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Electromaggnetic Analysis
is & Applicatioons, 2010, 2, 513-518
5 513
maa.2010.290677 Published Onliine September 2010
2 (http://www

Analyysis of A
Auxiliaary Winding
W g Effecct on th
Leakaage Indductannce Redduction in th
he Pulsse
Transsformeer Usinng ANS SYS
Alireza Khoodakarami1, Seyyed Moh dramrazi2, Hassan
hammad Ped H ki Farahani3
Islamic Azad University,
U an; 2 Islamic Azaad University, Tehran
Shahhre Ghods Brancch, Tehran, Ira T North Braanch, Tehran, Iran
I ;
Islamic Azad University,
U Ashttian Branch, Ashtian, Iran.
Email: {aqukh, m_pedram_razii, hfeshki}

2 th, 2010; revised August 18th, 2010; accepted August 18th, 20010
Received July 20

Several appliccations need hhigh voltage annd low rise tim me pulses that increasing of the voltage levvel can be donne by us-
ing transformer. The rise tim me is increaseed because of transformer
t leaakage inductance. One of thhe methods to decrease
the rise time is
i using auxiliary windings between prima ary and secondary. In this paper,
p one type of pulse trannsformer
included auxiiliary windingss is modeled and a simulated d in ANSYS sofftware. In thiss study, at firsst the transforrmer has
been simulateed without auxxiliary windinggs and the leakkage and self inductances
i arre obtained then the auxiliary wind-
ings are considered in the m model to calcuulate the leaka age and self inductances off the transform
mer. Simulationn results
can be used too investigate thhe effect of auxxiliary winding
g on the leakagge inductance.

Keywords: Auuxiliary Windinngs, Leakage Inductances,

I Finite
F Element Method

1. Introducction a secondaryy on different core legs, is seldom

mary and
used inn pulsed application, becauuse of its weaak mag-
High-voltage pulses are ooften obtainedd from a pulsse netic coupling
c betwween windingss, which woulld result
generating ciircuit driving a high-voltagge pulse trans- in a sloow-rising outpput voltage puulse. The excceptional
former. The large numberr of turns in the secondarry improvvement achievved in the ouutput pulse shape s of
windings andd also insulattion gap betw ween layers of o high-vooltage core-typpe transformeer, with separaated pri-
winding and windings incrrease the leakkage inductancce mary and secondary,, fitted with tw wo auxiliary windings,
of pulse trannsformers. The rise time of o high voltag ge for plaasma immersiion ion implaantation appliications,
pulse is depeending on thee leakage indductance. Man ny where almost rectanngular negative high-voltage pulses
applications, such as mediical, technologgy and militarry are useed to bias a plasma-immer
p rsed target to achieve
need high-volltage fast risinng pulses. Thiis requires efffi- conform mal ion implanntation [9].
cient and flexxible pulsed ppower circuits with optimizaa- To contribute
c to a better underrstanding of transfor-
tion of all com
mponents [1-55] mer opperation with auxiliary
a winddings, a matheematical
However, ifi the leakagee inductance inn the high-vo ol- model based on the theory of electromagnetic coupled
tage pulse traansformer neeeds to be reduuced, two sub b- circuitss [10]. Alongsside the new design methoods [11],
tractive conneected windinggs can be addeed to the trans- [12] used
u today too manufacturee high-voltagge pulse
former. If thhese windingss are fitted withw the samme transformers using thhe latest mateerials, a comm mon way
number of tuurns, the electtromotive forcce generated in i to overrcome the probblems caused by parasitic elements
the auxiliary windings is ddue only to thhe primary an nd is to use
u resonant topologies
t [122-14]. Finite element
secondary leaakage flux. The current accross them pro o- simulattion is a robuust method too calculation flux f and
duces a magnnetic field redducing only thhe leakage flu ux inductaance leakage. So a high vooltage pulse transfor-
and, thereforee, the leakagee inductance ini the transfoor- mer waas modeled annd simulated with w ANSYS software
mer [6-8]. Thhe most attraactive windingg configuratio on in this paper. At firstt the pulse traansformer is siimulated
for high volttage, the coree-type transfoormer with prri- without auxiliary windings
w and then with auxiliary

Copyright 2010
2 SciRes. JEMAA
514 Analysis of Auxiliary Winding Effect on the Leakage Inductance Reduction in the Pulse Transformer Using ANSYS

windings. The inductance is calculated with energy As shown in Figure 2, the auxiliary windings of transfor-
method. The simulation results show the decreasing of mer are connected in subtractive mode (terminals 5 and 6 are
leakage inductance with using the auxiliary windings. connected to terminals 7 and 8, respectively). Considering that
i4 i3 iaux and v3 v4 in Figure 2, applying to (5) and
2. Transformer Mathematical Equations taking into consideration that N 3 N 4 N aux , yields,
with Auxiliary Windings [9] d di di di
v1 R1i1 N1 l11 1 l12 o (l14 l13 ) aux (6)
The structure of four windings transformer is shown in Figure dt dt dt dt
1. Also Equations (7) to (9) for other three windings are derived
Using the Faradays induction law in each winding, neglect- like Equation (6) respectively.
ing the distributed capacitances of the windings, yields d di di
v2 R2 io N 2 l21 1 l22 o
d dt dt dt
vi Ri ii i Ri ii ei (1) (7)
dt diaux
(l24 l23 )
where the subscript: dt
i: Refers to the index of the winding d di di
v: The instantaneous terminal voltage v3 R3iaux N aux l31 1 l32 o
dt dt dt
i: The instantaneous current (8)
: The instantaneous flux linkage (l34 l33 )
e: The induced instantaneous voltage dt
R: The effective resistance d di di
v4 R4 iaux N aux l41 1 l42 o
The average flux linkage is written as: dt dt dt
i N i ii ij (2) di
(l44 l43 ) aux
That is divided into three main components. dt
: The resultant flux, linking all the windings In this connection which yields
di1 di
ii : The self-flux of the winding (l31 l41 ) l42 l32 o
ij: The mutual flux between pairs of windings dt dt
The linkage flux for the primary winding is defined as: diaux di
Raux iaux laux M aux aux
1 N1 11 12 13 14 (3) dt dt
The equation (3) can be rewritten as: Raux R2 R4 (10)
1 N1 l11i1 l12 i2 l13i3 l14 l4 (4) laux l33 l44
where the subscript lii is Self inductance and lij is Mutual in- M aux l34 l43
ductance. According to (1) and (3) the instantaneous terminal
The current across the auxiliary windings is ruled by (10). It
voltage at primary winding is the sum of the winding resistance
is interesting to observe that iaux is independent of the time
voltage drop, the induced electromotive force due to the time
derivative of the resultant flux, . If the auxiliary windings
varying resultant flux, and induced electromotive forces asso-
have the same number of turns, iaux exists only as the conse-
ciated with the self and mutual leakage fluxes.
quence of the leakage coupling between the primary and sec-
d di
v1 R1i1 N1 l11 1 ondary leakage flux linking the auxiliary windings.
dt dt The auxiliary current, iaux function of the leakage flux
di2 di di coupling between the primary and secondary with the third and
l12 l13 3 l14 4
dt dt dt fourth windings, generates a magnetic flux that reduces the

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the transformer with

Figure 1. The circuit of mathematical model of a transfor- loaded secondary, N 2 and the two auxiliary windings
mer with four windings [9]. connected in subtractive mode N 3 and N 4 [9].

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Analysis of Auxiliary Winding Effect on the Leakage Inductance Reduction in the Pulse Transformer Using ANSYS 515

leakage flux of the primary and secondary windings. Conse- winding is 0.5 mm and because the layers length isnt
quently, the leakage inductance in the transformer is reduced. equal so the mean length of layers is 25 mm.
The resultant flux, , is not affected by the auxiliary windings. Two auxiliary windings, with 25 turns in one layer, are
shown in Figure 3. The length of third auxiliary winding
3. Finite Element Analysis of Transformer is 34 mm and its width is 0.5 mm. The dimension of
To evaluate the effects of auxiliary windings on the lea- forth winding is the same as third winding. Core type of
kage inductances reduction, a pulse transformer with pulse transformer is ferrite (high frequency) with 10 kHz
auxiliary windings is modeled in ANSYS software. nominal frequency. The B-H curve of ferrite core is
ANSYS is a finite element analysis (FEA) code widely shown in Figure 4.
used in the computer-aided engineering (CAE) field. It is
4. Simulation of Pulse Transformer without
powerful software to analyze the magnetic energy with
finite element method. The leakage and magnetic induc- the Auxiliary Windings
tances are function of the stored energy in the window of The leakage inductances of primary and secondary
pulse transformer and in the core of pulse transformer windings are calculated without the effects of auxiliary
respectively. The current density is needed to simulate windings. The energy method is used to calculate leakage
the magnetic and leakage flux of pulse transformer (as inductance that is explained in following.
loads). So the current density is applied to windings area. 4.1. Calculation of Magnetic and Leakage
The potential is equal to zero in boundary and it is con- Inductances of the Primary Winding
sidered as boundary condition. At first the pulse trans-
former is simulated without using the auxiliary windings In this case, the current density is just applied to primary
and then the auxiliary windings is considered in simula- winding, and then the magnetic stored energy in the
tion to reach desired results. pulse transformer is obtained.
The stored magnetic energy in the transformer is
The pulse transformer modeled in ANSYS is shown in
shown in Figure 5. According to this figure, the total
Figure 3. Primary winding includes two 25 turns layers
stored energy in the transformer is equal to 104.348 J for
in window of pulse transformer. The dimension of each one meter of depth. But the depth of the modeled trans-
layer of primary winding is 34 mm 1.5 mm. The line former is 0.007m, so the total stored energy in transfor-
spacing between two layers is 0.1 mm that the electric mer is 0.730436J (104.348 0.007). Distribution of
insulation is found in this space. The line spacing be- magnetic energy in each element of the core is shown in
tween the primary and third windings is 0.1 mm and it is Figure 6. Also by attention to this figure, the total
0.1 mm between the third winding and the main leg of stored energy in the core is 104.319J for 1 meter of
the pulse transformer. depth and so for 0.007 m of depth, the stored energy
The secondary winding is 500 turns in eight layers. will be 0.730233J. The self primary inductance can be
The line spacing between secondary and auxiliary (forth) obtained from Equation (11).
windings is 0.1 mm. The width of each layer of secondary

Figure 3. The model of pulse transformer with auxiliary Figure 4. ferrite core B-H curve of pulse transformer.

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516 Analysis of Auxiliary Winding Effect on the Leakage Inductance Reduction in the Pulse Transformer Using ANSYS

leakage inductances of primary and secondary windings

without auxiliary windings are listed in Table 1.
5. Simulation of Primary Winding with
Third Auxiliary Winding
In this case, the auxiliary windings are connected in de-
ferential mode and the inductances are obtained.
5.1. Simulation of Primary Winding of Pulse
Transformer with Third Auxiliary Winding
To simulate the flux leakage of pulse transformer with
auxiliary windings, two current densities are applied to
primary and third auxiliary winding, then the stored
Figure 5. The energy distribution in the whole model ele- energy in transformer and the core is obtained which is
ments and total magnitude of saved energy. shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8 respectively.

Figure 6. The energy distribution in the core elements and

magnitude of saved energy (just core).

Figure 7. Distribution and total magnitude magnetic energy

L (11) in depth unit of model.
Leakage inductance can be calculated by using the
difference between the stored energy in the transformer
and the core.
Wtotal 0.730436 J
Wcore 0.730233J
Wlekage Wtotal Wcore
0.730436 0.730233 0.203 mJ
The leakage energy is 0.203mJ for 7 mm depth. Ac-
cording to Equation (11), the leakage and self induc-
tances are equal to 1.8 H and 6.5 mH respectively.
4.2. Calculation of Magnetic and Leakage
Inductances of Secondary Winding
Similar to primary winding, the transformer and core
stored energy are obtained from simulation and the sec-
ondary self and leakage inductances are calculated that Figure 8. Distribution and magnitude saved energy in core
they are 645mH and 273 H respectively. The self and at unit depth.

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Analysis of Auxiliary Winding Effect on the Leakage Inductance Reduction in the Pulse Transformer Using ANSYS 517

Table 1. The magnetic and leakage inductances of prima- the first case (without auxiliary windings), the primary
ry-secondary windings without auxiliary windings. and secondary leakage inductances are calculated equal
winding Self inductance Leakage inductance to 1.8 H, 273 H respectively. In second case (with
primary 6.5 mH 1.8 H auxiliary windings), the primary and secondary induc-
secondary 645 mH 273 H tances are reduced to 1.36 H, 193 H respectively. The
result shows that the self inductances don`t considerably
change in two cases of simulations.
The energy stored in the transformer and core for 1 m
depth are 103.217 J and 103.195 J respectively which for 7. Acknowledgements
the 0.007 m of core depth are 0.722519 J and 0.722365 J
respectively. Using the stored energy value and Equation This paper is extracted from the research project as title:
(11), the self primary inductance is 6.42 mH and the lea- "Design, Simulation and Construction of Low Rise Time
kage inductance is 1.37 H. High-Voltage Pulse Transformers Using Auxiliary Wind-
ings" in Islamic Azad University, Shahre Ghods Branch.
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