminal C. reaction D. specialist
22. A. predict B. surgeon C. salary D. perfect
23. A. suspicion B. facilitate C. convey D. separate


24. A. ambitious B. assemble C. equivalent D. vacancy
25. A. enterprise B. prevention C. fertilizer D. implement
26. A. accompany B. comfortable C. interview D. dynamism
27. A. effectiveness B. satisfaction C. accountancy D. appropriate
28. A. secure B. oblige C. vacant D. equip
29. A. representative B. characteristic C. technological D. punctuality
30. A. rhetoric B. ancestral C. intimate D. anecdote
31. A. arithmetic B. armadillo C. atmosphere D. adolescence
32. A. commissar B. committee C. communion D. commuter
33. A. reconcile B. recompense C. resentment D. recognize
34. A. irrational B. irritable C. irrelevant D. irreparable
35. A. miraculous B. missile C. probable D. miniature
36. A. epoch B. etiquette C. equivalent D. episode
37. A. prerequisite B. necessity C. European D. synonymous
38. A. compromise B. correspond C. dominate D. educate
39. A. metropolis B. descendant C. impetus D. perpetuate
40. A. vigorous B. scandalous C. victorious D. dangerous
41. A. necessary B. infamous C. automobile D. technique
42. A. theatergoer B. reputable C. admirable D. sidereal
43. A. premature B. immature C. engineer D. addressee
44. A. hotel B. preview C. append D. annul
45. A. diminutive B. prerequisite C. geocentric D. impolitic
46. A. agricultural B. environmental C. biological D. geographical
47. A. reservoir B. wilderness C. microwave D. enthronement
48. A. temporarily B. historically C. immediately D. remarkably
49. A. cannonball B. biosphere C. cholesterol D. automobile
50. A. bronchitis B. acacia C. gorilla D. islander


51. A. accommodation B. antiapartheid C. anticlockwise D. deforestation
52. A. tremendous B. luminous C. enormous D. autonomous
53. A. north-west B. eye-catching C. far-sighted D. short-tempered
54. A. counterclockwise B. multicolored C. polysyllabic D. unilateral
55. A. wholesaler B. monastery C. paragraph D. geneticist
56. A. invaluable B. investigative C. intimacy D. incompetence
57. A. supposedly B. curriculum C. surprisingly D. antechamber
58. A. unaccented B. unadjusted C. unarguable D. unbearable
59. A. librarian B. territory C. respectable D. victorious
60. A. technique B. advent C. mature D. bombard


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