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National Competitive Bidding (NCB)

IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074


GPO Box No.: 9754
Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal

April, 2017

Issued at: Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal

Issued to: Nepal Telecommunications Authority

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 1
Acronyms of OFN
Abbreviation Description
ADS Application Data Sheet
ADSL Asynchonous Digital Subscriber Loop
ADSS All Dielectric Self Supported optical Fiber cable
B.S. Bikram Sambat
BER Bit Error Ratio
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CDR Central Development Province
DHQs District Headquarters
DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplex
EBIT Earning Before Interest and Taxes
EBITDA Earning Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization
EBT Earning Before Taxes
EDR Eastern Development Province
GCC General Conditions of Contract
GI Galvanized Iron
GON Government of Nepal
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global Mobile System
ISD International Subscriber Dialing
HSS Higher Secondary School
HSEB Higher Secondary Education Board
AP Access Point
HS High School
IP Internet Protocol
HC Health Center
ITA Instructions To Applicants
ITU International Telecommunication Union
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union Telephony
JV Joint Venture
LOI Letter of Intend
MOIC Ministry of Information and Communication
MOU Memorandum Of Understanding
MQS Minimum Quality Standards
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTTR Mean Time To Repairs
MWDR Mid - Western Development Province
NDCL Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited, aka Nepal Telecom, aka NTC
NEA Nepal Electricity Authority
NEPCA Nepal Council of Arbitrations
NRs Nepalese Rupees
NTA Nepal Telecommunications Authority
OFN Optical Fiber Network
OPGW Overhead Power Ground Wired
PCO Public Call Office
PPMO Public Procurement Monitoring Office

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PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
RFA Request For Applications
RTDF Rural Telecommunication Development Fund
SCC Special Condition of Contract
SLO Selected Licensed Operator
STD Subscriber Trunk Dialing
TOR Terms of Reference
UG Underground Cable
VDC Village Development Committee
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal
WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
WDM Wave Division Multiplex
WDR Western Development Province
WLL Wireless Local Loop

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Table of Contents

Request for Application ............................................................................................. 5

Section I. Instructions to Applicant .......................................................................... 6

Section II. Application Data Sheet .......................................................................... 28

Section III. Application Forms................................................................................ 32

Section IV. Terms of Reference ............................................................................. 50

Section V. General Conditions of Contract ............................................................ 61

Section VI. Special Conditions of Contract ............................................................ 71

Section VII. Contract Forms ................................................................................... 80

Section VIII Draft of Proposed Authorization ........................................................ 88

Section IX Compliance Check List .......................................................................... 92

Section XAnnexes ..................................................................................................... 94

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 4
Request for Application
Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal
Invitation for Applicationto Build Broadband Network and Provide Internet Access Connectivity
Services in 8 Districts of Province 6 of Nepal

Nepal Telecommunications Authority, Kamaladi, Kathmandu is collecting two percent of Gross Adjusted
Revenue as a Rural Telecommunication Development Fund (RTDF) every year from the Service providers in
telecommunications sector as per the Telecommunication Act, 2053 B.S. and intends to apply a part of RTDF
to cover eligible financial subsidy to the selected (based on this RFA) internet service provider
(ISP)licensee(s)to buildbroadband network and provide Internet Access connectivity services in 8disctricts
viz. Humla, Mugu, Dolpa, Jumla, Kalikot, Rukum, Jajarkot , Dailekh Surkhet and Salyan of Province 6by
installing broadband access equipment and provide internet Access connectivity servicesatleast at Public
Colleges, Higher Secondary Schools, Secondary (High) Schools, Health Centers/Posts and
Village/Municipality Development Committee offices in all the 8 Districts of Province6of Nepal.
NTA invites Requests for Applications (RFA) for the award of the contractfrom existing NTA internet service
provider licensees to build broadband network and provide internet Access connectivity services in the 9
districts within next ,,,,[Insert Number] months. NTA will provide subsidy to the successful Applicant from
RTDF to establish broadband network and provide internet/data access connectivity inall VDC/MDC offices,
health centers/health posts and public educational institutions (colleges and high schools) of theTen districts
of Province6.The contract (subsidy) shall be provided to the qualified and successful applicant that has
appliedfor lowest subsidy for each of the packages. However, mximum of two packages can be granted to
an Applicant.
The mximum subsidy amount shall not exceed NRs.[Insert Amount]for Package A,
NRs[Insert Amount]... for Package B and NRs[Insert Amount]... for Package C
Eligible Applicants may obtain further information and inspect the RFA documents at the office of Nepal
Telecommunications Authority,Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal, Tel:+977-1-4255474, Fax: +977-1-4255250,
RFA documents may be purchased from the above office by eligible Applicants on the submission of a written
Application, and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs.[insert amount].
Pre-Application meeting may be held at ..[insert name and address of venue]on..[insert time and date].
Sealed Applications shall be submitted to the above office on or before .. [inserttime] on
..[insertdate].Applications received after this deadline shall not be accepted.
Applicationsshall be opened in the presence of Applicants' representatives who desire to attend ..[time
and date] at the office of NTA, Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal. Application must be valid for a period of90
(Ninety) days counting from the day of Application opening and must be accompanied by bid security,
amounting to a minimum of NRs. .[insert amount] for this bidding, which shall be valid for minimum 30
days beyond the Application validity period ( i.e. [insert date]).
If the last date of purchasing, submission and opening falls on a public holiday then the next working day and
stipulated time shall be considered the last day and time.
NTA reserves the right to accept or reject, wholly or partly any or all the Applications.

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 5
Section I. Instructions to Applicants
Table of Contents

A. General

1. Definitions 8
2. Scope of Application 11
3. Source of Funds 11
4. Fraud and Corruption 11
5. Eligible Applicants 13
6. One Application per Applicant 13
7. SiteVisit13

B. Contents of RFA Document

8. Sections of the RFA Document 13

9. Clarification of RFA Document/Pre-Application meeting 14
10. Amendment of RFA Document 14

C. Preparation of Applications

11. Cost of Application and Bidding 14

12. Language of Application 15
13. Documents Comprising the Application 15
14. Application Submission Form and Subsidy Schedule 17
15. Application for Subsidy and Discounts 17
16. Currencies of Application 17
17. Qualifications of the Applicant 17
18. Period of Validity of Applications 17
19. Bid Security 18
20. Format and Signing of Application 19

D. Submission and Opening of Applications

21. Sealing and Marking of Applications 19

22. Deadline for Submission of Applications 19
23. Late Applications 20
24. Withdrawal, or Modification of Applications 20
25. Application Opening 20

E.Evaluation and Comparison of Applications

26. Confidentiality 21
27. Clarification of Applications 22
28. Deviations, Reservations, and Omissions 22
29. Determination of Responsiveness 22
30. Non-material Non-conformities 23

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 6
31. Correction of Arithmetical Errors 23
32. Evaluation of Applications 23
33. Post-qualification of the Applicant 24
34. NTAs Right to Accept Any Application, and to Reject Any or
All Applications 24

F.Award of Contract

35. Award Criteria 24

36. Notification of Intention to Award 24
37. Performance Security 25
38. Signing of Contract and issuance of Authorization 25
39. Complaint and Review 25

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SectionI. Instructions to Applicants

A. General
1.1 In this Request for Applications (RFA), unless the subject matter
1. Definitions
or context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the
following meanings:

a) Act means the Telecommunications Act, 2053 (1997) as

amended and any successor legislation;

b) Applicant means any Personwho is an existing ISP licensee of

NTA that registers itself with the NTA as an applicant for the
purpose of this RFA, having purchased a copy of this RFA from
the NTA;

c) Application means an Application or Bid submitted by an

Applicant in response to this RFA;

d) Authorization means designation granted by NTA to its

Licensee(s) pursuant to this Telecommunication regulation, as it
may be amended; and as provided by sub-section (6) of Section 30
of the Act, to develop, extend and operate broadband connectivity
Network in specified Districts.

e) Basic public telephone access service means a

Telecommunications Service providing access to the PSTN and
comprised of technical features which permit the establishing of a
telephony channel capable of allowing users to make and receive
Local, STD and ISD real time voice telephone calls;

f) Control means the ownership of at least 50% (fifty percent) of

the voting interests in the subject Person and/or the ability to
control in fact the business of the subject Person whether by
ownership, contract or otherwise;

g) Data Capability means the network capable of providing

Internet, e-mail,Data Communication;

h) Effective date means the date identified as the effective date in

the Authorization;

i) Existing Licensee means any internet service provider licensed

issued by NTA;

j) Force Majeure Event means circumstances, which are beyond

the reasonable control and proper responsibility of the
Applicant/Licensee and the NTA. By way of illustration, the
following circumstances are to be properly characterized as events
of force majeure: flood, fire, earthquake, hurricane and other
acts of God; war, military actions, civil war, guerrilla or terrorist

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 8
actions, including all measures limiting the free movement of
foreigners and their performance of activities; and acts by a
governmental or executive body, which makes a Partys
performance of its obligations under the Contract impossible or so
impractical as to be considered impossible under the

k) Gross annual revenues includes all of the income or revenue

collected by the SLO in connection with any and all Authorized

l) GoN means Government of Nepal;

m) "Licensee" means the Person to whom aISP License is issued by


n) "Authorized Service Area" means the service area stipulated in

TOR included in this RFA;

o) Authorized Service means any of the Internet/Data Services

which the SLO will be authorized to provide pursuant to Clause 2
of the Authorization;

p) Mandatory Service Area means the areas to be covered by the

broadband connectivity Network identified in TORincluded in this
RFA for the provisions of subsidy;

q) Ministry means the Ministry of Information and

Communicationss(MoIC) of GoN;

r) NTA means the Nepal Telecommunications Authority and its


s) Performance Security means the performance security

submitted as part of the Contract;Person means any individual,
company, corporation, partnership, joint venture or consortium,
government or governmental entity;

t) Point of Interconnection means a connection point within the

PSTN or any other Telecommunications/Internet/Data Network at
which a circuit provided by one
Telecommunications/Internet/Data Service Provider may be
interconnected with the Telecommunication System of another
Telecommunications/Internet/Data /Network Service Provider;

u) Policy means the Telecommunications Policy, 2060

(2004)Broadband Policy2071 (2014) and ICT Policy, 2072 (2015)
as amended and any successor policy statement;

v) PSTN means the Public Switched Telephone Network in Nepal,

consisting of the telecommunications transmission and switching
facilities, including any wire, cable, radio, satellite, optical or other

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electromagnetic Telecommunications Systems, that are (i) owned
by any licensed Telecommunications Service Provider, including
the Licensee/s and NDCL, (ii) used for the transmission or
switching of intelligence for members of the public, and (iii)
located wholly or partly in Nepal;

w) RFA means this Request for Applications, including all annexes

hereto, as amended or modified by the NTA;

x) Broadband Network and Connectivity Services means the

services described in the RFA which the Selected ISP Licensed
Operator will be authorized to provide in the Service Area;

Ab) Rules means the Telecommunications Regulations, 2054

(1997) and Telecommunications (First Amendment) Regulation,
2055 (1999), ICT Policy 2072 (2015), Broadband Policy 2071
(2014) as amended and any further regulations established
pursuant to the Act;

ac) Rural areas means the the geographical areas of

Village/MunicipalDevelopment Committees as listed in this RFA;

ad) Selected Licensed Operator or SLO means existing ISP

licenseeof NTA, who will be selected according to the RFA
document to build the broadband connectivity network; An SLO
shall be equivalent to a Internet Service Provider Licensee of NTA
and shall comply with all the terms and conditions in the special
Guidelines for Network Services besides those mentioned in this

ae) Service Quality Criteria means the criteria for the Services and
related equipment set out in Network Quality Criteria of this RFA;

af) Subsidy means the subsidy to be paid to the selected ISP licensed
operator as part of the contract on achieving the identified network
roll-out requirements;

ag) Telecommunications System has the meaning ascribed to that

term in the Act;

ah) MDCs means one or more of the Municipality Development

Committees (each consisting of several separate Wards).

2. Scope of 2.1 NTA ISP licensees are invited to submit a Technical and a Subsidy
Application proposal for services required for the assignment named in the
Application Data Sheet (ADS). The Proposal will be the basis for
contract negotiations and ultimately for signing the Contract with
the selected Applicant and providing Authorization
2.2 Throughout this RFA Document:

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 10
(a) The term in writing means document communicated in
written form with proof of receipt;
(b) If the context so requires, singular means plural and vice versa;
(c) Day means calendar day.
2.2 The successful Applicant will be expected to complete the
performance of the Services specified in the TORby the Intended
Completion Date provided in the ADS.
3. Source of Funds 3.1 In accordance with its annual program, NTA plans to apply a
portion of the funds as indicated in the ADS to eligible payments
under the contract(s) for which this RFA Document is issued.

4. Fraud and 4.1 Anticorruption related laws require that Public officials (including
Corruption beneficiaries of funds), as well as Applicants, SLOs, and contractors
and their sub-contractors observe the highest standard of ethics
during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance
of this policy, NTA
(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth
below as follows:
(i) corrupt practice means the offering, giving, receiving, or
soliciting, directly or indirectly, anything of value to influence
improperly the actions of another party;
(ii) fraudulent practice means any act or omission, including a
misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or
attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit
or to avoid an obligation;
(iii) coercive practice means impairing or harming, or threatening
to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property
of the party to influence improperly the actions of a party;
(iv) collusive practice means an arrangement between two or
more parties designed to achieve an improper purpose,
including influencing improperly the actions of another party.
(v) obstructive practice means:deliberately destroying, falsifying,
altering or concealing of evidence material to the investigation
or making false statements to investigators in order to
materially impede a GoN investigation into allegations of a
corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practice; and/or
threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent it
from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the
investigation or from pursuing the investigation.
(b) will reject Application(s) if it determines that the Applicant has,
directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices in competing for the
contract in question;
(c) will sanction a firm or individual, including declaring ineligible,
for a stated period of time, to be awarded a contract if it at any

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time determines that the firm has, directly or through an agent,
engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive
practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract.
4.2 The Applicant shall not carry out or cause to carry out the following
acts with an intention to influence the implementation of the
procurement process or the procurement agreement :
(a) give or propose improper inducement directly or indirectly,
(b) distort or misrepresent facts,
(c) engage in corrupt or fraudulent practice or getinvolved in such
(d) interfere in participation of other competing Applicants,
(e) coerce or threaten directly or indirectly to cause harm to the
person or the property of any person to be involved in the
procurement proceedings,
(f) undertake any collusive practice among Applicants before or
after submission of Applications for distribution of works
among Applicants or fixing artificial/uncompetitive
Application pricewith an intention to deprive the NTA the
benefit of open competitive Application price,
(g) ContactNTA with an intention to influenceNTA with regards
to the Applications or interference of any kind in examination
and evaluation of the Applications during the period from the
time of opening of the Applications until the notification of
award of contract.
4.3 Without prejudice to any other rights of the NTA under the related
laws andon recommendation of NTA, PPMO may blacklist
anApplicant for its conduct for a period of one (1) to three (3) years
on the following grounds and seriousness of the act committed by the
a) if convicted by a court of law in a criminal offence which disqualifies
the Applicant from participating in the contract,

b) If it is proved that the Applicant has committed an act contrary to


5. Eligible Applicants 5.1 This Invitation for Applications is open to all existing Internet
Service Provider (ISP) licensees of NTA, as a internet service
provider and that has purchased a copy of this RFA from the NTA or
through its assigned office as stated in the ADSare eligible to
participate in the Application process and to submit anApplication.
5.2 The Applicant shallhave minimum of 100Km of transmission (optical,
microwave, satellite, PMP, wireless) network in operation and shall
have been providing internet or data service.
5.3 The Applicant shall have minimum annual revenue of Rs.
10,000,000/- (Rupees TenMillions only)inthe last fiscal year.
5.4Applicants that participate in the submission of anApplication
shallsubmit documentary evidence as stated in ADS.

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5.5 AnApplicant declared blacklisted and ineligible by the GoN, Public
procurement Monitoring Office (PPMO), shall be ineligible to
submit Application during the period of time determined by the

AnyApplicant not fulfilling all the requirements of the above Clauses No.
5.1 to 5.5 of this section shall be rejected.
6. Single 6.1 Each Applicant shall submit single Application either for single
Applications per package or multiple pakages. If anApplicant submits or participates in
Applicant more than one Application packages, such Applications shall be

7. Site Visit 7.1 AllApplicantsare encouraged to visit and examine the Sites of
required Services and its surroundings and obtain all information that
may be necessary for preparing the Application and entering into a
contract for the Services. However, such undertaking/s shall be at the
Applicants own responsibility and risk.
7.2 The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the Applicants own expense.

B. Contents of RFA Document

8. Sections of the 8.1 The RFA Document consist of Parts 1, 2, and 3, which include all
RFA Document the Sections indicated below, and should be read and construed in
conjunction with any Addenda issued in accordance with ITA .
Section I. Instructions to Applicants (ITA)
Section II. Application Data Sheet (ADS)
Section III. Application Forms
Section IV Terms of References (TOR)
Section V General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section VI Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
Section VII Contract Forms
Section VIII Draft Authorization
Section IX Compliance check list
Section X Annexes
8.2 The NTA will reject any Application submission if the RFA
Document was not purchased directly from the NTA, or through its
assigned office as stated in the ADS.
8.3 The Applicant is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms,
and Terms of Reference in the RFA Document as well as in
Amendments, if any. Failure to furnish all information or
documentation required by the RFA Document may result in the
rejection of the Application.
9. Clarification of 9.1 A prospective Applicant requiring any clarification of the RFA
RFADocument/ Document shall contact NTA in writing at NTAs address indicated in
NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 13
Application the ADS. NTA will respond in writing to any request for clarification,
meeting provided that such request is received within the time limit specified in
the ADS prior to the deadline for submission of Applications. NTA shall
forward copies of its response to all Applicants who have acquired the
RFA Document directly from it, including a description of the inquiry
but without identifying its source. Should NTA deem it necessary to
amend the RFA Document as a result of a clarification, it shall do so.
9.2 NTA may organize a pre-Application meeting of Applicants at least
fifteen (15) days before the deadline for submission of Applications at
the place, date and time as specified in the ADS to provide information
relating to RFA Documents, TORand the like matters. ShouldNTA
deem it necessary to amend the RFA Document as a result of a
clarification, it shall do so.
10. Amendment of 10.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of the Applications,
RFA Document the NTA may amend the RFA Document by issuing addenda which
it considers necessary to ensure that the RFA process occurs in a
fair, open and transparent manner, in accordance with law and so as
to meet the objectives of NTA and GoN.
10.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the RFA Document and shall
be communicated in writing to all who have obtained the RFA
Document directly from NTA.
10.3 To give prospective Applicants reasonable time in which to take an
addendum into account in preparing their Applications, NTA may,
at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of the

C. Preparation of Applications
11. Cost of 11.1 The Applicant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
Applicationand submission of herApplication, and NTA shall not be responsible or
bidding liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
RFA process.
11.2 Neither GoN nor any of its Ministries, agencies, employees,
representatives, advisors or consultants, including NTA, shall incur
any liability whatsoever to any Applicant or any of their respective
shareholder/s or any other Person by reason of any decision made or
action taken by the NTA, its employees, consultants or advisors, in
connection with the evaluation or disqualification of an Application
or the carrying out (or termination) of the RFA process initiated by
this RFA.

12. Language of 12.1 The Application, as well as all correspondence and documents
Application relating to the Application exchanged by the Applicant and NTA,
shall be written in the language specified in the ADS.

13. Documents 13.1 The Application shall comprise the following:

Comprising the a) Application Submission Form,

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(i) Application Submission Form duly filled by the Applicant
must be signed by a person or persons duly authorised to
act on behalf of the Applicant.

(ii) Application Submission Form must provide a summary

description of the Applicant.

(iii) Application Submission Form must indicate a firm

commitment to apply to build broadband network and
provide internet access connectivity services in the Eight
districts of Province6.

(iv) Application Submission Form must confirm that the

Application is open for acceptance by the NTA for 90
(Ninety) days from the Application opening date identified
in ADS.

b)Technical proposal
The Technical proposal must include:
(i) Network Description - The Applicant shall provide a
detailed description of licensee's planned network, including
a detailed description of the technology to be employed and
the roll-out/service coverage plans for the 24 months of
operation. The Applicant shall submit compliance of technical
standards (Annex 10), and provide proposed interconnection
points and network capacity. A detail survey may be
necessaryfor this purpose.

(ii) Operations -
a) A general description of the proposed approach to
operate theBroadband Network;

b) A statement indicating how the broadband Network

will be operated in the authorized districts a
description of franchise arrangements that the
Applicant proposes to use, if any;

c) A brief statement of the particulars of any land that

must be acquired for the installation and operations
and the estimated compensation payable for the land;

d) A description of quality standards and capacity (which

must accord with this RFA), performance monitoring,
billing and maintenance procedures and systems.

e) A description of network services including

bandwidth and capacity lease.

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f) A detailed description of proposed tariff plan beyond
the subsidy period.

g) A detailed maintenance plan to meet the quality of

service specified in this RFA.

(iii) Financial Statements- the Applicant must submit duly

audited financial statements of last fiscal year.
(iv) Projected Financial Statements - The Applicant must
provide projected financial statements for years 1 (one)
through 3 (three), including an incomestatement, balance
sheet and statements of sources and Proposal of funds for
the Applicant prepared in accepted accounting standards.
(v) Interconnection-The Application shall include
documentation and information that is required to be
submitted pursuant to TOR included in this RFA.
(vi) Calculation of Subsidy - The Technical Proposal must
include concise financial analysis detailing the calculation
of the proposed broadband connectivity network to be
installed with respect to available subsidy amount. The
information furnished in this regard will be kept strictly
confidential by NTA. The financial analysis must also
clearly demonstrate the breakdown of costs per service
HS/HSS or Health center).

(vii) Equipment
The Applicant shall submitdetailed technical specifications
of the equipment to be installed and operated, including:
type of the equipment as outlined in this RFA.

(viii) Work Schedule

Applicant shall submit their work schedule along with
their Application.
c) The subsidy Application form shall also contain:
i) Bid Security per package in accordance with ITA19;
ii) Written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the
Applicationfrom their Board of Directors or equivalent
authorities to commit the Applicant, in accordance with ITA
iii) Documentary evidence in accordance with ITA5 establishing
the Applicants eligibility to Application;
iv) Documentary evidence in accordance with ITA 17
establishing the Applicants qualifications to perform the
contract, if its Application is accepted; and

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v) Any other document specified in the ADS.
14. Application 14.1 The Applicant shall submit the Application Submission Form using
Submission the form furnished in Section III, Application Forms. This form
Form and must be completed without any alterations to its format, and no
subsidy substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with
Schedule the information requested.
14.2 The Applicant shall fill in subsidy for all items of the Services
described in the Terms of Reference, no other payments shall be
made to the Applicants.
14.3 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the SLO under the
Contract, or for any other cause, shall be deemed included in the
total subsidy amount requested by the Applicant.

15. Applicationfor 15.1 The Applicant shall complete the requested Subsidy Schedule included
Subsidy and in this RFA document, stating the unit prices and total subsidy amount.
Discounts 15.2 Subsidy quoted by the Applicant shall be fixed during the
Applicants performance of the Contract and not subject to variation
on any account. AnyApplication submitted with an adjustable
subsidy request shall be treated as nonresponsive and shall be
15.3 If the Applicant intends to offer any unconditional discount, it shall
always be expressed in fixed percentage. The methodology for its
Application shall be provided in Application submission form.

16. Currencies of 16.1 All subsidies shall be quoted in Nepalese Rupees.


17. Qualifications 17.1 The documentary evidence of the Applicants qualifications to

of the perform the contract, if itsApplication is accepted, shall establish
Applicant to the NTAs satisfaction that the Applicant meets each of the
qualification criterion specified in ADS.

18. Period of 18.1 Application shall remain valid for a period specified in the
Validity of ADSfrom the date of opening of Application prescribed by the
Applications NTA. AnyApplication valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by
the NTA as non-responsive.
18.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the
Application validity period, the NTA may request Applicants to
extend the period of validity of their Applications. The request and
the responses shall be made in writing. If a Bid Security is requested
in accordance with ITA19, it shall also be extended for a
corresponding period. AnApplicant may refuse the request without
forfeiting its Bid Security. AnApplicant granting the request shall
not be required or permitted to modify its Application.

19. Bid Security 19.1 The Applicant shall furnish as part of its Application, in original
form a Bid Security per package asspecified in the ADS.

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19.2 If a bid security is specified pursuant to ITA19.1, the bid security
per package shall be a demand guarantee in any of the following
forms at the Applicants option:
(a) original copy of an unconditional bank guarantee from a "A
Class" commercial bank in Nepal or;
(b) original copy of cash deposit voucher in the NTA's Account as
specified in ADS.
In case of a bank guarantee, the Bid Security shall be submitted
using the Bid Security Form included in Section III, Application
Forms. The form must include the complete name of the Applicant.
The Bid Security shall be valid for minimum one hundred
twenty(120) daysfrom the date of Application opening. Where the
Bid Security is issued by a commercial bank located outside of
Nepal, it shall be endorsed by any "A class" commercial bankin
19.3 Any Application not accompanied by an enforceable and compliant
Bid Security per package in accordance with ITA19.2, shall be
rejected by the NTA as nonresponsive.
19.4 The Bid Security of unsuccessful Applicants shall be returned within
five (5) days after signing of the contract of each package with the
successful Applicant.
19.5 The Bid Security of the successful Applicant shall be returned as
promptly as possible once the successful Applicant has signed the
Contract Agreement and furnished the required Performance
19.6 NTA will not be obligated or liable to pay any accumulated interest
on the Bid Security to the Applicant on release of the Bid Security.
19.7 The Bid Security may be forfeited under the following condition:
(a) the Applicant files to withdraw or amend its Application after
the expiry of the Application submission deadline;
(b) the applicant refuses to accept the arithmetical correction in the
RFA document;
(c) the applicant modifies the subsidy amount or major changes in
the RFA document while the added information is sought from
the applicant during the evaluation;
(d) Applicant is found to be involved in illegal conduct specified
under ITA 4.
(e) where the successful Applicant has received from the NTA a
Letter of Intent to issue the award ofcontract and if the
successful Applicant fails to:
(i) Sign the Contract in accordance with ITA38; or
(ii) Furnish a Performance Security in accordance with

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20. Format and 20.1 The Applicant shall prepare one set of original documents
Signing of comprising the Application as described in ITA 19 and clearly mark
Application it ORIGINAL. In addition, the Applicant shall submit copies of
the Application, in the number specified in the ADS and clearly
mark them COPY. In the event of any discrepancy between the
original and the copies, the original shall prevail.
20.2 The original and all copies of the Application shall be typed or
written in indelible ink and shall be signed and stamped by a person
duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Applicant.
20.3 Any amendments such as interlineations, erasures, or overwriting
shall be valid only if they are signed or initialed by the person
signing the Application.
D. Submission and Opening of Applications
21. Sealing and 21.1 Applicants may always submit their Applications by mail or by hand
Marking of or by courier, but in any means Application must be delivered within
Applications the deadline of submission as mentioned in ITA 22.
21.2 Applicants submitting Applications by mail or by hand or by courier
shall enclose the original and each copy of the Application, in
separate sealed envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as
containing the original and the copies shall then be enclosed in one
single envelope. The rest of the procedure shall be in accordance
with ITA 21.3 and 21.4.
21.3 The inner and outer envelopes shall:
(a) bear the name and address of the Applicant;
(b) be addressed to the NTA in accordance with ITA 22.1; and
(c) bear a warning "NOT TO OPEN BEFORE THE TIME AND
21.4 If all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the NTA will
assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature
opening of the Application.

22. Deadline for 22.1 Applications must be received byNTA at the address and no later
Submission of than the date and time indicated in the ADS.
Applications 22.2 NTA may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission
of Applications by amending the RFA Document in accordance
with ITA10, in which case all rights and obligations of NTA and
Applicants previously subject to the deadline shall thereafter be
subject to the deadline as extended.

23. Late 23.1 The NTA shall not consider any Application that arrives after the
Applications deadline for submission of Applications in accordance with ITA 22.
Any Application received by NTA after the deadline for submission
of Applications shall be declared late, rejected, and returned
unopened to the Applicant.

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24. Withdrawal, or 24.1 AnApplicant may withdraw or modify its Application after it has
Modification of been submitted by sending a written Notice in a sealed envelope,
Applications duly signed by an authorized representative, and shall include a
copy of the authorization (power of attorney) in accordance with
ITA 20.2 (except that Withdrawal Notices do not require copies).
The corresponding withdrawal or modification of the Application
must accompany the respective written Notice. All Notices must be:
(a) submitted in accordance with ITA 21 and 22 (except that
Withdrawal Notices do not require copies), and in addition,
the respective envelopes shall be clearly marked
Withdrawal, Modification; and
(b) Received byNTAas specified in ADS.
24.2 Applications requested to be withdrawn in accordance with ITA
24.1 shall be returned unopened to the Applicants.
24.3 No Application shall be withdrawn or modified in the interval
between the deadline for submission of Applications and the
expiration of the period of Application validity specified by the
Applicant on the Application Submission Form or any extension

25. Application 25.1 The NTAshall conduct the Application opening in public in the presence
Opening of Applicant or its representative who chose to attend at the address, date
and time specified in the ADS.
25.2 Before opening the Applications NTA shall separate the envelopes
of the Applications received after the deadline of Application
submission, the envelopes containing an Application given for
WITHDRAWAL, MODIFICATION of Applications and the
envelopes of Applications duly registered. The Applications
received after the deadline of submission shall be returned to the
concerned Applicant unopened. Then envelopes marked
WITHDRAWAL shall be opened first, read out, and recorded,
and the envelope containing the corresponding Application shall not
be opened, but returned to the Applicant. If the withdrawal notice is
not accompanied by a copy of the valid authorization (power of
attorney) pursuant to ITA 20.2, the withdrawal shall not be
permitted and the corresponding Application will be opened.
Envelopes marked MODIFICATION shall be opened, read out,
and recorded with the corresponding Application. No Application
shall be modified unless the corresponding Modification Notice
contains a valid authorization (power of attorney) to request the
modification and is read out and recorded at Application opening.
Only envelopes that are opened, read out, and recorded at
Application opening shall be considered further.
25.3 All other envelopes shall be opened one at a time, and the following
read out and recorded: the name of the Applicant and whether there
is a modification; the subsidy requested, any discounts; the presence
of a Bid Security, if there is discrepancy between figure and words,
description of such discrepancy; whether the Application form is

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signed by the Applicant or his agent; and any other details as NTA
may consider appropriate. Only discounts read out and recorded at
Application opening shall be considered for evaluation. No
Application shall be rejected at Application opening except for late
Applications, in accordance with ITA 23.1.
25.4 NTA shall prepare a record of the Application opening that shall
include, as a minimum: the name of the Applicant and whether there
is a withdrawal, or modification; the subsidy amount, any discounts;
and the presence or absence of a Bid Security. The Applicants
representatives who are present shall be requested to sign the record.
The omission of anApplicants signature on the record shall not
invalidate the contents and effect of the record. A copy of the record
shall be distributed to all Applicants who submitted Applications in
time, The Applicants representatives, who are present, shall also be
requested to sign an attendance sheet.

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Applications

26. Confidentiality 26.1 Information relating to the examination, evaluation, comparison,
qualifications and recommendation of contract award, shall not be
disclosed to Applicants or any other persons not officially
concerned with such process until publication of the Contract
26.2 Any attempt by anApplicant to influence NTA in the examination,
evaluation, comparison, and post-qualification of the Applications
or Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of its
26.3 Notwithstanding ITA 26.2, from the time of Application opening to
the time of Contract award, if any Applicant wishes to contact NTA
on any matter related to the Application process, it shall do so in
26.4 NTA shall treat all Applications received in relation to this RFA as
confidential during the period before the award of the contract.
26.5 After the contract has been signed, NTA may decide to place some
or all of the Applications that NTA has on file in relation to this
RFA on the public record. However, prior to placing an Application
on the public record, NTA will notify the Applicant that submitted
that NTA plans to place the Applicant's Application on the public
record. The Applicant will then have an opportunity to request that
commercially sensitive or proprietary information in its Application
be treated as confidential. NTA will advise the Applicant of the
procedure for claiming confidentiality over any such information.
26.6 Neither NTA nor any of its agencies, employees, representatives,
advisors or consultants shall be liable in any respect whatsoever to
any Applicant or any of its members or representatives for damages
or harm resulting from a failure to maintain such confidentiality.

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27. Clarification of 27.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison and post-
Applications qualification of the Applications,NTA may, at its discretion, ask any
Applicant for a clarification of its Application. Any clarification
submitted by anApplicant with regard to its Application and that is
not in response to a request by NTA shall not be considered. NTAs
request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. No
change in the subsidy or substance of the Application shall be
sought, offered, or permitted, except to confirm the correction of
arithmetic errors discovered by NTA in the evaluation of the
Applications, in accordance with ITA 32.

28. Deviations, 28.1 During the evaluation of Applications, the following definitions
Reservations, apply:
and Omissions (a) Deviation is a departure from the requirements specified in
the RFA Document;
(b) Reservation is the setting of limiting conditions or
withholding from complete acceptance of the requirements
specified in the RFA Document; and
(c) Omission is the failure to submit part or all of the
information or documentation required in the RFA

29. Determination 29.1 NTAs determination of the responsiveness of anApplication is to be

of based on the contents of the Application itself, as defined in ITA 13.
Responsiveness 29.2 A substantially responsive Application is one that meets the
requirements of the RFA Document without material deviation,
reservation, or omission. A material deviation, reservation, or
omission is one that,
(a) if accepted, would:
(i) affect in any substantial way the scope, quality, or
performance of the Services specified in Section IV, Terms
of Reference; or
(ii) Limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the RFA
Document,NTAs rights or the Applicants obligations under
the proposed Contract; or
(b) If rectified, would unfairly affect the competitive position of
other Applicants presenting substantially responsive
29.3 NTA shall examine the technical aspects of the Application in
particular, to confirm that all requirements of Section IV, Terms of
Reference and Section X Annex 10 Technical Specificationhave
been met without any material deviation or reservation.

30. Non- 30.1 NTA may regard anApplication as responsive even if it contains
materialNon- minor deviations that do not materially alter or depart from the
conformi-ties characteristics, terms, conditions and other requirement set forth in
the RFA Document or if it contains errors or oversights that are

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capable of being corrected without affecting the substance of the
30.2 Provided that anApplicationis substantially responsive,NTA may
request that the Applicant submit the necessary information or
documentation, within a reasonable period of time, to rectify non-
material non-conformities or omissions in the Application related to
documentation requirements. Requesting information or
documentation on such non-conformities shall not be related to any
aspect of subsidy. Failure of the Applicant to comply with the
request may result in the rejection of its Application.

31. Correction of 31.1 Provided that the Applicationis substantially responsive,NTA shall
Arithmetical correct arithmetical errors on the following basis:
Errors (a) if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price
that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the
unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected,
unless in the opinion of NTA there is an obvious misplacement
of the decimal point in the unit price, in which case the total price
as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;
(b) if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or
subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total
shall be corrected; and
(c) if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount
in words shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is
related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in
figures shall prevail subject to (a) and (b) above.
31.2 If the Applicant that submitted the lowest evaluated Application
does not accept the correction of errors, its Application shall be

32.1 Evaluation will be in different stages, preliminary, technical and

32. Evaluation of commercial. Technical evaluation is only carried out for all
Applications substantially responsive applicants under preliminary examination.
Technically responsive Applicants are further considered for
commercial evaluation.
32.2 NTA shall evaluate and compare each Application that has been
determined, up to this stage of the evaluation, to be substantially
32.3 To evaluate anApplication, NTA shall only use all the criteria and
methodologies defined in ITA17 qualification of Applicants. No
other criteria or methodology shall be permitted.
33.1 NTA shall determine to its satisfaction whether the Applicant that
is selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated and
33. Post- substantially responsive Application is qualified to perform the
qualification of Contract satisfactorily.
the Applicant 33.2 The determination shall be based upon an examination of the
documentary evidence of the Applicants qualifications submitted
by the Applicant, pursuant to ITA 17.
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33.3 An affirmative determination shall be a prerequisite for award of the
Contract and issuance of Authorization to the Applicant. A negative
determination shall result in disqualification of the Application, in
which eventNTA shall proceed to the next lowest evaluated
Application to make a similar determination of that Applicants
capabilities to perform the contract satisfactorily.
34. NTAs Right to 34.1 NTA reserves the right to accept or reject any Application, and to
Accept Any annul the Applicationprocess and reject all Applications at any time
Application, prior to Contract award, and/or decide not to select any Licensee for
and to Reject award of the Subsidy without thereby incurring any liability to the
Any or All Applicants. The termination notice will be communicated to all
Applications theApplicants. If the Applicant seeks further clarification from NTA
within 30 days of such notice, NTA shall communicate further
clarification behind such termination.
34.2 For greater clarity, NTA is not legally obligated to issue the
contract. It may terminate the RFA process at any time before the
contract is actually issued.

F. Award of Contract
35.1 NTA shall select to award the Contract for providing subsidy to the
Applicant whose offer has been determined to be the lowest subsidy
35. Award Criteria amount to fulfil the network roll-out requirements and is
substantially responsive to the RFAdocument, provided further that
the Applicant is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract
35.2 The maximum subsidy amount shall not exceed the amount
mentioned in this RFA.
36. Notification of 36.1 NTA shall notify the concerned Applicant/s whose Application has
Intention to been selected in accordance with ITA 35.1 within seven days of the
Award selection of the Application, in writing that NTA has intention to
accept his/her Application to grant the contract and shall Inform via
the Letter of Intention. The information of name, address and
amount of selected Applicant shall be given to all other Applicants
who submitted the Application.
36.2 If no Applicant submits an Application pursuant to ITA39.1 within a
period of seven days of providing the notice under ITA36.1, NTA shall
accept the Application selected in accordance with ITA 35.1 prior to
the expiry of Application validity period, and notification of award
shall be communicated to the Applicant to furnish the performance
security and sign the contract.

37. Performance 37.1 Within Fifteen(15) days of the receipt of notification of award from
Security NTA, the successful Applicant/s shall furnish the Performance
Security of 5% of the Subsidy amountfrom a commercial bank in
Nepal in accordance with the SCC, using for that purpose the
Performance Security Form included in Section VII, Contract Forms,
or another form acceptable to the NTA.

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37.2 Failure of the successful Applicant to submit the above-mentioned
Performance Security or sign the Contract Agreement shall
constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the
award,disqualify the SLO for providing subsidy and forfeiture of
the Bid Security. In that eventNTA may award the Contract to
another Applicantthat has proposed the next lowest subsidy and
whose offer is substantially responsive and is determined byNTA to
be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

38. Signing of 38.1 The successful Applicant/s shall sign the contract in the form included
Contract and in section VII after the submission of Performance Security in
issuance of accordance with ITA37;and
Authorization 38.2 NTA shall issue Authorization to such Applicant/s as and when it
deems necessary to receive the authorization for Braodband
connectivity Services to local customers atleast at RURAL
MUNICIPALITY AND WADA offices, Health Centers and
PublicEducational instidution (High school and above).
38.3 NTA in its discretion may modify the terms of the Authorization as
set out in this RFA to reflect the plans or commitments made by the
SLO, to the extent that those plans or commitments meet or exceed
the requirements set out in the attached draft Authorization and
provide additional benefits to the general public.
38.4 At the same time,NTA shall also notify all other Applicants of the
results of the RFA, and shall publish in an daily newspaper or NTA
website the results identifying the Application and package numbers
and the following information: (i) name of each Applicant who
submitted anApplication; (ii) subsidy amount as read out at
Application Opening; (iii) name of Applicants whose Applications
were rejected and the reasons for their rejection; and (iv) name of the
winning Applicant, and the subsidy requested.
38.5 NTA shall promptly respond in writing to any unsuccessful Applicant
who, within thirty days from the date of issuance of notification of
award in accordance with ITA36.2, requests in writing the grounds on
which its Application was not selected.

39. Complaint and 39.1 If anApplicant dissatisfies with the Procurement proceedings or the
Review decision made byNTA in the intention to award the Contract, it may
file an Application to the Chairman (Chairman ?) of the NTA within
seven (7) days of having, receipt of such notice or decision making,
for review of the proceedings stating the factual and legal grounds.
39.2 An Application filed after the deadline pursuant ITA39.1 shall not
be processed.
39.3 The Chairman ofNTA shall, within five (5) days after receiving the
Application, give its decision with reasons, in writing pursuant to
(a) whether to suspend the procurement proceeding and the
procedure for further proceedings to be adopted; or

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(b) whether or not to reject a Application.
39.4 If the Applicant is not satisfied with the decision ofNTA in
accordance with ITA39.3, or the decision by the Chairman of NTA
is not given within five (5) days of receipt of Application pursuant
to ITA39.1, it can, within seven (7) days of receipt of such decision,
file an Application to the Review Committee of the GoN, stating the
reason of its disagreement on the decision of the Chairman of NTA
and furnishing the relevant documents. The Application may be sent
by hand, or by post, or by courier, or by electronic media at the risk
of the Applicant itself.
39.5 Late Application filed after the deadline pursuant to ITA39.4 shall
not be processed.
39.6 The Review Committee shall notify the NTA to furnish its
procurement proceedings and comments on the issue, pursuant to
39.7 Within three (3) working days of receipt of the notification pursuant
to ITA39.6, NTA shall furnish the copy of the related documents
along with its comment or reaction of complaint to the Review
39.8 The Review Committee, after inquiring from the Applicant and the
NTA, if needed, shall give its decision within one (1) month after
receiving the Application filed by the Applicant, pursuant to
39.9 The Applicant, filing Application pursuant to ITA39.4, shall have
to furnish a cash amount or Bank guarantee of "A class" commercial
bank equivalent to zero point five percentage (0.5%) of its quoted
subsidy amount with the validity period of at least ninety (90) days
from the date of the filing of Application pursuant to ITA39.4.
Application filed without furnishing the security deposit shall not
be processed.
39.10 If the claim made by the Applicant pursuant to ITA39.4 is justified,
the Review Committee shall have to return the security deposit to
the applicant, pursuant to ITA39.9, within seven (7) days of such
decision made.
39.11 If the claim made by the Applicant pursuant to ITA39.4 is rejected
by the Review Committee, the security deposit submitted by the
Applicant pursuant to ITA39.9 shall be forfeited.

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Section II. Application Data Sheet
A. Introduction
ITA 1.1 Name and Address of the NTA:
Nepal Telecommunications Authority
GPO Box No. 9754
Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: +977-1- 4255474
Fax : +977-1-4255250

ITA 2.1 Name of the Contract:

To build broadband network and provide internet access connectivity
services in 8 districts viz. Package A (Humla, Mugu, Dolpa and Jumla
) and package B( Kalikot, Rukum, Jajarkot and Rolpa) of Province6

Identification number of the Contract:04/NTA/2073/074

ITA 2.2 Intended completion date: Twelve months from the date of signing of
ITA 3.1 Source of Funds: Rural Telecom Development Fund (RTDF) as per the
Telecommunication Act 2053 B.S.
ITA5.1 The eligibility requirement of the Applicants are:
Copy of Firm Registration Certificate;
Copy of memorandum and articles of association;
Copy of valid ISP License from NTA
Copy of VAT/PAN Registration Certificate
Copy of Tax Clearance Certificate for the F/Y 2071/072 or
evidence of tax return submission.
Copy of audited report of last fiscal year.
Proof of minimum of one year owned and operation of
100kmtransmission network in Nepal.
A written declaration made by the Applicant, with a statement
that it is not ineligible to participate in the procurement
proceedings; has no conflict of interest in the proposed
procurement proceedings, and has not been punished for a
profession or business related offense

B. RFA Document
ITA 9.1 For clarification purposes only, the address is:
The Chairman

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Nepal Telecommunications Authority
GPO Box No. 9754
Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: +977-1-4255474
Fax : +977-1-4255250
ITA 9.1 The NTA will respond in writing to any request for clarification provided
that such request is received no later than Fifteen (15) days prior to the
deadline date for submission of Application.
ITA 9.2 Pre-Application meeting maybe organized on the following date, time and
Date: 18 May 2017
Time:14:00 Hr
Place: Nepal Telecommunications Authority
Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal

C. Preparation of Applications
ITA 12.1 The language of the Application is: Nepali or English
ITA 13.1(h) Any other required document:

ITA 17.1 The Applicant shall have qualifications as follows:

Financing Capacity

The Applicant must satisfy the NTA that it has the financing capacity
as follows:

(i) The Applicant shall have minimum annual revenueof NRs

10,000,000 (Nepalese Rupees Ten Million Only)for last three
consecutive years.
(ii) The Applicant shall not have incurred financial losses for 1 year
over the period of last three years.
(iii) The Applicant demonstrates that it has Net Worth of at least
Hundred MillionRupeeswhich has to be duly certified by the
registered authorized auditors.
Evidence/s of committed financial resources shall include:

A detailed list of all sources and amounts of equity and debt

financing required in the first 3 (three) years of operation; and
Other evidence that the Licensee proposed by the Applicant
clearly has the capacity to finance the building and operating of

Operational Experience

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The Applicant shall provide clear evidence that it hasthe operational
experience of:

Supply and install network for broadband purpose

Ownedand operate at least 100kmtransmission network for

minimum of one year in Nepal.

Owned and operate (wireline or wireless) for last

consecutive one year in Nepal including two
hilly/mountaneous districts except Kathmandu valleys 3

Network Capacity

Network uptime has to be 99.5% for each location.

Latency should not exceed 600ms

It should be disaster proof Network

It should have minimum effect of load shedding

(To fulfil the above requirements, the Applicant shall submit

documentation substantiating its description of the relevant operations,
such as records of relevant government or regulatory authorities,
auditors reports, securities filings or independent analyst profiles,
appropriately certified by the regulatory or government Authority.)

ITA 18.1 The Application validity period shall be 90 days from the date of
Application opening.
ITA 19.1 The Applicant shall furnish a bid security:
NRs 9,375,000.00 (NRs Nine Million and Three hundred Seven fifty
thousand only) for Package A
NRs 11,500,000.00 (NRs Eleven Million Fifty Thousandonly) for
Package B
ITA 19.2 If the Applicant wishes to submit the Bid Security in the form of cash,
the cash should be deposited in following account number and submit the
receipt of the deposited amount of cash along with the Application.
Deposit Account No.: 0106011664201
Name of the Account holder:Nepal Telecommunications Authority
Name and address of Bank:Nabil Bank Limited, Kathmandu

ITA 20.1 In addition to the original of the Application, the number of copies are:

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ITA 20.2 The written confirmation of authorization (Power of attorney) to sign on
behalf of the Applicant/s shall consist of: Power of attorney from their
Board of Directors or equivalent competent authority to sign the

D. Submission and Opening of Applications

ITA 22.1 For Application submission purposes, the NTAs address is :
Nepal Telecommunications Authority
GPO Box No. 9754
Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal
ITA 22.1 The deadline for Application submission is:
Date: 4th June 2017
Time:14:00 Hr
ITA 22.1 If the last date of purchasing, submission and opening of Application falls
on a government holiday then the next working dayshall be considered
as the last day without any change in the time and place as fixed.
ITA 24.1(b) The deadline for withdrawal, or modification of Applications:
Date: 4th June 2017
Time: 14:00 Hr
Place: Nepal Telecommunications Authority
Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal

ITA 25.1 The Application opening shall take place at:

Date:4Th June, 2017
Time: 16:00 Hrs
Place: Meeting Hall, NTA Office, Kamaladi, Kathmandu

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Section III. Application Forms

Table of Forms

Applicant's Application Submission Form..33

Applicant's Technical Proposal .......345
Applicant's Subsidy Application Form ...36
Applicant's Information Form..38
Financial Statement Forms and Projected Financial Information....39
Specific Experience Form..........48
Bid Security.....49

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1. Applicant's Application Submission Form
(The Applicant shall accomplish the Application Submission Formin its Letter Head clearly showing the
Applicants Complete name and address)


Invitation for Application No.:

To: _______________________________________________________________________

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the RFA Document, including Addenda
No.: ;

(b) We offer our confirmity to build the bandwidth conectivity network in conformity with the
RFA Document and in accordance with the TOR,
(c) The discounts offered and the methodology for their Application are:

(d) Our Application shall be valid for a period of one hundred twenty days from the date fixed
for the Application submission deadline in accordance with the RFA Document, and it
shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that
(e) If our Application is accepted, we commit to obtain a Performance Security in the amount
as specified in ADS by us for the due performance of the Contract;
(f) We are not participating, as Applicants, in more than one Applicationin this Application
process in accordance with the RFA Document;
(g) Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any sub-contractors for any part of the
Contract, has not been declared ineligible by the GoN;
(h) We understand that this Application, together with your written acceptance thereof
included in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until
a formal Contract is prepared and executed.
(i) We understand that you are not bound to accept any or all Applications that you may receive
and/or decide not to select any Applicant for award of subsidy
(j) We declare that we are not ineligible to participate in the procurement proceedings; have
no conflict of interest in the proposed procurement proceedings and have not been
punished for a profession or business related offense.

In the capacity of
Duly authorized to sign the Application for and on behalf of



NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 32
2. Applicant's Technical Proposal Submission Form

(i) Network Description, Drawings and Working Schedules -

a) A concise description of the planned network with detailed drawings:
b) Detailed description of the technology to be employed
c) Roll-out/service coverage plans for 12 months of operation with GANT chart
d) Applicable additional technical standards along with the compliance on this RFA
including Annex 10 Technical Specifications.
e) Proposed interconnection points and available network capacity with detailed
(ii) Operations -:
a) a general description of the proposed approach to operate the Network including
backhauling, access or Band Width lease.

b) a statement indicating how the Network will be operated in the authorized districts
a description of franchise arrangements that the Applicant proposes to use, if any

c) a brief statement of the particulars of any land that shall be acquired for the
installation and operations and the estimated compensation payable for the land;

d) a description of quality standards and capacity which shall accord with service
quality and availability obligation stated in the TOR,

(iii) Projected Financial Statements - The Applicant shall provide projected financial
statements for years 1 (one) through 3 (three) of the Authorization, include an income
statement, balance sheet and statements of sources and Proposal of funds for the
Applicant prepared in accepted accounting standards. Any Application, which does
not comply with this requirement, may be disqualified. For this purpose, the financial
statements shall treat the capital Subsidy amount as if it were part of the debt or equity
of the Licensee.

(iv) Interconnection - The Applicant shall provide it's best estimate of the number and size
of the interconnection circuits and the point(s) of interconnection that it will require
during the first 2 (two) years of operation.
(v) Calculation of subsidy: The Applicationshall include concise financial analysis
detailing the calculation of the proposed bandwidth connectivity network to be installed
with respect to available subsidy amount. The information furnished in this regard will
be kept strictly confidential by NTA. The financial analysis shall also clearly
demonstrate the breakdown of costs per station connectivity and unit price of each
equipment to be installed.

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(VI) On Demand Service: The Applicant should provide on demand broadband services to
Government Offices, Corporate offices as aproved tariff rate from NTA.


In the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Application for and on behalf of



NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 34
To: The Chairman
Nepal Telecommunications Authority
GPO Box No. 9754
Kamaladi,Kathmandu, Nepal

The Applicant, ..[name of applicant], hereby commits to

build the Broadband Connectivity Network obligations identified in the RFA in
consideration for the award of the contract. We request you for the payment of the
following amount of Subsidy, which has been detailed as project cost:

Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Material cost
Equipment (Backhaul, Access Number of
Points, Routers etc) Statons/
Civil Construction
Labour cost
Connectity Service Cost for two year Number of
Total Project Cost
Fixed element representing profit and

Proposed Subsidy: NRs (in amount)

Nepalese Rupees ..
(in words)

[Enter amount of proposed Subsidy, denominated in Nepalese Rupees and set out
in both words and numbers]

For financial evaluation purpose, the proposed subsidy amount will only be considered.
In the event of any discrepancy between the Subsidy amount identified in words and
numbers, the amount set out in words shall govern. The breakdown of the project cost is
for information purpose only.

The Applicant acknowledges that the Subsidy will be paid in four installments in
accordance with, and that payment will be contingent on, the roll-out and service
obligations requirements identified in SCC.

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The Applicant also acknowledges that payment of the Subsidy will be contingent on
final award of the contract and compliance with SCC.

The Applicant agrees and acknowledges that the Subsidy represents the entire and
exclusive claim of financial assistance in building the broadband Network and
Broadband access connectivity Servicesobligations in the Service Areas identified in
TOR, and further agrees not to seek additional financial assistance from NTA or any
related entities or institutions in connection with meeting these service obligations.


In the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Application for and on behalf of



NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 36
4. Applicant's Information Form
[The Applicant shall fill in this Form. No alterations to its format shall be permitted and no
substitutions shall be accepted.

Date: ................... [Insert date (as day, month and year) of Application Submission]

Page ________ of_ ______ pages

1. Applicants Legal Name

2 Applicants Legal Address:

3 Applicants NTA ISP License number and


4. Applicants Year of Registration:

5 Description of the business

6. Applicants Authorized Representative

Telephone/Fax numbers:

Email Address

7 Applicants Telephone/Fax numbers:

8 Applicants Email Address:

Attached are copies of the following

original documents.
1. Firm Registration Certificate/
2. copy of memorndum and
articles of association if any
2. Authorization (Power of attorney)
to represent the firm
3 NTA ISP License

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5. Financial statement Forms and Projected Financial Information
Please inlcude following details:

Financial statement, Income statement.

Financial statement, Balance sheet, Assets.

Financial statement, Balance sheet, Liabilities and shareholders' equity.

Statement of Cash Flow.

Income statement, forecast.

Balance sheet, forecast, Assets.

Balance sheet, forecast, Liabilities and shareholders' equity.

Statement of Cash Flow, forecast.

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 38

(NPR thousand)

End of Year : 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73

A Net operating revenues*
B Other operating revenues*
C = A + B Total revenue

D Operating expenses*
E Staff expenses*
F Overhead*
Total operating expenses

Earnings before
depreciation (EBITDA)

Depreciation and
Total operating earnings

K Net financial cost

Earnings before taxes

M Taxes
N = L - M Net earnings
* Details should be presented in a separate sheet for each item.

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End of Year : 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73

A Intangible assets*
B Property, plant and equipment*
C Investments and other assets*

D = A + B Total fixed assets


E Total inventories*

F Trade accounts receivable

G Other accounts receivable
H Prepaid expenses

I = F + G Total accounts receivable


J=E+I Total current assets

Total assets

* Details for each item should be presented in a separate sheet.

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End of Year : 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73

L Total shareowners' equity*

M Deferred tax
N Other provisions
O=M+N Total provisions

Prepayments from customers and

Q Trade accounts payable
R Other accounts payable
Proposed dividends for the fiscal
+S Total short-term debt

U Total long-term debt*

V = T +
U Total debt

W = L + O Total liabilities and

+V shareholders' equity

* Details for each item should be presented in a separate sheet.

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YEAR: 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73

A Net earnings
Depreciation, amortization and
write downs
C Other adjustments
D Change in working capital
E=A+B+C+D Cash flow from operating
activities before net financials
F Net interest
Cash flow from operating
activities before tax
H Corporate income tax paid
Cash flow from operating
J Cash flow from investing activities
Cash flow from financing
Increase/(decrease) in cash and
Cash and equivalents on first of
Cash and equivalents on last of

Note : It is furthermore required that details of the items shown above are to be presented in a
separate sheet (e.g. cash flow from investing activities, cash flow from financing activities etc.)

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END OF YEAR: 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77

Net operating revenues*
Other operating revenues*
Total revenue

Operating expenses*
Staff expenses*
Total operating expenses

Earnings before depreciation


Depreciation and amortization*

Total operating earnings (EBIT)

Net financial costs

Earnings before taxes (EBT)

Net earnings

* Details for each item should be presented in a separate sheet.

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END OF YEAR: 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77

Intangible assets
Property, plant and equipment*
Investments and other assets
Total fixed assets

Total inventories

Trade accounts receivable

Other accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses

Total accounts receivable


Total current assets

Total assets

* Details for each item should be presented in a separate sheet.

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END OF YEAR: 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77

Total shareowners' equity*

Deferred tax
Other provisions*
Total provisions

Prepayments from customers and deposits

Trade accounts payable
Other accounts payable
Proposed dividends for the fiscal year
Total short-term debt

Total long-term debt

Total debt

Total liabilities and shareholders'


* Details for each item should be presented in a separate sheet.

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 45

YEAR: 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77

Net earnings
Depreciation, amortization and write
Other adjustments
Change in working capital
Cash flow from operating activities
before net financials
Net interest
Cash flow from operating activities
before tax
Corporate income tax paid
Cash flow from operating activities

Cash flow from investing activities

Cash flow from financing activities

Increase/(decrease) in cash and

Cash and equivalents on first of Shrawan
Cash and equivalents on last of Ashad

Note : It is furthermore required that details of the items shown above are to be presented in a
separate sheet (e.g. cash flow from investing activities, cash flow from financing activities etc.).

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Specific Experience Form

Applicantss Legal Name: ___________________________

Operational Experience:

Nuber of Internet/Data Subscribers at present:

Access Methods Number of Internet/Data Subscribers Name of
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 . .

Transmission Backhaul Network Experience:

Operational Experience of Number of hops Network length inKm Districts
Transmission Network
Optical Fiber
Microwave Links
Wireless Backhaul
PMP Backhaul
Operational Experience in years = years

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Bid Security
( On letterhead paper of the 'A' class commercial Bank)
[Insert Banks Name and Address of Issuing Branch or Office]
Date:[insert date]
Beneficiary: [insert Name and Address of NTA]
BID Security No.:[insert number]
We have been informed that ..[insert name of the Applicant] (hereinafter called "the
Applicant") intends to submit its Application (hereinafter called "the Application") to you for
the execution of ..[insert name of contract] under Invitation for Applications No. ..[Insert
IFA number] (the IFA).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, Applications must be supported
by a bid guarantee.
At the request of the Applicant, we ..[insert name of Bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to
pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of ..[insert amount in
figures][insert amount in words]upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing
accompanied by a written statement stating that the Applicant is in breach of its obligation(s)
under the bid conditions, because the Applicant:
(a) has withdrawn its Application during the period of bid validity specified by the
Applicant in the Form of Application; or
(b) having been notified of the acceptance of its Application by the NTA during the
period of bid validity, (i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract, if required, or
(ii) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the
(c) is involved in fraud and corruption in accordance with this RFA
This guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date [Insert Date] .[Insert
Number] days after the deadline for submission of Bids as such deadline is stated in the
instructions to Applicants or as it may be extended by the NTA, notice of which extension(s) to
the Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in respect of this guarantee should reach the Bank not
letter than the above date.

This Bank guarantee shall not be withdrawn or released merely upon return of the original
guarantee by the Applicant unless notified by you for the release of the guarantee.

In the capacity of

Duly authorized to sign the Bid Security for and on behalf of


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Section IV. Terms of Reference
1. Purpose of the Service:

This RFA is issued by the Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) pursuant to the
Telecommunications Act, 2053(1997) (the Act) and the policy of the Government of
Nepal (GoN) to expedite the development of Internet/data services in Nepal.

In particular, thisRFA is aimed at increasing broadband access throughout 8 Districts of

Province 6 of Nepal.The purpose of this Request for Applications is to invite Application
to build broadband network and provide Internet/data access connectivity services in 8
Districts of Province 6 in the next [Insert number] months and provide broadband
connectivity services by providing subsidy to the existing NTA ISP licensees in order to
provide connectivity for broadband services to all RURAL MUNICIPALITY AND
WADA/MDC offices, Health centers, and public academic institutions (high school and

All Applicants are advised to study current MIS report of NTA at to
explore the present status of Nepalese ICT markets.

2. Breakdown of the Assignment:

This RFA contains 8 Districts of Province 6, as listed in this Terms of Reference. All
RURAL MUNICIPALITY AND WADAs/MDCs offices, Health Posts/Centers and public
academic institutions (high schools and higher i.e. HS, HSS, Colleges, Universities) listed
below shall be provisioned for broadband connectivity. Details are listed in Annex 9.

Package B

Package A Rukum

Humla Jajarkot
Mugu, Kalikot
Dolpa Rolpa

3. Sources of Funds:

NTA is collecting 2% of the Gross Adjusted Revenue as a Rural Telecom Development

Fund (RTDF) every year from Telecom operators as per the Telecommunication Act 2053
B.S. This fund is collected specifically for the development of Rural Telecommunications,
and presently stands over Rs. 10 billion. NTA plans to utilise this fund to provide financial
subsidy to its ISP licensee(s) for commissioning of this project which will be instrumental
in establishing broadband connectivity network for the development of internet/data
services in 8 Districts of Province 6 of Nepal.

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4. Estimated Project Costs:

Summary of the Broadband Internet Access points:

Name Total Total
RURAL Municipality Higher Grand
Package S.N. of High Health Total
MUNICIPALITY Total Secondary Total
District School Post
No of
Munic Wada
1 Mugu 3 31 1 14 17 6 24 96
2 Humla 7 44 0 9 13 1 27 101
A 426
3 Dolpa 6 43 2 11 12 3 23 100
4 Jumla 7 50 1 10 29 2 30 129
5 Kalikot 6 51 3 31 35 13 28 167
6 Rukum 6 62 3 42 20 15 42 190
B 684
7 Rolpa 9 62 1 10 10 51 11 154
8 Jajarkot 4 38 3 39 42 16 31 173
Total 48 381 14 166 178 107 216 1110 1110

Note: Some VDCs have been merged and others are included in Municipalities.
Details are not available at the central level viz. Ministry of Local Development
and Central Bureau of Statistics. Hence the bidders are required to contact local
district offices to ascertain and find out the missing Data. For this purpose upto
additional 10% sites may be required to be served. The bidder and succeeful
applicant will have to provide services in these locations also on own their own

Package A: Rs 375,000,000.00 (Nepalese Rupees Only)

Package B: Rs 460,000,000.00 (Nepalese Rupees Only)

As a prelude to the initial planning for establishing a broadband connectivity Network in

the 8 Districts of Province 6 of the country, a Team led by Technical consultant was
deputed to conduct a map study, which has been termed Technical Study throughout this
RFA. It is understood that the Team carried out its studies based on information & data
obtained from the concerned stakeholders who are stationed in their respective
ministries/headquarters in Kathmandu, and their websites and not at the sites concerned.
Present RFA being an outcome of the said study, all estimated stations come from the
Technical Study only. Therefore, the Applicants are advised to carry out their own detailed
field survey(s) in order to verify or otherwise amend the route length and other assumptions
of the Technical Study, so that their Applications could reflect the actual site conditions.
The name of districts, RURAL MUNICIPALITY/MDCs, Health posts/centers,

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PublicAcademic Institutions (High School, Higher Secondary Schools, Collges,
Universities)of network as found out from the study is shown in Annex 9.

SLO shall be required to build broadband connectivity networkusing mainly optical fiber
cable (Underground, Direct buried and aerial cables as appropriate. However wireless
(microwave, wifi etc.) may be used where absolutely essential. Transmission media and
Equipment used at target routes and sites shall meet technical specifications (minimum
requirements) as indicated Annex 9 and Annex 10. Also, the capacity of broadband
connectivityequipment as indicated by the Technical Study for each sites shall be the
minimum capacity that the Applicant needs to provide. However, all the stations/sites shall
be connected with minimum capacity of 512 Kbps (extendble at least upto 1 MB/s on
demand)/Terminal broadband capacity. The SLO may increase the capacity as per their
requirements at any time.

Despite the attempts of the government and prvate operators,it has not been possible to
connect all district headquarters (DHQs) by backhaul links either by optical or microwaves
yet. However, all 8 Districts headquarters are well connected by high capacity backhaul
links either by microwave or optical fiber or both and all district headquarters are
connected with exchanges. Applicantsare requested to survey and opt the cost effective
solutions to connect each stations either by wireless routers or optical LAN or microwave
backhaul or Point to Multipoint (PMP) or satellite radio links. Applicants are encouraged
to use existing ADSL or FTTH or Optical routers/switches of other Telcos/ ISPs network
for connecting to nearby broadband connecting stations. However, Applicants are solely
responsable for arrangements to utilize others network infrastructures.

The maximum amount of subsidy assumes a existing transmission connectivity up to the

each district headquarters and one and half hops (in an average) are required for each
stations to connect terminals. Each terminal site may need one wireless wifi router, feeder
cable, atleast 50mm dia GI pipe and one directional antenna.Financial evaluation shall
only compare the actual amounts of subsidy sought by the applicants. The subsidy amount
also includes the operation cost for two years (i.e the free of cost to the end users for two
years only).[to be verified by NTA]

The RFA also encourages Applicants to make optimum use of all existing infrastructure
including OFNs commissioned by one or the other Operator/s or other entities including
Nepal Telecom, NCELL, Smart Telecom, UTL, STM Sanchar, Subisu, Worldlink,
Merantile, and Electricity Authority (NEA), to the extent that it allows the usage of such
section(s) of the existing facilities that do not presently come up to levels as required by
the Minimum Quality Standards (MQS) set by NTA, to become part of the SLO's
network, but the responsibility falls upon the SLO to upgrade such section(s) within stated
time frameof the Authorization. SLO proposing to make use of existing instrastructure
would be required to produce evidence of understanding reached with the owner(s) of
existing network, by submitting copies of the Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs)
reached by the Applicant with the concerned Operator(s). However, SLO shall be solely
responsible to provide the broadband connectivity network and services stated in RFA.

It is the intention of NTA to act carry out its function, as designated by the Act, of making
necessary arrangement to avail basic internet/data Services and facilities in all rural areas
throughout the country, by increasing access to broadband services in Nepal, particularly
in rural and remote areas of 10Districts of Province 6.

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This RFA will be governed by the Public Procurement Act 2063 B.S, Telecommunication
Act 2053 B.S., NTAs Financial Administration bylaw 2067 B.S. and RTDF
Disbursement (working procedure) by law 2064 B.S. and relavent other laws.

5. Rights and Obligations of Selected Licensed Operator

The authorization will be issued on a non-exclusive basis. This authorization will not
change the existing rights and obligations of SLO except providing additional rights and
obligations as provided by this RFA. However, NTA will try and avoid duplication of
infrastructure in areas where it has already been established through the use of RTDF fund.

6. Network Roll-out Requirements

The SLO shall build broadband connectivity to all sites including RURAL
MUNICIPALITY/MDCs, Health posts/centers and public academic institutions of 8
Districts of Province 6in accordance with the following schedules:

Installation of services must commence within nine months of the effective date of the
Authorization. The broadband connecvity network must be installed in all staions linsted
in Annex 9 in accordance with the following schedule:

a) 50% of each Pakage: within 9 months from the date of signing of the contract: [to
be confirmed by NTA] and

b) Remaining 50% of each Pakage: within 12 months from the date of signing of the
contract. [to be confirmed by NTA]

c) Force Majeure: if an independent technical consultant appointed by the NTA,

provides written confirmation to NTA that one or more events of force majeure
prevented the installation, activation or operation of some of the broadband
connectivity networks required under this TOR, then the obligations shall be
modified accordingly; provided, however, that the responsibility of the ISP for
the installation, activation and operation of the broadband connectivity network
shall remain intact during the tenure of the contract, on improvement of the
conditions giving rise to the event of force majeure.

Failure to Meet Roll-out Requirements Failure to meet the network roll-out

requirements may result in the imposition of one or more of the following

i) loss of eligibility for the Subsidy;

ii) forfeiture of the Performance Security pursuant to GCC 17;

iii) termination of the contract;

iv) the imposition of fines for breach of ISP licence conditions pursuant to the
Act; and

v) the forfeiture of all the equipment, land and other assets related to this

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Force Majeure The penalties specified above shall not apply if the roll-out delay
results solely from an event of force majeure.

7. Account Seperation and Service Obligations

7.1 Account Separation:To facilitate the NTA to make interventions as and when necessary,
SLO shall keep accounts pertaining to all transactions accruing pursuant to the Project in
a manner separate from other activities carried out by the ISP Licensee(s). Such account
separation should clearly demonstrate the basis of charges levied by the SLO to its own
affiliates, and also to other clients. Maintaining of accounts in this manner by the SLO
can be helpful to the NTA to judge if any changes in tariffs would be desirable in the
interest of the consumers and the Licensee(s) alike.

7.2 Public Information: SLO shall, within 3 months of completion of the network, bring out
a publication clearly identifying the network established by them under the Project, and
detailing the services offered thereof. Copy of such publication shall be submitted to the
NTA, and also made public through distribution of hard copies, and posting at the
Websites of the Licensee, and that of the NTA. SLO shall publish details of such
broadband connectivity network & service at her disposal and offered by her, and update
such information every three months. Licensee(s) shall also clearly enumerate conditions
and procedures if any, for anyone to obtain access to its network & services. SLO shall
ensure that all customers are connected with minimum of 512 Kbps/terminal and publish
the guaranteed speed on each terminal.

7.3 Service Obligations: Uponcompletion of the broadband access connectity, the SLO shall
invite each customer to handover the terminal and its password and train them to operate
the CPE (computer, smartphone etc.). Once the customer purchases/arrangesher CPE then
Licensee(s) shall provide the broadband connectivity without any discrimination.

SLO shall make its broadband connectivitynetwork & services available to all the potential
requesting clients so as to have immediate access after ordering. SLO shall not be allowed
to refuse to provide such access to valid clients.

In case the SLO is unable to provide network or services as per the request, and intimates
the reasons thereof to the requesting potential valid client, SLO shall, maintain record of
each such case mentioning therein the reasons thereof and such records shall be maintained
for all such cases for a period of two years beginning from the date of such intimation.

To ensure compliance of the Obligations of the SLO, the NTA shall appoint Inspector(s) to
inspect any of the records maintained, especially with regards to the Licensees inability to
provide network or services, and submit to NTA a report in respect of such inspection.

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8. Minimum Quality Standards

The minimum quality standards shall be as follows:

8.1 Optical Fiber Cable Specifications

Different attributes for the Fiber like mode field diameter, cladding diameter, Core
concentricity error, non-circularity, Cut-off wavelength, macro-bending loss, material
properties of the Fiber, refractive index profile, chromatic dispersion coefficient attenuation
coefficient, polarization mode dispersion, are specified as a minimum essential parameters
for Fiber manufacture of a single mode optical Fiber cable in the ITU-T Recommendation
G.652, ITU-TL1700 & L. Supplement 22 (Pub. 2016) and Annex 10 Technical Specification
of this RFA. The successful Applicant shall install minimum of 6 core fiber cable.

8.2 Field Proveness ofFiber and Equipment:

NTA assumes that SLO shall construct OFN (wherever possible) with components and
workmanship at international quality as specified in ITU/IEEE and Annex 10 Technical

8.3 Construction Standard

The construction requirementsmay differ on the geographical terrain conditions of the

routes. Ecologically, the country consistsof three Provinces viz. the Plain (Tarai), the Hill
and the Mountain. The nature of soil condition is different; hence different standards shall
be applied as per Section X - Annex 10 Technical Specifications.

9. Termination Standard

9.1 System structure and functions

SLO shall follow minimum technical specifications specified in Annex 10 for Ducted Fiber
cable, Aerial Cable, ADSS, OPGW, Wireless connectivity (WiFi/ 3G to 4G/WiMax/
IPCDMA/VSAT),Poles/Tower/Mast, System Availability etc.

9.2 In addition to Section X, Annex 10, the SLO shall meet the following standards:

a) Operation and Maintenance

Operation and maintenance of the network shall be controlled and performed by an
Operating System. It is required that broadband connectivity accessnetwork element
is managed according to Telecommunication Managing Network (TMN) and
internationally practiced rules.

b) Services and Penalties

The minimum service quality criteria shall be as follows:

i) Service Availability - The SLO shall ensure that the broadband connecvity network
is available 24hrs a day throughout a year to its customers.

ii)Service Obligation - The SLO shall ensure that the services are made available
through the installation, activation and operation of broadband connectivity access

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network lines through shared or dedicated leased optical cable to its customers that
shall be retained and continued throughout the period of the authorization validity.

iii)Failure to meet service quality and availability obligations The failures of the
SLO to meet the obligations specified in this section shall result in the imposition of
penalties for breach of contract and Authorization conditions and other applicable
penalties stipulated in the Act. However, the penalties shall not apply if the failure
results solely from an event of force majeure.

10. Scope of Service

10.1 Mandatory Service:

The SLO shall provide its broadband access connectivity networkto all customers as listed
in Annex 9.

10.2 Complaint Centre:

The SLO shall establish a Complaint Centre for the users. SLO needs to ensure that all
calls made to its Complaint Centre are free of charge.The SLO shall act as per the request
of customers.

10.3 Right of Way:

The authorisation to build the broadband connecvity Network includes the authorisation
to construct and use any required facilities for the provision of network access at the SLOs
own cost, and under its own responsibility. NTA will issue recommendation letters to this
effect to the concerned Government Department, Institution, or individual who owns the
land, building, etc.

11. Regulation of Other Internet Service Providers

The network access to the other internet service providers shall be regulated by NTA to
ensure that existing internet service providers do not abuse their possible dominant
position. In particular, NTA will regulate other internet service providers to ensure that
they do not unfairly discriminate against the SLO and do not grant anti-competitive
preferences or cross-subsidise its own internet/data network leasing charge with other

12. Interconnection

Interconnection between the SLOs network and other licensees ICT/internet/data

networks, including that of incumbent, is governed in general terms by section 31 of the
Act and the InterconnectionsGuideline 2065 (2008) in force (see Annex 4 to this RFA).

The SLO's internet/data network must be technically compatible with other ISPs network
so as to provide seamless interconnection. For interconnection purposes, technical
compatibility includes, but is not limited to, compatible numbering, signalling, routing and

In its Application, the Applicant shall provide the bandwidth of access connectivity as per
the requirements of this RFA at the beginging and shall also provide its best estimate of

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the number and size of the interconnection bandwidth and the point(s) of interconnection
it will require during the nexttwo (2) years of operation so that the other ISPs can plan in
advance and arrange for suitable network provisioning, and the SLO shall continue to
provide other ISPs with such information as its network plans evolve.

The SLO is required to publish Reference Interconnection Offer as mandated by the

Interconnections Guidelines.

13. Regulation of SLOs Tariffs

The tariff rates charged by the SLO to its customers for use of the Broadband Network
will be subject to regulation by the NTA in accordance with Section 42 of the
Telecommunication Act and Broadband act, as is the case with tariffs of other ISPs.

SLO have to submit the details of the tariff structure to the NTA as and when requested,
including cost breakdown.

All user charges after two years shall be in accordance with approved rates under the
guideline of NTA.

After two years, the Applicant cannot charge more than the maximum tariff as stated below
prior to the release of NTA geuideline:

a) Maximum Tariff for 512Kbps per month = NRs. 450.00 (NRs. Four Hundred Fifty
Only excluding taxes) or as directed by NTA

b) NTA wishes to provide minimum subsidy for providing broadband connectivity to

all users as listed in the Annex 9 for minimum period of two years. The SLO may
charge the users only after the expiry of the subsidy period.

14. Authority to Construct and Use Facilities

Subject to the other terms of the contract and Authorization, the SLO may construct
all ICT facilities required to provide the broadband access connectivityservices. The
SLO may also use the facilities of licensed ISPs/telecommunications service
providers or the facilities of any other Persons that are located in Nepal, for the
purposes of providing the services. Use of such facilities may be obtained from the
other operators or Persons by agreement with them.

The Qualified Applicant must submit the locations of its Backhaul/Access

Points/nodes to be established. Each RURAL MUNICIPALITY/MDC shall have
atleast one access/node points.

Unless otherwise approved by NTA, all ICT facilities and equipment installed by the
SLO in its ICT System shall be new when first installed and shall, so far as reasonably
practicable, be state of the art technology that complies with internationally
recognized standards. Interoperability and upgradability shall be ensured by SLO.

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The SLO shall be free to procure the goods, works and services required for its
internet/data network services using its own procurement procedures confirming to
the existing laws of Nepal.

(i) Access to Public and Private Lands

The SLO shall have rights of access to public and private lands, and the rights of
inspection and entry set out in Sections 36 to 38 of the Telecommunication Act 2053

(ii) Co-operation among ISP Licensees

The SLO shall communicate and co-operate with other ISP licensees with a view to
provide compatible and consistent types and quality of service to internet/data users
across Nepal.

(iii) Transfer of Control/Ownership of Authorization

Transfer of Licence/Authorization - The SLOs ISP Licence/Authorization shall

not be sold or transferred except with the approval of the NTA in accordance with the
provisions of Section 27 of the Act.

Change of Control - During the first 5(Five) years after issuance of the Authorization,
prior written consent of the NTA will be required for any change in the ultimate
beneficial ownership of any shares of the SLO or for any change of Control of the

Except in extraordinary circumstances, the NTA does not intend to consent to any
change in Control of Authorization in the first five years of SLOs operations.

Prior written consent of the NTAwill not be required in respect of changes in share
holdings resulting from trades made through a stock exchange or changes that affect
less than 25% (twenty five percent) of the shares of the SLO, provided that any such
changes do not result in a change of Control of the Authorization and provided further
that any such changes do not result in a change in the ownership interest of any

Compliance with Law-The SLO shall be required to comply with all the laws of
Nepal applicable to its Services business at all times, including the Act, the Rules, all
regulations, by-laws, orders, directives and guidelines issued under the Act (including
any other instruments which may be made by the NTA) and the payment of all
applicable taxes.

15. Terms of Authorization

In accordance with the provisions of Section 25 of the Act, the initial term of the
Authorization will be 5 (five) years, commencing from the effective date of the
Authorization. Not less than 6 (six) months before the expiry of the relevant term, the
SLO may apply for an additional term of 5 (five) years, and the NTA shall grant the
Authorization renewals, provided that there are no material breaches of the
Authorization, until a full licence term of 25 (twenty-five) years is reached and the SLO

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has renewed its original license. However, the validity of authorization automatically
ceases to exist in case the license of the SLO is terminated by NTA.

In case the SLO cannot fulfil the requirements mentioned in the contract/Authorization,
NTA may decide to terminate the contract/authorization. In such case, the ownership
of the broadband connectivity infrastructure laid by the SLO will automatically come
under NTA.

16. Fees Payable by the SLO

Annual Royalty to be paid to GoN- The SLO shall pay a royalty fee of 4% (four
percent) of the SLOs adjusted gross annual revenues in each fiscal year. This Royalty
is due 3 (three) months following the end of each fiscal year.

Rural Telecommunications Development Fund ("RTDF") - The SLO shall

contribute 2% (two percent) of its adjusted gross annual revenues, to the fund
established by the NTA pursuant to subsection 30(4) of the Act. This payment is due 3
(three) months following the end of each fiscal year.

17. Financial Incentives

The following incentives will be provided to the ISP Licensee, in order to promote
GoN's policy of providing ICT access in the Service Area:

(i) For each packages, payment of one time financial Subsidy spread over different

(ii) Prevailing custom duties on all the equipment imported for rural internet/data
services is 1%. However, it is subject to change by Government.

18. Appointment of independent technical consultant:

NTA shall appoint an independent technical consultant in a timely manner for verifying,
and supervising the broadband connectivity network as per the quality stated in
Minimum Quality Standards (Annex 10), network roll-out requirement and
subsequently recommending to NTA for subsidy payment as per SCC. In case, NTA
fails to appoint an independent technical consultant in time, it will use it's own or hire
temporary independent local consultant directly for short period of time.

19. Letter of Appreciation

Letter of appreciation will be given to the ISP Licensee if the work is completed prior
to the time mentioned in the contract.

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20. Schedule

The timetable for the RFA process is set out below.

Event Days Start From Calendar Date

RFA document available for purchase Day 1
Deadline for questions and clarification Day 27
Pre-Application Meeting Day 30
Issue minutes of clarification Day 37
Deadline for submission of Applications and Day 45
Evaluation of the Applications Starts Day 46
Issue of LOI to the Qualified Applicant with Day 75
lowest subsidy Application
Issue of Letter of acceptance Day 82
Contract award (Issuance of Authorization) Day 100
Network Roll-out Each Package Completion Days100-465
Completion and start of services Days 100-465

If the scheduled day of an event falls on a legal holiday in Nepal, the day of the event
will be the next calendar day following the holiday.

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Section V. General Conditions of Contract

Table of Clauses
A. General Provisions

1.1 Definitions 63
1.2 Applicable Law 64
1.3 Language 64
1.4 Notices 64
1.5 Location 64
1.6 Authorized Representatives 64
1.7 Inspection and Audit by the NTA 64
1.8 Taxes and Duties 64

2. Commencement, Completion, Modification, and Termination of Contract

2.1 Effectiveness of Contract 64

2.2 Commencement of Services 64
2.3 Intended Completion Date 65
2.4 Modification 65
2.5 Force Majeure 65
2.6 Termination 65

3. Obligations of the SLO

3.1 General 66
3.2 Conflict of Interests 66
3.3 Confidentiality 67
3.4 Insurance to be Taken Out by the SLO 67
3.5 SLOs Actions Requiring NTAs Prior Approval 67
3.6 Reporting Obligations 67
3.7 Liquidated Damages 68
3.8 Performance Security 68

4. SLOs Personnel

4.1 Description of Personnel 68

4.2 Removal and/or Replacement of Personnel 68

5. Obligations of the NTA

5.1 Assistance and Exemptions 69

5.2 Change in the Applicable Law 69
5.3 Services and Facilities 69

6. Payments to the SLO

6.1 Contract currency 69

6.2 Terms and Conditions of Payment 69

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6.3 Interest on Delayed Payments 69

7. Quality Control

7.1 Identifying Defects 70

7.2 Correction of Defects, and 70

8. Settlement of Disputes

8.1 Amicable Settlement 70

8.2 Dispute Settlement 70

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Section V. General Conditions of Contract
A. General Provisions
1.1 Definitions Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms whenever
used in this Contract have the following meanings:
(a) Terms of Reference is list of Services to be performed by the
SLO forming part of this contract;

(b) "Completion Date means the date of completion of the

commissioning of Optical Fiber Network Services by the SLO
as certified by the NTA/its consultant;

(c) Contract means the Contract signed by the Parties, to which

these General Conditions of Contract (GCC) are attached,
together with all the documents listed in Clause 1 of such signed

(d) GCC means these General Conditions of Contract;

(e) Member/partner, in case the Service Provider consist of a

joint venture/consortium of more than one entity, means any of
these entities; Members/partners means all these entities, and
Member in Charge/lead partner means the entity specified to
act on their behalf in exercising all the Service Provider rights
and obligations towards the NTA under this Contract;

(f) Party means the NTA or the SLO, as the case may be, and
Parties means both of them;

(g) Personnel means persons hired by the SLO or by any Sub-

contractor as employees and assigned to the performance of the
Services or any part thereof;

(h) SCC means the Special Conditions of Contract by which the

GCC may be amended or supplemented;

(i) Specifications means the specifications of the Goods to be

installed by the SLO.

(j) Goods means all of the commodities, raw material,

machinery and equipment, and/or other materials that is
required to be installed under the Contract by the SLO.

(k) Services means the work to be performed by the SLO

pursuant to this Contract and Authorization, as described in the
TOR included in the contract.

(l) Sub-contractor means any entity to which the SLO sub-

contracts any part of the supply/commissioning work of optical

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Fiber networking Services in accordance with the provisions of
Sub-Clauses 3.5 and 4.

All other definitions shall be in accordance to Section I. Invitation to


1.2 Applicable Law The Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the

1.3 Language This Contract has been executed in the language specified in the
SCC, which shall be the binding and controlling language for all
matters relating to the meaning or interpretation of this Contract.

1.4 Notices Any notice, request, or consent made pursuant to this Contract shall
be in writing and shall be deemed to have been made when delivered
in person to an authorized representative of the Party to whom the
communication is addressed, or when sent by registered mail, telex,
telegram, or facsimile to such Party at the address specified in the
1.5 Location The Services shall be performed at such locations as are specified in
Terms of Reference and Annex 9.

1.6 Authorized Any action required or permitted to be taken, and any document
Representatives required or permitted to be executed, under this Contract by the NTA
or the SLO may be taken or executed by the officials specified in the
1.7 Inspection and The Service Provider shall permit the NTA to inspect its accounts and
Audit by the NTA records relating to the performance of the Services and to have them
audited by authorized auditors.

1.8 Taxes and Duties The Service Provider, Sub-contractors, and their Personnel shall pay
all taxes, duties, fees, and other impositions as may be levied under
the Applicable Law, the amount of which is deemed to have been
included in the subsidy.

2. Commencement, Completion, Modification, and Termination of Contract

2.1 Effectiveness of This Contract shall come into effect immediately after the Contract
Contract signing date by both parties or such other later date as may be stated
in the SCC.

2.2 Commencement of Services

2.2.1 Scope of service The Selected Licensed ISP shall be required to install, activate and
operate broadband connectivity network (including backhaul and
access points) in the locations listed in TOR and Annex 9 included in
this RFA.

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2.2.2 Program Before commencement of the Services, the SLO shall submit to the
NTA for approval a Program showing the general methods,
arrangements, order and timing for all activities. The Services shall
be carried out in accordance with the approved Program as updated.

2.2.3 Starting Date The SLO shall start carrying out the work immediately after the date
of signing of the contract, or at such other date as may be specified
in the SCC.
2.3 Intended Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Sub-Clause 2.6, the SLO shall
Completion Date complete the building of broadband connectivity access network
activities by the Intended Completion Date, as is specified in the
SCC. If the SLO does not complete the activities by the Intended
Completion Date, it shall be liable to pay liquidated damage as per
Sub-Clause 3.7. In this case, the Completion Date will be the date of
completion of all activities.

2.4 Modification Modification of the terms and conditions of this Contract, including
any modification of the scope of the Services may only be made by
written agreement between the Parties.

2.5 Force Majeure

2.5.1 Definition As defined in Section I ITA.

2.5.2 No Breach The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligations under the
of Contract contract shall not be considered to be a breach of, or default under,
this Contract insofar as such inability arises from an event of Force
Majeure, provided that the Party affected by such an event (a) has
taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternative
measures in order to carry out the terms and conditions of this
Contract, and (b) has informed the other Party as soon as possible
about the occurrence of such an event.

2.5.3 Extension of Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Contract,
Time complete any action or task, shall be extended for a period equal to
the time during which such Party was unable to perform such action
as a result of Force Majeure.

2.6 Termination
2.6.1 By the NTA The NTA may terminate this Contract, by not less than Thirty (30)
days written notice of termination to the SLO, to be given after the
occurrence of any of the events specified in paragraphs (a) through
(d) of this Sub-Clause 2.6.1:
(a) if the SLO does not remedy a failure in the performance of its
obligations under the Contract, within fifteen (15) days after
being notified or within any further period as the NTA may
have subsequently approved in writing;
(b) if the SLO become insolvent or bankrupt;

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(c) if, as the result of Force Majeure, the SLO is unable to perform
a material portion of the Services for a period of not less than
thirty (30) days; or
(d) if the SLO, in the judgment of the NTA has engaged in corrupt
or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the

2.6.2 By the SLO The SLO may terminate this Contract, by not less than thirty (30)
days written notice to the NTA, if the NTA fails to pay any subsidies
due to the SLO pursuant to this Contract and not subject to dispute
pursuant to Clause 8 within thirty (30) days after receiving written
notice with all supporting documents from the Service Provider that
such payment is overdue.

2.6.3Payment upon Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to Sub-Clauses 2.6.1 or

Termination 2.6.2, the NTA shall make the following payments to the SLO:
subsidy pursuant to Clause 6 for Services satisfactorily
performed prior to the effective date of termination;

3. Obligations of the SLO

3.1 General The SLO shall perform the Services in accordance with the Terms of
Reference, Annex 9 and 10, and carry out its obligations with all due
diligence, efficiency, and economy, in accordance with generally
accepted professional techniques and practices, and shall observe
sound management practices, and employ appropriate advanced
technology,qualified personnel and safe methods. The SLO shall
always act, in respect of any matter relating to this Contract or to the
Services, as faithful adviser to the NTA, and shall at all times support
and safeguard the NTAs legitimate interests in any dealings with
Sub-contractors or third parties.

3.2 Conflict of Interests

3.2.1 SLO Not to The subsidy pursuant to Clause 6 shall constitute in connection with
Benefit from this Contract or the Services provided, and the SLO shall not accept
Commissions and for their own benefit any trade commission, discount, or similar
Discounts. payment in connection with activities pursuant to this Contract or to
the Services or in the discharge of their obligations under the
Contract, and the SLO shall use their best efforts to ensure that the
Personnel, any Sub-contractors, and agents of either of them
similarly shall not receive any such additional

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3.2.2Prohibition of Neither the SLO nor its Sub-contractors nor the Personnel shall
Conflicting engage, either directly or indirectly, in any of the following
Activities activities:
(a) during the term of this Contract, any business or professional
activities in Nepal which would conflict with the activities
assigned to them under this Contract;
(b) during the term of this Contract/authorization, neither the SLO
nor their Sub-contractors shall hire public employees in active
duty or on any type of leave, to perform any activity under this
(c) after the termination of this Contract, such other activities as
may be specified in the SCC.

3.3 Confidentiality The SLO, its Sub-contractors, and the Personnel of either of them
shall not, either during the term or within five (5) years after the
expiration of this Contract, disclose any proprietary or confidential
information relating to the Project, the Services, this Contract,
orNTAs business or operations without the prior written consent of
the NTA.

3.4 Insurance to be The SLO (a) shall take out and maintain, and shall cause any Sub-
Taken Out by contractors to take out and maintain, at its (or the Sub-contractors,
theSLO as the case may be) own cost but on terms and conditions approved
by the NTA, insurance against the risks, and for the coverage, as shall
be specified in the SCC; and (b) atNTAs request, shall provide
evidence to the NTA showing that such insurance has been taken out
and maintained and that the current premiums have been paid.

3.5 SLOs Actions The SLO shall obtainNTAs prior approval in writing before taking
Requiring NTAs any of the following actions:
Prior Approval
(a) entering into a sub-contract for the performance of any part of
the Services,
(b) appointing such members of the Personnel not listed by name
in Appendix C (Sub-contractor/s and its key personnel),
(c) changing the Program of activities;
(d) changing the terms and conditions of insurance in accordance
with GCC 3.4; and
(e) any other action that may be specified in the SCC.

3.6Reporting The SLO shall submit toNTA the reports and documents specified in
Obligations Appendix A in the form, in the numbers, and within the periods set
forth in the said Appendix.

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3.7 Liquidated Damages
3.7.1 Payments of The SLO shall pay liquidated damages toNTA at the rate per day
Liquidated stated in the SCC for each day that the Completion Date is later than
Damages the Intended Completion Date. The total amount of liquidated
damages shall not exceed the amount defined in the SCC.NTA may
deduct liquidated damages from payments due to the SLO. Payment
of liquidated damages shall not affect the SLOs liabilities.

3.7.2 Correction for If the Intended Completion Date is extended after liquidated
Over- damages have been paid,NTA shall correct any overpayment of
payment liquidated damages by the SLO by adjusting the next payment
certificate. The SLO shall be paid interest on the overpayment,
calculated from the date of payment to the date of repayment, at the
rates specified.

3.7.3Lack of If the SLO has not corrected a Defect within the time specified
performance inNTAs notice, a penalty for Lack of performance will be paid by
penalty the SLO. The amount to be paid will be calculated as a percentage of
the cost of having the Defect corrected, assessed as described in Sub-
Clause 7.2 and specified in the SCC.

3.8 Performance 3.8.1 The SLO shall provide the Performance Security toNTAas
Security specified in the SCCno later than the date specified in the
Letter of acceptance. The Performance Security shall be
issued in an amount specified in SCC issued by a comercial
bank. The performance Security shall be valid until a date 30
days from the Completion Date of the Contract in case of a
bank guarantee.
3.8.2 Discharge of the Performance Security shall take place: on
completion of the roll out of broadband connectivity network
in all stations/sites as per TOR.

4. SLOs Personnel

4.1 Description of The titles, agreed job descriptions, minimum qualifications, and
Personnel estimated periods of engagement in the carrying out of the Services
of the SLOs Key Personnel are to be described as in Appendix B.
The Key Personnel and Sub-contractors listed by title as well as by
name in Appendix C shall have to be approved by NTA.

4.2 Removal and/or (a) Except asNTA may otherwise agree, no changes shall be made
Replacement of in the Key Personnel. If, for any reason beyond the reasonable
Personnel control of the SLO, it becomes necessary to replace any of the
Key Personnel, the SLO shall provide as a replacement a person
of equivalent or better qualifications.

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(b) IfNTA finds that any of the Personnel have (i) committed
serious misconduct or have been charged with having
committed a criminal action, or (ii) have reasonable cause to be
dissatisfied with the performance of any of the Personnel, then
the SLO shall, atNTAs written request specifying the grounds
thereof, provide as a replacement a person with qualifications
and experience acceptable to NTA.
(c) The SLO shall have no claim for additional costs arising out of
or incidental to any removal and/or replacement of Personnel.

5. Obligations of NTA

5.1Assistance and NTA shall use its best efforts to ensure that the Government shall
Exemptions provide the SLO such assistance and exemptions as specified in the
5.2 Change in the Law/s with respect to taxes and duties may increase or decrease the cost
Applicable Law of the Services rendered by the SLO. However, the subsidy payable to
the SLO under this Contract shall remain fixed.

5.3Services and NTA shall make available to the SLO the Services and Facilities listed
Facilities under Appendix D.

6. Payments to the SLO

6.1Contract The subsidy payable shall be in Nepalese currency.

6.2 Terms and Payments will be made to the SLO according to the payment schedule
Conditions of stated in the SCC.Unless otherwise stated in the SCC, Any other
Payment payment shall be made after the conditions listed in the SCC for such
payment have been met, and the SLO have submitted an invoice to NTA
specifying the amount due.

6.3 Interest on If NTA has delayed payments beyond twenty one (21) days after the
Delayed due date stated in the SCC, interest shall be paid to the SLO for each
Payments day of delay at the rate stated in the SCC.

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7. Quality Control
7.1 Identifying The principle and modalities of Inspection of the Services by the
Defects NTA/independent consultant shall be as indicated in the SCC. The
NTA/independent consultant shall check the SLOs performance and
notify him of any Defects that are found. Such checking shall not
affect the SLOs responsibilities. NTA/independent consultant may
instruct the SLO to search for a Defect and to uncover and test any
service thatNTA considers may have a Defectover the period of
contract and authorization.

7.2 Correction of (a) NTA shall give notice to the SLO of any Defects during the
Defects, andLack period of contract and authorization.
of Performance
Penalty (b) Every time a notice of a Defect is given, the SLO shall correct
the notified Defect within the length of time specified by the
NTAs notice.
(c) If the SLO has not corrected a Defect within the time specified
in NTAs notice, NTA will assess the cost of having the Defect
corrected, the SLO will pay this amount, and a Penalty for Lack
of Performance calculated as described in Sub-Clause 3.7.3.

8. Settlement of Disputes

8.1Amicable The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes
Settlement arising out of or in connection with this Contract or its interpretation.

8.2Dispute 8.2.1 The NTA and the SLO shall make every effort to resolve
Settlement amicably by direct informal negotiation any disagreement or
dispute arising between them under or in connection with the

8.2.2 If the parties fail to resolve such a dispute or difference by

mutual consultation within thirty (30) days from the
commencement of such consultation, either party may require
that the dispute be referred for resolution to Nepal Council of
Arbitration (NEPCA) or resolved in accordance with the
Madyasthata Act 2055.

8.2.3 Fees for arbitrationshall be paid at the rate specified in SCC,and

the cost shall be divided equally betweenNTA and the SLO,
whatever decision is reached by the NEPCA or resolved in
accordance with the Madyasthata Act 2055.

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Section VI. Special Conditions of Contract
The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement the General Conditions
of Contract (GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those
in the GCC.

GCC 1.3 The language shall be: Nepali or English

GCC 1.4 For notices, the NTAs address shall be:
Nepal Telecommunications Authority
GPO Box No. 9754
Kamaladi,Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: +977-1-4255474
Fax : +977-1-4255450
For notices, the SLOs address shall be:

Name and Address of the SLO:

Telephone number:
Facsimile number:
e-mail Address:
GCC 3.2.2(c) After termination of this contract prohibition of conflicting activities
are as follows:
Non disclosure of any information in connection with this RFP.
GCC 3.4 The insurance coverage shall be in an amount equal to: 110 percent of
the subsidy amount on All Risks basis, including War Risks, riots
and/or Strikes.
GCC 3.5(d) SLOs other actions requiring NTAs prior approval are as follows:
a) Key Personnel
b) Force Measures
c) Work program
d) Tarriff
e) Route Change
f) Any modification
GCC 3.7.1 The applicable rate of liquidated damages shall be: 0.05 percent of the
Subsidy amount per day.

GCC 3.7.1 The maximum amount of liquidated damages shall be: ten (10) percent
of the Subsidy amount.

GCC 3.8 The SLO shall provide 5% of Contractual Subsidy amount as a

Performance Securityfrom a"A Class" commercial bankin Nepal.

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GCC 3.8 The types of acceptable Performance Securities are: A bank guarantee
issued by a"A Class" commercial bank located in Nepal or reputable
bank located abroad, acceptable to NTA, in the format included in
Section VII, Contract Forms, Performance Security issued by foreign
Bank must be counter guaranteed by a commercial Bank in Nepal.
GCC 5.1 Assistance and exemptions, if any:
-A recommendation letter

GCC 6.2 The terms of payment of the subsidy to be made to the SLO under the
contract shall be as follows:
Payment shall be made within thirty days from the date of
recommendation received from the independent consultant appointed
by NTA.
The total subsidy payment shall be based on the actual cost borne by
the successful Applicant under this RFA. However, the total subsidy
payment shall not be more than the contract subsidy amount.
Subsidy Payment Schedule: The Subsidy shall consist of a one-time
grant paid in different instalments. For each claim, SLO shall have to
get confirmation of job done as per this RFA from the independent
consultant appointed by NTA. The independent technical consultant
issues written confirmation that the broadband connectivity networks
have been activated and are in operation in compliance with the
requirements of this RFA. Total subsidy shall be payable in different
tranches for each package as follows:

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GCC 6.2 i) The SLO shall be entitled to 20% (twenty percent) payment of
the total subsidy amount allocated for the package upon the
submission of request after the award of the contract, as an
initial financial incentive, upon the submission of the bank
guarantee in favour of NTA for the same amount. The bank
guarantee shall remain valid for two years. The format of the
bank guarantee is attached in Section VII Contract Forms; If
SLO does not wish to receive payment against bank guarantee
then SLOmay claim 20% at any time when equivalent amount
of job has been completed and optical network is in activation
& operation and verified by the independent consultant
appointed by NTA.

ii) The SLO shall be entitled to 30% (thirty percent) payment of

the total subsidy amount for the packageupon satisfactory
completion of broadband network/connectivity of 50% of the
total stations/sites under the package, the SLO shall notify the
NTA and send report showing the description of the services
and total amount of subsidyrequested and the independent
technical consultant issues written confirmation that the
broadband connectivity networks have been activated and are
in operation in compliance with the requirement of Terms of

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GCC 6.2 iii) The SLO shall be entitled to 30% (thirty percent) payment of
the total subsidy amount for the packageupon satisfactory
completion broadband connectivity of 80% of the total
stations/sites under the package, the SLO shall notify the NTA
and send report showing the description of the service and total
amount of subsidy requested and the independent technical
consultant issues written confirmation that the broadband
connectivity networks have been activated and are in operation
in compliance with the requirement of Terms of Reference.

iv) The SLO shall be entitled to 10% (Ten percent) payment of the
total subsidy amount for the packageupon satisfactory
completion broadband connectivity of 100% of the total
stations/sites under the package, the SLO shall notify the NTA
and send report showing the description of the service and total
amount of subsidy requested and the independent technical
consultant issues written confirmation that the broadband
connectivity networks have been activated and are in operation
in compliance with the requirement of Terms of Reference.

v) The final tranche of 10% (Tenpercent) of the total subsidy

amount for the packageupon satisfactory operation of the
broadband connectivity in all stations/sites under the
packagefor minimum period of 180 days, provided that
Minimum Quality Standards as described in this contract have
been maintained and is certified by an independent technical
consultant appointed by NTA within thirty days (30 days) after
receiving the claim.

GCC 6.2 If an independent technical consultant appointed by the NTA, provides

that one or more events of force majeure prevented the installation,
activation or operation of some of the broadband connectivity network
required to be installed, then amount of the quoted subsidy shall be
reduced by an amount proportionate to the number of stations being
served with broadband connectivity networks that NTA has confirmed
to have been reduced by the events of force majeure; provided,
however, that the responsibility of the operator for the installation,
activation and operation of the access lines shall remain intact during
the tenure of the Authorization, on improvement of the conditions
giving rise to the event of force majeure

GCC 6.2 Interest on Delayed Payments shall be: 5% per annum of delayed

GCC 7.1 Modalities of inspection of the services:

As per contract agreement with the independent consultant. The
contract agreement with the independent consultant shall be provided
to SLO after the appointment of the consultant.

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GCC 8.2.3 The rate of the dispute resolution committee shall be: As per
standard rule of NEPCAor Madyasthata Act 2055.

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Appendix- A
Reporting Format

Three copies of monthly progress report shall be submitted in the following format
within first week of following month.

S/N District Site Name Backhaul Date Access Test Remarks (if
Equipment Report any)

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Appendix- B
Key Personnel and Their Jobs

SLOs Key Personnel and their obligations shall be listed in the following format:

S/N Name of Assigned Duties/ Past Job related Remarks

Person Qualification Location Obligations Experience specific

Detailed curriculam vitae of each personnel listed above shall be included along
with this Appendix.

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Appendix- C

Name of the Sub-contractors:

Their obligations:

S/N Name of Name of key Registration Past Experience Work Tax Clearance
subcontractor personnel1 Number/ Pan assignment Certificates
and address Number/ Last F/Y2


1. Attach key personnel details in the same format as per Appendix B.

2. Note: Attach copies of tax clearance certificate/s

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Appendix- D
Facilities and Services to be provided by NTA

(a) Payment of Subsidy as per the contract value under the payment terms.

(b) Appointment of an independent consultant/Office staff to evaluate work performance

of the SLO

(c) Approval of the SLO's key personnel working under this RFA

(d) Recommendation a letter

(e) Approval of subcontractor and its key personnel

(f) Issuence of completion certificate

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Section VII. Contract Forms

Table of Forms

Application for Purchasing of Document....81

Participation on the Application Opening...82

Letter of Intent ..83

Letter of Acceptance..84

Agreement Form ...85

Performance Security ..86

Advance Payment Security ..87

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Application for the Purchase of Document

To: Nepal Telecommunications Authority


Subject: Purchase of Application Document

We, ------------------------------------------- (Specify name of the Applicant, having office at

------- (Specify Address) have gone through the Applicatns Eligibility and other criteria
for building broadband network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8
Districts of Province 6 (Application Invitation No. NTA/04/073-74)published in daily
newspaper Rising Nepal/Gorkhapatra and in your Website ( and we are
willing to participate in said Application Invitation.

Therefore, we are hereby submitting non-refundable fee of NRs. ... (Nepalese Rupees:
only) and hereby authorize -------------------------------(Specify Name and Address of
Applicant/ Agent)to collect the Application Document on behalf of our company.

Please find below the details of our authorized contact person and, we kindly request you
to make all the correspondences related to theabove mentioned Application number before
the opening of Applications.

Details of the Contact Person for the Correspondences:

Company Name:

[Signature for and on behalf of Applicant]
[Name] ----------------------
[Designation] ------------------
Date :

[Seal of the Company}

Signature of Document Collector:

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Sample Form: Participation on the Application Opening

To: Nepal Telecommunications Authority


Subject: Participation on Application Opening

We, ------------------------------------------- (Specify name of the Applicant/s, having office

at ------- (Specify Address) have submitted the Application Proposal for building
broadband network and provide internet access connectivity services in the 8 Districts of
Province 6 (Application Invitation No. 04/NTA/073-74). We hereby authorize following
one (1) person to participate in Application Opening on behalf of our company.

Participant No. 1
Company Name:

[Signature for and on behalf of Applicant]
[Name] ----------------------
[Designation] ------------------
Date :

Seal of the Company

Note: Maximum number of participants is two (2)

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Letter of Intent
[On letterhead paper of the NTA]

Date. .

To: . . . . . . . . . . name and address of the SLO

Subject: . .Issuance of letter of intent to award the contract

This is to notify you that, it is our intention to award the contractfor execution of the
contract for building broadband network and provide internet access connectivity services
in 8 Districts of Province 6 (contract identification number 04/NTA/2072/073), as given in
the Contract Data/SCC to you as you have proposed lowest subsidy amount of. . . . . . . .
.amount in figures and words in Nepalese Rupees .as corrected and
modified in accordance with the the RFA document is hereby selected as substantially
responsive lowest evaluated Application. You are also requested to contact NTA within
..days of this notice.

Authorized Signature:



[Insert name and address of all other Applicants, who submitted the Application]

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Letter of Acceptance
[on letterhead paper of the NTA]

Date. . . . . . .

To: . . . . . . . . . . name and address of the SLO. . . .

Subject: . . . . . Notification of Award of the contract

This is to notify that your Applicationdated. . . . Date. . . . Forexecution of the contract for
building District Optical Fiber Network and for providing authorization for building
broadband network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 Districts of
Province 6 (contract identification number04/NTA/2073/074), as given in the Contract
Data/SCC for the subsidy amount of Nepalese Rupees [insertamount in figures and words
in Nepalese Rupees], as corrected in accordance with the Instructions to Applicants is
hereby accepted in accordance with the Instruction to Applicants.

You are hereby instructed to contact this office to negotiate and sign the formal contract
agreement within 15 days, you are also required to submit 10% of the contract Price as
Performance Security, as specified in SCC, consisting of a Bank Guarantee from a
commercial bank in Nepal in the format included in Section VII (Contract Forms) of the
RFA Document.

The NTA shall forfeit the bid security, in case you fail to furnish the Performance Security
and to sign the contract within specified period.

Authorized Signature:

Name and Title of Signatory:

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Agreement Form
THIS AGREEMENT made on the [insert number] day of [insert month], [insert year],
between Nepal Telecommunications Authority, Kamaladi, Kathmandu (hereinafter the
NTA), of the one part, and [insert complete name of SLO] of [insert complete address of
SLO] (hereinafter the SLO), of the other part:
WHEREAS the NTA invited Application for an authorization to build broadband network and
provide internet access connectivity services in the 8 Districts of Province 6 and has accepted
theApplicationsubmitted by the SLO for the Services in the sum of [insert currency or
currencies and amount of subsidy in words and figures including taxes] (hereinafter the
NTA and SLO agrees as follows:
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Contract documents referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of
this Agreement, viz.:
(a) the NTAs Notification to the SLO of Award of Contract;
(b) the Application Submission Form and the subsidy submitted by the SLO;
(c) the Special Conditions of Contract;
(d) the General Conditions of Contract;
(e) Bills of Quantities (BoQs)
(f) the Terms of Reference;
(g) the RFA full document including Technical Specifications
(h) the Drawings
(i) the Activities Schedules/Program
(j) Table of Price Adjustment Data
(k) the Addenda Numbers(if any)
(l) the Minutes of Meeting during contract negotiation
(m) [indicate other documents required]
This Contract shall prevail over all other Contract documents. In the event of any
discrepancy or inconsistency within the Contract documents, then the documents shall
prevail in the order listed above.
3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the NTA to the SLO as indicated in this
Agreement, the SLO hereby covenants with the NTA to provide the above Services and
to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the
4. The NTA hereby covenants to pay the SLO in consideration of the provision of the
Services and the remedying of defects therein, the subsidy at the Contract at the times
and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in
accordance with the laws of Nepal on the day, month, and year indicated above.
Signed by [insert authorized signature for the NTA] (for the NTA)
Signed by [insert authorized signature for the SLO] (for the SLO)

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Performance Security
(On letterhead paper of the 'A' class commercial Bank)

............................ Banks Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office .............................

Beneficiary: .............................................. Name and Address of NTA .......

Date: ..................................................

Performance Guarantee No.:.

We have been informed that ... ... [insert name of the SLO] (hereinafter called "SLO") has been
notified by you to sign the Contract No. .. .. [insert reference number of the Contract] for the
execution of ... .. [insert name of contract and brief description of Works] (hereinafter called "the

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a performance

guarantee is required.

At the request of the NTA, we .............................................. . [insert name of the Bank] hereby
irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of ...............
[insert name of the currency and amount in figures*] (... ...... .. insert amount in words) such sum
being payable in Nepalese Rupees, upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied
by a written statement stating that the Contractor is in breach of its obligation(s) under the
Contract, without your needing to prove or to show grounds for your demand or the sum specified

This guarantee shall expire, no later than the ... ................................ . Day of ... ........ . **, and
any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date.

Seal of Bank and Signature(s)

All italicized text is for guidance on how to prepare this demand guarantee and shall be deleted from the final
The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the percentage of the Contract Price specified in the
Contract in Nepalese Rupees.

** Insert the date thirty days after the date specified for the Defect Liability Period. NTA should
note that in the event of an extension of the time for completion of the Contract, NTA would
need to request an extension of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such request must be in writing and
must be made prior to the expiration date established in the guarantee. In preparing this guarantee, NTA
might consider adding the following text to the form, at the end of the penultimate paragraph:
The Guarantor agrees to a one-time extension of this guarantee for a period not to exceed [six months],
in response to the NTAs written request for such extension, such request to be presented to the
Guarantor before the expiry of the guarantee.

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Advance Payment Security
(On letterhead paper of the 'A' class commercial Bank)

[Insert complete name and number of SLO]

To: [insert complete name of NTA]

In accordance with the payment provision included in the Contract, in relation to advance
payments, [insert complete name of SLO] (hereinafter called the SLO) shall deposit
withNTA a security consisting of [indicate type of security], to guarantee its proper and
faithful performance of the obligations imposed by said Clause of the Contract, in the
amount of [insert currency and amount of guarantee in words and figures].

We, the undersigned [insert complete name of Guarantor], legally domiciled in [insert
full address of Guarantor] (hereinafter the Guarantor), as instructed by the SLO, agree
unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and not as surety merely,
the payment to the NTA on its first demand without whatsoever right of objection on our
part and without its first claim to the SLO, in the amount not exceeding [insert currency
and amount of guarantee in words and figures].

This security shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment
being received by the SLO under the Contract until [(insert day, month, year) Contract
completion date may be a basis for this date].

Name: [insert complete name of person signing the Security]

In the capacity of: [insert legal capacity of person signing the Security]
Signed: [insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown above]
Duly authorized to sign the security for and on behalf of: [insert seal and complete name
of Guarantor]
Date: [insert date of signing]

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Section VIII
1. Name of the Selected Licensed (ISP) Operator (SLO):

2. Address:

3. Type of service to be provided:

Building broadband network and provide internet access connectivity services in the 8
Districts of Province 6 and stations/sites covered/stated by TOR and Annex 9.

4. Area of operation of the service:

As listed in the TOR and Annex 9 included in this RFA/Authorization.

5. Authorization No:

6. Validity Period of the Authorization:-

The initial term of the Authorization will be for 5 (five) years, commencing from the
effective date of the authorization. This Authorization shall be continued as a part of the
existing license of the SLOs. The Authorization shall be an integral part of the existing
license of the SLO and shall be valid throughout validity period of the existing license of
the SLO.

7. Information and Services

a. Accounting:
The provision of Accounting shall be governed by the provision of existing license
of SLO
b. Other Records and Provision of Information to the NTA:
The provision of Other Records and Provision of Information to the NTA shall be
governed by the provision of existing license of SLO
c. National Emergencies:
The provision of National Emergency shall be governed by the provision of
existing license of SLO.
d. Compliance with Law:
The SLO shall be required to comply with all the prevailing laws of Nepal
applicable to its Telephone Services business at all times, including the Act, the
Rules, all regulations, by-laws, orders, directives and guidelines issued under the
Act (including any other instruments which may be made by the NTA) and the
payment of all applicable taxes and dues.
e. Force Majeure Events:
The SLO shall be excused from performance of the service obligations set out in
this Authorization to the extent and for the period of time that such performance is
prevented or materially affected by a Force Majeure event.

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8. Service Obligations and Roll-out Schedule:

Design, Survey, Installation commission and Operation and Maintenance of

Broadband Connectivity Network according to this RFA and provide broadband
connectivity Services in all RURAL MUNICIPALITY offices, Health Centers and
Governement Academic Institutions of the 8 Districts and stations/sites covered by
TOR and Annex 9.The Selected Licensed (ISP) Operator shall be required to install,
activate and operate Broadband connectivity network in the stations/sites of the 8
Districts of Province 6 as listed in TOR included in this contract/Authorization.

Installation of services must commence within 1 month of the effective date of the
Authorization. The broadband connectivity network must be installed in the
stations/sites of each district listed in TOR and Annex 9 included in this RFA, in
accordance with the following schedule:

a. 50% of all the stations/sites of assigned districts listed in TOR and Annex 9of
this RFAunder each package to this Authorization within 9 months from the
effective date of the Authorization, as certified by an independent technical
consultant appointed by NTA; and

b. 100% of all of the stations/sites of assigned districts listed in TOR and Annex
9 under the assigned package included in this RFAwithin 12 months from the
date of signing of the contractand will be certified by an independent technical
consultant appointed by the NTA,

c. Because of the difficult terrain, it is possible that a potential Applicant may not
consider it cost effective to use particular technology to some of the concerned
stations/sites at that point of time. SLO may be given the option of completing
such portion of the Project at a predefined later point of time with payment of
financial subsidy for such section/s also delayed till such date. Along such
section/s of the stations/sites, Licensee(s) shall be obliged to take the
responsibility of offering service through other available means, for which
SLO shall have entered into understanding, evidenced through appropriate
MoU(s). However, a maximum of 20% of the station/sites entrusted to any one
Licensee may be authorized to be operated in the manner described above.

d. If the independent technical consultant appointed by NTA, provides written

confirmation to NTA that one or more events of force majeure prevented the
installation, activation or operation of some of the broadband connectivity
networks required under this clause, then the obligations under this clause shall
be modified accordingly; provided, however, that the responsibility of the
operator for the installation, activation and operation of the broadband
connectivity lines shall remain intact during the tenure of the Authorization, on
improvement of the conditions giving rise to the event of force majeure.

9. Failure to Meet Roll-out Requirements

Failure to meet the broadband connectivity network roll-out requirements may result
in the imposition of one or more of the following penalties:

(a) loss of eligibility for the Subsidy;

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(b) forfeiture of the Performance Security;
(c) termination of the Authorization;
(d) the imposition of fines for breach of licence conditions pursuant to
the Act; and
(e) the forfeiture of all the equipment, land and other assets related to
this service.
10. Exclusivity:

The authorization will be granted on a non-exclusive basis. However, this

Authorization shall not affect the provisions of the existing license of the SLO .

11. Scope of Service:

Optional Services: The Authorization will provide the SLO to provide the following
services in the stations/sites of the 8 Districts of Province 6 listed in TOR and Annex
9 included in this RFA, even during the roll out period.

a) The Authorisation to build, operate and maintain broadband connectivity network

service includes the Authorisation to construct and to use any required facilities
for the provision of such services at the SLOs own cost, and under its own

b) The SLO is entitled to providemore than 512 Kbps broadband connectivity to its

c) Notwithstanding this section above, the SLO may provide more bandwidth and
other services under their license boundary than that mentioned in the
Authorization without any subsidy at any time.

12. Rate Regulation:

The tariff rates charged by the SLO to its customers for use of the broadband
connectivity or lease connectivity service will be subject to regulation by the NTA in
accordance with subsection 13(i) of the Act beyond the two years period of free service
obligation. New Tarriff guidelines for RTDF subsidised broadband connectivity
services shall be developed and provided by NTA.A clear and concise description of
all rates must be prominently made known to its customers.

13. Interconnection:

a) Interconnection between the SLOs network and other licensed

telecommunications/ISP networks in Nepal, is governed in general terms by section
31 of the Act, the Guidelines for Interconnection prescribed by NTA and its

b) The SLO's network must be technically compatible with other operator's network
so as to provide seamless interconnection. For interconnection purposes, technical
compatibility includes, but is not limited to, compatible numbering, signalling,
routing and synchronization.

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c) The SLO must provide a description of the planned network, including a description
of the technology to be employed and the roll-out/service coverage plans for the (to
be inserted) months of operation. The SLO should specify applicable
technical standards, proposed interconnection points and network capacity.

14. Authority to Construct and Use Facilities:

a) Subject to the other terms of the Authorization, the SLO may construct all ICT
facilities required to provide the broadband connectivity service. The SLO may also
use the facilities of licensed internet service providers or telecommunications
service providers or the facilities of any other Persons that are located in Nepal, for
the purposes of providing theauthorized internet/data services. Use of such facilities
may be obtained from the other operators or Persons by agreement with them.
b) The SLO may adopt wireless routers/switches, access points, wireless backhaul
sytem, Point to Multipoint, Microwave Links, any other transmission links, ADSL,
FTTH, WDM fiber/copper cable approach for building the broadband connectivity
network as appropriate depending on the topography considering cost and
feasibility of such construction as well.
c) Unless otherwise approved by NTA, all broadband connectivity facilities and
equipment installed by the SLO in its ICT System shall be new when first installed
and shall be, so far as reasonably practicable, state of the art technology that
complies with internationally recognized standards.
d) The SLO shall be free to procure the goods, works and services required for its
Internet/Data Services network using its own procurement procedures.
15. Access to Public and Private Lands:

The SLO shall have rights of access to public and private lands, and the rights of
inspection and entry set out in Sections 36 to 38 of the Act.

16. Co-operation among Licensees:

The SLO shall communicate and co-operate with other licensees with a view to provide
compatible and consistent types and quality of service to ICT users across Nepal.

Seal of the Office Issuing Official's

Signature :

Name :

Designation :

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 90

Applicant to indicate
Documents and Information Requirements with and indicate page
Reference number in Application

Section II. Application

Data Sheet
ITA 5.1 Copy of Firm Registration Certificate
ITA 5.1 Copy of memorandum and articles of association,
ITA 5.1 Copy of ISP License from NTA

ITA 5.1 Copy of VAT/PAN Registration Certificate

ITA 5.1 Copy of Tax Clearance Certificate for the F/Y

2072/073 or evidence of tax return submission.

ITA 5.1 A written declaration made by the Applicant, with a

statement that it is not ineligible to participate in the
procurementproceedings; has no conflict of interest in
the proposed procurement proceedings, and has not
been punished for a profession or business related

ITA 17.1 Audit certificate with its detailed audited report of last
years from F/Y 2069/70 to 2071/72 to show Financing

ITA 17.1 The Applicant must provide evidence appropriately

certified by the regulatory or government authority that
it posses the operational experience of:

-Owned or leased at least 100 km backhaullinks using

any technology for minimum of one year.

ITA 17.1 At least two years of operational experience in

internet/data (as ISP) services including two districts
outside Kathmandu valley;

ITA 17.1 The Applicant should describe that it has not incurred
financial losses for one year over the period of last three

ITA 17.1 TheApplicant demonstrates that it has a Net Worth as

Rs 100 Million which has to be duly certified by the
registered Chartered Accountant and it has annual
revenue of Rs.10 Million.

ITA 17.1 Evidence/s of committed financial resources must


A detailed list of all sources and amounts of equity

and debt (if any) financing required in the first 3
(three) years of operation; and

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Applicant to indicate
Documents and Information Requirements with and indicate page
Reference number in Application

Any other evidence that the Applicant clearly has

the capacity to finance the building of broadband
connectivity Network

ITA 18.1 The validity period of the application shall be 120 days
from the date of Application opening.

ITA 19.1 Bid security: as specified in Application Data Sheet

(ADS) in the form of original copy of an unconditional
bank guarantee from a commercial bank or; original
copy of cash deposit voucher in the NTA's Account as
specified in ADS.

ITA 20.1 In addition to the original of the Application,

threecopies of Application

ITA 20.2 The written confirmation of Authorization to sign on

behalf of the Applicant shall consist of: Power of
attorney from their Board of Directors or equivalent
competent authority to sign the Application.

Section III. Duly filled and signed the following Forms:

Application Forms Applicant's Application Submission Form
Applicant's Technical Proposal
Applicant's Subsidy Proposal Form with detailed
cost breakdown
Applicant's Information Form
Financial Statement Forms and Projected financial
Income statement.
Balance sheet, Assets.
Balance sheet, Liabilities and shareholders' equity.
Statement of Cash Flow.
Income statement, forecast.
Balance sheet, forecast, Assets.
Balance sheet, forecast, Liabilities and
shareholders' equity.
Statement of Cash Flow, forecast.
Specific Experience Form

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 92
Section X Annexes
Annex-1 Telecommunication Act, 2053(1997)
Please refer to or contact NTA if not accesible

Annex-2 Telecommunication Regulations, 2054 (1997)

Please refer to or contact NTA if not accesible

Annex-3 Telecom Policy, 2060 (2004)

Please refer to or contact NTA if not accesible

Annex-4 Interconnections Guideline, 2065 (2008)

Please refer to or contact NTA if not accesible

Annex-5 National Numbering plan

Please refer to or contact NTA if not accesible

Annex-6 Public Procurement Act, 2063 (2007)

Please refer to or contact NTA if not accesible

Annex-7 Rural Telecom Disbursement Fund Disbursement Bylaws, 2008

Please refer to contact NTA if not accesible

Annex-8 NTA Financial Management Bylaws, 2067 (2010)

Please refer to or contact NTA if not accesible

Annex-9 Details of stations/sites to be connected by broadbandnetwork

Annex-10 Technical Specifications

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 93
Details of stations/sites to be connected by broadband network
9.1. Introduction
The RFA for building and operate broadband connectivity in 8 Districts of Province No. 6 of
Nepal. There are in total 8 Districts among which 4 districts are included in Each Package A,
Packages are distributed as an inaccessible, Seasionally accessible and Accessible all time by
vehicle are covered under this RFA as shown in Table 9.1a-b.

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 94
In most of these districts, 2G and 3G celular mobile tchnologies, optical Fiber, VSAT, wireless,
Radio Relay Links have been laid by different service providers. They might be in a position
to lease the bandwidth for other Internet service providers of the country. In such situation, the
Applicant may propose the leasing of existing network and extend it to the required locations
either by using suitable technologies.

The summary of the broadband internet connectivity points/stations/sites are presented in the
Table 9.1a and details of each package are presented in the Table 9.1b. Applicants are requested
to prepare a site/station/location wise Bill of Quantity/Bill of Materials based on Table 9.1b

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 95
Table 9.1a Summary of the Broadband Internet Access points:

Summary of the Broadband Internet Access points:

Name Total Total
RURAL Municipality Higher Grand
Package S.N. of High Health Total
MUNICIPALITY Total Secondary Total
District School Post
No of
Munic Wada
1 Mugu 3 31 1 14 17 6 24 96
2 Humla 7 44 0 9 13 1 27 101
A 426
3 Dolpa 6 43 2 11 12 3 23 100
4 Jumla 7 50 1 10 29 2 30 129
5 Kalikot 6 51 3 31 35 13 28 167
6 Rukum 6 62 3 42 20 15 42 190
B 684
7 Rolpa 9 62 1 10 10 51 11 154
8 Jajarkot 4 38 3 39 42 16 31 173
Total 48 381 14 166 178 107 216 1110 1110

1. Total RURAL MUNICIPALITY mentioned in the District map
2. RURAL MUNICIPALITY s merged in 1 above
3. Health Center/Post , High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools of the Municipality
are not included
These figures are tentative based on available maps of RURAL MUNICIPALITY s/MDCs
on above mentioned web sites. Applicants shall determine the actual numbers of required
service points after their detailed survey and discussion with NTA.

Table 9.1b. Details of Stations/sites of 8 Districts to be Connected with Broadband Services

for each Package (Source: Maps,,,

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 96
Package A : Mugu, Humla, Dolpa & Jumla

Education and Health Center/Post of MUGU District

VDC Health
of Ma V U Ma V
(English) Center/Post
2352 Bhiyee Guru Ma Vi Bhiyee 1 Mugu Health Post
2353 Dhainakot Ne Ra Ma Bi 7 Hitbada Jagatmala Uchcha Ma Vi Health Post
Dhaina 1 kotwada
2354 Dolphu Health Post
2355 Ghumtha Lokpriya Uchcha Ma Vi Health Post
Gamtha 9 Gamth
2356 Hyanglung Mahadev Ma Vi Hyanglu 5 Health Post
2357 Jima Bhawani Ma V 7 Purumuru Health Post
2358 Karkibada Ne Ra Ni Ma Vi Karkibada Health Post
6 Karkibada
Ne Ra Ma V 2
2359 Khaumale Bal Shiksya Ma V 2 Health Post
2360 Kimari Health Post
2361 Kotdada Saraswati Ma Vi Rikhiya 2 Mahadev Masta Uchha Ma V PHC
Rinkhiya 9 Lohasen Ratapani
2362 Mangri Buddha Uchcha Ma Vi Health Post
Mangri 6 Mangri
2363 Mugu Health Post
2364 Natharpu Jana Jyoti Ma V 5 Health Post
2365 Photu Health Post
2366 Pina Karnali Ma V 3 Topla Health Post
2367 Pulu Health Post
2368 Kalai Bijaya Ma Vi Kalai 9 Kalai Health Post
2369 Rara Rara Ma Vi Kachche 6 Health Post
Ne Ra Ma Vi Murma 8
2370 Rowa Prabhat Uchha Ma Vi Rowa 5
2371 Ruga Prakash Ma Vi Luma 5 Lum Health Post
2372 Seri Health Post
2373 Shree Nagar Mahakali Uchha Ma V 4 District Store
2374 Shreekot Kalika Ma V 4 Shreekot Health Post

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 97
2375 Sukhadhik Sarvodaya Ma V 1 Health Post
Panchodaya Ma V 7
24 17 6 22
Dhungedhara Health Post
Guma Health Post

Coordinates, Population and Household of MUGU District

S.N of VDC (English) Coordinate

VDCs Population Household
2352 Bhiyee 29380N 81530E 1,406 223
2353 Dhainakot 29350N 81520E 2,398 427
2354 Dolphu 29450N 82450E 573 125
2355 Ghumtha 2,598 433
2356 Hyanglung 2,067 338
2357 Jima 29370N 8210E 2,841 495
2358 Karkibada 29320N 82830E 3,654 662
2359 Khaumale 1,785 292
2360 Kimari 579 114
2361 Kotdada 1,812 301
2362 Mangri 293730N 82190E 2,439 455
2363 Mugu 29520N 82370E 898 153
2364 Natharpu 29380N 81540E 1,603 278
2365 Photu 29420N 8230E 1,371 245
2366 Pina 29270N 8290E 3,847 672
2367 Pulu 29350N 822330E 1,095 216
2368 Kalai 29350N 81570E 1,557 265
2369 Rara 29330N 8230E 1,399 242
2370 Rowa 29300N 82150E 4,439 760
2371 Ruga 29350N 82320E 3,899 709
2372 Seri 29310N 81580E 2,307 384
2373 Shree Nagar 29330N 8280E 3,906 772
2374 Shreekot 29.57N 80.53E 3,676 644
2375 Sukhadhik 29290N 81490E 2,871 429
Institutional 454 19

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Education and Health Center/Post of HUMLA District

S.N VDC Ma V U Ma V Health

of (English) Center/Post
2399 Baraigaun Health Post
2400 Bargaun Raling Ma V 6 Aaulikot Health Post
2401 Chhipra Health Post
2402 Dandafaya Karnali Ma V 7 Chuganfaya Health Post
2403 Darma Mahadev Ma V 2 Deuli Health Post
2404 Gothi
Health Post
2405 Hepka
Health Post
2406 Jair Saraswati Ma V 6 Vitagau Health Post
2407 Kalika
2408 Khagalgaun
Health Post
2409 Kharpunath Mandhara Ma V 4 Khapail
Gaun Health Post
2410 Lali Malika Ma V 6 Lali Health Post
2411 Limi
Health Post
2412 Madana Madana Dew Ma V 6
Madana Health Post
2413 Maila
Health Post
2414 Melchham
Health Post
2415 Mimi
Health Post
2416 Muchu Maha Bouddaha Ma Vi 1
Yalwang Health Post
2417 Raya Humla Ma V 2 Raya
Health Post
2418 Rodikot Kot Ma V 9 Kot Danda
Health Post
2419 Sara(Sama) Him Jyoti Ma V 5 Sarkagad
2420 Sarkeedeu

2421 Shree Nagar Suryodaya Ma V 4 Budheli

Health Post

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 99
2422 Shreemastha
Health Post
2423 Simikot Bal Mandir Ma V 4 Simikot Man Sarobar Uchha Ma V 1
Simikot District Store
2424 Syada
Health Post
2425 Thehe Health Post
27 13 1 24
Lauthi Health Post
Ripa Health Post
Sarkegadh (.
Saya) Health Post

Coordinates, Population and Household of HUMLA District

S.N of RURAL VDC (English) Coordinate Population Household

2399 Baraigaun 29.80N 81.91E 1,235 213
2400 Bargaun 30.02N 81.90E 738 169
2401 Chhipra 29.93N 81.84E 1,045 214
2402 Dandafaya 30.00N 81.79E 2,098 368
2403 Darma 2,116 386
2404 Gothi 2826N 1,111 191
8131E / 28.433N
2405 Hepka 3005N 1,057 204
8152E / 30.09N
2406 Jair 2,150 384
2407 Kalika 3,158 533
2408 Khagalgaun 3005N 1,023 219
8141E / 30.08N
2409 Kharpunath 3003N 1,489 265
8206E / 30.05N
2410 Lali 1,575 305
2411 Limi 3017N 904 181
8139E / 30.29N
2412 Madana 2942N 1,546 285
8145E / 29.70N

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2413 Maila 2938N 4,418 741
8144E / 29.64N
2414 Melchham 2947N 925 163
8202E / 29.78N
2415 Mimi 2947N 1,143 193
8215E / 29.79N
2416 Muchu 3004N 916 231
8128E / 30.06N
2417 Raya 2952N 1,902 348
8150E / 29.86N
2418 Rodikot 2951N 2,611 459
8159E / 29.85N
2419 Sara(Sama)
2420 Sarkeedeu 2947N 1,921 396
8152E / 29.78N
2421 Shree Nagar 2941N 3,958 588
8154E / 29.69N
2422 Shreemastha 2956N 1,110 183
8219E / 29.93N
2423 Simikot 4,341 1,249
2424 Syada 2958N 2,036 337
8145E / 29.96N
2425 Thehe 2,344 443
Sarkegadh (.
Saya) 1,063 189
Institutional 925 42

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Education and Health Center/Post of DOLPA District

S.N VDC Ma V U Ma V Health

of (English) Center/Post
2376 Bhijer Health Post
2377 Chharka Health Post
2378 Dho Health Post
2379 Dunai Saraswati Uchha Ma V 1 District
Dunai Bazar Store
2380 Jufal Adarsha Ma V 1 Juphal Health Post
2381 Kaigaun Tripura U Ma V 5 Kaigaun Health Post
2382 Kalika Kalika Ma V 04 Kalika Health Post
2383 Khadang/Lhna
2384 Lawan
2385 Likhu Jana Prabha Uchha Ma V 4 Health Post
2386 Majhfal Bidya Mandir Ma V 3 Health Post
Majhfal Laxmi
Ma Vi Thargaun 8 Thargaun
2387 Mukot Health Post
2388 Narku Malika Ma V 2 Narku
2389 Pahada Health Post
2390 Phoksundo Taparicha Ma Vi 4 Health Post
Tapiricha Ma V 4 Sizal
2391 Raha Health Post
2392 Rimi Bhagawati Ma V 6 Jhankot Health Post
2393 Sahartara Health Post
2394 Saldang Health Post
2395 Sarmi Annapurna Ma V 2 Sharmi Health Post
2396 Sunhoo Health Post
2397 Tinje Health Post
2398 Tripurakot Tripurakot Ma V 4 Maddu Health Post
23 10 3 20
Laha Mukteshwor Ma Vi 6 Health Post
Sun Saraswati Ma V 1 Sun
Banthada Health Post
Ila (ILL) Health Post

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Coordinates, Population and Household of DOLPA District

S.N VDC (English) Coordination Population Household

2376 Bhijer 29.51N 82.90E 446 93
2377 Chharka 29.07N 83.45E 746 119
2378 Dho 923 212
2379 Dunai 2,592 672
2380 Jufal 28.97N 82.81E 2,279 522
2381 Kaigaun 2903N 8233E 879 177
2382 Kalika 29.02N 82.58E 1,321 236
2383 Khadang/Lhna 1,199 205
2384 Lawan 28.99N 83.02E 865 735
2385 Likhu 29.05N 82.71E 2,206 415
2386 Majhfal 28.89N 82.77E 2,576 519
2387 Mukot 28.87N 83.33E 705 163
2388 Narku 29.07N 82.55E 1,523 288
2389 Pahada 29.09N 82.73E 2,156 440
2390 Phoksundo 29.20N 82.89E 550 115
2391 Raha 2952N 8152E 923 190
2392 Rimi 2908N 8234E 1,394 256
2393 Sahartara 28.84N 83.06E 1,976 430
2394 Saldang 29.42N 83.09E 2,103 522
2395 Sarmi 294N 8229E 2,285 402
2396 Sunhoo 290N 8249E 1,846 363
2397 Tinje 29.34N 83.35E 1,203 256
2398 Tripurakot 29.03N 82.85E 2,697 521
Banthada (Laun)
Ila (ILL)
Institutional 572 22

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Education and Health Center/Post of JUMLA District

S.N VDC (English) Ma V U Ma V Health

of Center/Post
2426 Badki Rahadav Ma Vi 3 Mofla Health Post
Kalika Ma Vi 1 Badki
2427 Birat Kanak Sundari Ma V 8 Ludku Health Post
2428 Buvramadichaur Mahadav Ma Vi 5 Neta Health Post
2429 Chhumchaur Health Post
2430 Dhapa Malika Ma Vi 3 Jacha Health Post
2431 Dillichaur Rina Mokshya Ma V 6 Health Post
2432 Dipalgaun Tribhuwan Hss 7 Foae Health Post
2433 Garjyangkot Satyabadi Ma Vi 9 Bigare Health Post
2434 Ghode Mahadev Jana Jagriti Ma Vi 4 Ghode Health Post
2435 Guthichaur Khadaga Devi Ma V 5
2436 Haku Ma V Haku 5 Patheni Health Post
2437 Kalikakhetu Kalika Ma V 5 Katgaon PHC
2438 Kanakasundari Koilichari Ma Vi 1 Lum
2439 Kudari Saraswati Ma V 2 Kudari Health Post
2440 Lamra Mavi Tamti 3 Tamti Health Post
Mavi Manushangu 5
Durga Ma V 5 Aireni
2441 Rara Lihi Sita Ma Vi Raralihi Health Post
2442 Mahabe Bhanu Ma Vi Patarkhola 1 Health Post
Pattharkhola Patharkhola
2443 Malika Bota Nepal Rastriya Ma Vi 8
2444 Malikathota Deurali Ma V 2 Jumlakot Health Post
2445 Narakot Bhairab Uchha Ma V 1 Health Post
Kot Dada
2446 Pandawagufa Pandawa Gufa Ma Vi 6 Health Post
2447 Patarasi Health Post
2448 Patmara Saraswati Ma Vi Rini 4 Health Post
2449 Sanigaun Kailash Ma V 5 Fungra Health Post
2450 Tamti Janajagroto Ma Vi 3 Tamti Health Post
2451 Tatopani Himsikhar Ma V 6 Tatopani Health Post

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26 25 2 23
Kartik Swami Ratna Chandeshwor Health Post
Sanskrit Ma V 2 Bohara Gaun
Jana Jyoti Ma V 8 Barkote
Talium Bhairab Ma Vi 6 Dupiduska Health Post
Mahat Gaun Janata Mavi Mahatgaun 6 Health Post
Mahat Gaun.
Chandan Nath Karnali Ma V 3 Anamnagar Chandan Nath Uchha Ma District
V 6 Khalanga Store
Botamalika Health Post
Hatsinja Health Post
Manisanghu Health Post
Ransa Health Post

Coordinate, Population & Household of JUMLA District

S.N VDC (English) Coordination Population Household

2426 Badki 2917N 4,740 777
8159E / 29.29N
2427 Birat 29.44N 81.99E 3,541 644
2428 Buvramadichaur 29.41N 82.13E 1,177 214
2429 Chhumchaur 29.35N 82.38E 2,615 413
2430 Dhapa 29.37N 81.97E 3,746 675
2431 Dillichaur 29.42N 82.32E 4,711 877
2432 Dipalgaun 29.23N 82.24E 2,398 498
2433 Garjyangkot 29.27N 82.24E 4,146 775
2434 Ghode Mahadev 29.18N 81.94E 2,424 371
2435 Guthichaur 2916N 8219E 3,326 575
2436 Haku 29.17N 82.18E 2,226 467
2437 Kalikakhetu 29.16N 81.57E 2,815 436
2438 Kanakasundari 29.39N 82.05E 2,988 486
2439 Kudari 5,011 862
2440 Lamra 29.26N 82.10E 2,855 555
2441 Rara Lihi 2914N 8158E 2,681 486
2442 Mahabe 29.24N 81.89E 2,998 500
2443 Malika Bota 29.15N 81.99E 1,691 266
2444 Malikathota 29.15N 81.99E 3,491 531
2445 Narakot 29.34N 82.02E 3,518 587
2446 Pandawagufa 29.41N 81.96E 3,819 637

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2447 Patarasi 29.34N 82.50E 3,791 625
2448 Patmara 29.37N 82.22E 3,454 622
2449 Sanigaun 4,729 734
2450 Tamti 29.09N 82.09E 4,478 750
2451 Tatopani 29.24N 82.05E 5,079 932
Talium 4,745 896
Mahat Gaun 3,625 807
Chandan Nath 29.17N 82.12E 5,842
Institutional 1,426 12


Education and Health Center/Post of KALIKOTDistrict

S.N VDC Ma V U Ma V Health

of (English) Center/Post
2452 Badalkot Saraswati Ma V 5 Siku Health Post
Chulimalika Ma V 2 Badalkot
2453 Chhapre Nainal Dev Ma V 8 Okharbhitta Health Post
Kalika Ma V 5 Rawatbada
2454 Chikhava Shivalaya U Ma V 1 Thinkey Health Post
2455 Dahapafatgaun Kalika Ma V 9 Talsera Health Post
Daha Chuli Malika Ma V 2
2456 Dholagobe Saraswati Ma V 5 Raduneta Health Post
2457 Gela Ram Ma V 9 Ramni Kalika U Ma V 2 Gela Health Post
2458 Jubika Kalika Ma V 1 Khalla Satya Devi Uchha Ma V 6 Health Post
2459 Kheen Karnali Ma V 9 Khetgode Health Post
2460 Kothaba Nanda Devi Uchha Ma V 4
2461 Kumalgaun Rama Ma V 7 Gangakot Chaur PHC
Bishwokuna Ma V 9 Majhgothi
2462 Lalutantikot Jana Pravat Uchha Ma V 8 Health Post

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2463 Malkot Shanti Ma V 6 Ratimati Health Post
Nanda Devi Ma V 3 Serapata
2464 Manma Jana Jivan Ma V 8 Tadi Pancha Dev Uchha Ma V District
5 Manma Hospital,
2465 Marta
2466 Mehamudi Pancha Dewal U Ma V 8 Health Post
2467 Mugraha Pancha Kalika Ma V 5 Mugraha Health Post
2468 Mumrakot Danfe Ma V 4 Mumrakot Health Post
2469 Nanikot Pangelni Devi Ma V 3 Saraswati U Ma V 6 Vitta Health Post
Nuwaghar Bidya
Devi Ma V 4 Mayakot
2470 Odanku Triveni Ma V 9 Dillikot Health Post
Tribeni Ma V 9 Mukhibada
2471 Pakha Jana Jyoti Ma V 5 Pakha Health Post
2472 Phukot Jana Jagriti Ma V 8 Dunridada Health Post
2473 Pohi Mahadev Malika Ma V 3 Nagma Mahadev U Ma V 7 Health Post
2474 Raku Shankar Ma V 4 Serijyula Health Post
Vidhyajyoti Ma V 8 Luyata
2475 Ramanakot Pancha Kalika Ma V 1 Banjhkot Health Post
Janata Ma V 9 Khardu
Gyanodaya Ma V 5 Ramnakot
2476 Ramchuli Kalika Ma V 3 Ranchuli Health Post
Durga Ma V 6 Ratada
2477 Rupsa Janta U Ma V 4 Rupsa
Health Post
2478 Sipkhana Motiram Ma V 5 Serachaur Health Post
2479 Siuna Malika Uchha Ma V 5 Health Post
2480 Sukitaya Chandra Surya Ma V 9 Sukatiya Mahadev Uchha Ma V 1 Health Post
2481 Thirpu Dudeshillo Ma V 5 Birsainkot Saraswati U Ma V 4 Health Post
30 34 13 27
Bharta Jana Jyoti Ma V 4 Bharta Health Post
31 35 13 28

Coordinate, Population & Household of KALIKOT District

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 107
S.N VDC (English) Coordination Population Household
2452 Badalkot 29120N 81390E 3,254 589
2453 Chhapre 2990N 81460E 3,661 601
2454 Chikhava 2950N 81520E 4,654 749
2455 Dahapafatgaun 2980N 81400E 5,084 849
2456 Dholagobe 29240N 81470E 7,111 1,112
2457 Gela 29345N 81430E 3,911 706
2458 Jubika 2,339 407
2459 Kheen 3,624 607
2460 Kothaba 29830N 81350E 3,866 686
2461 Kumalgaun 29100N 813345E 3,708 621
2462 Lalutantikot 2980N 81320E 5,938 984
2463 Malkot 33570N 73217E 3,866 682
2464 Manma 2990N 81370E 9,094 1,696
2465 Marta 2950N 81350E 7,075 1,265
2466 Mehamudi 4,971 816
2467 Mugraha 2950N 81400E 2,790 497
2468 Mumrakot 29190N 81350E 3,411 548
2469 Nanikot 291730N 81430E 6,283 973
2470 Odanku 3,736 638
2471 Pakha 2980N 814430E 4,249 691
2472 Phukot 29160N 813830E 5,334 897
2473 Pohi Mahadev 291230N 81520E 3,418 617
2474 Raku 4,464 741
2475 Ramanakot 3,827 625
2476 Ramchuli 29830N 81530E 2,370 422
2477 Rupsa 291530N 81320E 3,988 612
2478 Sipkhana 5,357 877
2479 Siuna 5,581 911
2480 Sukitaya 29430N 81380E 5,055 887
2481 Thirpu 29180N 814845E 4,568 702
Institutional 361 5

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Education and Health Center/Post of RUKUM District

S.N VDC Ma V U Ma V Health

of (English) Center/Post
2482 Aathbis Danda Health Post
2483 Aathbis Kot Himalaya Ma V Danje 4 Bal Kalyan Uchha Ma V 7 Health Post
Daje Dantikhola
2484 Arma Saraswati Ma V 1 Dada Health Post
Arma Arma Dada
2485 Baflikot Birendra Uchha Ma V 2 Health Post
2486 Bhalakacha Health Post
2487 Chhiwang Health Post
2488 Chokhawang Health Post
2489 Chunwang Ma V Gaurigaon 2 Health Post
2490 Duli Ne Ra Ma Vi Pokhara 6 Health Post
2491 Garayala Health Post
2492 Gautamkot Health Post
2493 Ghetma Adarsha U Ma Vi 1 Ghetma Health Post
2494 Hukam Deurali Ma Vi 2 Health Post
2495 Jang Jana Sahayog Ma V 3 Health Post
2496 Jhula Health Post
2497 Kanda Health Post
2498 Kankri Sidha Chaur U Ma Vi 6 Health Post
2499 Khara Health Post
2500 Kol Parbat Ma V 3 Kol PHC
2501 Magma Siddhartha Janata Ma V 3 Health Post
2502 Mahat Jana Jagriti U Ma V 1 Health Post
2503 Morawang Sahid Sukra U Ma Vi 3 Health Post
2504 Muru Jana Shakti Ma Vi Sadharan U Ma V 8 Muru Health Post
Bittadanda 1 Bittadanda Danda
2505 Kholagau Jana Kalyan Ma V 3 Himalaya Uchha Ma V 4 Health Post
Jogineta Chaufa Kholagaun
2506 Nuwakot Himalaya Ma V 3 Health Post
Nuwakot Danda
Balhit Ma Vi Sacchakhola

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 109
2507 Pipal Jana Kalyan U Ma V Jipu 7 Health Post
2508 Pokhara Janta U Ma V 1 Pokhara Health Post
2509 Purtimkanda Health Post
2510 Pwang Himalaya U Ma Vi 8 Health Post
2511 Pyaugha Jana Priya Ma V 6 Peugha Health Post
2512 Rangsi Siddha Mandali Ma V 1 Health Post
Rangsi Puwang
2513 Ranmamaikot Putha Himalaya Ma V 1 Health Post
Maikot Dharmashala
2514 Rugha Triveni Uchha Ma V 2
2515 Rukumkot/Sho Rukmini Uchha Ma V 1 Health Post
va Bahunthan
2516 Simli Rapti Gyanodaya Ma V 1 Health Post
2517 Sisne Health Post
2518 Syalagadi Health Post
2519 Syalapakha Tripura Ma V 3 Chhing Health Post
2520 Taksera Mahendra Uchha Uchha Health Post
Ma V 1 Choutara
Mahendra U Ma V 4
39 17 15 38
Musikot Pashupati Ma V 8 Yamuna Nanda Namuna U District Store
Khalanga Ratamata Ma Vi 3 Serigaoun Health Post
Bal Kalyan Ma V 9 Totke Tribhuwan Janata Uchha
Bal Kalyan Ma V 6 Ma V 1 Musikot Khalanga
Kotjahari Ma V Kotjahar 2 Kot
Sankha Syarpu Ma V 3 Banphikot Health Post
Syarpodhaha Bal
Kalyan Ma V 8 Tangtara
Chaurjahari Prabhat Ma V 5 Dopai Shital Uchha Ma V 1 PHC
Bijyaswori Health Post
Peugha Health Post
Simrutu Health Post

NCB: IFA No. 04/NTA/2073/074 to build BB network and provide internet access connectivity services in 8 districts of Province 6. 110
Coordinate, Population & Household of RUKUM District

S.N VDC (English) Coordination Populati Househol

of on d
2482 Aathbis Danda 28.75N 82.39E 7439 1440
2483 Aathbis Kot 28.80N 82.39E 8560 1699
2484 Arma 28.63N 82.35E 4022 720
2485 Baflikot
2486 Bhalakacha 28.37N 82.27E 3713 748
2487 Chhiwang 28.62N 82.40E 4252 805
2488 Chokhawang 28.58N 82.51E 2690 477
2489 Chunwang 28.54N 82.58E 3114 609
2490 Duli 28.70N 82.39E 4837 851
2491 Garayala 28.68N 82.33E 5917 1116
2492 Gautamkot 28.90N 82.61E 7040 1361
2493 Ghetma 28.74N 82.32E 4789 862
2494 Hukam 28.63N 82.91E 2148 475
2495 Jang 28.71N 82.74E 3084 578
2496 Jhula 28.67N 82.43E 3334 686
2497 Kanda 28.61N 82.67E 2561 543
2498 Kankri 28.53N 82.79E 4210 851
2499 Khara 28.55N 82.43E 6186 1133
2500 Kol 28.61N 82.77E 3127 707
2501 Magma 28.72N 82.44E 5723 1094
2502 Mahat 28.53N 82.65E 4621 937
2503 Morawang 28.58N 82.69E 2442 512
2504 Muru 28.58N 82.41E 3931 788
2505 Kholagau 28.63N 82.29E 4462 778
2506 Nuwakot 28.61N 82.32E 5709 1059
2507 Pipal 28.69N 82.57E 4111 846
2508 Pokhara 28.65N 82.60E 4333 916
2509 Purtimkanda 28.39N 82.16E 5127 932
2510 Pwang 28.70N 82.66E 1802 359
2511 Pyaugha 28.60N 82.38E 4595 819
2512 Rangsi 28.37N 82.43E 2098 425
2513 Ranmamaikot 28.46N 82.49E 3777 774
2514 Rugha 28.56N 82.47E 4233 425
2515 Rukumkot/Shov
2516 Simli 28.65N 82.35E 5316 1044

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2517 Sisne 28.79N 82.66E 1877 372
2518 Syalagadi 28.80N 82.51E 4695 852
2519 Syalapakha 28.64N 82.52E 5433 1160
2520 Taksera 28.56N 82.86E 3698 902
Musikot 28.63N 82.49E 13,203 3,279
Kotjahari 28.66N 82.24E 5125 1058
Chaurjahari 8,261
Institutional 1,277 19

Education and Health Center/Post of JAJARKOT District

S.N VDC Ma V U Ma V Health

of (English) Center/Post
2769 Archhani Maltakura Ma V 9 Tamte Health Post
Bhagawati Ma V 4
2770 Bhagawati Tol Ne Ra Ma V 3 Awaal Birendra Himalaya U Ma V 2 Health Post
Gurta Thulo Bagar
2771 Daha Panchala Ma V 7 Kalli Health Post
2772 Dandagaun Suryodaya Ma V 6 Tatta Health Post
2773 Dasera Ramodaya Ma Vi 5 Jewa Health Post
Jana Priya Uchha Ma V 3
Bhagayadaya Ma V 8
2774 Dhime Tharpu Ma V 2 Dhime Laxmi Prapti U Ma V 5 Health Post
Janta Ma Vi 8 Samaila Khurpa
Dipendra Ma Vi 4
2775 Garkhakot Bhanubhakta Himalaya Shivapuri U Ma V 4 PHC
Ma Vi 5 Maip Garkhakot
2776 Jharpa Ram Ma V 6 Khaltakura Bal U Ma V 3 Jhapra Health Post
2777 Junga Chandra Dipak Ma V 9 Birendra Uchha Ma Vi 5 Health Post
Thapachaur Nahada Junga Thapachaur

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2778 Karkigaun Narayaniuchha Ma Vi 1 Health Post
Ghimine Jan
Kalyan Ma V 3 Sirugar
2779 Khagenkot Panchabhayar Ma V 7 Tribhuwan Uchha Ma V 1 PHC
Jikuwa Dalli
Janaki Ma V 8 Maidai
2780 Kortrang Ma V Sirpachaur 9 Mahendra U Ma V 3 Health Post
Sirpachaur Kortrang
2781 Lahai Bal Samrakchen Center Bhanu Bhakta U Ma V 4 Health Post
Ma Vi 8 Aairari Lahai Khalchaur
2782 Majhakot Narayan Chaur Ma V 9 Adarsha U Ma V 1 Luhadaha Health Post
Bhairab Ma V 6 Majkot
2783 Nayakwada Sita Ma V 8 Karki Jiula Health Post
Saraswoti Ma Vi 7 Silinge
2784 Paink Saraswati Ma V 8 Rija Janata Uchha Ma V 5 Paink Health Post
2785 Pajaru Ne Ra Ma Vi 8 Rintakura Bageshwori U Ma V 5 Pajaru Health Post
Kalika Ma Vi 3
2786 Ragda Tapobhumi Ma V 5 Health Post
2787 Ramidanda Kalika Adarsha Ma V 5 Health Post
2788 Rokayagaun Dipendra Ma V 1 Padha Birendra Aishworya U Ma V
Mulsam 9 Limsha
2789 Sakala Dipendra Ma V 8 Health Post
2790 Salma Laxmi Ma V 8 Underkot Health Post
Indra Jyoti Ma V 1 Salma
2791 Sima Nepal Rastriya Ma Vi 9 Saraswati U Ma V 4 Health Post
Syapi Rakamkot
2792 Suwanauli Jana Bikash Ma V 8 Suwa Health Post
2793 Talegaun Manne Dhunga Ma V 1 Health Post
2794 Thala Raikar Rakar Saraswati Ma V 9 Health Post
Janta Khadak
Davi Ma V 7 Lotpakha
Saraswati Ma V 6
Indra Jyoti Ma V 2
Khatena Tol
26 39 14 25
Khalanga Shiva Ma Vi 9 Kalegaun Tribhuwan Uchha Ma V 2 District
Shankar Bhagwan Ma V 6 Khalanga Hospital
Bhawanthana District
Triveni Ma V 8 Rimnaghat Store
Health Post

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Jagatipur Shiv Shankar U Ma V 1 Health Post
Punama Saraswati Ma V 1 Punama Health Post
Laxmi Ma V 5 Sholtar
Bijay Ma V 3 Chhiprena
Bhoor Dipendra U Ma V 1 Kalabhur Health Post
Gharanga Health Post
Kudu Health Post
Limsa PHC
33 42 16 31

Coordinate, Population & Household of JAJARKOTDistrict

S.N VDC (English) Coordination Population Household

2769 Archhani 28.86N 82.11E 3,675 657
2770 Bhagawati Tol 2855N 8230E 3,479 621
2771 Daha 2855N 8159E 4,995 863
2772 Dandagaun 28.79N 82.26E 6,839 1,253
2773 Dasera 28.75N 82.00E 8,178 1,432
2774 Dhime 28.84N 82.17E 7,551 1,311
2775 Garkhakot 28.88N 82.03E 5,630 989
2776 Jharpa 28.76N 82.11E 5,802 986
2777 Junga 28.70N 81.96E 5,333 829
2778 Karkigaun 28.69N 82.04E 6,206 1,143
2779 Khagenkot 28.83N 82.35E 4,844 963
2780 Kortrang 28.87N 81.97E 3,242 552
2781 Lahai 28.84N 82.27E 6,343 1,112
2782 Majhakot 2849N 8157E 7,866 1,370
2783 Nayakwada 29.04N 82.33E 6,077 1,045
2784 Paink 28.93N 82.13E 4,935 854
2785 Pajaru 28.80N 82.06E 7,163 1,244
2786 Ragda 28.93N 82.44E 4,085 772
2787 Ramidanda 28.92N 82.24E 2,429 445
2788 Rokayagaun 29.02N 82.18E 3,385 572
2789 Sakala 28.93N 82.36E 6,192 1,031
2790 Salma 28.73N 81.94E 6,297 1,048
2791 Sima 28.66N 81.95E 5,275 939

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2792 Suwanauli 28.78N 81.98E 2,926 516
2793 Talegaun 28.83N 82.10E 3,183 543
2794 Thala Raikar 28.70N 81.88E 4,661 788
Khalanga 28.73N 82.22E 12,186 2,523
Jagatipur 28.65N 82.16E 7,279 1,441
Punama 28.71N 82.13E 7,917 1,495
Bhoor 28.66N 82.10E 6,133 1,131
Institutional 1,198 4

9.3. District Maps & Location Photo (Source: Maps, MOFA&LD)

The district maps & Location Photo for package A are included for the reference in Figure 9.3

Figure 9.3a Map of Mugu District

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Figure 9.3b Map of Humla District

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The district maps for package B are included for the reference in Figure 9.4 (a-c).

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Figure 9.4a Map of Dolpa District

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Figure 9.4b Map of Jumla District

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Figure 9.4c Map of Kalikot District

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The district maps are included for the reference in Figure 9.5 (a-d).

Figure 9.5a Map of Rukum District

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Figure 9.5b Map of Jajarkot District

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Figure 9.5d Map of Dailekh District

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Road and Transportation in the Districts of Province # 6

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Karnali Highway 52 Hrs from Surkhet to Jumla

Phoksindo Lake Dolpa

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Dolpa Yak Caravan

Way to Kalikot

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Manma, Kalikot
District Jajarkot:

Jajarkot Village.html

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District Salyan:

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District Surkhet:
Ma V School, Maleta

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Technical Specifications
The Applicant shall install broadband network in all 8 Districts of Province 6 and provide
broadband connectivity with minimum of 512 Kbps scalable to 1Mbps on demand in each village
development committee office, publiceducational institutions and health center/post in each
VDC/MDC. The successful Applicant may developits own network or use rented or leased
services from any other existing operators technology and services using mainly optical fiber
(underground/aerial/ADSS/OPGW) and or lightweight, thin, rodent proof and robust submarine
optical cables. The SLO may deploy, where optical fiber cannot be deployes due to compelling
reasons, essential Radio Relay point to point or point to multi point (PMP) or wifi or IPCDMA
or WiMax or 3G or 4G or ADSL or VSAT or combination of any of these technologiesto provide
broadband connectivity services. In case of lease or rented services, the Applicant shall take
assurance from the service provider to provide the service for the minimm period of next five
The purpose of broadband network is to provide broadband connectivity service with minimum
of 512 Kbps scalable to 1Mbps in each village/municipal development committee office,
publiceducational institutions and health center/post in each VDC/MDC.
This annex is prepared to provide mnimum technical specification of different types of Access
technology and media to provide broadband network. Each successful Applicant shall meet
mnimum of all the availability or key indicating parameters as listed in this Annex.
The Applicant shall provide detailed technical specifications of each Access media and
tehcnology/(s) based on their proposed broadband network.

10.1 Optical Fiber Cables

Particulars of Technical Requirements
10.1.1 General
This specification deals with different sizes of Single Mode Optical Fibre (duct cable),
Single Mode Optical Fibre (ADSS) cables complying with ITU-T rec. G.652D (latest)
and other relevant ITU-T recommendations, and lightweight, thin and robust rodent
protected Surface layed/submerged/direct buried/aerial submersible type optical
cables complying with ITU-T L1700 andITU-T L Supplement 22 (04/2016) and
enclosures, ODF and OTB to be used in various areas of Nepal.
10.1.2 Cable Life
The fibre and cable shall be designed for a life expectancy of at least thirty (30) years
without serious degradation of the performance or reliability when maintained in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and when operated in the
environmental condition of Nepal.
10.1.3 Cable Construction
a) Fibre
The fibres shall be made from high-grade silica or compound glass.
The geometric and optical properties of the fibre shall be in accordance with table
8.6-9.5 0.6 (ITU-T
Mode field diameter (m) at 1310 nm
Cladding diameter (m) 125 1

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Maximum mode field /core concentricity error (m) 0.8
Coating diameter (m) 245 10
Maximum Cladding non-circularity 2%
Maximum cut-off wavelength (nm) 1260
0min 1300 nm
Chromatic dispersion co-efficient 0min 1324 nm
S0max 0.093 ps/nm2 x km
Maximum attenuation range at 1310 nm/1550 nm 0.38/0.2 dB/km
Cable Attributes
Attenuation coefficient maximum at 1310 and 1550 nm 0.4 dB/km and 0.35 dB/km
M 20 Cables
Q 0.01%
PMD Coefficient
Maximum PMDQ 0.20
b) The loss increase of 100 turns of fibre, loosely wound with a 300 mm radius
shall be less than 0.5 dB at wavelengths of 1310/1550 nm.
c) A PMD link design value, PMDQ, which serves as a statistical upper bound for
the PMD coefficient of the concatenated optical fibre cables shall be supplied.
d) The nominal operating wavelength of the systems in this project shall be 1310
nm, (within the Province of 1280-1330 nm). The fibres shall be able to support
future systems in the 1550 nm Province.
e) Coating: A dual protective Ultra Violet (UV) curable primary coating or
similar quality alternative materials shall be applied to the fiber. Removal of
the primary coating for the jointing shall be achieved without the use of
chemicals. A simple mechanical operation shall be sufficient to prepare the
fiber for jointing.
10.1.4 Loose Tube
The Maximum no. of fibres that shall be put in a loose plastic tube of different size of
Optical Fibre Cable is as followed:
Maximum no. of Fibre that shall
Size of OFC Type of OFC
be put inside loose tube of OFC
Duct or directly
48 Fibre cable Upto 48
Duct or directly
24 Fibre cable Upto 24
24/12/8 Fibre Submersible Aerial
cable From 8 to 12 to 24
The space inside the tube shall be filled with gel. And fibers shall be loose
10.1.5 Filling Compound
All spaces within the cable shall be filled to prevent the ingress or flow of moisture.
The water-blocking compound shall be compatible with all other cable components
and shall not cause deterioration or damage to any part of the cable. The compound
shall be dermatologically safe. The viscosity of the compound must be low enough to
allow free movement of the fibre. It shall be easily removable from the fibre by wiping.

10.1.6 Core Wrapping

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After application of water-resistant compound, at least one close helical or longitudinal
application of non-hygroscopic and non-wicking plastic tape shall be applied over the
cable core. The inside and outside of the core wrapping tape/ water-blocking tape (for
a dry core cable design) shall be flooded with the same compound.
10.1.7 Moisture Barrier
a) Duct Cable
Electrolytic chrome coated steel tape with a longitudinal overlap, coated with
polyethylene / co-polymer on both sides shall be applied throughout the cable core.
The corrugated steel tape shall be sealed and bonded to the inner surface of the
polyethylene sheath extended over it. The tape shall be electrically continuous
throughout the length.

10.1.8 Sheath
a) The cable shall be sheathed with polyethylene in accordance with the
requirements of BS 6234-1987.
b) The sheath shall be free of pinholes, joints and other defects. It shall be circular
in shape. Thermoplastic cylinder may be used as filler for circular core
10.1.9 Strength Members
a) Central Strength Member
All types of cables shall have one solid galvanized steel wire as central strength
member. The loose tubes shall be placed around the central strength member.

b) Messenger wire for Aerial Cable

Aerial cable shall contain a messenger wire of high tensile galvanised steel strand
wires. The messenger wire must have seven wires, six of them stranded around central
10.1.10 Cable Constructional Requirements
a) Optical Fiber Cables
Construction and mechanical requirements of the duct cable shall be as per ITU-T
L1700 and ITU-T L supplement 22 or equivalent.

b) Color Code
The color code for the identification of fibre & loose tube shall be in the following

Fibre No. Color Fibre No. Color

1 Blue 7 Orange
2 White 8 Black
3 Yellow 9 Pink
4 Green 10 Violet
5 Grey 11 Brown
6 Red 12 Aqua

10.1.11 Tests
Tests on the finished cables shall be made to prove compliance with all requirements of
this specification. There shall be a guarantee that the materials used for production of
the fibers and coating shall be of the same origin for all cables. Combination of fibres
and coating from different suppliers is not acceptable.

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10.1.12 Tests For Geometrical, Optical & Transmission Characteristics
a) Geometric tests shall include the following :
Mode field diameter
Cladding diameter
Mode field concentricity
Cladding non-circularity
Primary coating diameter
b) For each production length, to be delivered in Nepal, the following
measurements shall be performed and random sampling shall be provided:

Attenuation at 1310 nm and 1550 nm.

Chromatic dispersion at 1310 nm and 1550 nm.
10.1.13 Mechanical Test
a) The following mechanical tests shall be carried out on the cables as per ITU (T)
Tensile performance
Repeated bending
Cable bend
b) The construction of protective cover of the cable shall be of good engineering
practices with respect to:
Air tightness
Resistance to water penetration
Flexibility within a temperature range of 5 c to + 50 C
Mechanical stability
Chemical resistance
Small diameter, light weight
c) Conditions of measurement and test
All the measurements shall be carried out at a temperature of 20 + 5C.
10.1.14 Cable Drum Information
a) The cable shall be coiled on metallic or synthetic drum, the size of which
shall conform to those given in table below.
Barrel Overall Width
Flange Internal spindle
Diameter Of Drum
Diameter (mm) hole dia. (mm)
(mm) (mm)
Minimum 900 385 500 85
Maximum 2200 1400 1200 -
b) Strong battens shall be fixed on to the circumference of the flanges of the drum
so as to protect cable from damage during transportation and storage.
10.1.17 Optical Distribution Frame (ODF)/Termination Box
All the new fibre ends shall be terminated in ODF/Termination Box.
10.1.18 Optical Distribution Frame (ODF)
ODF to be installed shall of rack system possessing with following characteristics :

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a) Modular design with easy installation.
b) Splice and Distribution Module with capacity of sufficient ports with FC
c) Optimal arrangement for patch cords with fiber storage units.
d) Reliable holding, protection and grounding of optical cables.
10.1.19 Environmental Conditions: The Optical Fiber cable and Accessories shall be capable
of maintaining its performance for 24 hours daily throughout the year under the
following climatological conditions.

(a) Temperature : -10 degree C to +55 degree C

(b) Humidity :RH up to 100% @ 0 - 35C & up to 75% @ above 40C.

(c) Altitude : At any altitude up to 5000 m above sea level.

(d) Ultraviolet Ray :OFC shall not be affected by ultraviolet ray exposure.
10.1.20 Laying of PL-HDPE and Underground Optical Fiber Cable (UG Cable)

Laying of PL-HDPE:
i. The duct shall be made up of PL-HDPE (Permanently Lubricated High
Density Polyethelene).
ii. Usage of such ducts shall permit the installation of cable into ducts by
Blowing Technology.
iii. The duct shall be joined by means of suitable Plastic Couples to ensure
durable water and airtight joints, using 'O' ring.
iv. In places like bridges, culverts, under rivers, inside pits, canals, rain washable
areas, heavy vehicle traffic passing areas etc., the duct shall be made up of GI
(Galvanized Iron) pipe.
10.1.21 Construction Standards
Construction Standards shall be as per ITU-T recommendation G.652. and ITU-T1700
and ITU-T L Supplement 22 (04/2016) as applicable to the type of Cable used
10.1.22 Design and Mechanical Construction of submersible type armoured Cable
It shall confirm with the specifications ITU-T1700 and ITU-T L Supplement
22 (04/2016)

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S.N. Particulars of Technical Requirements

The fibers shall be made from high-grade germanium doped silica glass or compound
glass. It shall have a primary coating made of silicon or similar material. The fiber shall
be dual-window single mode type.The geometric and optical properties of the fiber
shall be in accordance with table below.
Mode field diameter (m) at 1310 nm 9~10 10 % (ITU-T rec.G652D)
Cladding diameter (m) 125 1
Maximum Core concentricity error (m) 0.6
Coating diameter (m) 245 5
Maximum Cladding Non-circularity 1%
Maximum cut-off wavelength (nm) 1260
Maximum chromatic dispersion at 1310 nm 3.5 ps/
Maximum attenuation range dB/km at
1310/1550 nm 0.35/0.2
Macro bend Loss @ 1310 nm (75 2 mm dia Mandrel),
100 turns; Attenuation Rise 0.05 dB
@ 1550 nm (301 mm radius
Mandrel), 100 turns; Attenuation Rise
0.05 dB
Proof Test Level 0.69 Gpa
Chromatic Dispersion; 18 ps/(nm x km) @ 1550 nm
3.5 ps/(nm x km) 1288-1339nm
5.3 ps/(nm x km) 1271-1360nm
Zero Dispersion Wavelength: 1300 to 1324nm
Zero Dispersion Slope: 0.092 ps/nm2 km
Polarization mode dispersion coefficient 0.2 ps/km
Induced attenuation 0.05 dB (-60C-
Temperature Dependence:
10.2.2 The loss increase of 100 turns of fiber, loosely wound with a 37.5 mm radius shall be
less than 0.05 dB at wavelengths of 1310 nm.
10.2.3 The offered cables shall be used for SDH, IP L2/L3 switches and routers operating up
to a bit rate of 100 Gbps.
10.2.4 The nominal operating wavelength of the systems in this project shall be 1310 nm,
(within the Province of 1280-1330 nm). The fibers shall be able to support in the 1550
nm and DWDM wavelength Province. The Bidder shall supply full details of the fiber
performance at the wavelengths.
10.2.5 A dual protective Ultra Violet (UV) curable primary coating shall be applied to the
fiber. An alternate offer with similar materials with details regarding its performance
may be proposed.
10.2.6 Fibers inside the cable must not contain any factory splices. Further, Fibers of different
manufacturers must not be used in the same cable. The fiber coating shall be strippable
for splicing and termination.
10.2.7 The fiber and loose tube color coding shall be as follows:
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S.N. Particulars of Technical Requirements
Fiber No. Color Loose Tube No. Color
1 Blue 1 Blue
2 White 2 White
3 Yellow 3 Yellow
4 Green 4 Green
5 Grey 5 Grey
6 Red 6 Red
7 Orange
8 Black

10.2.8 Tests for Geometrical, Optical & Transmission Characteristics

Tests on the finished cables shall be made to prove compliance with all requirements of
this specification.All the measurements shall be carried out at a temperature of 20 + 5 C.
If measurement is done at different temperature, the result shall be corrected to 20C.

10.2.9 ADSS optical fiber cable supplied shall be used for hanging on 132KV, 66KV, 33KV,
11KV existing power towers/poles and new poles as per requirements found during detail
survey and design.
10.2.10 Optical cable shall be designed, manufactured and packed to ensure to be able to stand
Nepalese environment during process of storage, transportation, installation and
operation such as air temperature variation from -25 o C ~ +55 o C, direct sun radiation
may increase the outside temperature to 55 o C and in flooded environment or place where
insect and rodent may injure the cable, wind pressure of 47 m/s for area below 3000 m
altitude and 55 m/s for area above 3000 m altitude as per Nepal National Building
Code (NBC)104:1994.
Study of the local environmental condition of the respective areas is recommended.
10.2.11 All Dielectric Self-Supporting Cable, (ADSS) Construction

Design of cable from core to skin shall be as follows:

a) Center strength member (CSM) shall be made from non-metallic materials.
b) Loose buffer tube filling compound to protect the fibers in the loose tube
against water ingress and vibration, this compound must enable optical fibers
move easily in the tube.
c) Loose buffer tube shall be made from Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT),
colored distinguished between loose buffer tubes and filled by filling
d) Fillers and Loose tubes shall be arranged round CSM according to the reverse
lay method (SZ). Fillers with neuter color shall be used to distinguish with
loose buffer tubes.
e) After application of fillers, at least one helical or longitudinal application of
non-hygroscopic and non-wicking plastic tape shall be applied over the cable
core. The inside and outside of the cable core shall be flooded with the same
water-proof compound.
f) The inner jacket shall be of MDPE as per the latest relevant BS standards.
g) Peripheral strength member shall be made from aramide yarns with high
straining intensity and low stretching capacity.
h) HDPE outer jacket shall be able to sustain high electric field.

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S.N. Particulars of Technical Requirements
10.2.12 Lightweight, thin and robust rodent protected Surface layed/submerged/direct
buried/aerial submersible type optical cables (ITU-T Series L Supplement 22

10.2.13 Cable Types

a) ADSS cable for 11/33KV 100m span 6/12/24/48 core
Description Technical Requirement
ADSS cable
Span length 100m
Lifetime 30 years

Dielectric central strength member diameter 2.0 mm

Strengthening layer Kevlar Cross section Area 5.5mm2

Rated Tensile Strength 9 kN

Maximum allowable Tension 3.6 kN

Every day Stress 2.25 kN

Applied Load Crush Resistance 2 kN/100mm

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S.N. Particulars of Technical Requirements
20 times of diameter of
Allowed Bending Radius

Inner jacket thickness 1.0 mm

Outer jacket thickness 1.5 mm

Cable weight 100 -125 kg/km

Fiber length in the cable compared to the cable length 1%
b) ADSS cable for 11/33KV 200m span 12/24/48core
Description Technical Requirement
ADSS cable
Span length 200m
Lifetime 30 years
Dielectric central strength member diameter 2.0 mm
Strengthening layer Kevlar -Cross section Area 7 mm2

Rated Tensile Strength 15 kN

Maximum allowable Tension 6 kN

Every day Stress 3.5 kN

Applied Load Crush Resistance 2 kN/100mm

Allowed Bending Radius 20 times of cable diameter

Inner jacket thickness 1.0 mm

Outer jacket thickness 1.5 mm
Cable weight 115 -140 kg/km
Fiber length in the cable compare with the cable length 1%
c) ADSS cable for 11/33KV 300m span 12/24/48core
Description Technical Requirement
ADSS cable
Span length 300m
Lifetime 30 years

Dielectric central strength member diameter 2.0 mm

Strengthening layer Kevlar - Cross section Area 11mm2

Rated Tensile Strength 18 kN

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S.N. Particulars of Technical Requirements
Maximum allowable Tension 7 kN

Every day Stress 4.5 kN

Applied Load Crush Resistance 2 kN/100mm

Allowed Bending Radius 20 times of cable diameter

Inner jacket thickness 1.0 mm

Outer jacket thickness 1.5 mm
Cable weight 115 -150 kg/km
Fiber length in the cable compare with the cable length 1%
d) ADSS cable for 11/33KV 500m span 24/48core
Description Technical Requirement
ADSS cable
Span length 500m
Lifetime 30 years

Dielectric central strength member diameter 2.0 mm

Strengthening layer Kevlar - Cross section Area 17mm2

Rated Tensile Strength 27 kN

Maximum allowable Tension 10.5 kN

Every day Stress 6.5 kN

Applied Load Crush Resistance 2 kN/100mm

Allowed Bending Radius 20 times of diameter

Inner jacket thickness 1.0 mm

Outer jacket thickness 1.5 mm
Cable weight 120 -150 kg/km
Fiber length in the cable compare with the cable length 1%
e) ADSS cable for 11/33KV 1000m span 24core
Description Technical Requirement
ADSS cable
Span length 1000m
Lifetime 30 years
Dielectric central strength member diameter 2.0 mm

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S.N. Particulars of Technical Requirements
Strengthen layer Kevlar -Cross section Area 39mm2

Rated Tensile Strength 62 kN

Maximum allowable Tension 25 kN
Every day Stress 16 kN
Applied Load Crush Resistance 2 kN/100mm
Allowed Bending Radius 20 times of diameter
Inner jacket thickness 1.0 mm
Outer jacket thickness 1.5 mm
Cable weight 130 -170 kg/km
Fiber length in the cable compare with the cable length 1%
10.2.14 Optical Distribution Frame (ODF)/ Optical Termination Box(OTB)
a) Optical Distribution Frame (ODF)
All the fiber ends shall be terminated in ODF/OTB. ODF to be installed in each district
head quarter shall be of rack system with following characteristics :

b) Termination Box
Termination boxes shall be wall mountable with keyway entry access.
Shall be able to accommodate with FC adapter.
Grounding arrangements with grounding materials shall be provided to ground
metallic parts of OFC and termination box to the existing station earth.

10.2.15 Outdoor Splicing Box (Closure)

The closure shall be made of materials that are fire and chemical resistant and are
mechanically strong (shall not break or deform when falling from a height of at-
least 5m on hard cement surface).

10.2.16 Any other required accessories shall need to be supplied.

10.2.17 Poles and Tower
Specification of 7.5m, 9m and 12m poles are listed below for a reference. However,
required pole size and strength shall be finalized by the SLO after detailed survey and
design wherever necessary. They are welcome to use existing poles, mast/towers of
any utilities services wherever available. However, Applicant shall be responsible to
arrange such available facilities and bear all expenses. Applicant may also propose 7.5
or 9 or 12 m of poles wherever underground cable is not technically viable and
poles/towers of other utilities are not available.

10.2.18 Galvanized Steel Pole (7.5m)

a)Scope: The steel poles, single piece telescopic type, are used in conjunction with pole
accessories for supporting ADSS/Aerial cable

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S.N. Particulars of Technical Requirements
b) Reference
The pole shall meet the following standard specification:
-Steel tube and base plate for pole : ISO/630
- Hot dip galvanizing : BS-729

c) Detailed requirements for steel poles, base plate and top cap
The telescopic pole shall be made of only one single length tapered steel tube.
All the tubes and base plate shall be made of steel as per ISO 630 grade Fe 430
B or nearest equivalent grade in other standard.
The outer and inner surface of the pole including with base plate shall be hot
dip galvanized as per BS 729 with minimum layer thickness of galvanization
being 450 gm/sq-m.
The thickness of the section of steel tubes shall range between 2 mm and 3 mm.
The jointing process in the pole for seam welding shall be performed by either
high frequency welding method or arc welding (preferably submerged arc
welding) method. The joint thus formed by arc welding shall be uniform and
smooth. The mechanical characteristic in the welded part shall be at least
equivalent to those of the base metal.

d) The poles shall be supplied with following properties:

Pole size of 7.5 meters shall have the total length of 7500 mm +2%. The pole
shall withstand minimum horizontal load of 365 Kg applied at 50 cm from the
top of the pole and a wind pressure of 110 Kg/sq m applied on the pole without
permanent deformation and without the application of stay. The minimum
breaking load of this pole shall be 520 KgF when applied at 50 cm from the
The top end diameter of the pole shall be between 100 mm and 125 mm and
the bottom end diameter shall be between 185 mm and 250 mm. Any additional
tolerance on diameters shall not be acceptable and shall be rejected.
The outer surface of the steel tube between 1000 mm and 1900 mm for pole
size 7.5 meters, from the bottom shall be coated all around with anti corrosive
paint, which shall be tar epoxy type or equivalent.
A non-metallic or metallic cap with material thickness of 2 mm to 3 mm shall be
provided to fix on the top of pole. The cap shall be of press fitted type.
10.2.19 Galvanized Steel Pole ( 9 m and 12 m)
a) Scope
The pole shall be of the tubular type.
b) Reference
This shall meet the following standard specification:
Steel tube and base plate for pole : ISO/630
Hot dip galvanizing : BS-729
c) Technical Specification of Galvanized Steel Pole
All the tubes and base plate shall be made of steel as per ISO 630 grade Fe 430 B or
nearest equivalent grade in other standard.
The outer and inner surface of the pole including with base plate shall be hot dip
galvanized as per BS 729 with minimum layer thickness of galvanization being 450
Dimension of the Poles Pole (9 m) Pole (12 m)

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S.N. Particulars of Technical Requirements
Overall Length 9m 12 m
Planting Length 1.5 m 2.0 m
Sections Length (m)
Top (h1) 2 3
Middle (h2) 2 3
Bottom (h3) 5 6
Outside Diameter (mm)
Top (h1) 114.3 114.3
Middle (h2) 139.7 139.7
Bottom (h3) 165.1 165.1
Thickness (mm)
Top (h1) 3.65 3.65
Middle (h2) 4.5 4.5
Bottom (h3) 4.5 4.5
Approximate Weight (Kg) 147 195
Crippling Load Kgf 367 367
Application Load from Top of the Pole (m) 0.3 0.6
10.2.20 Construction
a) Pole Clearance: All types of ADSS shall have minimum of 7 m clearance from
the point of lowest sag.
b) Pole Material: Suitable Poles/Mast/Tower shall be of galvanized steel and/or
concrete with adequate strength and Installation Practice as well as other
Pole/Mast/Tower quality features shall be of applicable well known
International Standard such as BS (British Standard), IS (Indian Standard), ITU
c) Any structures of NEA for the Optical on Ground Wire (OPGW) are also
acceptable standard wherever OPGW route is proposed.

10.3 Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)

10.3.1 Introduction
The Applicant shall propose its own or rented/lease optical fiber based high capacity
DWDM network to carry router/switch/SDH traffic as well as DWDM lambda traffic
from other DWDM equipment. It shall support NGN (C4/C5) VoIP services and TDM
voice traffic.

10.3.2 DWDM shall support MPLS Services, MPLS CoS, MPLS VPN, MPLS TE
Layer 2 VPN (managed and unmanaged) Services
Layer 3 VPN (managed and unmanaged) Services
VPLS Services
Metro Ethernet Services
Remote Access to MPLS VPN- IPSec, Secure Socket Layer (SSL
VPN), IP Tunneling, GRE
Inter AS VPN and Carriers Carrier Services

10.3.3 The DWDM equipment shall be able to carry the traffic from the supplied routers and
MPLS switches as well as carry the existing SDH and Ethernet traffic.

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10.3.4 Full Bandwidth management features for various traffic of converged services
including, but not limited to:-
MPLS Traffic engineering (TE-FRR, RSVP-TE, ISIS-TE, OSPF-TE)
QoS/CoS (DSCP-802.1p mapping, DSCP-EXP bit)
Bandwidth Management Control (Policing, Shaping)
Bandwidth granularity (on the fly)
Secured Control Plane
Full IPv6 compliance
IP wholesale services to ISPs, ASPs and NSPs (Carrier Support Carrier)
Secured Internet Access with protection from DDoS
Multicast services (e.g IPTV)
Transparent LAN Services.
Video conferencing services both residential and commercial

10.3.5 The network shall be based on DWDM equipment.

10.3.6 Optical source protection

Laser optical source if used should be automatically switched off (ALS) in case of load
is disconnected from transmitter. This option should be guaranteed by system software
as per ITU-T Recommendation G.958 and/or ITU-T Series L Supplement 22 (04/2016)
10.3.7 The equipment shall provide necessary air circulation inside itself (air-cooled type).

10.3.8 All the equipment shall be treated to resist corrosion and growth of fungus.

10.3.9 The offered equipment shall have carrier-grade resilience features including, but not
limited to, the following:
Modular, chassis-based, rack-mountable system with no single point of
Resilient architecture with 1+1 sparing for all system modules
Link aggregation for link resilience and load balancing

10.3.10 The backplane architecture of the equipment shall be modular and scalable in nature.

10.3.11 The equipment shall have consistent performance on Round the Clock Round the
Year basis under the following operating environmental conditions:
Temperature: -5C to 40 C nominal and -20C to +50 C short term
Humidity: Up to 95%
Dusty: Dusty environment during dry season
Altitude: Up to 4000 meter above sea level

10.3.12 Architecture
Network Processor based: The offered equipment shall have network processor
(with memory) based architecture.
Distributed Architecture: The offered equipment shall have distributed
architecture for high processing capability and failover redundancy of
processing and packet forwarding. The details shall be provided by the supplier.

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Processor Redundancy Feature: The offered equipment shall be equipped with
processor in 1+1 hot standby mode to ensure high-availability of the system. The
equipment, in the event of failure of any one processor, should automatically
switchover to the redundant processor without dropping any traffic. There
should not be any impact on the performance in the event of active processing
engine failure.

10.3.13 Power supply

All the offered equipment shall work on -48V DC dual-power supply systems.
All the offered equipment shall have 1+1 power supply redundancy protection
Adequate protective devices and alarms shall be provided to protect the system
from any damage caused due to surge, high voltage, and high current or

10.3.7 Interfaces:
Ethernet Interfaces:
The equipment shall support following SFP/XFP interfaces (single mode) in
the equipment side:
LAN/WAN Gigabit Ethernet (GE) Interface
LAN/WAN 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10 GE) Interface
LAN/WAN 100 Gigabit Ethernet (100 GE) Interface
Other standard interface
10.3.8 References and Protection
a) It shall fully comply with ITU-T Rec. G.692 / G.694.1 / G.694.2. and/or ITU-
T1700 and ITU-T L Supplement 22 (04/2016
b) It shall support G.652 fiber type.
c) The conversion between equipment side (client-side) signal wavelengths and
ITU-T G.692 compliant standard wavelengths shall be possible.
d) It shall support point-to-point, ring, mesh and add-drop topology with
Protocol Transparent transmission.
e) It shall have in-built capability to support standard CWDM/DWDM client
f) The equipment shall have 1:1 redundancy for the major cards (control cards)
and N:1 shared redundancy for the other cards and N+1 protection for Line

10.3.9 High availability features:

a) All the equipment shall have 1+1 redundancy in control card.
b) The equipment shall have 1+1 redundancy in switch/ cross-connection fabric.
c) Any disruption in the control plane (for connection management), which will
cause a switch-over to the standby control module, shall not affect forwarding
of data in the line card, hence no performance implications shall be present on
the failure of any individual component.
10.3.10 Network management System
The Network Management System (NMS) client/server based shall provide full
featured management and control of all the offered network elements. The NMS shall
include the functionality of system configuration, network monitoring, alarm
management, data acquisition for analog monitoring, performance monitoring,
reporting, housekeeping etc.

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a) The offered NMS server shall have UNIX/Linux operating platform.
b) The offered NMS system shall support management at least 100 DWDM
nodes , as the network grows and expands in the future.
c) The proposed NMS system shall provide a central management platform to
provision, manage and control the whole network.
d) The proposed NMS system shall view the whole network topology to show
real-time running status.
e) The proposed NMS shall monitor, in real-time, the network performance
indices and customized performance monitor indices.
f) The proposed NMS system shall employ a Graphical User Interface that
allows users to manage the network through a multilevel window. (i.e.
Network and Sub networks Maps window).
g) The proposed NMS system shall have the functionality of standard-based
methods of management access including Local Craft Terminal (LCT), CLI,
Telnet, console, SNMP v1/v2/v3/RMON1/2/3/9, web-based management
features, system logging and alarms, in addition to providing a GUI-interface
with drag-drop functionality.
h) The proposed NMS system shall have the functionality of standard-based
methods of management access including Local Craft Terminal (LCT), CLI,
Telnet, console, SNMP v1/v2/v3/RMON1/2/3/9, web-based management
features, system logging and alarms, in addition to providing a GUI-interface
with drag-drop functionality.
i) The proposed NMS shall have the ability to perform remote inventory

10.4 Routers
10.4.1 The SLO shall deploy or rent/lease IP/MPLS Backbone and associated equipment with
high capacity router with suitable interfaces,
10.4.2 Power Supply
a) All the equipment shall work on -48V DC or AC power supply.
b) All the equipment shall have 1+1 power supply redundancy protection

10.4.3 The router shall have 1+1 redundancy in control card, switching fabrics. Physically
separated fabric and control card is preferred for reliability.

10.4.4 a) The router shall support inter-slot and intra-slot Ethernet Link Aggregation
based on IEEE 802.3ad.
b) The router shall have Non Stop Forwarding with GR (Graceful Restart) or
Non-Stop Routing (Stateful Failover) for BGP, OSPF and LDP.
c) The router shall support Bi-Direction Forwarding Detection (BFD).
d) The router shall have support for Fast Reroute (FRR).

10.4.5 Ethernet Interfaces:

The equipment shall support SFP/XFP/SFP+/QSFP+ interfaces (single mode): GE

and higher
10.4.6 Other Features
a) The router shall support the IPv6 related features
b) The router shall support RADIUS authentication for administrative users.

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c) The router shall support MD5 as per RFC 1321 for RIP, OSPF, IS-IS and
d) The equipment shall guarantee 99.999% availability of all the active parts.

10.4.7 Minimum Number of Service Slots: up to 16 (each slot supporting minimum 100
Gbps (Full Duplex))
Minimum Switching Capacity: up to 3.20 Tbps or higher
Switching Card, Control Card and Power Module at least in 1+1
The router shall support SNMP v1, v2, v3.

10.4.8 NMS
The router shall support command line and NMS based configuration management.
a) The Network Management System (NMS) shall provide full featured
management and control of all the offered network elements (for the
b) The NMS shall include the functionality of system configuration,
network monitoring, alarm management, data acquisition for analog
monitoring, performance monitoring, reporting, housekeeping etc.
c) All other features shall be similar to the NMS of DWDM.

10.5 Network Availability Criteria

The overall Network Availability Criteria shall be 99.95% and 98.50% of the time for
accessible and none accessible areas by vehicle respectively.
10.5.1 Mean Time to Store
Mean Time to Restore (MTTR) shall be different for Hilly/Mountainous area and Plain
area as it depends on the efficiency of the transport facilities in those Provinces. The
physical movement is much slower in hilly/mountainous area in comparison to plain
area. MTTR shall be as mentioned below for mountainous, hilly and plain area.
Mountainous Area -72 hours
Hilly Area -24 hours
Plain Area -12 hours
Accessible Area -6 hours (12 months accessed by vehicle with black top road)
10.5.2 Bit Error Rate (BER)
BER shal not be greater than 10-11
10.5.3 Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
Operation and Maintenance of the network shall be controlled and performed by an
operating system. It is required that DWDM/Router network element is managed
according to Telecommunication managing Network rules.
10.5.4 Power Supply
All equipment racks shall be supplied with direct current source having indicating
voltage at -48V with positive pole grounded.
All equipment parameters should be normal if voltage ranges varies within 10%.

10.5.5 Earthing System

The earth resistance shall be <2 ohm nominally however, in dry and rocky area up to
10 ohm may be acceptable.

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Grounding way shall be compliant with ETS 300 253 standard

10.5.6 Service Availability

The SLO shall ensure that the optical fibre network is available 24hrs a day throughout
a year to its customers.

10.5.7 Service Obligation

The SLO shall ensure that the services are made available through the installation,
activation and operation of optical access network lines through shared or dedicated
leased optical cable to its customers that shall be retained and continued throughout the
period of the authorization validity. The SLO must provide the 25% of the fibre
installed or upgraded through subsidy to its customers at NTAs discretion.

10.5.8 Failure to meet service quality and availability obligations

The failure of the SLO to meet the obligations specified in this section shall result in
the imposition of penalties for breach of contract and Authorization conditions and
other applicable penalties stipulated in the Act. However, the penalties shall not apply
if the failure results solely from an event of force majeure.

10.6 WiFi Hotspot

10.6.1 General
The WiFi Hotspot AP shall be connected to Hotspot Server via Optical, MW, PMP or
WBA backhaul to deliver Hotspot solution across the serving Provinces.

10.6.2 Radio Specifications

a)Frequency Band: The operating frequency shall be 2.472 to 2.462 GHz also known
as 2.4GHz ISM band.Backhauling shall be done using WiMAX CPE.
b)Typical transmit power shall be between 22-26 dBm with Tolerance +/- 1 dB
c) Receiver Sensitivity >-94dBm for 802.11g and >-97dBm for 802.11b with
Tolerance +/-1 dB
d) Channel Bandwidth shall be 5/10/20 MHz
e) The WiFi Hotspot AP shall have at least 16MB RAM and 4 MB FLASH.
f) The power supply shall be 12V and shall have IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet
(PoE) compliant.
10.6.3 Network Standard
a)It shall work as per IEEE 802.11b/g standards
b) It shall support data rates of 1, 2, 5.5 and 11 Mbps in 802.11b
c) It shall support data rates of 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 54 Mbps in 802.11g
d) Networking interface shall be 10/100 BASE Tx (Cat.5, RJ-45) Ethernet Interface
10.6.4 Modulation
The modulation techniques shall be OFDM, DSSS, CCK, QPSK, BPSK, DBPSK,
DQPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM or better.
10.6.5 Antenna
a)It shall
have directional antenna of at least 10dBi inbuilt for long haul and atleast 7
dBi for omnidirectional antenna for short hauls.
b) The H-beam of directional antenna shall be 90-120 or better.

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c) There shall be provision to select internal inbuilt antenna and external high gain
antenna by physical switch or software.
d) Polarity shall be multi polarized and the polarization selection shall be software
e) All the Access Points shall have same standard RP-SMA connector or better.
10.6.6 Firmware
The offered WiFi AP shall include firmware
10.6.7 Enclosure Characteristics
The offiered enclosure shall be outdoor UV stabilized plastic or better quality material
10.6.8 Environment
Operating Temperature: -20C to +55C
Operating Humidity: 5 to 95% condensing

10.7 Point to Multipoint Backhaul Links

10.7.1 An all outdoor radio offering point to multipoint backhaul solution in any licended
bands. It shall be basedon software defined radio (SDR), robust performance with a
highly efficient operation and having excellent QoS.
10.7.2 Radio Capacity: 50 Mbps to 128 Gbps or higher

10.7.3 Modulation (Adaptive): QPSK, 8PSK, up to 1024 QAM or better

10.7.4 Power Supply: -48V DC typical (-40V to -60 V) DC with minimum power

10.7.5 Water sealing for outdoor equipment: Class IP 67 or IEC60529

10.7.6 Radio Compatibility: ETSI EN 302 326-1 V1.2.2 Annex E/ETSI EN 302 326-2
V1.2.2/ ETSI EN 302 326-3 V1.3.1/ ETSI TS 102 123

10.7.7 Tranmit Power: 10 to 30 dBm

10.7.8 Receiver Sensitivity: -80 to -90 dBm or better

10.7.9 Antenna: 10 to 36 dBi or better, directional or omni or sectoral antenna

10.7.10 Scalability: 3 to 10 terminal stations per sector or higher or 10-30 terminal stations per
repeater station.

10.7.11 Ethernet on terminal: 2 Mbps to 1 Gbps or higher

Interface: RJ45 or SFP or other better solution

10.7.12 Security: MAC security and port flooding, MAC learning enables/disable, storm
control split horizon

Electrical safety: EN60950-12006 series/ EN 50385 2002 series or equivalent

EMC/EMI: ETSI EN 301 489-4 series or equivalent

10.7.13 Synchronization: ITU-T G.8362 (Synchronous Ethernet)/ IEEE 1588V2 TC

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10.7.14 Reliability: MTBF shall be greater than 25 years

10.7.15 NMS/EMS: All terminals/stations shall be monitored by network management

system/element management system. The supplied NMS/EMS shall meet the all
requirement of section 10.4.8 of Annex 10.

10.7.16 Environment
Operating Temperature: -20C to +55C
Operating Humidity: 5 to 95% condensing

10.8 Very Small Aperature Terminal

10.8.1 Theoffered VSAT terminals shall be either its own or rented or leased from any one
or multiple of NTA licended ISP(s)/operator.
10.8.2 Capacity of each terminal port: 512Kbps to 2 Mbps or higher
10.8.3 Bands: C or Ku or Ka or other available bands
10.8.4 Antenna: 0.6m to 1.2m prefered but 2.4m is also aceptable
10.8.5 LNB: up to 500 MHz range
10.8.6 BUC: up to 1 W is prefered but 2 W is also aceptable
10.8.7 Satellite location: Any
10.8.8 Power Supply: -12VDC/24VDC/-48V DC or 20% fluctuation range or 220VAC
10.8.9 Power System: Solar or AC with 4 hours of maintenance free battery backup.

10.9 Power Supply System (PSS)

10.91 The Applicant shall provide complete power systems for all the stations of the network
having two types:
a)Site with AC power supply system: City Supply with 24 hours of battery backup
b)Site without AC power supply system: Solar power system with 48 hours of battery
10.9.2 For the solar sites, the Applicant shall provide complete solar power system with 2
days autonomy at full load power consumption. The storage system shall be deep cycle
maintenance free battery. The solar power system shall be capable of charging the fully
drained batteries within 1 sunny day.
10.9.3 Rectifiers: In order to supply continuous DC supply, the bidders are required to offer
the switch Mode power supply (SMPS) technology based Rectifier modules, DC
distributions, AC Distribution, control cubicle, and other associated installation
materials including connecting cables, runways etc. complete in all respect.

- over voltage protection: The rectifier shall shut down for the load protection if the
voltage preset value of 58V(adjustable).

- Current limitation: The rectifier must have a provision for limiting the input/output
current from 20% to 100% of the full rated load (adjustable). However the rectifier
must be capable of withstanding 110% of full rated capacity.

- rectifier modules in n+1 configuration, where n stands for no. of SMPS rectifier

- Rectifier input: Nominal AC input 22O Volt (150-280V AC), 50 HZ AC.

- Output: Nominal -48/-24/-12 V DC with 20% variations

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-AC distribution box:The AC supply for the rectifier shall be supplied from the AC
box with correct rating of fuses/circuit breaker and two spare distribution points shall
also be provided in the AC distribution box. The AC box shall be equipped with Class-
C lightning surge protectors of proper rating. Seperate Class-B Lightning arrestor set
shall be provided inaddition to Class-C Lightning arrester with each system.

- DC distribution box: The DC supply from the rectifier shall be supplied from the
DCdistribution box with correct rating of fuses/circuit breaker and two spare
distribution points shall also be provided in the DC distribution box.

10.9.4 SMPS Rectifier Capacity:

. ( )
( )= + ( )
( )

Where, CH (Charging hour)=10 hours.

CE= Charging efficiency

Daily load current shall include power consumption of all the network elements &
Transmission System.

10.9.5 Batteries: The Applicant shall provide VRLA maintenance free batteries for the sites
where AC mains are available and deep-cycle lead acid maintenance free batteries for
solar power system sites with plates of calcium alloy or better.

- The nominal voltage of each individual cell shall be 2 Volt.

- Batteries shall be designed to operate at the nominal 10-hour rate of discharge at 25

degrees C and end terminal cell voltage of 1.8 V.Discharge characteristics including
the 100, 20, 10 and 1-hour rates of discharge shall be provided.

- The batteries shall be suitable for charing by means of AC Charger/Solar Charger.

- Applicant shall mention the design life cycle of the batteries at 80 % and 20% depth
of discharge(DOD) at 25 degree centigrade.
( )
- ( )@ =
. ( )

- The Battery distribution Board: Battery bank is required at any station. The battery
banks shail be connected to the inputs of battery distribution board whose output shall
be connected to the sorar charge controiler. The Bidders shall provide all the
interconnection cables between battery to battery distribution board and battery
distribution board to solar charge controller.

10.9.6 Solar System: The Applicant shall supply Solar Power System for the broadband
Network. The Solar System shall consist of Solar Modules, Solar Array Frames, Solar
Charge Controllers, deep cycle lead acid maintenance Free Batteries, Junction Boxes,
Distribution Board, Cables and Accessories.

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Solar Module: Each solar module in the array shall be made up of crystalline cells
with conversion efficiency of over 16 % ,consist of at least 36 photovoltaic cells and
current at maximum power point rating of each module shall not be less than 7A at
peak power (watt) at 25 degrees Celsius cell temperature and lrradiance of l000
W/Sq.m. The Bidder shall provide I-V curve of solar module at cell temperatures of -
20, 0, 25 and 50 Celsius. Total sunshine hour per day shall be considered as 3.5
Hrs.The Offered PV modules shall have IEC 61215 certification ( Latest edition).

Solar Power System Design: The Bidder shall design the solar power system
considering maximumavailable sunshine hours of 3.5 hours per day for sites. Solar
panel de-rating of 25% shall be applied to cater for aging, dust collection and radiation
dispersion. The design shall be based on the following formula.

10.9.7 Solar module sizing:

( )=


Imp: module current at maximum power at 25C cell temperature(Standard Test

Condition, STC)

3.5 hrs: Average maximum sunshine hours per day.

1.25: Aging factor for aging, dust collection and radiation dispersion.

( )

( )=

Note: Daily Power Consumption shall include self-consumption ofthe regulator also.
The decimal values shall be rounded up to thenearest highest inteser.Ex: 5.02 or 5.96
shall be rounded to 6.

10.9.8 No of series solar modules(Ns)

The solar array shall consist of following number of solar modules inseries (Ns) for
different operating system voltage.

Ns= 4 for 48 volt system having 12 V panel or 2 with 24V Panel

Ns = 2 for 24 V system

Ns= 1 for 12 V system

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10.9.9 Required solar array size:

Total no. of solar array required = Ns * Np,

Where Np = Number ofarray in parallel connection.

10.9.10 Junction Box:

Weatherproof junction boxes shall be provided to interconnect thesolar arrays. All the
interconnection cablesbetween solar array and junction boxes and junction boxes and
SolarCharge Controller shall be provided.

10.9.11 Solar Charge Controller sizing:

Ic = 1.5* {Imp * Np / 0.8}


lc = Capacity of Controller

Imp = Generating current by each module at 25 deg. C.

0.8- Factor to adjust Charger efficiency and cable loss

10.9.12 Earthing System:

TheApplicant shall provide the complete earthing system for each site under this
project. Suitable design and materials shall be used to maintain the Earth Resistance to
less than 10 ohms even in dry season for the supplied earthing system.

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Sample Design: District Optical Network Topolgy:

Sample District HUMLA

Sample Route Map of HUMLA DISTRICT.

Route lengths of Optical Links: HUMLA DISTRICT

SN From To Km Terrain
1 Srinagar Kalika 5 500 m Down
2 Maila Kalika 15 1250 m Up
3 Jair Srinagar 16.25 500 m Up, 1,750 m Down then 1,250
m up; In between river
4 Gothi Rodikot 3.13 Almost same level
5 Gothi Saya (Sama) 1.88 250 m height Difference
6 Maila Madana 16.25 500 m Up, 1,000 m Down and then
1,250 m Up
7 Sarkedeu Raya 9.38 500 m Up and equal level
8 Lali Raya 2.50 1,000 m down and level
9 Raya Chipra 8.75 500 m down
10 Chipra Khurpu 1.88 500 m down
11 Chipra Simikot 6.88 1,250 m Up

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12 Simikot Syada 5.00 1,000 m Up
13 Syada Khagalgaon 6.25 approx. same level
14 Khagalgaon Muchu 22.50 500 m up down and then up
15 Muchu Limi 26.25 Along river
16 Muchu Hilsa (China Border) 21.25 1,000 m up and then down
17 Melchhap Darma 5.00 1,000 m down then 250 m up
18 Darma Mimi 1.25 1,250 m Up
19 Lali Baraigaun 5.00 1,250 m Up
20 Badagaon Thehe 4.38 750 m down
21 Lali Saya (Sama) 10.00 1,500 m up and then 1,500 m down
22 Besraigaon Saya (Sama) 5.00 1,250 m down
23 Melchhap Gothi 8.75 1,000 m down and then 750 m up
24 Sarkedeu Kalika 13.75 1,750 m up, 1,500m down and 250 m
25 Shreemastha Mimi 15.00 down 750m then almost same level
then up 500m
26 Simikot Bargaun 5.00 500m up
27 Simikot Dandafaya 2.50 up 500m
28 Syada Hepka 7.50 750m down
29 Dandafaya Syada 2.50 750m down
Total 253.75

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Sample District JUMLA
Sample Route Map of JUMLA DISTRICT.

Route lengths of Optical Links: JUMLA DISTRICT

Terrain Distanc
SN From To e in Km
1 Badki Narakot almost same level 7.5
2 Birat Malikathota all most same level 6.25
3 r Patmara down 1,500m down 10
4 Chhumchaur Patarasi all most same level 3.125
5 Dhapa Pandawagufa all most same level 2.5
6 Dillichaur Patarasi all most same level 11.25
7 Dipalgaun Chandannath all most same level 4.375
8 Garjyangkot Dipalgaun all most same level 3.75
9 Mahadev 0
10 Guthichaur Garjyangkot all most same level 6.875
11 Haku Tatopani all most same level 5.625
12 Kalikakhetu Pattharkhola 600m up 1.25
13 Kanakasundari 0
14 Kudari Rara Lihi all most same level 5

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15 Lamra Tatopani all most same level 6.25
16 Rara Lihi Mahadev all most same level 4.375
17 Pattharkhola Badki all most same level 7.5
18 Bota(Gothelwara) 0
19 Malikathota r all most same level 7.5
20 Narakot Dhapa all most same level 3.75
21 Pandawagufa Birat all most same level 3.75
22 Patarasi Guthichaur all most same level 25
23 Patmara Dillichaur 250m for 6.25 Km 12.5
24 Sanigaun Narakot 500m up for 5 km 7.5
25 Tamti Kudari all most same level 16.25
26 Tatopani Kudari all most same level 5
27 26 0
28 Chandannath Patmara 750m down 7.5
Lamra all most same level 6.875
Total (Km) 181.25

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Education and Health Center/Post of ROLPA District
S.N VDC Name of High Schools Name of Higher Secondary Health
of (English) School Center/Post
2521 Aresh Ma V Motodhara 3 Motodhara Health Post

2522 Bhawang Bageshwori Ma V 9 Health Post

2523 Bhirul
2524 Budagaun Saraswati Ma V 3 Lingdung Health Post
Jana Kalyan Ma V 1 Simpani
2525 Dhawang Himalaya Ma V Ghapa 3 Gapa Health Post
2526 Dubaring Rastiya Ma V Dubring 4 Health Post
2527 Dubidanda Bhimsen Ma V 1 Saibang Health Post
2528 Eriwang Janata Ma V Bagmara 9
2529 Fagaam Ne Ra Ma V Tharpudhara 6 Health Post
2530 Gaam Janata Ma V Thulogaam 5 Health Post
2531 Gairigaun Gobinda Ma V 3 Dumla Health Post
Birendra Ma V 6 Gang
2533 Gharti Gaun Krishna Ma V 2 Gairagaun Health Post

2534 Ghodagaun Rameshwari H S S 3 Sallipipal Health Post

2535 Gumchal Jana Jyoti Ma V 2 Mairichour Health Post
2536 Harjang Health Post
2537 Jailwang Rolwang Ma V 3 Pandhrapale Health Post
Jana Jagriti Pra V 6 Dandakhan
2538 Jaimakasala Namuna Ma V 7 Kasala
2539 Jankot Bal Udaya Ma V 1 Madichaur Health Post
2540 Jauli Padmodaya Ma V 3 Dangchot Health Post
2541 Jedwang Ma V Ranjat 8 Ranjat Rithabot Health Post
2542 Jhenam Mahendra Hss 1 Holeri Health Post
2543 Jinawang Siddhartha Ma V Birendra H S S 6 Nauli Health Post
Ghoptewodhar 3 Ghoptewadhar
2544 Jungar Siddharatna Ma V Hanjawang 4 Jana Jakriti Uchha Ma V 4
Hangjawang Nerpa
Saraswati Ma V Kaulabot 8
2545 Kareti Health Post

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2546 Khungri Tripureshwori Ma V 3 Health Post
Jyoti Prakash Ma V 9 Harigaun
2547 Korchawang Siddha Kailash Ma V 7 Health Post
2548 Kotgaun Nepal Ma V Kotgaun 3 Health Post
2549 Kureli Bal Kalyan Ma V 9 Upawang Health Post
2550 Masina Suryodaya Hss Masina 3 Masina Health Post
2551 Mijhing Suryodaya Ma V Sulichaur 7 Health Post
Chandra Prabha Ma V 6
Pokhara Dhara
2552 Nuwagaun Sukra Ma V Jhumlung 9 Araniko Hss 5 Raibang Health Post
Shiva Ma V Dwarpani 1
2553 Pachhawang Jana Jyoti Ma V Arkhola 5 Health Post
2554 Pakhapani Pakhapani Ma V Simkhola 3 Health Post
2555 Pang Health Post
2556 Rangkot Nepal Rastriya Ma V Maulabot Health Post
1 Maulabot
2557 Rangsi Janasewa Uchha Ma V Ransi 2 Health Post
2558 Rank Jivan Jyoti Ma V 6 Deul Takura Health Post
Budhi Bikas Ma V 1 Ratamata
2559 Sakhi Janakalyan Ma V 5 Sarpal PHC
2560 Seram Janasewa Ma V 1 Konadung Health Post
2561 Sirpa Gokul Ma V 1 Jogitar Health Post
2562 Siuri Health Post
2563 Talawang Talawang Ma V Talawang 3 Health Post
2564 Tewang Ne Ra Ma V Rakjyapokhara 9 Health Post
2565 Thawang Bir Bal Bhadra Uchha Ma V 4 Health Post
2566 Uwa Bhanubhakta Ma V 6 Health Post
2567 Wadachaur Gauri Shankar Ma V 3 Health Post
Baraha Chhetra Hss 4 Kilachaur
2568 Whama Bageshwori Ma V 7 Liwan Health Post
2569 Wot Ma V Meldari 6 Meldari Health Post
49 47 9 45

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Liwang N.P. Tara Ma V 7 Bamruk Bal Kalyan Uchha Ma V 5 DH, DS,
Thaliwang Health Post
Mirul Himalaya Phulbari Ma V 5 Tutu Health Post
Khumel Rastriya Ma V 4 Thapadera Health Post
Khumel Indreshwori Ma V 8
Kewari Health Post
Nerpa Health Post
Pobang Health Post
Sulichaur PHC

Coordinate, Population & Household of ROLPA District

S.N of VDC (English) Coordinates
VDCs Population Household
2521 Aresh 28.20N 82.76E 4,066 716
2522 Bhawang 28.37N 82.63E 4,065 799
2523 Bhirul
2524 Budagaun 28.30N 82.42E 6,314 1,250
2525 Dhawang 28.38N 82.68E 4,901 894
2526 Dubaring 2811N 8225E 4,537 931
2527 Dubidanda 28.17N 82.53E 4,129 883
2528 Eriwang 28.48N 82.50E 5,279 1,003
2529 Fagaam 28.34N 82.74E 3,025 562
2530 Gaam 28.38N 82.89E 4,006 787
2531 Gairigaun 4,561 938
2533 Gharti Gaun 2821N 8227E 4,633 921
2534 Ghodagaun 28.21N 82.65E 3,205 685
2535 Gumchal 28.29N 82.80E 3,815 650
2536 Harjang 28.32N 82.80E 2,396 424
2537 Jailwang 28.40N 82.74E 2,896 510
2538 Jaimakasala 28.34N 82.78E 3,020 580
2539 Jankot 28.41N 82.55E 2,853 599
2540 Jauli Pokharai 28.20N 82.60E 4,470 933
2541 Jedwang 28.24N 82.59E 3,802 737
2542 Jhenam 28.21N 82.45E 5,516 1,062
2543 Jinawang 28.41N 82.40E 5,156 979
2544 Jungar 28.33N 82.43E 5,169 1,019
2545 Kareti 28.28N 82.56E 2,365 453
2546 Khungri 28.23N 82.68E 4,168 910
2547 Korchawang 3,299 747
2548 Kotgaun 28.33N 82.56E 4,155 895
2549 Kureli 28.47N 82.59E 2,989 587

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2550 Masina 28.15N 82.58E 5,028 991
2551 Mijhing 28.24N 82.72E 7,508 1,561
2552 Nuwagaun 28.26N 82.48E 4,548 880
2553 Pachhawang 28.53N 82.51E 4,333 823
2554 Pakhapani 28.47N 82.42E 6,167 1,012
2555 Pang 28.29N 82.86E 4,567 867
2556 Rangkot 28.50N 82.57E 3,527 653
2557 Rangsi 2827N 8234E 4,650 952
2558 Rank 28.48N 82.46E 6,151 1,013
2559 Sakhi 28.23N 82.53E 2,890 615
2560 Seram 28.42N 82.85E 1,972 374
2561 Sirpa 28.23N 82.82E 7,038 1,393
2562 Siuri 28.34N 82.82E 1,720 319
2563 Talawang 28.43N 82.48E 5,180 1,048
2564 Tewang 28.23N 82.77E 3,404 625
2565 Thawang 28.48N 82.72E 4,398 937
2566 Uwa 28.45N 82.80E 3,970 741
2567 Wadachaur 28.27N 82.77E 5,815 1,068
2568 Whama 28.40N 82.59E 3,865 784
2569 Wot 28.40N 82.45E 4,409 832
Liwang N.P. 2818N 8238E 10,417 2,607
Mirul 28.46N 82.67E 2,513 494
Khumel 28.26N 82.66E 3,060 648

Institutional 3,329 22

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Figure 9.5f Map of ROLPA District

Jaljala -- The Hidden Treasure of Rolpa 20 Google +0 1 0 0

Rolpa, lying in mid western part of Nepal, is one of the most backward districts in
terms of infrastructure. However, it is regarded as one of the exciting potential
tourism destinations in the country because of its nature, culture and political history.
District headquarters Libang lies approximately 300 km west of Kathmandu. Kham
Magars are the major inhabitants of the district followed by other groups like
Brahmins, Chettris, Newars and Thakuris. Rolpa is the origin of the decade-long

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Peoples War which claimed more than 10,000 people. Jaljala is one of the popular
destinations in the district with immense tourism potentials. A detailed itinerary of a
trek to Jaljala is given below:

Day 01: Kathmandu- Sulichaur (Drive 12 hrs)

The starting point of trek, Sulichaur, is connected by road from Kathmandu. Surface
transport is the only alternative to reach Rolpa unless you charter a helicopter. You
can fly to Bhairahawa and drive for six hours to reach Sulichaur. The hill drive is a
joy with scenic attraction along the way. Night buses to Sulichaur leave from
Gongabu Bus Park and you can reach Sulichaur early next morning.
Sulichaur is both the starting and ending point of this trek. It is a commercial hub of
Rolpa district. Lying at an altitude of 810m above sea level, Sulichaur lies near the
confluence of Lungri Khola and Fagam Khola. According to locals, early rulers of
Sulichaur, the Kham Rajas, used to give capital punishment to guilty people at this
very place. Medium range of accommodation is available at Sulichaur.
Day 02: Sulichaur-Kotalbara (1606m) Drive: 4 hrs, Trek 4 hrs
The drive begins after breakfast at Sulichaur. The jeep drive on a graveled road
passes through Sunchahari fall. Sunchahari fall (1450m) is one of the major
attractions of the area. It can be reached after a drive of two and half hours from
Sulichaur. Sunchahari is derived from two words sun meaning gold and chahari
meaning stream. Locals believed that gold used to flow in the stream in the past.
After a drive of about half an hour, you reach Pobang a small settlement ideal for
tea and light snacks. There are a few teashops and a medical store Pobang.
Fulibang, where the graveled road ends, is only half an hours of drive away. The trek
starts after having lunch at Fulibang. The hike from Fulibang to Kotalbara is a gentle
warm up with no steep climb. After walking on the smooth trail for two and half hours,
you reach Sirkyang which offers magnificent view of hills, rivers and settlements
below. A walk of about one and half hours from Sirkyang, takes you to Kotalbara
(1606m) the destination for the day. Kotalbara is a small settlement with basic
accommodation facility available.
Day 03: Kotalbara- Commune village (2217m) Walk: 7 hrs
This day is one of the most exciting days of the trek as you go through varieties of
geographical conditions. After breakfast at Kotalbara, the walk passes through the
normal trail till Posbang River. After crossing the suspension bridge over the river,
the walk is mostly uphill. A walk of about four hours from Posbang River takes us to
Posbang for lunch. Posbang is a small village with a few tea houses. After lunch, the
walk passes through Dilbhanjyang (2576m) the highest point of the day to reach
Sandho River. You walk upstream through the river because there are no trails
available. After navigating the River for about half an hours, you reach Ajambari
Commune the destination of the day. Ajambari Commune (2217m) is perhaps the
only remnant of Maoists Peoples War. Based in purely socialist concept, this
commune, which was established in 2000 at the height of insurgency, consists of two
houses. As many as 22 families used to reside here during insurgency. At present,
only four families are living in the commune. These families dont have private
property. The stay in this commune will give you the insights of peoples war, their
motivation towards socialism and their innovation. In order to sustain themselves,

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they are looking for the alternative economic activities for which they have already
initiated some modern forms of agriculture such as Truffle mushroom and ground
Day 04: Ajambari Commune-Thabang (2000m)
Morning can be spent by talking to ex-combatants about their experience about the
Peoples War. After lunch at Commune, the trek progresses toward Thabang
(2000m), popularly known as the headquarters of the Peoples War. Thabang can be
reached after a hike of about one and half hours through wild marijuana field from
the Commune. If you have informed the local Magar community of your visit, you will
be accorded warm welcome amidst enchanting music and colorful dance. Here, you
can stay in homestay, teahouse or a commune. In the evening, you can enjoy
cultural performance of the local Magar community.

Day 5: Thabang
Thabang is popularly known as the headquarters of Peoples War. It is also the
village which was affected the most during insurgency. The official Maoist document
states that it is a place from where Peoples War originated.
Bhumya Puja is one of the most significant cultural attractions you will observe in
this village. Celebrated just before the start of monsoon (mid June), the whole village
celebrate it for five days. Bhumya means land and puja means worshipping, hence
this festival is about worshipping the land. The festival starts with a sacrifice of sheep
or pig in Thabang River and Selsine marathon which is held among youths. Selsine
is a marathon competition where any guy is free to pick a girl (whether or not she
agrees) and run her away toward the river. Then they gather in a ground and dance
for the whole day. Food, drink, song and dance are all what Thabangis look for over
the next four days. The typical day start with invitation by a person through chant and
people in the ethnic dress and ornaments gather in the ground and dance for whole
day. The concluding ceremony includes dismantling of pole erected on the first day
and throwing into the river.
Hiking to nearby Dhakpa hills is among one of the popular activities for tourists at
Thabang. If you are lucky, you might be rewarded with the view of the endangered
Red Panda. A walk of about three hours from Dhakpa will take you to the
neighboring Rukum district. Another viewing point is Ghamchin which offers you
views of mountains peaks like Sisne Himal, Otha Himal and other peaks in the
Dhaulagiri range.
Day 06: Thabang-Jaljala (3107m) -- Walk 6 hrs
After breakfast, you will trek to Jaljala a place of great significance in terms of nature,
religion, and politics to the Rolpa district. Situated at an altitude of 3107m above sea
level, Jaljala can be reached after a steep climb about six hours from Thabang.
There are no tea houses available along the trek. If you are traveling during
monsoon, brace for the leech bites.
Jaljala is a grassland that is wet almost round the year. There is a natural reservoir
of water from where water flows in almost every direction all the year round. From

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April to September, wild flowers decorate the entire area. The place also offers
beautiful views of Sisne Himal, Dhaulagiri and Otha Himal among others. Also, the
Bhama Cave, which is yet to be explored to the fullest, is the other attraction of
Jaljala is also a popular pilgrimage for people of the mid-west. During the full moon
of April, May and June, people from various part, be it Tarai or hills, travel to this
region with sheep to sacrifice in the four temples (known as Than in local language).
Hundreds of sheep are slaughtered during these three months. You need to be self-
sufficient while traveling to Jaljala as no tea house is available there. However, there
are a few Dharmashalas that offer accommodation to visitors.
Day 07: Jaljala- Dharampani (3600m)- Majhibang (2100m) 7 hrs
After breakfast, you trek uphill towards Dharampani -- the highest point of the trek.
Weather permitting, you can see various mountain ranges from here. Dharampani
can be reached after a walk of three hours from Jaljala. Since there is no human
settlement and the place is windy almost all the year round, it is recommended that
you take packed lunch with you. After having lunch at Dharampani, the walk goes
downward to Majhbang after crossing the highest pass of the trek. The pass is steep
grasslands with narrow trail. This is the toughest part of the trek. There are no
human settlements until you reach Nabang (3193m) from where you can reach
Libang or Majhibang. Lying at an attitude of 2100m, Majhibang can be reached after
a walk of four hours from Dharampani. Upon reaching the village, you will be
welcomed by the local Magar people. Accommodation is at the home of one of the

Day 08: Majhibang

Majhibaang is one of the most advanced villages you will see during the trek. The
houses are clean and well furnished, have toilets and improved cooking stove which
consumes less wood and emits less smoke. Untouched by the road, it lies between
the two rivers, giving it the name Majhi Bang (literally middle ground). A typical day in
Majhibang starts by listening to the stories of people during the conflict. Trekkers can
get to see mines and explosives used during the war. After lunch, you can visit the
micro hydro project initiated by local people themselves. Also you can visit the iron
and gold mines near the village which were believed to be in use in the past. In the
evening, you can enjoy cultural performance by the local Magar people.

Day 09: Majhibang-Jailbang-Sulichaur Walk: 2 hrs, Drive 4 hrs

After breakfast, a walk of about one and half hours take you to Jailbang which is
popular known as the sister village of Majhibang. Here also you will be welcomed by
the Magar community amid cultural performance. After lunch, a walk of about an
hour takes us to the place where vehicle to Sulichaur is available.
Day 10: Sulichaur-Kathmandu
Drive back to Kathmandu.

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