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Here are some topics for essay exercises.

You should use the essay pattern(introduction, pro

sides, con sides, conclusion).

1.Some people say that text messages, twittering and emails are an accepted part of the
language we use in our everyday lives. Other say that they are destroying our ability to spell and
write properly.


If you think that young people seem to be spending more of their time face-to-screen than
face-to-face, youre probably right. And a lot of that screen time seems to involve reading or
writing English that duznt look quite lyk it shld.

Its not surprising that many teachers, parents, and young people themselves feel concerned
about this constant exposure to non-standard written English. It seems quite plausible that
frequently seeing to/too written as 2, or people written as ppl, might mean that these kinds of
spellings could start to creep into students formal writing.

Fortunately, in recent years the research has returned a fairly robust conclusion. Rather than
spoiling childrens spelling, exposure to textisms (the abbreviated spellings of text messages) is
actually associated with better literacy skills. For adults, there seem to be few consistent
relationships between usage of textisms and spelling skill.

However, there has been less research on textisms that represent not the re-spelling of
individual words, but violations of grammatical conventions. capitals get ignored, theres no
apostrophes in sight, and sentences get separated not by standard punctuation marks, but by
ironical laughter lol or expressions of emotion

2. read the following extract of an article:

Choosing what to study at university is one of the biggest decisions you'll make as a young
person. So how do you decide what's right for you? Should you follow your heart and study
something you're really passionate about, regardless of where it might lead you, or should you
instead opt for a degree with a more secure career route? Here two students argue both sides
of the debate.

'Study what you love,' says Aimee Wragg

Ask a student what they'd study if guaranteed their dream job and it's likely that the answer
won't correspond with what they actually choose. This is often because their aspirations have
been diminished by those who "know best".
Most advice on which degree to study is concentrated purely on obtaining a job in the future.
We are discouraged by many from pursuing abstract interests because, apparently, the prospects
are unrealistic.

But is it really worth taking an unappealing route on the basis that it could possibly increase your
chance of securing a job? It's difficult to enter employment from any angle, so why not try with a
subject you enjoy?

The concept of standing by what you love despite the risks is dismissed by some - namely
disapproving parents and teachers - but I believe it to be more sensible than focusing solely on a

Having a genuine interest in something can't be faked and it's the surest way to succeed. As
Steve Jobs famously said, "the only way to do great work is to love what you do".

In the long term, deciding to study the subject of your choice is generally more beneficial. Simple
factors such as a person's happiness and sense of fulfilment are overlooked in this argument,
even though they are largely affected by career choices. These factors aren't just based on
income, either - studies have shown that there is little correlation between people's salaries and
their job satisfaction.

The fact is, there are few reasons not to study what you genuinely want to. Achieving in the
subject area that appeals to you is always possible and if you don't do it, other people will. I
believe you have to make the right decisions for yourself, because no argument against this will
counteract your regrets when you see people of the same age and ability as you excelling in your
dream job.

Be realistic, says Kerry Provenzano

University is all about doing something you love, right? Well, not quite. Choosing to study
something you are passionate about might not be as beneficial as you think.

When you study at university essentially you are making an investment: one worth up to (and
sometimes over) 30,000. That's a lot of money.

You don't have to know much about investments to know that the purpose of them is to make a
profit. Your degree is a long term investment in which you are profited with knowledge.
However, investing money that will some day need to be paid back means that your profit needs
to be financial, not just academic.

So if you are naturally gifted with numbers but have a real passion for travel, opting to study
geography at university might be a mistake. You may find you aren't quite sure what to do with
your degree once you graduate, and find yourself knowing you're capable of the mathematical
jobs you see advertised, but have no qualification to prove it.
There is a difference between your interests and your career strengths. If you think you could
really crack the world of modern art then great, but if art is just something you enjoy on a
weeknight, perhaps reconsider your choice to study fine art.

If you are currently choosing a course at university, or thinking of changing your course, my
advice to you is simple: don't confuse your hobby with your career prospects. Play to your
strengths, not your passions. If you are lucky enough to have the two overlap then great. But
bear in mind that with the right job there will always be time for the things you enjoy, regardless
of whether you studied them at university or not.

What do you think: should you do a degree you love or should you be more realistic about
what will lead to a career? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

2.Some people believe that education is always a good thing, whatever the course studied .
Others claim that only those who are studying medicine, IT or law have good job opportunities
and that other courses are a waste of time.


3.A lot of young people are choosing to live at home while studying at university. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of living at home or moving away fromhome whilst studying

4.Some people think governments should make laws such as banning smoking,making people
wear seat belts in cars and taxing fast food. Other complain that, aslong as they don't hurt
anyone else, people should be allowed to make up their own minds about how they lead their

5.Credit cards can be a blessing and a curse.

6.Being an only child- advantages and disadvantages

7.Smoking should be banned in all public places

8.Some say it would be better if there was only one language in the world. Other disagree.

9.Some people say eating meat is wrong. Others say it's natural.

10.Some people claim that the public has the right to know about private lives of celebrities.
Others disagree

11.Cloning is the solution to our health problems.

12.Arranged marriages

13.Living abroad

14.Spending the holidays with your parents

15.Money can buy happiness

16.Computer games and the Internet have a negative impact on young people

17.Should euthanasia be made legal?

18.Adolescence is the unhappiest time in most peoples lives

19.School uniforms- to wear or not to wear them?

20.Electronic books

21.GM food

22.Body piercing

23.Using animals in testing cosmetics

24.Capital punishment

25.Young drivers should be supervised by their parents for at least a year

26.Going o school by bicycle

27.Mobile phones- a blessing or a curse

28.People used to think that the family played an important role in society, but timeshave
changed and now the family is less important

29.Should you start a career or enter university at 18?

30.Physical Education should only be an optional subject at school because noteveryones good
at sports

31.Shopping centres have improved the way we shop

32.Globalization- pros & cons

33.Some say that the best cure after a break-up is finding another partner. Others saywe should
get over the broken relationship first

34.Some say that holiday home swaps can be an interesting type of holiday. Others say it is a
potentially dangerous adventure. Discuss both of these views and give your opinion.

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