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i. The writer thought carefully before making her promise [F]

Answer: I made a hasty and foolish promise.

ii. The writer kept thinking about the day she would spend with the children. [F]

Answer: I put the date in my diary and of course I forgot all about it.

iii. The writer was impressed by the children when they sang We are The World [T]

Answer: The particular highlight for me was when the children sang We are the world

iv. Adults often misunderstand childhood. [T]

Answer: Its casual for us adults to see childhood as a period of pure happiness and to
forget that some children have their own burden of anxieties and concerns.


The arrival of the children at the club. [2]

The children were disappointed about one aspect of the day.[5]
The little girl mentioned her mum who was in hospital.[4]
The writer hastily promised to participate in the special day for children.[1]
Participating in various activities.[3]


i. The writer was not happy on her arrival at the club. It has been clearly mentioned in
paragraph 2 and I quote I arrive at the youth center that morning feeling full of
ii. The writer thought that those children arriving at the youth club were little monsters.
iii. No, the writer was wrong. Quoted phrase: I neednt have worried, however, as it turned
out to be a marvelous day.


i. Appreciation Anxiety
ii. Comical Funny
iii. Marvelous extremely good or pleasing
iv. Highlight An outstanding part of an event.
v. Burden A heavy load. (i.e. an emotional load in this case)

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