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OUR HAUDENOSAUNEE DECLARATION In May 2006, the Province of Ontario stated in writing, that the title cepa Lands would be retumed to its original state and status under The Haldiman Proclamation of 1784. For this our Barricades in Caledonia came down in 2006. Then in (April) 2017, Ontario passes the land, not to our Haudenosaunee 5 Confederacy, but to Six Nations Elected Band Council. With that action, Dene has committed fraud and lied to our People. Ontario is 100 percent responsible for any actions resulting from their lies. Ontario's actions bring much dishonor to the Crown and is in violation of The Two Row Wampum, The Silver Covenant Chain, and The William Claus Wampum. Ontario also grossly violates, the July 2017 Ten Principles that are to guide the Government of Canada's relationship with I nous People. Ontario alse brings shame io the words spoken by Justice Minister Wilson-Raybould when she stated that First Nations need to prepare for a future where Indian Act Bands are done away with, opening the door to a more Traditional Governance ‘We as Haudenosaunee people stand with our Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council. Their letter to Premier Wynne and Prime Minister Trudeau emailed July 2017 states the transfer is invalid and a Breach of Promises and Commitment by the Crown and the Province of Ontario. We now declare that these Barricades erected will not come down until the following have been done. 1. Ontario and Canada return to the Negotiation Table with our Confederacy 2. Ontario lives by their words of May 17, 2006 and returns Burich Lands under the Haldimand Proclamation of 1784. 3. Six Nations Band Council withdraws their Injunction against Kris Hill and the People of Six Nations

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