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(Office of the Miniter Bewen ds maaewe oe Eater Mom ag foronta, Ontario MZA 112 Joram Ocewie) MEA LZ — Tasarexos seas ja. Fac 416 250013 Tete. 416 3253013 wom ph gern ce wom gov on ning Aedes ‘Areewe posta TT TTT, roe Bay ‘nPoer, Sue £25, # tingm, barons 25, Toronia GA MSG 25 “Toronts ON MG 2S May 10, 2006 Dear Haudenosaunee Six Nations Confederacy Council: Further to your discussions with the Provincial Representative, David Pelerson, on behalf of the Province of Ontario, | am pleased to be able to confirm that the Province intends to convey titie to the Six Nations of the Burtch lands, specifically: Parts of Lote 2, 3, 4 and 5, Range 2, East of Mount Pleasant Road, City of Brantford (formerly Township of Brantford), County of Brant. The provision of the Burtch lands would be taken inko account in any future claim ‘seifiements. Prior to conveying these lands the Province is required to perform necessary due diligence and preparatory work in order to ensure that title and other land related issues are addressed appropriately. | will also be working toward obtaining necessary approvals. As you can appreciate, these are practical issues that must be addressed in any ‘conveyance of file and are in no way intended to undenmine the Province-s ‘commitment to providing these lands to the Six Nations in good faith. The Minisiry of Public infrastructure Renewal would be pleased fo arrange a meeting between yourselves and ministry staff to discuss the details of the conveyance. Carol ‘the Deputy Minister for this ministry will be your contact. She can be reached at Layton, (416) 325-4616.

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