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International Basic Rates*

Rate Rate Rate

Afghanistan 4.75 Comoros 5.00 Iceland 4.50
Albania 5.00 Congo 5.00 India 5.00
Algeria 5.00 Cook Islands 5.00 Indonesia 5.00
Andorra 4.00 Costa Rica 4.50 INMARSAT SNAC 5.00
Angola 5.00 Croatia 5.00 Iran 5.00
Anguilla 4.50 Cuba 5.00 Iraq 5.00
Antarctica - Scott Base 5.00 Cyprus 5.00 Ireland 4.00
Antigua 4.00 Czech Republic 5.00 Israel 5.00
Argentina 5.00 Denmark 4.00 Italy 4.50
Armenia 5.00 Diego Garcia 5.00 Ivory Coast 5.00
Aruba 4.00 Djibouti 5.00 Jamaica 5.00
Ascension Island 5.00 Dominica 4.50 Japan 4.50
Australia 4.00 Dominican Republic 4.75 Jordan 5.00
Australian 4.00 East Timor 5.00 Kazakhstan 5.00
Austria Territories 4.00 Ecuador 5.00 Kenya 5.00
Azerbaijan 5.00 Egypt 5.00 Kiribati 5.00

Bahamas 3.50 El Salvador 5.00 Korea, D.P.R. (North) 5.00

Bahrain 5.00 Equatorial Guinea 5.00 Korea, Republic of (South) 5.00
Bangladesh 5.00 Eritrea 5.00 Kuwait 5.00
Barbados 4.00 Estonia 5.00 Kyrgyzstan 5.00
Belarus 5.00 Ethiopia 5.00 Laos 5.00
Belgium 4.00 Faeroe Islands 3.50 Latvia 5.00
Belize 5.00 Falkland Islands 5.00 Lebanon 5.00
Benin 5.00 Fiji Islands 5.00 Lesotho 5.00
Bermuda 3.50 Finland 3.50 Liberia 5.00
Bhutan 5.00 France 4.00 Libya 5.00
Bolivia 5.00 French Guiana 4.50 Liechtenstein 3.25
Bosnia-Herzegovina 5.00 French Polynesia 5.00 Lithuania 5.00
Botswana 5.00 Gabon 5.00 Luxembourg 3.25
Brazil 5.00 Gambia 5.00 Macao 5.00
British Virgin Islands 4.00 Georgia 5.00 Macedonia 5.00
Brunei 5.00 Germany 3.50 Madagascar 5.00
Bulgaria 5.00 Ghana 5.00 Malawi 5.00
Burkina Faso 5.00 Gibraltar 4.50 Malaysia 5.00
Burundi 5.00 Global Satellite 5.00 Maldives 5.00
Cambodia 5.00 Greece 5.00 Mali Republic 5.00
Cameroon 5.00 Greenland 4.50 Malta 5.00
Canada 1.45 Grenada 4.50 Marshall Island 5.00
Cape Verde Island 5.00 Guadeloupe 4.50 Martinique 4.00
Cayman Island 4.50 Guatemala 5.00 Mauritania 5.00
Central African Republic 5.00 Guinea 5.00 Mauritius 5.00
Chad Republic 5.00 Guinea-Bissau 5.00 Mayotte Island 5.00
Chile 4.50 Guyana 5.00 Mexico Zone 1 3.25
China 5.00 Haiti 5.00 Mexico Zone 2 3.25
Columbia 5.00 Honduras 5.00 Micronesia 5.00
Hong Kong 5.00 Moldova 5.00
Hungary 4.50
International Basic Rates* Rate Rate
Monaco 3.50 Solomon Isles 5.00
Mongolia, People's Republic 5.00 Somalia Republic 5.00

Montenegro 5.00 South Africa 5.00

Montserrat 4.50 South Sudan 5.00
Morocco 5.00 Spain 5.00
Mozambique 5.00 Sri Lanka 5.00
Myanmar 5.00 St. Helena 5.00
Namibia 5.00 St. Kitts & Nevis 4.50
Nauru Island 5.00 St. Lucia 4.50
Nepal 5.00 St. Maarten 4.00
Netherlands 3.50 St. Pierre & Miquelon 3.50
Netherlands Antilles 4.00 St. Vincent & the Grenadines 4.50
NETWORKS 5.00 Sudan 5.00
New Caledonia 5.00 Suriname 5.00

New Zealand 5.00 Swaziland 5.00

Nicaragua 5.00 Sweden 3.50
Niger 5.00 Switzerland 3.50
Nigeria 5.00 Syria 5.00
Niue 5.00 Taiwan 5.00
Norway 3.50 Tajikistan 5.00
Oman 5.00 Tanzania 5.00
Pakistan 5.00 Thailand 5.00
Palau 5.00 Togo 5.00
Palestinian Authority 5.00 Tokelau 5.00
Panama 5.00 Tonga Island 5.00
Papua New Guinea 5.00 Trinidad & Tobago 4.50
Paraguay 5.00 Tunisia 5.00
Peru 5.00 Turkey 5.00
Philippines 5.00 Turkmenistan 5.00
Poland 5.00 Turks & Caicos Isles 4.50
Portugal 4.50 Tuvalu 5.00
Qatar 5.00 Uganda 5.00
Reunion Island 5.00 Ukraine 5.00
Romania 5.00 United Arab Emirates 5.00
Russia 5.00 United Kingdom 3.25
Rwanda 5.00 Uruguay 5.00
San Marino 4.00 Uzbekistan 5.00
Sao Tome & Principe 5.00 Vanuatu 5.00
Saudi Arabia 5.00 Vatican City 4.50
Senegal Republic 5.00 Venezuela 4.00
Serbia 5.00 Vietnam 5.00
Seychelles Republic 5.00 Wallis/Futuna Isles 5.00
Sierra Leone 5.00 Western Samoa 5.00
Singapore 4.50 Yemen, Republic of 5.00
Slovakia 5.00 Zaire (Democratic Republic 5.00
Slovenia 5.00 of the Congo)
Zambia 4.50
Zimbabwe 5.00

*International Mobile termination rates may apply

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