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THE ae BAUDHAYANA SRAUTA sme TAIPTIRIYA SAMHITA EDITED BY Dr. W. CALAND Bitsa Professor of Sanskrit at the University of Utrecht VOLUME II. CALCUTTA : seNeb UE THE BAPTIST MISSION PRESS, ANE PURLISITED BY THE wavin snereny, 57, PARI STREET, 1907. _——— PREFACE. In preparing the text of this second volume of the Bandhayana- wautastitra the editor has had to cope with many more difficul- iies than he had to do when preparing the text of the first volume. Indeed, a few months ago I was almost despairing of »btaining sufficient material for this volume. ‘The fact is, that she tradition of these parts of the siitra, describing for the greater oart the rituals, partly obsolete, partly less observed than the laréapiirnamasa, agnyédheya aud agnistoma, is, throughout {ndia, a very bad one. The MSS. of Bombay, Benarés, Gwalior, Dhar and Ujjain are all together more tele ceeapl and seem partly to derive from one archetype, in which not only were ‘ost the right arrangement of the materials and the numbering of the pragnas, adhyayas and khandikds, but the text of which was also hopelessly corrupt in many a passage. And no com- plete copy of Bhavasvamins Vivarana, which would have been of oaramount use, seems to be extant. Althongh Professor Aultzsch has taken all possible pains to hunt up more MSS. from Southern India and has set to work two pandits to unearth more material, he has, alas, not succeeded. Professor Bhandar- kar of Elphinstone College also was kind enough to provide me with more material, but it was of the same kind: on the whole corrupt from beginning to end. Nearly despairing, I wrote to Dr. Thomas, Librarian-in-Chief ‘to the\India Office, requesting him to look over, for my sake, once ‘more the Mackenzie Collection of Sanskrit MSS. preserved at the India Office. And he was so fortunate as to light upon one MS. i(op. infra the enumeration of the MSS.) containing a wholly Xndependent tradition of the text I stood in need of so much. vhis MS,, too, is far from faultless, but it throws light on many a Vifficult passage, and, what is the main point, the arrangement. of jhe pragnas seems to be correct in this MS. Before 1 knew ‘this Mackenzie’ MS.,'I had my doubts about which part of the ‘stitra constituted the so-called uttari tatih, In the MS. from 'Benares, where the pragnas are all numbered by a secunda manus [(cp. my paper “ Ueber das rituelle Siitra des Baudhayana,” p. 12), ‘the pragna coming after the dvadasaha and gavam ayana, num- ‘bered here as the 17th, contains the atiratra, the sautramani and ‘the ekdagini. In the copy of Bhavasvamins Vivarana, known to me from the beginning up to the aupanuvakya (consequently ;giving the first fourteen praguas complete), is found neither the \aévamedha nor the dvadaéaha and gavam ayana, but immedi- lately after the aupanuvikya comes the ekadagini. Now, as the iMS. of Bhavasvimin ends with the words: it: bhavasvamikrte PREFAGH. iit ndhyayas are found, the coutents of whi i aie oN antitva, viz. the adhyayas ee of pane VP nee al he sMniivartana, a subject y : e ribhior in the grhyasiitra, Now, the ae a ial bine in this respect not wholly consistent either, Most a eae of the grhyasiitra have in the grhyasiitra proper (second } éna) w chapter commencing thus: vedam adhitya snaisyann it Ee sumuecrarticnam, and in the so-called paribhaad-siitra a 4 oe fon feel: vudam aidhitya snasyann ety upakalpayate, ete. “Phis ce par ie identical with tho long passage found in the Mackenzie \ 1o srautasiitra and here inserted as adhyaya 12 of the seen tatih pragna. This distribution of the material in the MSS. of tho grhyasiitva cannot possibly be right, for obviousl: the passage redam adhitya sndsyann tty whtam samavartanarn. vefers to a passage vedam adhitya snasyann ity upakalpayate, which therefore must have preceded. [ possess a very good copy in Camutha writing of tho whole grhyasittra, kindly procured id b Professor Hultzsch. In this MS. ‘the long passage oan ved wlhitya sudisyann ity wpukalpayate (the passage given by the Mackonzio MS. as forming part of the srautasiitra) stands whers the chapter vedum adhilya — sndsyann ity uktam samervertinam is inserted by the other MSS. Before the Mackonzig MS. came into my hands I thought this was all right. Bul. uot long ago 1 received one more copy of the grhyasiitra, copied from an origival preserved at Madras. This MS. throws sume light on this hitherto obscure point. Where the other MSS. (uxeept tho one from Madras, designed by me as M) have the chaptoe redam adhitya snisyann ity wetay samivartanam, this MS. vewlg: vedam adhitya snisyann ity uklam samavurtanam ; asya sunevariunasya atitra pathah, Isinbw anyatra pathitam ; atra samurhya rilikhitum aéropayoytt 5 then comes the text given by Mackunzio as xvii. 12 and 13, and the rest of the chapter vedam adkitya sndsyuun ty ukbam samavartanam. Now, as it is impos- sible that tho passage referred to in the opening words tty uktam sumadvurtunum could have followed, it seems highly probable that tho treatment of the samavartana was originally incorporated in the uttara tatib, and that hore the Mackenzie MS. is right too. { poxsess now another copy of the complete grhyasiitra, which confirms this statement, This MS. gives in the second praéna the chapter vedam udhitya snaisyann ity uktam samavartanam, put in the paribhaga the text given by the Mackenzie MS. (as xvii. 12, 18) in not found. Lt is nob improbable that the seribes of our érauta- siitra, finding the treatment of the samivartana foreign to a Srantaniitra, omitted ib and insorted it in a more proper place (the uphyasiitra), disturbing, in doing so, the first prasaa of the uttara tatih, For it is remarkable that none of all the other MSS. of the crautaniitra give for this prasna (the 17th) any adhydya- or Khundiké-number ; the Mackonzie MS., on the other hand, gives the adhydya- and khandikd-numbers, and, in accordance with this iv rena fact, at the close at fins prasna, ait the image ct pie ativan ae amd khandikas, cerlidin these ef the ehapfer on ues arhanity How it occurred te the diaseenist ond tar ratthacutoa tooioert thee samavartana aiene the ljects treated in the suite cutea, bam hawever, itt loss to expla. So this Mackenzie MS) wascet the sreatest help on com biti ner the teat of Vor Whe rendition of the enya, vapepeka ied rajasuya chapter. bin dis MS. uatersse cc thartat the Peddie chapters. ‘Th tiene, however, iin of Cite geet) povadue enti PAsNAyses, einitted Ty all the other MISS. sae feitad Are, sarod at mitny @ passage tise iy be prave that ody the reardang farm in Mo (Mavkenaie) is right, aver against the sdtertireies: ma cedians reading of all the ether MISS. As neentaplete copy af the Vis anus svema to he available, weave Carew rye vane agen cesar fet wniforatind the meaning of this teat OH some asecare, ob ene ay the eognate testo! Apasmiumba cal Uiragyahesia, litt as these are maeh more rent suteds thin the tet! Baidlayiens, ced ean a quently, on the whole. mnteh shorter, the help promi fram the texts is ruther inefieient, Pn puusages, Where ea oearbe re unkuown expressions aveur, [Tstye, theretore, as os orale, athe ve sf to the reading of Mo ‘The eamaption of the athe: MASS oreo ervat, that it is net worth while ountionive all tear sarin routings, See. i the deseviptian of the vaatya deans here the (estof all die MISS, with thie espeption af Moo uae Eapedions gonfusion, Tis highty ta de regretted, that this Meecha: AES. is not wholly completo: seme tiawl heaves ie wanting, man» quently the test of fhe irapertant hist chaptors of thes sevdal uttaratatibprena had te beedited as well as posible after the corrapt JESS, ‘This is all themore te be regret tela choy sonia the legends of Pururayas und Usanns. After the above renurks, the ronder aint abadent of the ascont volume oof Batulhayoum will be tudulyent te the eiitar, whe thonught it better to give a text, however dapertet, rather that postpony its pabliention id caleidas gearces, us, atta yearn of inquiry, ne aore help seemed to be fovtheoming, After these preliminary teairks, Tost naw ave ue diet of tho MSS. ased in eiliting Vol. i. 1. My being Noo sevitis Qew aumtier teby out thee Mueheanaiy Collection ut the Ladin Ctier, see Wilsan, a ddeseript sce matalace of the Oriental MSS. collect hy Ge Gol Maekenee, Veda, pod, old palmleat MS, in Nancinaygan ehiewwtera, Hee dong, db lange, well-written but slightly majuredl; the pagitustion ia coments Tt coutains the followin purts : - (a) kavtaantisutra, one deaf nomi 2 aged contain Kava, fy kh fron: 8 da ded pe blarati femtram fa ante Jagality, vlow ad Kho; then an Yo deases numbered 2LbL, the rest of the Kaar manta, beginning prema di, kh. 2). from: dahepatsbhyam tea Jestam ante the oul of the KRarnainte ae (fh) Sulbusditrn toll $250 a. PRERACK, v (cr) cayanastitra foll, 50u-72. (d) kithakasiiva foll. 73-77, jastiya foll, 83 (Cg) igtikalpa foll, 04-LO5. (A) anpanavakya foll, 106-122. (é) agvamedha foll. 123-137. (kh) dyidasitha foll, 137-148, (2) utdard tutih (fest prasna) foll, 140-168, (m) ekabas (soc, prasna) foll, 168-182. Tho MS, brenks off after the LOth adhy. of pragna xviii, 2% BL op. Preface to Vol. i, p. vii, 3%. Bo (Be 115) ep. ib. p. vii, viii. 4 U, being a nearly complete collection of the Bandh.-sitras, neatly written on paper in Nagari by the same hand. From Ujjain. The svintaradikea is uot found in this colleetion. [L contains ou 158 loaves (numbered continuously) the contents of Vol. i. the pravargya comes afer tho agnistoma ; it closes with kh. 17. ‘Then rome the agnicayana, vijapeya, etc. No prasna numbers are siven here and in the following parts, which are all numbered separately ; its colophou runs: sake 1762 bhadrapadu krsna 2 revivsere tuddine dthavele ily upandmukayanesubhattitmusgarama- vandrena likhitam. Through the kind mediation of Professor Bhandarkar | was allowed the uso of this MS. AUSS. containing single parts :— 5 Heep. Preface to Vol i, p. viii: eayana, vajapoya, ati- ratra, aploryama, okddasini, kathaka, and sautramani. 6 ep. Proface to Vol. i, p. 1x. (vajapoya). 7. 0, being a collection of varions parts of tho stitra found at Dhar, the Joan of whieh was procured to me also by Professor Bhandarkar, Paper, Nagari writing, different, handwriting, It contains the igtikalpa in a rather good tradition, although badly written ; the dvadndihaprasna, atiratrn, uttard tatih, very badly written wud in the same hopelessly corrupt tradition as the other Mss. s. Tr, being a copy in Grantha writing on papor from an origin. al in ‘Trichinopoly, protending to bea complete grantasiitra (!), 1b contains : the whole of the text already published in Vol. i. ; the pravargya, togother with its prayascitta and the avantaradiked, piecedes the agnigtoma. After the agnisjoma come: lL. cayann (fall, 295-276) ; 2. sautrimani (foll. 277-282) ; 3. vajapeya (fol. W82-207); -h atirdtra (foll, 207-305); 5. aptoryama (fol. 805-300) ; 6. the three priyasettta praguns (foll, 306-348), The pradna numbering of this copy is utterly worthless, % MS, being the siitern passages of the cayana as found in the muhiignisurvasva, in Grantha writting on palmleaves, belong- ing to the India Office cep, Burnell, a catalogue of Sanskrit MSS., Part i, p 27); Mse., the veading presented by the Mahaguisar- visve commentary itself, vi PRYEE, 10, Bu, the test of the ensseat ns rdvear an an appendis: after the above mentioned MS.) Burnell 43) camprisine thee feat ap te kh 2h breking off ather tee words dorat, ner pin Conn npr Lo Be Lo epe Pretaee ta Volo piu Nea 2 aby antasa hae Owithent wavant asain), rajustiyit, va jipeya, I Tooep. Preface te Vel iy pox Neo bb rajssthyn ends OF thecajasuya MISS, Bead Uoaagres mostly jen the ether tnrid Be dt and Toe tugether, Mois uufepondent Ik Bespep. Preface te Volo i. peo. Neo de chere cifod as Bf) contains the intikalpa. Lk Be, a eepy of Che anpanisakya prasna from Hennes (Nagan, paper) on Lb fol, wellewritten bat contuinitug vn the whole the same tradition as Band Be (tba. Mi, Bo, aw copy of the kapthukimtra from Bonar (aae xiierpit > tra, p. 72, Ne, 10), paper, Nagarh, 7 leaves. 16. Be (12), a copy of the ativatra from Benares (sen atierpat: tra, p. 72. No. 12), paper, Naga 5 loves, 17. G, wu original MS, of the aupanavakya from Coerlior on paper in Nagar, prowured on loan hy Professor Bhandarkar, BOT a eopy af the suatraman: in the eolleetion of Saukher MOSS, preservediat “Pubbugen | Mua i, 17) Ninars, paper, TH, MS amd MSe, teat and eomtiarntars af the oluadasisn anton contain in the MAS. af the Mahwemoarvasya, ep. sapre No Other suarees, whieh wert ut mercor hes helps are the Viva rena of Bhavasvanin up tethe aupaunvahysothe Vavarana of the ativatra, the apterydnia and the muuatracaem, al lastly tle Prayoyusira of Kediwewsmin on the contents of whieh ep ousy paper on the Baudhesutra, po Lo, My thanks ave dio, for procuring re the use of seme of these MISS, endl for taking pains in having copied othere tor mie te Dr, Thomes, Librarinnin-Chief oof the Indian CHRee, te Prefuse Hultaieh, to Professor Bhandarkar at Boobayy te Mr A Vents at Bennros, and te the British Government, whieh cuablod ome te collate some of the ariginals of the ahuve mentivned TwNUEi pity, W. Cyr aan Utrecht, May LXKi, a, Sof uyy axis Sheryl auras | Re ger: dafiewaead of a rai a ate TIF aap ar guna arfy y argdaat ad a arfaat auilat atlaant wurfsa a gad = stage aay fecuadaureta wa sarqafist waH- win wufadat Fay wren gaat auigemd guafiaeranada a efter ae aaa mre wenena a§ wraafa! agrfaat we- aaacafa! eat fada acta! aquerzafa wants a yard « dageqay fecufies fagata wadttgarta sataast fieurfa! at cfaudt axit ata! stare werewaiq wager fam faaofa'! d aftawd wt attalay fea- afacntins atta! dA quaqwagatatatattia daeeread oftsafa! awa at gif! ae wizaarenfs wat sarsafier saretarti wurfsadtata qarafactlgerad gua faeiar- awrdraaw wret agfadt faze ' gaaafey fae- wgat Fat xa! uftqefin | efawa By- fauat wat 4 Saag aTeTal ari, faa aitga efe waeelt weareana afaatie aet- aaa arnt! el aga: waa aa ofa agat sreafear Ba wfaate. ] K mudlaye aieSrauta-Sutram, Vol Ti, Base, ew Series No 163, ® sturerstaang | Pere, aida at 2a wfaafefa aatager ar ager are afd waily watafaer wer tay eeidalar- famea Faw ar afaq: waa cia wahh colder Raut water fara wdlara age yesg ae Oe tamara | aapeafa- qarfa wat arfregiaata fatter curarza | wer nawafagerfa garery Ted ya att aa- ecfafa sna va wafer! aaat nade- warm Rape wey ger wyMT aw vfear: wumaii Wlaafyraceiifa | nzfant Qui gyda! aw: wefa quer: feaweialfd ytoafyrarea xiat warwew aeiberayafae’a sft gitma- fevagttora ralitorfaame fanaa eta weal agar | ow ae eM Y Ul Yrar- eat wantadteria ower aeaneremny aagey wre arfrgfaatfata snarare ye Ae mat oa ve wie) anmaarafcer waxes aifa:) freny STaT wafifte ere caw dapat af maT area et BURRITO em Aah qnaradd verrenfgereaia YR tl wt Bee ayatieegra wme ) arery wergterensite: fore cae gfe ee al 4 to itera ar] Fereralreay | z « Qe water efati saraqa fered fauna dafemtalfa- autfa frarifd want vaRaet wAUed welstnt saacnt fecd fawra dnfcdldarfrsgiar ar faafa veut vetaniga fecmafrarera og oft farafa ufx arnafa: afa: aft ald at ad ant gfafefs faefa:' wafa 2ae at afiq: we® atfensi aa giMafafa erandtata: wid: aarcat wiararfe cura awa Aaafe weurfan miaiapataaqarunt wewitfa geacad arecta | agufceremarfat frarna® danfa wi =e dernfata anaradtge aacoiaerfa- aay wha 8 goat sfa fawn fa! arat waet are aafage: | ¥ fadfad Saet erate arerfataRa fay yatanae’ faadta uvfearfgares fa @ R- a argainfou quran we afefaeR | Qarat wart aia aay 2fe aseg qafaadiefr- apace fg faura wyfea Bear freA a wiyagfa gaat sifaat we we aera: gait anit sq fageuy dae famadt H. zg arilwe some of the MSS. @ Thus corrected ; all MSS.: Fracracae | 8 @y is. of ew BH. ed ahraastaera | [reread aditgd feat sigs mera wtagar: | wera atagwer aie wal: dreteat- Hf: | walfiraa fafasfa! weed Fava waft araew faa | sorafingd fafaqen wate | adaware: eure aaa! at fargarfa wera at ae at aat saree TagaT We aaa at qe aT Aa Saran HTM Hanae at wei at aa gaaaigqega Be ard at Tqh aT aa gaaiega Vea qaneerwawafagar mata aefegetaeenrfs qaceter veh ara ¢ Haag etary ae wer afear sada ar arafrraga Peerarypstagaansantaal- aa arget at earaly wie wqueld Aer qawr- wera aife fet atfR waET VaRalpEra- TUITE aeafa feaafiey great ¢ fat fecaearquenrfa wate ead ase fed aes feat a wélfa) at seta saateret aetear- qrenfa dkufaaras fata! efredt ta: fargquenfa at tafaq a ® tat zara az \ B Be Ms. ins. fafa) 8 The following words, unto ay, 1.9, are found thus in only; all the other MSS. abbreviate, [eeled,eo1] «— ataraaslaesry | 89 ui Za: usrafafa | augad een aezten: Tata va: santarat faadfguenfa meet = aaa sftafata! an@ad gear gedted ately etagar sazurfa ata gu fag wae’ fafiqartivanta fafrafetd feaafe faerfaaliier ogaat fafa afiam sraraazafa arg, staennet geeraefe- Bhat vadiaag? wegaasiace aa fines | ae- samy TH! BS | TET saafaaa aaa sig GWATETE TMA TERY + framed fiat softirarfida wee afe wea wafia 2o wa vaaTsleha’. aaat) co zak safer afeat saaivagt sacfa! wari gte- toads wary sate fecawedanta enat- aay wanat atefa ewee var self aarg quae waft wee sfam wala aefoo waareea waft aeee feat wilfa ameg wa Wes wala wala wif aeeq GUM waar wel gray wanat stefa areal sfe aware Faint sitet faefeea de gua cat F wa e « 4 “4 MTr; wa tho other MSS. WH all; cavsteh® Tr UH Ms; omehaa BoM; oarsteia B; | Bhav.: wamrely vfawaqugtaty fafea[y) war 1 a ataaitaeay | = [ qe | 88, 8 Tea daa: aPeareararaereretenat waa qegi waw@arataaawe aa faa! aeaary cfa- wtafaaa aaa saree wad saad wat wayT We fAUTAMTAyega ATR want Faanret aeaanrqarety esat eas wenfaaiaet aafea whee waiieegt we via! w Atagt ad weta® dared seta aa ar anata ' 1 go | mazararqadefa arate vfarendiae we wHaeTe waeTMwiaaaiaeriata Gea aerfit eaize faeyee wraareeaata | a aaouteat mmf anfawda awe wz ama saraanaa fg Rats site| age waft srarfa aa: eq xf acereratifa | at sa wa nsee wafien uedaliew cf afaverfafrs- aaa’ fiery veay yey! ere warfrsrarta aat aata 3fa asareradtfa | at sa wa zfau- aq stan wraqaala Ifa vfvoanfatieaqarae® fered vai eradatene warfaeratfa a wat aay wETNa A aaareaRtfa | et sa wa WEST 4 Thus M only ; waare all the other MSS. Ceereci] aarasiaeay | Be aq yeh wast wat 8 sfearfaaagsara areafa | ified urcaait Gat @ safte cda- aaa areafa Ragh uceaaat eet @ feat- aus aeaasaeaiow ¢ Bs ae dat wat wenafa! aq 94 Fareed weasd whys we warefaeatat freufa at et sat et wy a sivdig at axt fet qaafaan ae s T Be 11. 4 Thus MB Be; awt@ U; vert}? T Be 11; this latter might be the right reading, but as the expression af#% sw occurs several times infra, xvii. 55-61, without any various reading, I did not venture to write grt in the text, 8 Fparsrlres | peared] ae am seat! so mada afa! aradlaa aftat vza wef! uta after Urea’ safe car aaterfaa faduerfaaia seataraequets- qraareantd avgaieaite wa Taare? eat eal dfaetta! qearet adtefaui® dfaaat- wat awamitstat seta querear weet wari arg gearaatate acon ae ates qaar after aaa eray wgtSt faaufa | aaaaia oot Qagay etyent aware wari | ange wd qaafiuenfiism: gitenm: sfa- ' gwar: whizaerd aa! Aargg- Paaeraegqads wat: vite varie fafuatrremardt aera wa geal) macreata weet Wags margaraguraca | aft fat mrateah sit sGaltyade' ea’ magia | nfagt sfaea: | afag aw wea! wart watfae- guaiied ag zelars cae wera quate eiei quggonid upquatia !) aaa sa wea wafa' aat: afeg avaeet whet getfar { Missing in M Be T, but cp. the Dvaidhasiitra. greta Bo U; onda the other MSS. gom. M Be. [rriot] auras | a, ay mraeaaa | agHut efaet! catty areifena wa- ara | ufegt sfawa: | afag oer wera! aatad aat afaiet | afamft Werrearreaty weary qi wadeae qaeraarat amet france: wa fart’ waaaarararste’ agate ata qettite ve: Wate uret fast wares wits warfe meant anmnat! cr uy afaa stut cara orfeat wate) aquaex- Te ast sfe arineard od varia ys Sawaaeparadatar aulaerearngeata aut ay gfad -etai gfe’ firaraqueitear ame: fant qafsa awe ataitaera ys wea aat- Hatatat ated gata! a@atataca: afequfa- gaff) adttata vet aden’! wae drag wiarfwagqaa | sfrrarefen: gif! savafer antrtaarat gig fren: wagfer' gait afeu sreraada vtGharaat area avifa | q efadt MSS, R waalaiae M. & eydte Be BU; oetfae MT Be 11. # Thus M only; ewaaefa T Be 11 U Be; eayraagfa B. « Here Be BU ins. weatatica: sfegateraa tan 1 < Thus MB Be U; aggeasy T Bo 11, ag duratstaesta | [aais,ei] aaah anita! eat afaur » XIL » XMM, Syed Vee seco » XVI. 1-12 (adhy. 1-3). ” » 13-238 (4, 46). al » 24-fin. ” a» 24-27 Cw 7). ” » 28 en 99f FH BD ” ” 30) 7 » 3L C4 9), ” » «682 7 » 38 Ca 10). it » 3435 (1D). i 36 12). ies Pragnas X VII and XVILL . Pragna XVII. 1-10 (adhy. 1). 7 ” 11-16( ,, 2-3), ” » We 4 4), nooo I ¢ . 4). » 9 ¢ 4b) noon 20,21¢ 4, 7) moo 22 ( » 8). : ” 23 ” 7 24) yoo BBR Ce P 27 : 28-30 ( ,, 10) 31-38 ( ,, 14). a 39-44 ( ,, 12,13). 7 45-46 (4, 14). sos 47-54 (15) a : 55-58 ( ,, 16). PUES HAH BQuBOr (Hes. iL : 7 61-62 ( , 18), «» XVITT ” : 1-2 = ( ” 1). somasavab prtbisavah gosavah 7 7 ae odanasavah we paiicagaradiyah agnistut indrastat aptoryamah mrtyusavah 7 7 sadyaskri, anukri, pail, atikri wes tg vratyastomah ... phallavistomah upahavyah-., tivrasomah i vighanah aa ae ndbhid, valabhid oe rbapeyah, disam catustomah, chandasiém ekatrikah, sto- manim ekatrikah, indra- gnyo stomah gyenah, isuh, indravajrah et duragah, durnageh, apacitih, tvisih, ea rsabhah, va. nigthusavah, ka nandhayajfiah manuyajiiah, vaca stomah yamastomah .., Sadopagadan pauriravasau, prajapatyan, naidhruvasya kaSyapasye punastoman... pranodah, vibadhah, pratino- dah, agner ativyadhah, in- dravajrah, sunaskarn: aj flah, rigimarayau, 4 bhyafijanan, visiicinaga lah, sarvatomukhah, sahasragalah yamau stoman, nenyadityayo stomah (?) .. it peyani, digim stomah, ‘pa e st., rsindm st., devatanar st., ,dassopiromnasayor aya- nam . . . Kathakam savitrah naciketah brahmacit samastah EEEECE EE vaigvasrjah ... te arunaketukah a INDEX. . Pragna XVII, 5 6 ) (adhy. 7 i 810( , 11 i13 | 14, (' ” 15 1-19 (5 20-23 (4 24.26 ek 28 29.806 (4, 31 3235 (ny 36 37-39 : 40-411 A (onan 43 Ad, a WAT (. 18-40 (Cee 50 coed BLBB ot, 1-5 (adhy. | G (Gauss 7 cae 8 (es ) (, 10 Ge featei] Pherae | €9 -afave’ efrutae ureit sare soeaarfia- fear Fa! arat awa yatet war areeaait surat: a aeniicfytata arnt Bhigaai eye wiser fear | arfafaaraquraa- ’ faganfaitearaacan i UeetT |eoUe sa eet! warfa wate cera UEAgWT weET- aurrge garage diary etait afacaete- ater: garet® ate’ agfkar ar! aarefaiftaitet | autat s@ifa eer anfaa Sta gar! aqarats te fa fader: | qdata eufagan’ | qiawe Qaa- ufa aat! aver @fa wean’! anm ef vat! wad) @fa weer frawa @fa wat! saw Sf ada Bargdaatway we Gia awe 4 Thus Be BU Bhav.; wace MT Be 11, & Thos M Bhov.; guiaree Be U; gmeresree B; gar Fare Bell T. 8 Thus M Boll T and the best MSS of the Karmanta- sitra; wfFu: B Be and Bhav.; fatq the Vajasaneyins. a Thus only Mand Bhav.; @dasaeifwert Boll T.; cejfa- femur Be; in BU the passage is missing; the Karmauta MSS. read qfwewar | a Thus M Bo; the other MSS. defective. ¢ Thus M Be Bhav.; ah Be 11 T; butop. TS. VEL. 4. £3. 13 ec auraataasy | [eaisjet] areatiatian aye Te gare fearan) acfafaaraquraafigertarcgra- aaah: 1 Ueat | Ue TH Mela! weTfa Wa- waa WET S| UVAGA WHMIUTATyA FAUAZe disra zaaldar Fad gtoawet waarafa Va: ad ayadtagati: word aft ae: efeare Paar wat owt tae fafa angering azarae: Resieadae at afsara euat- fida &@ sate star watheraewy ye a sat auarraaycRafasaay arceaatat qa aQdatarq oftmraafar’ |S aaa sua fasarafa wiaty waaay’ feca werkt arneerfe warfe’ arg detic and = wigetara TaARTK Warfa wTsqegfat! w qian owaamy “feta sagrafaweafe aret uu qretion raeaena® Haat sacufa dae & Thus M Be U; the other MSS. more or less corrupted. & Wet M Be ll T. & Sadler M Be 11 7. 2 ins, T Be 11, « Ura ins, Be BU. « tfa om. Be BU. © Thus M only; wage Be BU; wade Boll T. Terie] aera aes | ae = ° aa qrmaf fecaetenfa war a: waNtenfa SAAR waa |e User fearar

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